
492 Zeilen
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16 KiB

* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Module package specification, import, export
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version 1.2.1
* @author HerrB
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
* modified 2008-06-27, OliverL fix import module translation bug, checkin timo.trautmann (
* modified 2010-11-22, Dominik Ziegler, fixed check of directory existance [CON-354]
* $Id: include.mod_package.php 417 2016-01-20 11:08:39Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
cInclude("includes", "functions.upl.php");
$sNoti = "";
$idmod = (int)$idmod;
function getFiles ($sPath, $sFileType, &$sNoti)
global $notification, $client;
$bError = false;
$aFiles = array();
switch ($sPath)
case "layouts":
$oLayouts = new cApiLayoutCollection;
$oLayouts->setWhere("idclient", $client);
if ($oLayouts->count() > 0)
while ($oLayout = $oLayouts->next())
$aFiles[$oLayout->get($oLayout->primaryKey)] = $oLayout->get("name");
case "languages":
$oClientLangs = new cApiClientLanguageCollection;
$oClientLangs->setWhere("idclient", $client);
$aLangs = array();
while ($oClientLang = $oClientLangs->next())
$aLangs[] = $oClientLang->get("idlang");
$oLangs = new cApiLanguageCollection;
if ($oLangs->count() > 0)
while ($oLang = $oLangs->next())
$iID = $oLang->get($oLang->primaryKey);
if (in_array($iID, $aLangs))
$aFiles[] = array($iID, strtolower($oLang->get("name")).' ('.$iID.')' ); // Edit: 2008-06-27 By: OliverL
// Real file
if (is_dir($sPath))
$iHandle = opendir($sPath);
$aFiles = array();
while ($sFile = readdir($iHandle))
if ($sFile != "." && $sFile != ".." && substr($sFile, (strlen($sFile) - (strlen($sFileType) + 1)), (strlen($sFileType) + 1)) == ".$sFileType")
if (is_readable($sPath.$sFile))
$aFiles[$sFile] = $sFile;
} else {
$bError = true;
$sNoti .= $notification->returnNotification("error", $sFile." ".i18n("is not readable!")) . "<br /";
if (count($aFiles) > 0)
} else {
$bError = true;
$sNoti .= $notification->returnNotification("error", i18n("Directory is not existing or readable!")."<br/>$sPath") . "<br /";
if ($bError)
return array();
} else {
return $aFiles;
function displayFiles ($aFiles, $aSelected, &$oForm, $sCaption, $sField, $sDisabled)
// Display files
if (count($aFiles) == 0)
$oForm->add($sCaption, i18n("No elements available"));
} else {
$oSelFiles = new cHTMLSelectElement($sField."[]"); // []: Make sure, we are getting an array...
$oSelFiles->setStyle("width: 100%;");
if (count($aSelected) == 0)
$oCkbNone = new cHTMLCheckbox($sField . "None", "none", "", true);
} else {
$oCkbNone = new cHTMLCheckbox($sField . "None", "none");
$oCkbNone->setEvent("click", "if (this.checked) { document.frmPackage.elements['" . $sField . "[]'].disabled = true; } else { document.frmPackage.elements['" . $sField . "[]'].disabled = false; }");
$iCounter = 1;
foreach ($aFiles as $sID => $sFile)
if (is_array($sFile)) // Edit: 2008-06-27 By: OliverL
if (in_array($sFile[0], $aSelected))
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile[1]), $sFile[0], true);
} else {
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile[1]), $sFile[0]);
} else {
if (in_array($sID, $aSelected))
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile), $sID, true);
} else {
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile), $sID);
} // End-Edit
$oSelFiles->addOptionElement($iCounter, $oOption);
$oForm->add($sCaption, $oCkbNone->toHTML(false) . "&nbsp;" . i18n("None") . "<br />" . $oSelFiles->render());
if ($idmod > 0 && $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("mod_edit", "mod_edit", $idmod))
// Specify available detail areas. Note, that everything is treated as "file", including layouts and
// translation languages.
$aFileTypes = array("jsfiles" => array("suffix" => "js", "path" => $cfgClient[$client]["js"]["path"], "caption" => i18n("Javascript files"), "field" => "selJSFiles"),
"tplfiles" => array("suffix" => "html", "path" => $cfgClient[$client]["tpl"]["path"], "caption" => i18n("Module template files"), "field" => "selTplFiles"),
"cssfiles" => array("suffix" => "css", "path" => $cfgClient[$client]["css"]["path"], "caption" => i18n("Style files"), "field" => "selCSSFiles"),
"layouts" => array("suffix" => "", "path" => "layouts", "caption" => i18n("Layouts"), "field" => "selLayouts"),
"translations" => array("suffix" => "", "path" => "languages", "caption" => i18n("Translations"), "field" => "selLanguages"));
$oModule = new cApiModule;
if ($action == "mod_importexport_package")
$sTmpPackageFile = $cfg['path']['conlite_temp'] . "package_" . md5($auth->auth["uid"]) . ".xml";
switch ($mode)
case "export":
$sFileName = uplCreateFriendlyName($oModule->get("name") . "_package");
if ($sFileName != "")
$oModule->exportPackage($sFileName . ".xml");
case "import1":
if ($_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"] != "") // file_exists() doesn't work with safe_mode/basedir
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"], $sTmpPackageFile);
$oPage = new cPage;
if (!$aResult = $oModule->getPackageOverview($sTmpPackageFile))
$sNoti .= sprintf(i18n("Error while importing XML file: %s"), $oModule->_error). "<br>";
} else {
$oForm = new UI_Table_Form("frmImportExport");
$oForm->setVar("area", "mod_package");
$oForm->setVar("frame", $frame);
$oForm->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
$oForm->setVar("action", "");
$oForm->setVar("mode", "import2");
$oForm->setVar("use_encoding", "false");
$oForm->add(i18n("Name"), $aResult["name"]);
$sMsg = array();
$sMsg["Action"] = "%s&nbsp;" . i18n("Skip") . "&nbsp;%s&nbsp;" . i18n("Append") . "&nbsp;%s&nbsp;" . i18n("Overwrite");
$sMsg["OK"] = i18n("OK");
$sMsg["Assign"] = i18n("Assign");
$sMsg["Conflict"] = i18n("Conflict");
$sMsg["Ignored"] = i18n("Ignored");
$sMsg["- Select -"] = i18n("- Select -");
// Files
foreach ($aFileTypes as $sFileType => $aFileType)
$oLstFiles = new UI_List;
$oLstFiles->setCell(0, 1, "<strong>" . i18n("Status") . "</strong>");
$oLstFiles->setCell(0, 2, "<strong>" . i18n("Name") . "</strong>");
$oLstFiles->setCell(0, 3, "<strong>" . i18n("Action") . "</strong>");
$oLstFiles->setCellAlignment(0, 3, "right");
$aDataFiles = getFiles($aFileType["path"], $aFileType["suffix"], $sNoti);
$iCounter = 1;
if (is_array($aResult[$sFileType]))
foreach ($aResult[$sFileType] as $sFile)
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 1, clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile));
switch ($aFileType["path"])
case "languages":
// Languages have to be assigned, they won't be added or something
if (is_array($aDataFiles))
$oSelLang = new cHTMLSelectElement("selAssignTrans[".clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile)."]");
// $oSelLang->autoFill(array_merge(array(0 => $sMsg["- Select -"]), $aDataFiles)); // Old Version
$oSelLang->autoFill(array_merge(array(array(0 , $sMsg["- Select -"])), $aDataFiles)); // Edit: 2008-06-27 By: OliverL
// Try to assign existing language
if (in_array($sFile, $aDataFiles))
$oSelLang->setDefault(array_search(strtolower($sFile), $aDataFiles));
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 2, $sMsg["Assign"]);
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 3, $oSelLang->render());
} else {
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 2, $sMsg["Ignored"]);
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 3, "-");
if (is_array($aDataFiles) && in_array($sFile, $aDataFiles))
$oRadSkip = new cHTMLRadiobutton("radItem[".$sFileType."][".clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile)."]", "skip", "", true);
$oRadAppend = new cHTMLRadiobutton("radItem[".$sFileType."][".clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile)."]", "append");
$oRadOverwrite = new cHTMLRadiobutton("radItem[".$sFileType."][".clHtmlSpecialChars($sFile)."]", "overwrite");
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 2, $sMsg["Conflict"]);
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 3, sprintf($sMsg["Action"], $oRadSkip->toHTML(false), $oRadAppend->toHTML(false), $oRadOverwrite->toHTML(false)));
} else {
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 2, $sMsg["OK"]);
$oLstFiles->setCell($iCounter, 3, "-");
$oLstFiles->setCellAlignment($iCounter, 3, "right");
$oForm->add($aFileType["caption"], $oLstFiles->render());
$oForm->setActionButton("cancel", $cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']."images/but_cancel.gif", i18n("Cancel"), "c");
$oForm->setActionButton("submit", $cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']."images/but_ok.gif", i18n("Import"), "s", "mod_importexport_package");
case "import2":
if (file_exists($sTmpPackageFile))
$aOptions = array();
if (is_array($_REQUEST["radItem"]))
$aOptions["items"] = $_REQUEST["radItem"];
} else {
$aOptions["items"] = array();
if (is_array($_REQUEST["selAssignTrans"]))
foreach ($_REQUEST["selAssignTrans"] as $sPackageLang => $iAssignLang)
if ($iAssignLang > 0)
$aOptions["translations"][$sPackageLang] = $iAssignLang;
} else {
$aOptions["translations"] = array();
$oPage = new cPage;
$oForm = new UI_Table_Form("frmImportExport");
// See below for area
$oForm->setVar("frame", $frame);
$oForm->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
$oForm->setVar("action", "");
if (!$oModule->importPackage($sTmpPackageFile, $aOptions))
$sNoti .= sprintf(i18n("Error while importing XML file: %s"), $oModule->_error). "<br>";
$oForm->setVar("area", "mod_package");
$oForm->add(i18n("Status"), i18n("Import was not succesful, please check data and try again"));
$oForm->setActionButton("submit", $cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']."images/but_ok.gif", i18n("Retry"), "s");
} else {
$oForm->setVar("area", "mod_edit");
$oForm->add(i18n("Status"), i18n("Import succesfully finished"));
$oForm->setActionButton("submit", $cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']."images/but_ok.gif", i18n("Finish"), "s");
} else {
if ($action == "mod_edit")
$oModule->set("package_guid", stripslashes($_REQUEST["txtGUID"]));
$aData = array();
foreach ($aFileTypes as $sFileType => $aFileType)
if (!isset($_REQUEST[$aFileType["field"]]) || isset($_REQUEST[$aFileType["field"] . "None"])) {
$aData[$sFileType] = array();
} else {
$aData[$sFileType] = $_REQUEST[$aFileType["field"]];
$oModule->set("package_data", serialize($aData));
$oModule->store(true); // Store changes - without history or updating mod code in articles
$oInUse = new InUseCollection;
list($bInUse, $sMessage) = $oInUse->checkAndMark("idmod", $idmod, true, i18n("Module is in use by %s (%s)"), true, "main.php?area=$area&frame=$frame&idmod=$idmod");
unset ($oInUse);
if ($bInUse == true)
$sMessage .= "<br>";
$sDisabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$sDisabled = "";
$oPage = new cPage;
$oForm = new UI_Table_Form("frmPackage");
$oForm->setVar("area", "mod_package");
$oForm->setVar("frame", $frame);
$oForm->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
if (!$bInUse)
$oForm->setVar("action", "mod_edit");
$oForm->addHeader(i18n("Edit package"));
$oForm->add(i18n("Name"), $oModule->get("name"));
// Get serialized data; ensure, that detail fields are arrays
$aData = unserialize($oModule->get("package_data"));
if (!is_array($aData))
$aData = array();
foreach ($aFileTypes as $sFileType => $aFileType)
if (!is_array($aData[$sFileType]))
$aData[$sFileType] = array();
// Module package GUID
$oTxtGUID = new cHTMLTextbox("txtGUID", $oModule->get("package_guid"), 64);
$oForm->add(i18n("Package GUID"), $oTxtGUID->render());
// Files
foreach ($aFileTypes as $sFileType => $aFileType)
$aFiles = getFiles($aFileType["path"], $aFileType["suffix"], $sNoti);
displayFiles($aFiles, $aData[$sFileType], $oForm, $aFileType["caption"], $aFileType["field"], $sDisabled);
$oRadImport = new cHTMLRadiobutton("mode", "import1");
$oRadExport = new cHTMLRadiobutton("mode", "export");
$oRadImport->setLabelText(i18n("Import from file"));
$oRadExport->setLabelText(i18n("Export to file"));
$oRadImport->setEvent("click", "document.getElementById('vupload').style.display = '';");
$oRadExport->setEvent("click", "document.getElementById('vupload').style.display = 'none';");
$oUpl = new cHTMLUpload("upload");
if ($oModule->get("input") != "" && $oModule->get("output") != "")
} else {
$oForm2 = new UI_Table_Form("frmImportExport");
$oForm2->setVar("action", "mod_importexport_package");
$oForm2->setVar("use_encoding", "false");
$oForm2->add(i18n("Mode"), array($oRadExport, "<br>", $oRadImport));
if ($oModule->get("input") != "" && $oModule->get("output") != "")
$oForm2->add(i18n("File"), $oUpl, "vupload", "display: none;");
} else {
$oForm2->add(i18n("File"), $oUpl, "vupload");
$oForm2->setVar("area", $area);
$oForm2->setVar("frame", $frame);
$oForm2->setVar("idmod", $idmod);
$oForm2->custom["submit"]["accesskey"] = '';
//$oPage->setSubnav("idmod=$idmod", "mod");