2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Class for handling CMS Type File List
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Content Types
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Dominik Ziegler, Timo Trautmann
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release 4.8.13
* {@internal
* created 2009-10-01
* modified 2010-10-29, Dominik Ziegler - fixed CON-362 (removed whitespace from client setting)
* $Id$:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
cInclude('includes', 'functions.con.php');
cInclude("includes", "functions.upl.php");
* This class provides all methods for the content type CMS_FILELIST. All properties of the file list are
* stored as a xml document in the database.
class Cms_FileList {
* Contenido configuration array
* @var array
* @access private
private $aCfg = array();
* Current id of content type CMS_FILELIST[3] -> 3
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iId = 0;
* Contenido database object
* @var object
* @access private
private $oDb = null;
* Idartlang of article, which is currently in edit- or viewmode
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iIdArtLang = 0;
* List of fieldnames in frontend (properties) which the file list has
* and which were also described in the config xml document
* @var array
* @access private
private $aFileListData = array();
* String contains value of stored content in database
* in this case this is the config xml document which is
* later parsed and its settings were stored in $aSettings
* @var string
* @access private
private $sContent = "";
* Array which contains current file list settings
* @var array
* @access private
private $aSettings = array();
* Current Contenido client id
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iClient = 0;
* Current Contenido language id
* @var integer
* @access private
private $iLang = 0;
* Contenido session object
* @var object
* @access private
private $oSess = null;
* Contenido configuration array for current active client
* @var array
* @access private
private $aCfgClient = array();
* Array with default file extensions.
* @var array
* @access private
private $aFileExtensions = array();
* Array with available meta data identifiers.
* @var array
* @access private
private $aMetaDataIdents = array();
* Array with the date fields.
* @var array
* @access private
private $aDateFields = array();
* Contenido upload path for current client
* @var string
* @access private
private $sUploadPath = "";
* Placeholders for labels in frontend.
* Important: This must be a static array!
* @var array
* @access private
private static $aTranslations = array("LABEL_FILESIZE" => "Dateigr&ouml;&szlig;e",
"LABEL_UPLOAD_DATE" => "Hochgeladen am");
* Constructor of class inits some important class variables and
* gets some Contenido global vars, so this class has no need to
* use ugly and buggy global commands
* @param string $sContent - xml document from database containing the settings
* @param integer $iNumberOfCms - CMS_FILELIST[4] => 4
* @param integer $iIdArtLang - Idartlang of current article
* @param array $sEditLink - sEditlink for editbuttons, not currently used
* @param array $aCfg - Contenido configuration array
* @param array $oDB - Contenido database object
* @param string $sContenidoLang - Contenido Backend language string
* @param integer $iClient - Contenido client id
* @param integer $iLang - Contenido frontend language id
* @param array $aCfgClient - Contenido Client configuration array
* @param object $oSess - Contenido session object
* @access public
function __construct($sContent, $iNumberOfCms, $iIdArtLang, $sEditLink, $aCfg, $oDB, $sContenidoLang, $iClient, $iLang, $aCfgClient, $oSess) {
//set arguments to class variables directly
$this->aCfg = $aCfg;
$this->iId = $iNumberOfCms;
$this->iIdArtLang = $iIdArtLang;
$this->sContent = urldecode($sContent);
$this->iClient = $iClient;
$this->iLang = $iLang;
$this->aCfgClient = $aCfgClient;
$this->oSess = $oSess;
//init other variables with default values
$this->oDb = new DB_ConLite();
$this->sUploadPath = $this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['upl']['path'];
//define class array which contains all names of the filelist properties. They were also base for generating dynamic javascripts for
//retrival this properties out of html forms and retriving their values to screen
$this->aFileListData = array( 'filelist_title', 'filelist_style', 'filelist_directories', 'filelist_incl_subdirectories',
'filelist_manual', 'filelist_sort', 'filelist_incl_metadata', 'filelist_extensions',
'filelist_sortorder', 'filelist_filesizefilter_from', 'filelist_filesizefilter_to',
'filelist_ignore_extensions', 'filelist_manual_files', 'filelist_filecount');
// defines the default extensions displayed in the filelist
// additional extensions can be added via client settings
$this->aFileExtensions = array( 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'doc', 'xls', 'pdf', 'txt', 'zip', 'ppt' );
$this->aDateFields = array( 'ctime' => 'creationdate', 'mtime' => 'modifydate' );
$this->aMetaDataIdents = array( 'description' => 'Description',
'medianame' => 'Media name',
'copyright' => 'Copyright',
'keywords' => 'Keywords',
'internal_notice' => 'Internal notes');
// dynamically add file list data based on the meta data idents
foreach ( $this->aMetaDataIdents as $sIdentName => $sTranslation ) {
$this->aFileListData[] = 'filelist_md_' . $sIdentName . '_limit';
// dynamically add file list data based on the date fields
foreach ( $this->aDateFields as $sIdentName => $sDateField ) {
$this->aFileListData[] = 'filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from';
$this->aFileListData[] = 'filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to';
//if form is submitted there is a need to store current file list settings
//notice: there is also a need, that filelist_id is the same (case: more than one cms file list is used on the same page
if (isset($_POST['filelist_action']) && $_POST['filelist_action'] == 'store' &&
isset($_POST['filelist_id']) && (int)$_POST['filelist_id'] == $this->iId) {
//in sContent XML Document is stored, which contains files settings, call function which parses this document and store
//properties as easy accessible array into $aSettings
if (trim($this->sContent) != '') {
* Returns all translation strings for mi18n.
* @param array $aTranslationStrings Array with translation strings
* @return array Translation strings
static public function addModuleTranslations($aTranslationStrings) {
foreach(self::$aTranslations as $sValue) {
$aTranslationStrings[] = $sValue;
return $aTranslationStrings;
* Function parses XML document which contains file list settings
* and store properties as array into $aSettings
* @access private
* @return void
private function readSettings() {
//use XMLReader for parsing XML document
$oXmlReader = new XMLReader();
$sLastNode = '';
$bPutInExtArray = $bPutInDirArray = $bPutInFileArray = false;
$this->aSettings['filelist_extensions'] = array();
$this->aSettings['filelist_directories'] = array();
$this->aSettings['filelist_manual_files'] = array();
while($oXmlReader->read()) {
switch ($oXmlReader->nodeType) {
//read property name (ignore root node or block of manual arts for teaser)
case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
if ( $oXmlReader->name != 'filelist' &&
$oXmlReader->name != 'extensions' &&
$oXmlReader->name != 'ext' &&
$oXmlReader->name != 'directories' &&
$oXmlReader->name != 'dir' &&
$oXmlReader->name != 'manual_files' &&
$oXmlReader->name != 'file' ) {
$sLastNode = 'filelist_'.$oXmlReader->name;
$this->aSettings[$sLastNode] = '';
if ($oXmlReader->name == 'ext') {
$bPutInExtArray = true;
if ($oXmlReader->name == 'dir') {
$bPutInDirArray = true;
if ($oXmlReader->name == 'file') {
$bPutInFileArray = true;
case XMLReader::TEXT:
if ($bPutInExtArray == true) {
$bPutInExtArray = false;
array_push($this->aSettings['filelist_extensions'], $oXmlReader->value);
} else if ($bPutInDirArray == true) {
$bPutInDirArray = false;
array_push($this->aSettings['filelist_directories'], $oXmlReader->value);
} else if ($bPutInFileArray == true) {
$bPutInFileArray = false;
array_push($this->aSettings['filelist_manual_files'], $oXmlReader->value);
} else {
$this->aSettings[$sLastNode] = $oXmlReader->value;
* Function gets all submitted values for new file list properties from
* $_POST array, generates new corresponding config XML Document and
* stores it as content, using contenido conSaveContentEntry() function
* @access private
* @return void
private function storeFileList() {
//create new xml document, its encoding and root node
$oXmlDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
$oXmlDom->formatOutput = true;
$oRootNode = $oXmlDom->createElement('filelist');
// $this->aFileListData defines all file list properties, so try to read them from $_POST
foreach ($this->aFileListData as $sParam) {
//in case of article list for manual teaser do a special behaviour
if ($sParam == 'filelist_extensions') {
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('filelist_', '', $sParam));
//split all arts to array
$aExts = explode(';', Contenido_Security::toString($_POST[$sParam]));
//for each artid generate subnote in xml document and store its value
foreach ($aExts as $sExt) {
$sExt = (string) $sExt;
if ($sExt != "") {
$oExt = $oXmlDom->createElement('ext', $sExt);
} else if ($sParam == 'filelist_directories') {
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('filelist_', '', $sParam));
//split all arts to array
$aDirs = explode(';', Contenido_Security::toString($_POST[$sParam]));
//for each artid generate subnote in xml document and store its value
foreach ($aDirs as $sDir) {
$sDir = (string) $sDir;
if ($sDir != "") {
$oDir = $oXmlDom->createElement('dir', $sDir);
} else if ($sParam == 'filelist_manual_files') {
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('filelist_', '', $sParam));
//split all arts to array
$aFiles = explode(';', Contenido_Security::toString($_POST[$sParam]));
//for each artid generate subnote in xml document and store its value
foreach ($aFiles as $sFile) {
$sFile = (string) $sFile;
if ($sFile != "") {
$oFile = $oXmlDom->createElement('file', $sFile);
} else if ( $sParam == 'filelist_creationdatefilter_from' || $sParam == 'filelist_creationdatefilter_to' ||
$sParam == 'filelist_modifydatefilter_from' || $sParam == 'filelist_modifydatefilter_to' ) {
$sValue = Contenido_Security::toString($_POST[$sParam]);
// check if value is set and if its length equals ten characters
// (two for day, two for month, four for year and two for the points)
if ( $sValue != "" && $sValue != "DD.MM.YYYY" && strlen( $sValue ) == 10 ) {
$aDateSplits = explode(".", $sValue);
$iTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $aDateSplits[1], (int) $aDateSplits[0], (int) $aDateSplits[2]);
} else {
$iTimestamp = 0;
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('filelist_', '', $sParam), $iTimestamp);
} else {
//generate xml node for current property and store its value
$oParam = $oXmlDom->createElement(str_replace('filelist_', '', $sParam), Contenido_Security::toString($_POST[$sParam]));
//serialize xml document and store new version in class variable and database
conSaveContentEntry($this->iIdArtLang, 'CMS_FILELIST', $this->iId, $oXmlDom->saveXML(), true);
$this->sContent = $oXmlDom->saveXML();
* Function which generate a select box for setting filelist style.
* @access private
* @param string $sSelected value of select box which is selected
* @return string rendered cHTMLSelectElement
private function getStyleSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement ('filelist_style', "", 'filelist_style');
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Default Style"), 'cms_filelist_style_default.html', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$aAdditionalOptions = getEffectiveSettingsByType('cms_filelist_style');
$i = 1;
foreach ($aAdditionalOptions as $sLabel => $sTemplate) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sLabel, $sTemplate, false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generate a select box for the filelist sort.
* @access private
* @param string $sSelected value of select box which is selected
* @return string rendered cHTMLSelectElement
private function getSortSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement ('filelist_sort', "", 'filelist_sort');
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Filename"), 'filename', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("File size"), 'filesize', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(1, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Date created"), 'createdate', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(2, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Date modified"), 'modifydate', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(3, $oHtmlSelectOption);
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generate a select box for the filelist sort order.
* @access private
* @param string $sSelected value of select box which is selected
* @return string rendered cHTMLSelectElement
private function getSortOrderSelect($sSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement ('filelist_sortorder', "", 'filelist_sortorder');
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Ascending"), 'asc', true);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(0, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Descending"), 'desc', false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement(1, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generate a select box for the filelist extensions.
* @access private
* @param array $aSelected array with values which are selected
* @return string rendered cHTMLSelectElement
private function getExtensionSelect($aSelected) {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement ('filelist_extensions', "", 'filelist_extensions');
//set other avariable options manually
$i = 1;
foreach ( $this->aFileExtensions as $sFileExtension ) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement( uplGetFileTypeDescription( $sFileExtension ) . " (." . $sFileExtension . ")", $sFileExtension, false );
$oHtmlSelectOption->setAlt(uplGetFileTypeDescription( $sFileExtension ) . " (." . $sFileExtension . ")");
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$aAdditionalOptions = getEffectiveSettingsByType('cms_filelist_extensions');
foreach ($aAdditionalOptions as $sLabel => $sExtension) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement( $sLabel . " (." . $sExtension . ")", $sExtension, false );
$oHtmlSelectOption->setAlt($sLabel . " (." . $sExtension . ")");
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default values
$oHtmlSelect->setSelected ( $aSelected );
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generate a select box for the manual files.
* @param array $sDirectoryPath Path to directory of the files
* @return string rendered cHTMLSelectElement
public function getFileSelect($sDirectoryPath = "") {
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement ('filelist_filename', "", 'filelist_filename');
$i = 0;
if ($sDirectoryPath != "" ) {
$sUploadPath = $this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['upl']['path'];
$oHandle = opendir($sUploadPath.$sDirectoryPath);
while($sEntry = readdir($oHandle)) {
if ( $sEntry != "." && $sEntry != ".." &&
file_exists( $sUploadPath.$sDirectoryPath."/".$sEntry ) &&
!is_dir( $sUploadPath.$sDirectoryPath."/".$sEntry ) ) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sEntry, $sDirectoryPath."/".$sEntry, false);
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement( i18n('No files found'), '', false );
$oHtmlSelectOption->setAlt( i18n('No files found') );
$oHtmlSelectOption->setDisabled( true );
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
$oHtmlSelect->setDisabled( true );
//set default value
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
* Function which generate a select box for existing files in the manual filelist.
* @param array $sDirectoryPath Path to directory of the files
* @return string rendered cHTMLSelectElement
private function getExistingFileSelect() {
$aSelectedFiles = $this->aSettings['filelist_manual_files'];
$oHtmlSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement ('filelist_manual_files', "", 'filelist_manual_files');
$i = 0;
if (is_array($aSelectedFiles)) {
foreach ( $aSelectedFiles as $sSelectedFile ) {
$aSplits = explode("/", $sSelectedFile);
$iSplitCount = count( $aSplits );
$sFileName = $aSplits[$iSplitCount - 1];
$oHtmlSelectOption = new cHTMLOptionElement( $sFileName, $sSelectedFile, false );
$oHtmlSelectOption->setAlt( $sFileName );
$oHtmlSelect->addOptionElement($i, $oHtmlSelectOption);
//set default values
return $oHtmlSelect->render();
public function getMetaDataList() {
$oTpl = new Template();
$i = 1;
foreach ( $this->aMetaDataIdents as $sIdentName => $sTranslation ) {
$iMetaDataLimit = $this->aSettings['filelist_md_' . $sIdentName . '_limit'];
if ( !isset ( $iMetaDataLimit ) || $iMetaDataLimit == "" ) {
$iMetaDataLimit = 0;
$oTpl->set('d', 'METADATA_NAME', $sIdentName);
$oTpl->set('d', 'METADATA_DISPLAYNAME', i18n($sTranslation));
$oTpl->set('d', 'METADATA_LIMIT', $iMetaDataLimit);
return $oTpl->generate($this->aCfg['path']['contenido'] . 'templates/standard/template.cms_filelist_metadata_limititem.html', 1);
* Returns the directory list of an given directory array (by buildDirectoryList()).
* @param array $aDirs Array with directory information
* @return string html of the directory list
public function getDirectoryList( $aDirs ) {
$oTpl = new Template();
$i = 1;
foreach ( $aDirs as $aDirData ) {
$sRelativePath = str_replace( $this->sUploadPath, '', $aDirData['path'] ) . $aDirData['name'];
$sLiClasses = '';
if ( is_array( $this->aSettings['filelist_directories'] ) && in_array( $sRelativePath, $this->aSettings['filelist_directories'] ) ) {
$oTpl->set('d', 'DIVCLASS', ' class="active"');
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'DIVCLASS', '');
$oTpl->set('d', 'TITLE', $sRelativePath);
$oTpl->set('d', 'DIRNAME', $aDirData['name']);
$bGo = false;
if (is_array($this->aSettings['filelist_directories'])) {
foreach ( $this->aSettings['filelist_directories'] as $sDirectoryName ) {
if ( preg_match ('#^'.$sRelativePath.'/.*#', $sDirectoryName) ) {
$bGo = true;
if ( $bGo == true ) {
$oTpl->set('d', 'SUBDIRLIST', $this->getDirectoryList( $aDirData['sub'] ) );
} else if ( isset( $aDirData['sub'] ) && count( $aDirData['sub'] ) > 0 ) {
$sLiClasses .= " collapsed";
$oTpl->set('d', 'SUBDIRLIST', '');
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'SUBDIRLIST', '');
if ($i == count($aDirs)) {
$sLiClasses .= " last";
if ( $sLiClasses != "" ) {
$oTpl->set('d', 'LICLASS', ' class="'.substr($sLiClasses, 1).'"');
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'LICLASS', '');
return $oTpl->generate($this->aCfg['path']['contenido'] . 'templates/standard/template.cms_filelist_dirlistitem.html', 1);
* Builds a directory list by a given upload directory path.
* @param string $sUploadPath Path to directory (per default the root upload path of client)
* @return array Array with directory information
public function buildDirectoryList( $sUploadPath = "" ) {
if ( $sUploadPath == "") {
$sUploadPath = $this->sUploadPath;
if ( substr( $sUploadPath, -1 ) != "/" ) {
$sUploadPath = $sUploadPath."/";
$aDirectories = array();
$oHandle = opendir($sUploadPath);
$i = 0;
while($sEntry = readdir($oHandle)) {
if ( $sEntry != "." && $sEntry != ".." && is_dir( $sUploadPath . $sEntry ) ) {
$aDirectories[$i]['name'] = $sEntry;
$aDirectories[$i]['path'] = $sUploadPath;
$aDirectories[$i]['sub'] = $this->buildDirectoryList( $sUploadPath . $sEntry );
return $aDirectories;
* Function is called in editmode of contenido an returns filelist view and editbutton
* @return string code for the backend edit view
public function getAllWidgetEdit() {
$oTpl = new Template();
/*Set some values into javascript for a better handling*/
$oTpl->set('s', 'CON_PATH', $this->aCfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'ID', $this->iId);
$oTpl->set('s', 'IDARTLANG', $this->iIdArtLang);
$oTpl->set('s', 'CONTENIDO', $_REQUEST['contenido']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'FIELDS', "'".implode("','",$this->aFileListData)."'");
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_ignore_extensions'] == 'on' ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'IGNOREEXTENSIONS', 'true');
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'IGNOREEXTENSIONS', 'false');
/*Start set a lot of translations*/
$oTpl->set('s', 'DIRECTORIES', i18n("Directories"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'GENERAL', i18n("General"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'MANUAL', i18n("Manual"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILTER', i18n("Filter"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_GENERAL', i18n("General Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_MANUAL', i18n("Manual Settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILTER', i18n("Filter settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILELIST_SETTINGS', i18n("File list settings"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILELIST_TITLE', i18n("File list title"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILELIST_FILESIZE_LIMIT', i18n("File size limit"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILELIST_CREATIONDATE_LIMIT', i18n("Creation date limit"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILELIST_MODIFYDATE_LIMIT', i18n("Modify date limit"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_STYLE', i18n("File list style"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SOURCE_DIRECTORY', i18n("Source directory"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_INCLUDE_SUBDIRECTORIES', i18n('Include subdirectories?'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_INCLUDE_METADATA', i18n('Include meta data?'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SORT', i18n("File list sort"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SORTORDER', i18n("Sort order"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILE_EXTENSIONS', i18n("Displayed file extensions"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_IGNORESELECTION', i18n('Ignore selection (use all)'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SELECTIONWILLBEIGNORED', i18n('Selection will be ignored!'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_SELECTALLENTRIES', i18n('Select all entries'));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_MANUAL_FILELIST', i18n("Use manual file list?"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_DIRECTORY', i18n("Directory"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILE', i18n("File"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILES', i18n("Files"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_EXISTING_FILES', i18n("Existing files"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_ADD_FILE', i18n("Add file"));
$oTpl->set('s', 'LABEL_FILECOUNT', i18n("File count"));
/*End set a lot of translations*/
/*Start set values into configuration array and generate select boxes used previous defined values*/
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_TITLE', $this->aSettings['filelist_title']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'STYLE_SELECT', $this->getStyleSelect($this->aSettings['filelist_style']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'DIRECTORY_LIST', $this->getDirectoryList( $this->buildDirectoryList() ));
$oTpl->set('s', 'EXTENSION_LIST', $this->getExtensionSelect($this->aSettings['filelist_extensions']));
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_incl_subdirectories'] == 'true' ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_INCL_SUBDIRECTORIES', 'checked="checked"');
} else {
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_incl_metadata'] == 'true' ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_INCL_METADATA', 'checked="checked"');
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_INCL_METADATA', '');
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_manual'] == 'true' ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_MANUAL', 'checked="checked"');
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_MANUAL', '');
foreach ( $this->aDateFields as $sDateField ) {
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] != 0 ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_' . strtoupper( $sDateField ) . 'FILTER_FROM', date("d.m.Y", $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from']));
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_' . strtoupper( $sDateField ) . 'FILTER_FROM', 'DD.MM.YYYY');
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to'] != 0 ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_' . strtoupper( $sDateField ) . 'FILTER_TO', date("d.m.Y", $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to']));
} else {
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_' . strtoupper( $sDateField ) . 'FILTER_TO', 'DD.MM.YYYY');
$iFilesizeLimitFrom = $this->aSettings['filelist_filesizefilter_from'];
if ( $iFilesizeLimitFrom == "" ) {
$iFilesizeLimitFrom = 0;
$iFilesizeLimitTo = $this->aSettings['filelist_filesizefilter_to'];
if ( $iFilesizeLimitTo == "" ) {
$iFilesizeLimitTo = 0;
$iFileCount = $this->aSettings['filelist_filecount'];
if ( $iFileCount == "" ) {
$iFileCount = 0;
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_FILESIZEFILTER_FROM', $iFilesizeLimitFrom);
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_FILESIZEFILTER_TO', $iFilesizeLimitTo);
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILELIST_FILECOUNT', $iFileCount);
$oTpl->set('s', 'SORT_SELECT', $this->getSortSelect($this->aSettings['filelist_sort']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'FILE_SELECT', $this->getFileSelect());
$oTpl->set('s', 'SORTORDER_SELECT', $this->getSortOrderSelect($this->aSettings['filelist_sortorder']));
$oTpl->set('s', 'METADATALIST', $this->getMetaDataList());
$oTpl->set('s', 'MANUAL_OPTIONS', $this->getExistingFileSelect());
/*End set values into configuration array and generate select boxes used previous defined values*/
$sCode = $oTpl->generate($this->aCfg['path']['contenido'].'templates/standard/template.cms_filelist_edit.html', 1);
return $this->getAllWidgetView( true ) . $this->encodeForOutput($sCode);
* In Contenido content type code is evaled by php. To make this possible,
* this function prepares code for evaluation
* @access private
* @param string $sCode code to escape
* @return string escaped code
private function encodeForOutput($sCode) {
$sCode = (string) $sCode;
$sCode = AddSlashes(AddSlashes($sCode));
$sCode = str_replace("\\\'", "'", $sCode);
$sCode = str_replace("\$", '\\\$', $sCode);
return $sCode;
* Method to fill single entry (file) of the file list.
* @access private
* @param array $aFileData Array with information about the file
* @param object $oTpl Reference of the used template object
* @return void
private function fillFileListTemplateEntry($aFileData, &$oTpl) {
global $cCurrentModule;
$sFilename = $aFileData['filename'];
$sDirectoryName = $aFileData['path'];
$sFileExtension = $aFileData['extension'];
$sFileLink = $this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['upl']['htmlpath'] . $sDirectoryName . "/" . $sFilename;
$iFilesize = $aFileData['filesize'];
$sFileCreationDate = date( "d.m.Y", $aFileData['filecreationdate'] );
$sFileModifyDate = date( "d.m.Y", $aFileData['filemodifydate'] );
$aMetaData = $aFileData['metadata'];
$sFilesizeUnit = "Byte";
if ( $iFilesize < 1024 ) {
$sFilesizeUnit = "Byte";
} else if ( $iFilesize < ( 1024 * 1024) ) {
$iFilesize = $iFilesize / 1024;
$sFilesizeUnit = "KB";
} else if ( $iFilesize < ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) {
$iFilesize = $iFilesize / 1024 / 1024;
$sFilesizeUnit = "MB";
} else if ( $iFilesize < ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) {
$iFilesize = $iFilesize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
$sFilesizeUnit = "GB";
$sFilesize = number_format( $iFilesize, 2, ',', '.');
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_incl_metadata'] == 'true' && count ( $aMetaData ) != 0 ) {
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_DESCRIPTION', $aMetaData['description']);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_MEDIANAME', $aMetaData['medianame']);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_KEYWORDS', $aMetaData['keywords']);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_INTERNAL_NOTICE', $aMetaData['internal_notice']);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_COPYRIGHT', $aMetaData['copyright']);
} else {
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_DESCRIPTION', '');
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_MEDIANAME', '');
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_KEYWORDS', '');
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_INTERNAL_NOTICE', '');
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMETA_COPYRIGHT', '');
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILESIZE_UNIT', $sFilesizeUnit);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILENAME', $sFilename);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILESIZE', $sFilesize);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEEXTENSION', $sFileExtension);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILECREATIONDATE', $sFileCreationDate);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEMODIFYDATE', $sFileModifyDate);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILEDIRECTORY', $sDirectoryName);
$oTpl->set('d', 'FILELINK', $sFileLink);
foreach( self::$aTranslations as $sKey => $sValue ) {
$oTpl->set('d', $sKey, mi18n( $sValue ));
return true;
* Dynamic filelist generator.
* This method is executed every time the filelist is displayed.
* @return string output of the filelist
public function getAllWidgetView() {
$sCode = '\";?><?php
$oFileList = new Cms_FileList(\'%s\', %s, 0, "", $cfg, null, "", $client, $lang, $cfgClient, null);
echo $oFileList->getAllWidgetOutput();
?><?php echo \"';
$sCode = sprintf($sCode, $this->sContent, $this->iId);
return $sCode;
* Checks recursively for sub directories
* @param string $sDirectoryPath Path to directory
* @param array $aDirectories Directory array
* @return array Directory array
public function recursiveCheckForSubdirectories( $sDirectoryPath, $aDirectories ) {
$oHandle = opendir($this->sUploadPath.$sDirectoryPath);
while($sEntry = readdir($oHandle)) {
if ( $sEntry != "." && $sEntry != ".." &&
is_dir( $this->sUploadPath.$sDirectoryPath."/".$sEntry ) ) {
$aDirectories[] = $sDirectoryPath."/".$sEntry;
$aDirectories = $this->recursiveCheckForSubdirectories( $sDirectoryPath."/".$sEntry, $aDirectories );
return $aDirectories;
* Performs all date filters of a file.
* @param array $aFileStats Array with file information
* @return boolean check state (true = tests passed, false = tests not passed)
private function performFileDateFilters ( $aFileStats ) {
$bDateCheck = false;
foreach ( $this->aDateFields as $sIndex => $sDateField ) {
$iDate = $aFileStats[$sIndex];
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] == 0 && $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] == 0 ) {
$bDateCheck = true;
} else if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to'] == 0 &&
$iDate >= $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] ) {
$bDateCheck = true;
} else if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] == 0 &&
$iDate <= $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to'] ) {
$bDateCheck = true;
} else if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] != 0 &&
$this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to'] != 0 &&
$iDate >= $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_from'] &&
$iDate <= $this->aSettings['filelist_' . $sDateField . 'filter_to'] ) {
$bDateCheck = true;
return $bDateCheck;
* Executes the file filters which removes all files not matching the filter criterias.
* @param array $aFileList array with files to check
* @return array array with filtered files
private function applyFileFilters ( $aFileList ) {
foreach ( $aFileList as $iIndex => $sFullname ) {
$sFilename = basename( $sFullname );
$sDirectoryName = str_replace( "/" . $sFilename, '', $sFullname );
// checking the extension stuff
$sExtensionName = uplGetFileExtension( $sFilename );
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_ignore_extensions'] == "on" || count( $this->aSettings['filelist_extensions'] ) == 0 ||
( $this->aSettings['filelist_ignore_extensions'] == "off" && in_array( $sExtensionName, $this->aSettings['filelist_extensions'] ) ) ) {
// checking filesize filter
$aFileStats = stat( $this->sUploadPath.$sDirectoryName."/".$sFilename );
$iFilesize = $aFileStats['size'];
$iFilesizeMib = $iFilesize / 1024 / 1024;
if ( ( $this->aSettings['filelist_filesizefilter_from'] == 0 &&
$this->aSettings['filelist_filesizefilter_to'] == 0 )
( $this->aSettings['filelist_filesizefilter_from'] <= $iFilesizeMib &&
$this->aSettings['filelist_filesizefilter_to'] >= $iFilesizeMib) ) {
$bDateCheck = $this->performFileDateFilters ( $aFileStats );
$iCreationDate = $aFileStats['ctime'];
$iModifyFate = $aFileStats['mtime'];
if ( $bDateCheck == true ) {
// conditional stuff is completed, start sorting
switch ( $this->aSettings['filelist_sort'] ) {
case "filesize":
$sIndexName = $iFilesize;
case "createdate":
$sIndexName = $iCreationDate;
case "modifydate":
$sIndexName = $iModifyDate;
case "filename":
$sIndexName = strtolower ( $sFilename );
if ( $sLastIndex == $sIndexName ) {
} else {
$j = 1;
// save current index name
$sLastIndex = $sIndexName;
$sIndexName = $sIndexName . "." . $j;
$aFiles[$sIndexName] = array();
$aFiles[$sIndexName]['filename'] = $sFilename;
$aFiles[$sIndexName]['path'] = $sDirectoryName;
$aFiles[$sIndexName]['extension'] = $sExtensionName;
$aFiles[$sIndexName]['filesize'] = $iFilesize;
$aFiles[$sIndexName]['filemodifydate'] = $iModifyDate;
$aFiles[$sIndexName]['filecreationdate'] = $iCreationDate;
} // end if date check
} // end if filesize filter
} // end if extensions
} // end foreach
return $aFiles;
* Function is called in edit- and viewmode in order to generate code for output.
* @return string generated code
public function getAllWidgetOutput() {
$oTpl = new Template();
$aFileList = array();
//set title of teaser
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_style'] != "" ) {
$oTpl->set('s', 'TITLE', $this->aSettings['filelist_title']);
$oTpl->set('s', 'ERROR', '-', 1);
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_manual'] == 'true' && count( $this->aSettings['filelist_manual_files'] ) > 0 ) {
$aFileList = $this->aSettings['filelist_manual_files'];
} else {
if ( count ( $this->aSettings['filelist_directories'] ) > 0 ) {
$aDirectories = $this->aSettings['filelist_directories'];
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_incl_subdirectories'] == 'true' ) {
foreach ( $aDirectories as $sDirectoryName ) {
$aDirectories = $this->recursiveCheckForSubdirectories($sDirectoryName, $aDirectories);
// strip duplicate directories to save performance
$aDirectories = array_unique( $aDirectories );
foreach ( $aDirectories as $sDirectoryName ) {
$oHandle = opendir( $this->sUploadPath . $sDirectoryName );
while( $sEntry = readdir( $oHandle ) ) {
// checking if entry is file and is not a directory
if ( $sEntry != "." && $sEntry != ".." && !is_dir( $this->sUploadPath . $sDirectoryName . "/" . $sEntry ) ) {
$aFileList[] = $sDirectoryName . "/" . $sEntry;
closedir( $oHandle );
$aFiles = $this->applyFileFilters( $aFileList );
unset( $aFileList );
if ( count ( $aFiles ) > 0 ) {
// check for descending sort order...
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_sortorder'] == 'desc' ) {
krsort( $aFiles ) ;
} else {
ksort ( $aFiles );
$i = 1;
foreach ( $aFiles as $aFilenameData ) {
if ( ( $this->aSettings['filelist_filecount'] != 0 && $i <= $this->aSettings['filelist_filecount'] ) ||
$this->aSettings['filelist_filecount'] == 0 ) {
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_incl_metadata'] == 'true' ) {
$aMetaData = array();
$this->oDb->query('SELECT upl.idupl, uplmeta.* FROM ' . $this->aCfg['tab']['upl'] . ' AS upl, ' . $this->aCfg['tab']['upl_meta'] . ' AS uplmeta WHERE upl.idupl = uplmeta.idupl AND upl.filename=\''.$aFilenameData['filename'].'\' AND upl.dirname=\''.$aFilenameData['path'].'/\' AND upl.idclient=\''.$this->iClient.'\' AND uplmeta.idlang=\''.$this->iLang.'\'');
foreach ( $this->aMetaDataIdents as $sIdentName => $sTranslation ) {
if ( $this->aSettings['filelist_md_' . $sIdentName . '_limit'] > 0 ) {
$aMetaData[$sIdentName] = capiStrTrimAfterWord( Contenido_Security::unFilter( $this->oDb->f($sIdentName) ),
$this->aSettings['filelist_md_' . $sIdentName . '_limit'] ) . '...';
} else {
$aMetaData[$sIdentName] = Contenido_Security::unFilter( $this->oDb->f($sIdentName) );
$aFilenameData['metadata'] = $aMetaData;
} else {
$aFilenameData['metadata'] = array();
$this->fillFileListTemplateEntry( $aFilenameData, $oTpl );
//generate template
$sCode = $oTpl->generate($this->aCfgClient[$this->iClient]['path']['frontend'].'templates/' . $this->aSettings['filelist_style'], 1);
return $sCode;