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* $Id$
* File : $RCSfile: addImageTags.js,v $
* Project : Contenido
* Descr : File contains functions vor adding label tags to images
by javascript for smaller html documents
* Author : $Author: timo.trautmann$
* Modified : $Date$
* © four for business AG,
* Function sets alt and title tag of a html image tag
* @param object oImg - reference to corresponding image tag
* @param string sName - labeltext to append
function setImgAltTitle (oImg, sName) {
if (!oImg.title) {
oImg.title = sName;
if (!oImg.alt) {
oImg.alt = sName;
* Function sets alt and title tag for all image tags in actual document
* @param array aImageTitles - assocaiative array, which contains a label for image
aImageTitles['test.gif'] = 'This is a test'
function setImageTags (aImageTitles) {
//get all images
var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
var sImgSrc = images[i].src;
if (sImgSrc != '') {
//seperate imagepath and name
var iPos = sImgSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
if (iPos > 0) {
var sImgName = sImgSrc.slice(iPos+1, sImgSrc.length);
} else {
var sImgName = sImgSrc;
//if there is a imagetitle for actual image, set it
if (aImageTitles[sImgName]) {
setImgAltTitle(images[i], aImageTitles[sImgName]);