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This is the readme file for ConLite 2.2.0 beta
Any help you need you may find by visiting the following links.
CL-Portal http//
!!! Attention !!!
We tried to fix all known bugs of Contenido 4.8 and earlier but cannot give any garanties for that. So use
it on your own risk. If you find any bug or have any idea to enhance ConLite, feel free to visit our
bugtracker and register at
Any help and ideas are welcome :)
** Mini FAQ **
What is ConLite?
CL (short for ConLite) is dedicated to close the gap between Contenido 4.8 and the version 4.10.
In downloadable 4.8.20 (and former 4.8.15) are still a lot of bugs and some missing feautures and
enhancements so one cannot use the version without problems. Our goal is to give you a bugfixed and
really stable version of Contenido till the 4.9 or 4.10 is stable. By the way, there are still a lot of big sides
build with 4.8.x out there where upgrading to 4.10.x is not possible or cost a lot of money.
Why i have to use ConLite?
You don't have to, but feel free to do it. ConLite will show you an easier way to upgrade step by step to Contenido
4.10. The new version of Contenido has a lot of changes, so you have to do a lot of work
with modules or custom plugins to adapt them to the new version. That's not what ConLite does nor will
do in the future. ConLite will do changes step by step, or better version by version to adapt your
4.8.x or higher installation to work with the new 4.9 of Contenido. And ConLite will try to give you a
stable and bugfixed Content-Management-System in the future.
Who are the people behind ConLite?
The Team behind the CL-version are some well known guys from CONTENIDO-forum, working since many years with
and within CONTENIDO core or coding modules and plugins for CONTENIDO.
And we love CONTENIDO :)
** Copyright **
The copyright for the code of CONTENIDO still remains to 4fb and the named coders for all codes coming
from 4.8.15 and/or from svn- or git-repository of CONTENDIO.
All ads, enhancements or new parts, coded by the CL-Team are copyright by their named coders or
by CL-Team and
** Know Bugs **
FS#25 - Collision with pre-installed AMR after Migration
!!! Attention !!!
If you want to upgrade with an installed AMR-plugin, uninstall AMR before upgrade.
We will include a fix for that in one of the next versions of CL
** History / Changelog **
ConLite 2.2.0 beta
ConLite 2.1.3
ConLite 2.1.2
ConLite 2.1.1
ConLite 2.1.0
* see
ConLite 2.0
ConLite 1.0
* old svn history lost
* 20 Bug Report genericdb: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string ...
* 16 Enhancement RSS-Reader austauschen/überarbeiten
* 31 Optimization Test CL installation with newest PHP and SQL on XAMPP
* 3 Bug Report Genericdb caching not working
* 37 Bug Report Upgrade: valid_from and valid_to fields are set to NULL
* 33 Bug Report Missing include.subnav_blank.php
* 22 Bug Report Modul xhtml which is not choosable in modularea
* 10 Optimization Generate API-Doc
* 34 Bug Report Error when searching article with no criteria
* 24 Bug Report No reset of subnavigation if a layout is deleted
* 15 Optimization Add CL readme file
* 13 Bug Report FEUser-Plugins valide_to and valide_from saving wrong t ...
* 9 Enhancement Check all translations (i18n)
* 8 Bug Report adapt genericdb from 4.8.17 CL
* 5 Bug Report Buttontranslations missing or wrong