324 Zeilen
9,4 KiB
324 Zeilen
9,4 KiB
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Display log entries
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version 1.0.5
* @author Timo A. Hummel
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2003-05-09
* modified 2008-06-16, Holger Librenz, Hotfix: added check for invalid calls
* modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
* modified 2009-10-15, Dominik Ziegler, fetching areaname from actions array to save a lot of database queries
* modified 2009-11-06, Murat Purc, replaced deprecated functions (PHP 5.3 ready)
* modified 2010-05-20, Murat Purc, removed request check during processing ticket [#CON-307]
* $Id$:
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
$clientclass = new Client;
$db2 = new DB_ConLite;
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied"));
} else {
$form = '<form name="log_select" method="post" action="'.$sess->url("main.php?").'">
<input type="hidden" name="area" value="'.$area.'">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="log_show">
<input type="hidden" name="frame" value="'.$frame.'">';
$tpl->set('s', 'FORM', $form);
$tpl->set('s', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'SELECTBGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_dark"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'SELECTBBGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_light"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'HEADERBGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_header"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'RHEADERBGCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_header"]);
$tpl->set('s', 'SUBMITTEXT', i18n("Submit query"));
$tpl->set('s', 'CANCELLINK', $sess->url("main.php?area=$area&frame=4"));
$userclass = new Users();
$structureclass = new Structure();
$artclass = new Art();
$actionclass = new Action();
$clients = $clientclass->getAccessibleClients();
$users = $userclass->getAccessibleUsers(explode(',', $auth->auth['perm']));
$userselect = "<option value=\"%\">".i18n("All users")."</option>";
$actions = $actionclass->getAvailableActions();
$actionselect = "<option value=\"%\">".i18n("All actions")."</option>";
$clientList = $clientclass->getAccessibleClients();
foreach ($clientList as $key=>$value) {
if (strcmp($idqclient,$key) == 0) {
$selected = "SELECTED";
} else {
$selected = "";
$clientselect .= "<option value=\"".$key."\" ".$selected.">".$value["name"]."</option>";
foreach ($users as $key=>$value) {
if (strcmp($idquser,$key) == 0) {
$selected = "SELECTED";
} else {
$selected = "";
$userselect .= "<option value=\"".$key."\" ".$selected.">".$value["username"]." (".$value["realname"].")</option>";
foreach ($actions as $key=>$value) {
if (strcmp($idqaction,$key) == 0) {
$selected = "SELECTED";
} else {
$selected = "";
// $areaname = $classarea->getAreaName($actionclass->getAreaForAction($value["name"]));
$areaname = $value["areaname"];
$actionDescription = $lngAct[$areaname][$value["name"]];
if ($actionDescription == "")
$actionDescription = $value["name"];
$actionselect .= "<option value=\"".$key."\" ".$selected.">".$value["name"]." (".$actionDescription.")"."</option>";
$days = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i ++)
$days[$i] = $i;
$months = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++)
$months[$i] = $i;
$years = array();
for ($i = 2000; $i < 2030; $i++)
$years[$i] = $i;
$fromday = new cHTMLSelectElement("fromday");
if ($_REQUEST["fromday"] > 0)
} else {
$today = new cHTMLSelectElement("today");
if ($_REQUEST["today"] > 0)
} else {
$frommonth = new cHTMLSelectElement("frommonth");
if ($_REQUEST["frommonth"] > 0)
} else {
$tomonth = new cHTMLSelectElement("tomonth");
if ($_REQUEST["tomonth"] > 0)
} else {
$fromyear = new cHTMLSelectElement("fromyear");
if ($_REQUEST["fromyear"] > 0)
} else {
$toyear = new cHTMLSelectElement("toyear");
if ($_REQUEST["toyear"] > 0)
} else {
$entries = array();
$entries[0] = i18n("Unlimited");
$entries[10] = "10 ". i18n("Entries");
$entries[20] = "20 ". i18n("Entries");
$entries[30] = "30 ". i18n("Entries");
$entries[50] = "50 ". i18n("Entries");
$entries[100] = "100 ". i18n("Entries");
$olimit = new cHTMLSelectElement("limit");
if (isset($_REQUEST["limit"]))
} else {
$tpl->set('s', 'USERS', $userselect);
$tpl->set('s', 'CLIENTS', $clientselect);
$tpl->set('s', 'ACTION', $actionselect);
$tpl->set('s', 'FROMDAY', $fromday->render());
$tpl->set('s', 'FROMMONTH', $frommonth->render());
$tpl->set('s', 'FROMYEAR', $fromyear->render());
$tpl->set('s', 'TODAY', $today->render());
$tpl->set('s', 'TOMONTH', $tomonth->render());
$tpl->set('s', 'TOYEAR', $toyear->render());
$tpl->set('s', 'LIMIT', $olimit->render());
$fromdate = $fromyear->getDefault()."-".$frommonth->getDefault()."-".$fromday->getDefault()." 00:00:00";
$todate = $toyear->getDefault()."-".$tomonth->getDefault()."-".$today->getDefault()." 23:59:59";
if ($limit == 0)
$limitsql = "";
} else {
$limitsql = "LIMIT ".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($limit, $db);
if ($idquser == "%")
$users = $userclass->getAccessibleUsers(explode(',', $auth->auth['perm']));
foreach ($users as $key=>$value) {
$userarray[] = $key;
$uservalues = implode('", "',$userarray);
$userquery = 'IN ("'.$uservalues.'")';
} else {
$userquery = "LIKE '".$idquser."'";
$sql = 'SELECT
'. $cfg["tab"]["actionlog"] . '
user_id '.$userquery.' AND
idaction LIKE "'.Contenido_Security::escapeDB($idqaction, $db).'" AND
logtimestamp > "'.Contenido_Security::escapeDB($fromdate, $db).'" AND
logtimestamp < "'.Contenido_Security::escapeDB($todate, $db).'" AND
idclient LIKE "'.Contenido_Security::escapeDB($idqclient, $db).'"
ORDER BY logtimestamp DESC '
. $limitsql;
if ($db->affected_rows() == 0)
$noresults = '<tr class="text_medium" style="background-color: '.$bgcolor.';" >'.
'<td colspan="6" style="border: 0px; border-top:1px; border-right:1px;border-color: '.$cfg["color"]["table_border"].'; border-style: solid;">'.i18n("No results").'</td></tr>';
} else {
$noresults = "";
$tpl->set('s', 'NORESULTS', $noresults);
while ($db->next_record())
$darkrow = !$darkrow;
if ($darkrow)
$bgcolor = $cfg["color"]["table_dark"];
} else {
$bgcolor = $cfg["color"]["table_light"];
$structureName = $structureclass->getStructureName($structureclass->getStructureIDForCatArt($db->f("idcatart")),$db->f("idlang"));
$artName = $artclass->getArtName($artclass->getArtIDForCatArt($db->f("idcatart")),$db->f("idlang"));
if ($structureName == "") { $structureName = "-"; }
if ($artName == "") { $artName = "-"; }
$tpl->set('d', 'BORDERCOLOR', $cfg["color"]["table_border"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'RBGCOLOR', $bgcolor);
$tpl->set('d', 'RCLIENT', $clientList[$db->f("idclient")]["name"]);
$tpl->set('d', 'RDATETIME', $db->f("logtimestamp"));
$tpl->set('d', 'RUSER' , $users[$db->f("user_id")]["username"]);
$areaname = $classarea->getAreaName($actionclass->getAreaForAction($db->f("idaction")));
$actionDescription = $lngAct[$areaname][$actionclass->getActionName($db->f("idaction"))];
if ($actionDescription == "")
$actionDescription = $actionclass->getActionName($db->f("idaction"));
$tpl->set('d', 'RACTION', $actionDescription );
$tpl->set('d', 'RSTR', $structureName);
$tpl->set('d', 'RPAGE', $artName);
# Generate template
$tpl->generate($cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['log_main']);