2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* JavaScript CMS Type Teaser
* @package Contenido Content Types
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Timo Trautmann
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release 4.8.12
* {@internal
* created 2009-04-08
* $Id$:
* }}
* Initial function which adds all javascript events to teaser edit box and coresponding
* input elements
* @param string sFrameId
* @param string sImageId
* @param string sPath
* @param string sSession
* @param integer iIdArtLang
* @param integer iId
function addTeaserEvents(sFrameId, sImageId, sPath, sSession, iIdArtLang, iId) {
cmsTeaser_loadExternalScripts(sFrameId, sPath);
cmsTeaser_addFrameShowEvent(sFrameId, sImageId);
cmsTeaser_addSaveEvent(sFrameId, iIdArtLang, iId);
cmsTeaser_addAjaxGetArticleListEvent(sFrameId, sPath, sSession);
* Appends the passed node to the end of body tag. This is necessary to have more
* control during positioninig.
* @param string sFrameId
function cmsTeaser_initialize(sFrameId) {
* Function extracts an value from teaser form an adds it as hidden to editform for submitting to Contenido
* Function is called in store proccess of teaser
* @param string sName
* @param string sValue
function cmsTeaser_appendTeaserValue(sName, sValue) {
$("form[name='editcontent']").append('<input type="hidden" value="'+sValue+'" name="'+sName+'"/>');
* Function adds event which fades edit form to visible when editbutton is clicked
* @param string sFrameId
* @param string sImageId
function cmsTeaser_addFrameShowEvent(sFrameId, sImageId) {
$(sImageId).css('cursor', 'pointer');
$(sImageId).click(function () {
$(sFrameId).css('top', $(sImageId).offset().top);
$(sFrameId).css('left', $(sImageId).offset().left+$(sImageId).width()+3);
* Function adds tabbling events to menubar of teaser edit form
* which switchs between the tree tabbing views
* @param string sFrameId
function cmsTeaser_addTabbingEvents(sFrameId) {
$(sFrameId+" .menu li").css('cursor', 'pointer');
//add layer click events
$(sFrameId+" .menu li").click(function(){
$(sFrameId+" .menu li").css('font-weight', 'normal');
$(sFrameId+" #manual").css("display", "none");
$(sFrameId+" #advanced").css("display", "none");
$(sFrameId+" #general").css("display", "none");
//add smooth animation
$(sFrameId+" #"+$(this).attr('class')).fadeIn("normal");
$(this).css('font-weight', 'bold');
* Function adds save event to save button of teaseredit form
* @param string sFrameId
* @param integer iIdArtLang
* @param integer iId
function cmsTeaser_addSaveEvent(sFrameId, iIdArtLang, iId) {
$(sFrameId+' .save_settings').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$(sFrameId+' .save_settings').click(function() {
var sValue = '';
//iterate over all teaser properties
for (var i = 0; i < aData.length; i++) {
if (aData[i] == 'teaser_start' || aData[i] == 'teaser_manual') {
//special behaviour for checkboxes
sValue = $(sFrameId+' #'+aData[i]).attr('checked');
} else if (aData[i] == 'teaser_manual_art') {
//in case of manual arts implode them use , as separator
sValue = '';
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_manual_art option').each(function() {
if (sValue == '') {
sValue = $(this).attr('value');
} else {
sValue = sValue+';'+$(this).attr('value');
} else {
//default value for select boxes and text boxes
sValue = $(sFrameId+' #'+aData[i]).attr('value');
cmsTeaser_appendTeaserValue(aData[i], sValue);
cmsTeaser_appendTeaserValue('teaser_action', 'store');
cmsTeaser_appendTeaserValue('teaser_id', iId);
* Function adds event for closing teaser edit window and fades box out
* @param string sFrameId
function cmsTeaser_addFrameCloseEvents(sFrameId) {
//add cancel image event
$(sFrameId+' .close').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$(sFrameId+' .close').click(function () {
//add cancel button event
$(sFrameId+' .teaser_cancel').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$(sFrameId+' .teaser_cancel').click(function () {
* Function gets new list of articles from contenido via ajax
* is used in manual teaser when base category for article select
* is changed
* @param string sFrameId
* @param string sPath
* @param string sSession
function cmsTeaser_addAjaxGetArticleListEvent(sFrameId, sPath, sSession) {
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_cat').change(function() {
//get new article select and replace it with default value
type: "POST",
url: sPath+"ajaxmain.php",
data: "ajax=artsel&name=teaser_art&contenido="+sSession+"&idcat="+$(this).attr('value'),
success: function(msg){
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_art').replaceWith(msg);
* Function loads external styles and jquery ui scripts for teaser dynamically so this scripts were only
* loaded into contenido whren this teaser is really used in this article
* @param string sFrameId
* @param string sPath
function cmsTeaser_loadExternalScripts(sFrameId, sPath) {
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+sPath+'styles/cms_teaser.css" type="text/css" media="all" />');
$.getScript(sPath+'scripts/jquery/jquery-ui.js', function() {
$(sFrameId).draggable({handle: '.head'});
$(sFrameId+' .head').css('cursor', 'move');
* Function adds event to add new article to multiple select box for articles
* Function also checks if article is already in that list
* @param string sFrameId
function cmsTeaser_addManualTeaserEvent(sFrameId) {
$(sFrameId+' #add_art').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$(sFrameId+' #add_art').click(function() {
//call internal add function
* Function adds new article to multiple select box for articles
* Function also checks if article is already in that list
* @param string sFrameId
function cmsTeaser_addManualTeaserEntry(sFrameId) {
var oArt = $(sFrameId+' #teaser_art');
var iIdArt = oArt.attr('value');
var sName = '';
var bExists = 0;
//if an article was selected
if (iIdArt > 0) {
//check if article already exists in view list
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_manual_art option').each(function() {
if (iIdArt == $(this).attr('value')) {
bExists = 1;
//get name of selected article
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_art option').each(function() {
if (iIdArt == $(this).attr('value')) {
sName = $(this).html();
//if it is not in list, add article to list
if (bExists == 0) {
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_manual_art').append('<option value="'+iIdArt+'">'+sName+'</option>');
* Function adds double click events to all current listed articles for manual teaser
* in case of a double click this selected article is removed from list
* @param string sFrameId
function cmsTeaser_addClickEvent(sFrameId) {
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_manual_art').dblclick(function() {
$(sFrameId+' #teaser_manual_art option').each(function() {
if($(this).attr('selected')) {