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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Display current online user
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Bilal Arsland
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* $Id: class.activeusers.php 362 2015-10-05 16:31:26Z oldperl $;
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class ActiveUsers {
var $oDb;
var $oCfg;
var $oAuth;
var $iUserId;
* Constructor
* @param object $db - Contenido Database Object
* @param object $cfg
* @param object $auth
* @return
function ActiveUsers($oDb, $oCfg, $oAuth) {
$this->oCfg= $oCfg;
$this->oAuth= $oAuth;
$this->oDb= $oDb;
// init db object
if (!is_object($this->oDb) || (is_null($this->oDb))) {
$this->oDb= new DB_ConLite;
if (!is_resource($this->oDb->Link_ID)) {
// Load the userid
$this->iUserId= $this->oAuth->auth["uid"];
* Start the User Tracking:
* 1) First delete all inactive users with timelimit is off
* 2) If find user in the table, do update
* 3) Else there is no current user do insert new user
* @return
function startUsersTracking() {
// Delete all Contains in the table "online_user" that is older as timeout(current is 60 minutes)
$bResult= $this->findUser($this->iUserId);
if ($bResult) {
// update the curent user
} else {
// User not found, we can insert the new user
* Insert this user in online_user table
* @param object $db - Contenido Database Object
* @return Returns true if successful else false
function insertOnlineUser($sUserId) {
$userid = (string) $sUserId;
$sql= "INSERT INTO `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"] . "`(`user_id`,`lastaccessed`) VALUES('".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($userid, $this->oDb)."', NOW())";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Find the this user if exists in the table "online_user"
* @param integer $iUserId - Is the User-Id (get from auth object)
* @return Returns true if this User is found, else false
function findUser($sUserId) {
$userid = (string) $sUserId;
$bReturn = false;
$sql= "SELECT user_id FROM `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"] . "` WHERE `user_id`='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($userid, $this->oDb)."'";
if ($this->oDb->next_record()) {
$bReturn= true;
return $bReturn;
* Find all user_ids in the table 'online_user' for get rest information from
* table 'con_phplib_auth_user_md5'
* @return Returns array of user-information
function findAllUser() {
$aAllUser= array ();
$aUser= array ();
$sWebsiteName= "";
// get all user_ids
$sql= "SELECT `user_id` FROM `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"]."`";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql) && $this->oDb->Errno == 0) {
if ($this->oDb->num_rows() > 0) {
while ($this->oDb->next_record()) { // Table Online User
$aUser[]= "'" . $this->oDb->f('user_id') . "'";
// get data of those users
$aAllUser= array ();
$sSqlIn= implode(', ', $aUser); // '1','2','5','8'
$sql= "SELECT user_id, realname, username, perms " .
"FROM " . $this->oCfg["tab"]["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . " " .
"WHERE user_id IN(" . $sSqlIn . ")";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql) && $this->oDb->Errno == 0) {
if ($this->oDb->num_rows() > 0) {
while ($this->oDb->next_record()) { // Table Online User
$sWebsiteNames = '';
$sUserId= $this->oDb->f("user_id");
$aAllUser[$sUserId]['realname']= $this->oDb->f("realname");
$aAllUser[$sUserId]['username']= $this->oDb->f("username");
$sPerms= $this->oDb->f("perms");
$aPerms= explode(",", $sPerms); //Alle Rechte als array in aPerms packen
if (in_array("sysadmin", $aPerms)) {
$aAllUser[$sUserId]['perms']= 'Systemadministrator';
} else {
$bIsAdmin= false;
$iCounter= 0;
foreach ($aPerms as $sPerm) {
$aResults = array();
if (preg_match('/^admin\[(\d+)\]$/', $sPerm, $aResults)) {
$iClientId= $aResults[1];
$bIsAdmin= true;
$sWebsiteName = $this->getWebsiteName($iClientId);
if ($iCounter == 0 && $sWebsiteName != "") {
$sWebsiteNames .= $sWebsiteName;
} else if ($sWebsiteName != "") {
$sWebsiteNames .= ', ' . $sWebsiteName;
$aAllUser[$sUserId]['perms']= "Administrator (" . $sWebsiteNames . ")";
} else if (preg_match('/^client\[(\d+)\]$/', $sPerm, $aResults) && !$bIsAdmin) {
$iClientId= $aResults[1];
$sWebsiteName = $this->getWebsiteName($iClientId);
if ($iCounter == 0 && $sWebsiteName != "") {
$sWebsiteNames .= $sWebsiteName;
} else if ($sWebsiteName != "") {
$sWebsiteNames .= ', ' . $sWebsiteName;
$aAllUser[$sUserId]['perms']= '(' . $sWebsiteNames . ')';
return $aAllUser;
* This function do an update of current timestamp in "online_user"
* @param integer $iUserId - Is the User-Id (get from auth object)
* @return Returns true if successful, else false
function updateUser($sUserId) {
$userid= (string) $sUserId;
$sql= "UPDATE `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"] . "` SET `lastaccessed`=NOW() WHERE `user_id`='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($userid, $this->oDb)."'";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql)) {
return true;
} else
return false;
* Delete all Contains in the table "online_user" that is older as
* Backend timeout(currently is $cfg["backend"]["timeout"] = 60)
* @return Returns true if successful else false
function deleteInactiveUser() {
cInclude("config", "config.misc.php");
$iSetTimeOut= $this->oCfg["backend"]["timeout"];
if ($iSetTimeOut == 0)
$iSetTimeOut= 10;
$sql= "";
$sql= "DELETE FROM `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"] . "` WHERE DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL '$iSetTimeOut' Minute) >= `lastaccessed`";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get the number of users from the table "online_user"
* @return Returns if exists a number of users
function getNumberOfUsers() {
$iAnzahl= 0;
$sql= "SELECT user_id FROM `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"]."`";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql)) {
$iAnzahl= $this->oDb->num_rows();
return $iAnzahl;
* Delete this user from 'online user' table
* @param integer $iUserId - Is the User-Id (get from auth object)
* @return Returns true if successful, else false
function deleteUser($sUserId) {
$userid= (string) $sUserId;
$sql= "DELETE FROM `" . $this->oCfg["tab"]["online_user"] . "` WHERE `user_id` = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($userid, $this->oDb)."'";
if ($this->oDb->query($sql)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get the website name from table con_clients
* @param int $iIdClient
* @return string|boolean
public function getWebsiteName($iIdClient) {
$oClient = new cApiClient($iIdClient);
return $oClient->get('name');