2017-06-09 09:38:57 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Class for creating form pages
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Jan Lengowski
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-30, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* modified 2009-10-23, Murat Purc, removed deprecated function (PHP 5.3 ready)
* $Id: class.form.php 80 2012-05-29 12:38:23Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class Form {
* counter
* @var int
var $counter = 0;
* passed
* @var bool
var $passed = false;
* isSend
* @var bool
var $isSend = false;
* debug
* @var bool
var $debug = false;
* fields
* @var array
var $fields = array();
* defaults
* @var array
var $default = array();
* action
* @var string
var $action = '';
* method
* @var string
var $method = 'post';
* enctype
* @var string
var $enctype = '';
* target
* @var string
var $target = '_self';
* Constructor Function
* @param
function Form() {
// empty
} // end function
* Add()
* Add a form element
* @return void
function Add($name) {
$name = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, null);
$this->counter ++;
$this->fields[$this->counter]['name'] = $name;
} // end function
* SetDefault()
* Add a default value
* @return void
function SetDefault($name, $value) {
$name = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, null);
$value = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($value, null);
$this->default[$name] = $value;
} // end function
* Define()
* Define properties of the form or the elements
* @var string $which Which property to define
* @var string $value Values of the property
* @return void
function Define($which, $value) {
$which = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($which, null);
$value = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($value, null);
if (0 == $this->counter) {
$this->$which = $value;
} else {
$this->fields[$this->counter][$which] = $value;
} // end function
* Passed()
* Checks if the form passed
* @return bool TRUE: Form passed without errors, FALSE: Errors
function Passed() {
return $this->passed;
} // end function
* Form::generate()
* @param $template string Path/Filename of the template to use
* @return void
function Generate($template) {
$template = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($template);
// get form values
// if form was submitted before
// validate the fields
if ($this->isSend == true) {
// at least one entry is invalid
// generate the form
if (!$this->passed) {
// check if the template is a file or a string
if(!@file_exists($template)) {
// template is a string
$tmp_template['complete'] = explode("\n", $template);
} else {
// template is a file
$tmp_template['complete'] = file($template);
// line numbers for
// the dynamic blocks
$tmp_template['line_nr']['start'] = 0;
$tmp_template['line_nr']['end'] = 0;
$tmp_template['line_nr']['max'] = count($tmp_template['complete']);
// parts of the template
$tmp_template['start'] = '';
$tmp_template['block'] = '';
$tmp_template['end'] = '';
// search the template for
// dynamic blocks
foreach ($tmp_template['complete'] as $line => $content) {
// search for start block tag
if (strstr($content, '<!-- BEGIN:BLOCK -->')) {
$tmp_template['line_nr']['start'] = $line + 1;
// search for end block tag
if (strstr($content, '<!-- END:BLOCK -->')) {
$tmp_template['line_nr']['end'] = $line - 1;
// extract start part
for ($i=0; $i<$tmp_template['line_nr']['start']; $i++) {
$tmp_template['start'] .= $tmp_template['complete'][$i];
// extract block
for ($i=$tmp_template['line_nr']['start']; $i<=$tmp_template['line_nr']['end']; $i++) {
$tmp_template['block'] .= $tmp_template['complete'][$i];
// extract end part
for ($i=$tmp_template['line_nr']['end']+1; $i<=$tmp_template['line_nr']['max']; $i++) {
$tmp_template['end'] .= $tmp_template['complete'][$i];
* Generate the start template
* @access private
$tmp_needles[] = '{ACTION}';
$tmp_needles[] = '{METHOD}';
$tmp_needles[] = '{ENCTYPE}';
$tmp_needles[] = '{TARGET}';
$tmp_replacements[] = $this->action;
$tmp_replacements[] = $this->method;
$tmp_replacements[] = $this->enctype;
$tmp_replacements[] = $this->target;
$tmp_template['complete'] .= str_replace($tmp_needles, $tmp_replacements, $tmp_template['start']);
// generate blocks
$fieldcount = count($this->fields);
$tmp_needles[] = '{CAPTION}';
$tmp_needles[] = '{FIELD}';
$tmp_needles[] = '{BGCOLOR}';
for ($i=1; $i<=$fieldcount; $i++) {
// set default classerror style
if (!isset($this->fields[$i]['classerror'])) {
$this->fields[$i]['classerror'] = $this->default['classerror'];
// set default classcaption style
if (!isset($this->fields[$i]['classcaption'])) {
$this->fields[$i]['classcaption'] = $this->default['classcaption'];
// set default classinput style
if (!isset($this->fields[$i]['classinput'])) {
$this->fields[$i]['classinput'] = $this->default['classinput'];
// unset replacement array
// set the correct caption class
if ($this->isSend && $this->fields[$i]['passed'] == false) {
// error
$tmp_replacements[] = '<span class="'.$this->fields[$i]['classerror'].'">'.$this->fields[$i]['caption'].'</span>';
} else {
// passed
$tmp_replacements[] = '<span class="'.$this->fields[$i]['classcaption'].'">'.$this->fields[$i]['caption'].'</span>';
// FormField instance
$field = new FormField;
// Get Code for one element
$tmp_replacements[] = $field->GenerateCode($this->fields[$i]);
// alternate between row background colors
if ($this->default['lightcolor'] != '' && $this->default['darkcolor'] != '') {
$tmp_replacements[] = (is_int($i/2)) ? $this->default['lightcolor'] : $this->default['darkcolor'];
} else {
$tmp_replacements[] = '';
// replace placeholders with replacements
$tmp_template['complete'] .= str_replace($tmp_needles, $tmp_replacements, $tmp_template['block']);
// end part
$tmp_template['complete'] .= $tmp_template['end'];
// output
echo $tmp_template['complete'];
// debug info
if ($this->debug) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} else {
// there are no errors
// and the form passed
// do nothing
} // end function
* GetFormValues()
* Extract the Form Data from the $_POST or $_GET
* global arrays
* @return void
function GetFormValues() {
if (strtolower($this->method) == 'post') {
// extract values from the $_POST global array
foreach ($this->fields as $id => $element) {
// check if value exists, extract it
if (isset($_POST[$element['name']])) {
$this->fields[$id]['value'] = $_POST[$element['name']];
$this->isSend = true;
} else {
$this->isSend = false;
} elseif (strtolower($this->method) == 'get') {
// extract values from the $_GET global array
foreach ($this->fields as $id => $element) {
// check if value exists, extract it
if (isset($_POST[$element['name']])) {
$this->fields[$id]['value'] = $_GET[$element['name']];
$this->isSend = true;
} else {
$this->isSend = false;
} // end function
* CheckFormValues()
* @return void
function CheckFormValues() {
$tmp_passed = true;
foreach ($this->fields as $id => $element) {
$check = new FormCheck;
switch (strtolower($element['checktype'])) {
case 'none':
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = true;
case 'simple':
if ('checkbox' == $element['type']) {
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = (isset($element['value'])) ? true : false;
} else {
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = ('select' == $element['type']) ? $check->isNotEmpty($element['value']) : $check->isNotNull($element['value']);
case 'numeric':
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']);
case 'alphabetic':
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = $check->isAlphabetic($element['value']);
case 'email':
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = $check->isEmail($element['value']);
case 'datefromto':
$tmp_check = array();
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['from']['d']);
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['from']['m']);
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['from']['y']);
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['to']['d']);
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['to']['m']);
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['to']['y']);
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = (in_array(false, $tmp_check)) ? false : true;
case 'fromto':
$tmp_check = array();
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['from']);
$tmp_check[] = $check->isNumeric($element['value']['to']);
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = (in_array(false, $tmp_check)) ? false : true;
if ('checkbox' == $element['type']) {
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = (isset($element['value'])) ? true : false;
} else {
$this->fields[$id]['passed'] = ('select' == $element['type']) ? $check->isNotEmpty($element['value']) : $check->isNotNull($element['value']);
} // end switch
if ($this->fields[$id]['passed'] == false) {
$tmp_passed = false;
} // end foreach
$this->passed = $tmp_passed;
} // end class
* Class Formfield
* Class for creating form elements
* @author Jan Lengowski <>
* @version 1.0
* @copyright four for business 2002
class FormField {
* Constructor Function
function FormField() {
// do nothing
} // end function
* Function GenerateCode()
* Created HTML Code depending on
* the type of form field selected.
* @argument $item array All necessary formfield data
function GenerateCode($item) {
if (!is_array($item)){
// no data
exit ('Argument is not an array!');
} else {
// switch form type
$tmp_ret_str = '';
switch (strtolower($item['type'])) {
case 'caption':
// Feld ist nur eine Beschriftung,
// HTML ist f<>r das Feld erlaubt.
$tmp_ret_str = '<span class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">'.$item['value'].'</span>';
case 'hidden':
// Feld ist versteckt und dient
// nur zum <20>bermitteln von Daten.
$tmp_ret_str = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="'.$item['value'].'">';
case 'text':
// Feld ist ein einzeiliges Text-
// Eingabefeld.
$tmp_ret_str = '<input type="'.$item['type'].'" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="'.$item['value'].'" class="'.$item['classinput'].'">';
case 'textarea':
// Feld ist ein mehrzeiliges Text-
// Eingabefeld.
$tmp_ret_str = '<textarea name="'.$item['name'].'" class="'.$item['classinput'].'">'.$item['value'].'</textarea>';
case 'select':
// Feld ist ein Auswahlfeld.
$tmp_ret_str = '<select name="'.$item['name'].'" class="'.$item['classinput'].'">';
if (!is_array($item['values'])) {
// no values
$tmp_ret_str .= '<option style="color:#FF0000">no values passed</option>';
} else {
// values array passed
foreach ($item['values'] as $key => $value) {
if ($item['value'] == $key) {
// selected
$tmp_ret_str .= '<option value="'.$key.'" selected="selected">'.$value.'</option>';
} else {
// unselected
$tmp_ret_str .= '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</option>';
} // end foreach
$tmp_ret_str .= '</select>';
case 'radiolist':
// Liste mit radio buttons.
if (!is_array($item['values'])) {
// no values
$tmp_ret_str .= '<span style="color:#FF0000">no values passed</span>';
} else {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">';
$first = true;
foreach ($item['values'] as $caption => $value) {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<tr>';
if ($item['value'] == $value) {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<td class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">'.$caption.'</td><td><input type="radio" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="'.$value.'" checked="checked"></td>';
} else {
if ($first) {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<td class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">'.$caption.'</td><td><input type="radio" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="'.$value.'" checked="checked"></td>';
} else {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<td class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">'.$caption.'</td><td><input type="radio" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="'.$value.'"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= '<tr>';
$first = false;
$tmp_ret_str .= '</table>';
case 'checkbox':
if (isset($item['value'])) {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="on" checked="checked">';
} else {
$tmp_ret_str .= '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$item['name'].'" value="on">';
case 'datefromto':
$tmp_ret_str .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <tr>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><span class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">'.$item['values'][0].'</span></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><input class="'.$item['classinput'].'" type="text" name="'.$item['name'].'[from][d]" value="'.$item['value']['from']['d'].'" size="2" maxlength="2"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><input class="'.$item['classinput'].'" type="text" name="'.$item['name'].'[from][m]" value="'.$item['value']['from']['m'].'" size="2" maxlength="2"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><input class="'.$item['classinput'].'" type="text" name="'.$item['name'].'[from][y]" value="'.$item['value']['from']['y'].'" size="4" maxlength="4"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <tr>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <tr>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><span class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">'.$item['values'][1].'</span></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><input class="'.$item['classinput'].'" type="text" name="'.$item['name'].'[to][d]" value="'.$item['value']['to']['d'].'" size="2" maxlength="2"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><input class="'.$item['classinput'].'" type="text" name="'.$item['name'].'[to][m]" value="'.$item['value']['to']['m'].'" size="2" maxlength="2"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <td><input class="'.$item['classinput'].'" type="text" name="'.$item['name'].'[to][y]" value="'.$item['value']['to']['y'].'" size="4" maxlength="4"></td>';
$tmp_ret_str .= ' <tr>';
$tmp_ret_str .= '</table>';
/* TimeJob hardcoded dummy */
case 'suche':
$tmp_ret_str .= '<input type="text" class="'.$item['classinput'].'" value="'.$item['value'].'">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="popUp(\''.$item['values'][0].'\')"><img src="images/button_suchen.gif" border="0"></a>';
$tmp_ret_str .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="popUp(\''.$item['values'][1].'\')"><img src="images/but_help.gif" border="0"></a>';
case 'fromto':
$tmp_ret_str .= '<input type="text" class="'.$item['classinput'].'" name="'.$item['name'].'[from]" value="'.$item['value']['from'].'">';
$tmp_ret_str .= '&nbsp;<span class="'.$item['classcaption'].'">bis</a>&nbsp;';
$tmp_ret_str .= '<input type="text" class="'.$item['classinput'].'" name="'.$item['name'].'[to]" value="'.$item['value']['to'].'">';
} // end switch
return $tmp_ret_str;
} // end function
} // end class
* class FormCheck
* Class for checking form values
* @author Jan Lengowski <>
* @version 1.0
* @copyright four for business 2002
class FormCheck {
* Constructor function
* @access private
function FormCheck () {
// empty
} // end function
* isNotEmpty()
* Checks if a value is NOT empty
* @param $value mixed Value to check
function isNotEmpty($value) {
return ('' == $value || 0 == $value) ? false : true;
} // end function
* isNotNull()
* Checks if a value is NOT null
* @param $value mixed Value to check
function isNotNull($value) {
return ($value) ? true : false;
} // end function
* isNumeric()
* Checks if a value is numeric
* @param $value mixed Value to check
function isNumeric($value) {
if ('' != $value) {
return (!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $value)) ? true : false;
} else {
return false;
} // end function
* isAlphabetic()
* Checks if a value is alphabetic
* @param $value mixed Value to check
function isAlphabetic($value) {
return (!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z]/', $value)) ? true : false;
} // end function
* isEmail()
* Checks if a string is a valid email adress
* @param $value string eMail string to check
function isEmail($value) {
return (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\.]+@[a-z0-9\.]+\.[a-z]+$/i', $value)) ? true : false;
} // end function
} // end class