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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Page widgets
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.24
* @author Bjoern Behrens
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* {@internal
* created 2007-01-30
* $Id: 338 2015-07-24 09:51:47Z oldperl $
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Regular page
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cPage extends cHTML {
* Storage of scripts to be used on the page
* @var array
* @access private
var $_scripts;
* Storage of the page's content
* @var string
* @access private
var $_content;
* Storage of the margin
* @var int
* @access private
var $_margin;
* Storage of the desired encoding
* @var string
* @access private
var $_encoding;
* Storage of the sub navigation
* @var string
* @access private
var $_subnav;
* Storage of the extra data (see template)
* @var string
* @access private
var $extra;
* Switch if HTML5
* @var boolean
protected $_isHtml5 = false;
* CSS files to add
* @var array
protected $_css;
* JS files to add
* @var array
protected $_js;
* Constructor
* @global obj $auth
* @global string $lang
* @param obj $object
public function __construct($object = false) {
global $auth, $lang;
$this->_margin = 10;
$this->_object = $object;
/* Check for global register parameters */
if (array_key_exists("u_register", $_GET)) {
$user = new cApiUser($auth->auth["uid"]);
if (is_array($_GET["u_register"])) {
foreach ($_GET["u_register"] as $type => $values) {
foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
$user->setProperty($type, $name, $value);
/* Try to extract the current conlite language */
$clang = new cApiLanguage($lang);
if (!$clang->virgin) {
* old constructor
* @deprecated since version 2.0.0
* @param obj $object
public function cPage($object = false) {
cDeprecated(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()");
* use HTML5 for page output
public function setHtml5() {
$this->_isHtml5 = true;
* set the margin width (pixels)
* @param $margin int Margin width
function setMargin($margin) {
$this->_margin = $margin;
* @param string $sFile path to file
public function addCssFile($sFile) {
if(!is_array($this->_css)) {
$this->_css = array();
$this->_css[] = $sFile;
public function addJsFile($sFile) {
if(!is_array($this->_css)) {
$this->_js = array();
$this->_js[] = $sFile;
* sets a specific JavaScript for the header
* Important: The passed script needs to define <script></script> tags.
* @param $name string Script identifier
* @param $script string Script code
public function addScript($name, $script) {
$this->_scripts[$name] = $script;
* sets the link to the subnavigation. Should be set on the first page only.
* @param $append URL to append
function setSubnav($append, $marea = false) {
if ($marea === false) {
global $area;
$marea = $area;
$this->_subnavArea = $marea;
$this->_subnav = $append;
* adds the default script to reload the left pane (frame 2)
* @param none
function setReload($location = false) {
if ($location != false) {
$this->_scripts["__reload"] = '<script type="text/javascript">' .
"if (parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].get_registered_parameters) {" .
"parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].location.href = '$location' + parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].get_registered_parameters();" .
"} else {" .
"parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].location.href = '$location';" .
. "</script>";
} else {
$this->_scripts["__reload"] = '<script type="text/javascript">' .
"if (parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].get_registered_parameters) {" .
"parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].location.href = parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].location.href + parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].get_registered_parameters();" .
"} else {" .
"parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].location.href = parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'].location.href;}" .
* Sets the content for the page
* @param $content mixed Object with a render method or a string containing the content
function setContent($content) {
/* Is it an array? */
if (is_array($content)) {
foreach ($content as $item) {
if (is_object($item)) {
if (method_exists($item, "render")) {
$this->_content .= $item->render();
} else {
$this->_content .= $item;
} else {
if (is_object($content)) {
if (method_exists($content, "render")) {
$this->_content = $content->render();
} else {
$this->_content = $content;
function setExtra($extra) {
$this->extra = $extra;
* adds the default script for a messagebox
* @param none
function setMessageBox() {
global $sess;
$this->_scripts["__msgbox"] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/messageBox.js.php?contenido=' . $sess->id . '"></script>' .
'<script type="text/javascript">
/* Session-ID */
var sid = "' . $sess->id . '";
/* Create messageBox
instance */
box = new messageBox("", "", "", 0, 0);
function setMarkScript($item) {
$this->_scripts["__markscript"] = markSubMenuItem($item, true);
function setEncoding($encoding) {
$this->_encoding = $encoding;
public function sendNoCacheHeaders() {
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); // HTTP 1.1.
header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0.
header("Expires: 0"); // Proxies.
* render the page
* @param none
function render($print = true) {
global $sess, $cfg;
$tpl = new Template();
$scripts = "";
if (is_array($this->_scripts)) {
foreach ($this->_scripts as $key => $value) {
$scripts .= $value;
if ($this->_object !== false && method_exists($this->_object, "render") && is_array($this->_requiredScripts)) {
foreach ($this->_requiredScripts as $key => $value) {
$scripts .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/' . $value . '"></script>'."\n";
if(is_array($this->_js) && count($this->_js) > 0) {
foreach($this->_js as $sFilename) {
$scripts .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sFilename . '"></script>'."\n";
if ($this->_subnav != "") {
$scripts .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$scripts .= 'parent.frames["right_top"].location.href = "' . $sess->url("main.php?area=" . $this->_subnavArea . "&frame=3&" . $this->_subnav) . '";';
$scripts .= '</script>';
$css = "";
if(is_array($this->_css)) {
foreach($this->_css as $sFilename) {
$css .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$sFilename.'" />'."\n";
$meta = '';
if ($this->_encoding != "" && !$this->_isHtml5) {
$meta .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=' . $this->_encoding . '">' . "\n";
if ($this->_object !== false && method_exists($this->_object, "render")) {
$this->_content = $this->_object->render();
if ($this->_isHtml5) {
$this->_content .= "\n" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery/jquery.js"></script>';
$this->_content .= "\n" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery/jquery-ui.js"></script>';
$tpl->set('s', 'META', $meta);
$tpl->set('s', 'SCRIPTS', $scripts);
$tpl->set('s', 'CSS', $css);
$tpl->set('s', 'CONTENT', $this->_content);
$tpl->set('s', 'MARGIN', $this->_margin);
$tpl->set('s', 'EXTRA', $this->extra);
$tpl->set('s', 'SESSION_ID', $sess->id);
if ($print == true) {
$tplRender = false;
} else {
$tplRender = true;
if ($this->_isHtml5) {
$rendered = $tpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . "html5/" . $cfg['templates']['generic_page'], $tplRender, false);
} else {
$rendered = $tpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['generic_page'], $tplRender, false);
if ($print == true) {
echo $rendered;
} else {
return $rendered;
* Predefined page for use in frame 1
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cPageLeftTop extends cPage {
* Constructor Function
* @param $showCloser boolean True if the closer should be shown (default)
function cPageLeftTop($showCloser = true) {
* set wether the closer should be shown.
* @param $show boolean True if the closer should be shown (default)
function showCloser($show) {
$this->_showCloser = $show;
function render($print = true) {
global $cfg;
$tpl = new Template;
$tpl->set('s', 'CONTENT', $content);
$this->setContent($tpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['widgets']['left_top'], true));
* Predefined page for use in frame 1 with a multipane
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
class cPageLeftTopMultiPane extends cPageLeftTop {
* Storage of the items
* @var array
* @access private
var $_items;
* Constructor Function
* The passed array needs to be a multi-array in the following format:
* $items = array(
* array( "image", "description", "link"),
* array( "image", "description", "link")
* );
* Each sub-array needs to define an image, a description and a link.
* Note that the images are relative to the current directory, so you
* should include $cfg["path"]["images"] to retrieve the correct path.
* @param $items array All items passed as multi array (see constructor description)
function cPageLeftTopMultiPane($items) {
$this->_items = $items;
* set wether the closer should be shown.
* @param $show boolean True if the closer should be shown (default)
function showCloser($show) {
$this->_showCloser = $show;
* render
function render($print = true) {
global $cfg;
$infodiv = new cHTMLDiv;
if (count($this->_items) > 0) {
foreach ($this->_items as $item) {
if (count($item) != 3) {
echo "Error: the passed multi-array for cPageLeftTopMultiPane should contain 3 entries for each sub-item (see documentation for cPageLeftTopMultiPane)";
} else {
$button = new cWidgetMultiToggleButton($item[0], $item[1], $item[2]);
$button->setHint($infodiv->getID(), $item[1]);
$linkedids[] = $button->_img->getID();
$buttons[] = $button;
foreach ($buttons as $button) {
foreach ($linkedids as $value) {
$button->setStyle("margin-right: 2px;");
$content .= $button->render();
$content .= $infodiv->render();
$wrapdiv = new cHTMLDiv;
$wrapdiv->setStyle("padding: 10px;");
$content = $this->_content;
$tpl = new Template;
$tpl->set('s', 'CONTENT', $content);
$this->setContent($tpl->generate($cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['widgets']['left_top'], true));
class cNewPageLeftTopMultiPane extends cPageLeftTopMultiPane {
function cNewPageLeftTopMultiPane($items) {
function render($print = true) {
global $cfg;
$infodiv = new cHTMLDiv;
if (count($this->_items) > 0) {
foreach ($this->_items as $item) {
if (count($item) != 3) {
echo "Error: the passed multi-array for cPageLeftTopMultiPane should contain 3 entries for each sub-item (see documentation for cPageLeftTopMultiPane)";
} else {
$button = new cWidgetMultiToggleButton($item[0], $item[1], $item[2]);
$button->setHint($infodiv->getID(), $item[1]);
$linkedids[] = $button->_img->getID();
$buttons[] = $button;
foreach ($buttons as $button) {
foreach ($linkedids as $value) {
$button->setStyle("margin-right: 2px;");
$content .= $button->render();
$content .= $infodiv->render();
$wrapdiv = new cHTMLDiv;
$wrapdiv->setStyle("padding: 10px;");
return $content;