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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Contenido Article Object and Collection
* @package Contenido_API
* @version $Id: class.article.php 306 2014-03-13 23:03:26Z oldperl $:
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @author Jan Lengowski
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Contenido API - Article Object
* This object represents a Contenido article
* Create object with
* $obj = new Article(idart, client, lang [, idartlang]);
* You can now read the article properties with
* $obj->getField(property);
* List of article properties:
* idartlang - Language dependant article id
* idart - Language indepenant article id
* idclient - Id of the client
* idtplcfg - Template configuration id
* title - Internal Title
* pagetitle - HTML Title
* summary - Article summary
* created - Date created
* lastmodified - Date lastmodiefied
* author - Article author (username)
* online - On-/offline
* redirect - Redirect
* redirect_url - Redirect URL
* artsort - Article sort key
* timemgmt - Time management
* datestart - Time management start date
* dateend - Time management end date
* status - Article status
* free_use_01 - Free to use
* free_use_02 - Free to use
* free_use_03 - Free to use
* time_move_cat - Move category after time management
* time_target_cat - Move category to this cat after time management
* time_online_move - Set article online after move
* external_redirect - Open article in new window
* locked - Article is locked for editing
* You can extract article content with the
* $obj->getContent(contype [, number]) method.
* To extract the first headline you can use:
* $headline = $obj->getContent("htmlhead", 1);
* If the second parameter is ommitted the method
* returns an array with all available content of
* this type. The array has the following schema:
* array( number => content );
* $headlines = $obj->getContent("htmlhead");
* $headlines[1] First headline
* $headlines[2] Second headline
* $headlines[6] Sixth headline
* Legal content type string are defined in the Contenido
* system table 'con_type'. Default content types are:
* NOTE: This parameter is case insesitive, you can use
* html or cms_HTML or CmS_HtMl. Your don't need start with
* cms, but it won't crash if you do so.
* htmlhead - HTML Headline
* html - HTML Text
* headline - Headline (no HTML)
* text - Text (no HTML)
* img - Upload id of the element
* imgdescr - Image description
* link - Link (URL)
* linktarget - Linktarget (_self, _blank, _top ...)
* linkdescr - Linkdescription
* swf - Upload id of the element
class Article extends Item
* Config array
* @var array
public $tab;
* Article content
* @var array
public $content;
* holds idartlang of article
* @var int
protected $_iIdArtLang;
* Constructor
* @param int $idart Article Id
* @param int $lang Language Id
* @return void
public function __construct($idart, $client, $lang, $idartlang = 0) {
global $cfg;
$this->tab = $cfg['tab'];
parent::__construct($this->tab['art_lang'], 'idartlang');
$idartlang = Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang);
$this->_iIdArtLang = ($idartlang == 0) ? $this->_getIdArtLang($idart, $lang) : $idartlang;
/** @deprecated [2011-03-15] Old constructor function for downwards compatibility */
function Article($idart, $client, $lang, $idartlang = 0) {
cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()");
$this->__construct($idart, $client, $lang, $idartlang);
* Getter for idartlang of article object
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @since ConLite 0.1.0
* @return int idartlang
public function getIdArtLang() {
if(!empty($this->_iIdArtLang) && is_integer($this->_iIdArtLang)) {
return $this->_iIdArtLang;
} else {
return false;
* Extract 'idartlang' for a specified 'idart' and 'lang'
* @param int Article id
* @param int Language id
* @access private
* @return int Language dependant article id
protected function _getIdArtLang($idart, $lang)
$idart = Contenido_Security::toInteger($idart);
$lang = Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang);
$sql = 'SELECT idartlang FROM '.$this->tab['art_lang'].' WHERE idart="'.$idart.'" AND idlang="'.$lang.'"';
return $this->db->f('idartlang');
* Load the articles content and stores it in the 'content' property of the
* article object
* $article->content[type][number] = value;
* @param none
* @return void
protected function _getArticleContent()
$sql = 'SELECT
b.type, a.typeid, a.value
'.$this->tab['content'].' AS a,
'.$this->tab['type'].' AS b
a.idartlang = "'.$this->get('idartlang').'" AND
b.idtype = a.idtype
a.idtype, a.typeid';
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
$this->content[strtolower($this->db->f('type'))][$this->db->f('typeid')] = urldecode($this->db->f('value'));
* Get the value of an article property
* List of article properties:
* idartlang - Language dependant article id
* idart - Language indepenant article id
* idclient - Id of the client
* idtplcfg - Template configuration id
* title - Internal Title
* pagetitle - HTML Title
* summary - Article summary
* created - Date created
* lastmodified - Date lastmodiefied
* author - Article author (username)
* online - On-/offline
* redirect - Redirect
* redirect_url - Redirect URL
* artsort - Article sort key
* timemgmt - Time management
* datestart - Time management start date
* dateend - Time management end date
* status - Article status
* free_use_01 - Free to use
* free_use_02 - Free to use
* free_use_03 - Free to use
* time_move_cat - Move category after time management
* time_target_cat - Move category to this cat after time management
* time_online_move - Set article online after move
* external_redirect - Open article in new window
* locked - Article is locked for editing
* @param string Property name
* @return mixed Property value
public function getField($name)
return urldecode($this->values[$name]);
* Get content(s) from an article
* Returns the specified content element or an array("id"=>"value")
* if the second parameter is omitted.
* Legal content type string are defined in the Contenido
* system table 'con_type'. Default content types are:
* NOTE: Parameter is case insesitive, you can use
* html or cms_HTML or CmS_HtMl. Your don't need start with
* cms, but it won't crash if you do so.
* htmlhead - HTML Headline
* html - HTML Text
* headline - Headline (no HTML)
* text - Text (no HTML)
* img - Upload id of the element
* imgdescr - Image description
* link - Link (URL)
* linktarget - Linktarget (_self, _blank, _top ...)
* linkdescr - Linkdescription
* swf - Upload id of the element
* @param string CMS_TYPE - Legal cms type string
* @param int Id of the content
* @return mixed String/Array Content Data
public function getContent($type, $id = NULL)
if ($type == '') {
return 'Class ' . get_class($this) . ': content-type must be specified!';
$type = strtolower($type);
if (!strstr($type, 'cms_')) {
$type = 'cms_' . $type;
if (is_null($id)) {
// return Array
return $this->content[$type];
// return String
return $this->content[$type][$id];
* Store -DISABLED-
* This Article Object is READ ONLY
* @param none
* @access private
* @return none
public function store()
return false;
* Contenido API - Article Object Collection
* This class is used to manage multiple Contenido
* article objects in a collection.
* The constructor awaits an associative array
* as parameter with the following schema:
* array( string paramname => mixed value );
* The parameter idcat is required: array('idcat'=>n)
* Legal parameter names are:
* idcat - Contenido Category Id
* lang - Language Id, active language if ommited
* client - Client Id, active client if ommited
* start - include start article in the collection, defaults to false
* artspecs - Array of article specifications, which should be considered
* order - articles will be orderered by this article property, defaults to 'created'
* direction - Order direcion, 'asc' or 'desc' for ascending/descending, defaults to 'asc'
* limit - Limit numbers of articles in collection
* You can easy create article lists/teasers with this class.
* To create an article list of category 4 (maybe a news category) use:
* $myList = new ArticleCollection(array("idcat"=>4);
* while ($article = $myList->nextArticle())
* {
* // Fetch the first headline
* $headline = $article->getContent('htmlhead', 1);
* $idart = $article->getField('idart');
* // Create a link
* echo '<a href="front_content.php?idcat='.$myList->idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'">'.$headline.'</a><br/>';
* }
* @package Contenido API
* @version 1.0
* @author Jan Lengowski <>
* @copyright four for business AG <>
class ArticleCollection
* Database Object
* @var object
public $db;
* Result Counter
* @var int
public $cnt = 0;
* Language id
* @var int
public $lang;
* Client ID
* @var int
public $client;
* Config array
* @var array
public $tab;
* Articles
* @var array
public $articles;
* Article Specifications
* @var array
public $artspecs;
* Include the Start-Article
* @var int
public $start;
* Id of the start article
* @var int
public $startId;
* Sort order
* @var string
public $order;
* Sort direction
* @var string
public $direction;
* Limit of numbers of articles in collection
* @var int
public $limit;
* Articles in collection
* @var int
public $count;
* Pages in Article Collection
* @var int
public $iCountPages;
* Results per page
* @var int
public $iResultPerPage;
* List of articles, splitted into pages
* @var array
public $aPages;
* Article Collection Constructor
* @param array Options array with schema array("option"=>"value");
* idcat (required) - Contenido Category Id
* lang - Language Id, active language if ommited
* client - Client Id, active client if ommited
* artspecs - Array of article specifications, which should be considered
* start - include start article in the collection, defaults to false
* order - articles will be orderered by this property, defaults to 'created'
* direction - Order direcion, 'asc' or 'desc' for ascending/descending
* limit - Limit numbers of articles in collection
* @return void
public function __construct($options)
global $cfg;
$this->tab = $cfg['tab'];
$this->db = new DB_ConLite();
if (!is_numeric($options["idcat"])) {
return 'idcat has to be defined';
/** @deprecated [2011-03-15] Old constructor function for downwards compatibility */
function ArticleCollection($options)
cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()");
* Set the Object properties
* @param array Options array with schema array("option"=>"value");
* idcat (required) - Contenido Category Id
* lang - Language Id, active language if ommited
* client - Client Id, active client if ommited
* artspecs - Array of article specifications, which should be considered
* start - include start article in the collection, defaults to false
* order - articles will be ordered by this property, defaults to 'created'
* direction - Order direcion, 'ASC' or 'DESC' for ascending/descending
* limit - Limit numbers of articles in collection
* @access private
* @return void
private function _setObjectProperties($options)
global $client, $lang;
$lang = Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang);
$client = Contenido_Security::toInteger($client);
$this->idcat = $options['idcat'];
$this->lang = (array_key_exists('lang', $options)) ? $options['lang'] : $lang;
$this->client = (array_key_exists('client', $options)) ? $options['client'] : $client;
$this->start = (array_key_exists('start', $options)) ? $options['start'] : false;
$this->offline = (array_key_exists('offline',$options)) ? $options['offline'] : false;
$this->order = (array_key_exists('order', $options)) ? $options['order'] : 'created';
$this->artspecs = (array_key_exists('artspecs', $options) AND is_array($options['artspecs'])) ? $options['artspecs'] : array();
$this->direction = (array_key_exists('direction', $options)) ? $options['direction'] : 'DESC';
$this->limit = (array_key_exists('limit', $options) AND is_numeric($options['limit'])) ? $options['limit'] : 0;
* Extracts all articles from a specified category id and stores them in the
* internal article array
* @param int Category Id
* @access private
* @return void
private function _getArticlesByCatId($idcat)
global $cfg;
$idcat = Contenido_Security::toInteger($idcat);
$sArtSpecs = (count($this->artspecs) > 0) ? " a.artspec IN ('".implode("','", $this->artspecs)."') AND " : '';
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true) {
$sql = 'SELECT
'.$this->tab['art_lang'].' AS a,
'.$this->tab['art'].' AS b,
'.$this->tab['cat_art'].' AS c
c.idcat = '.$idcat.' AND
b.idclient = '.$this->client.' AND
b.idart = c.idart AND
a.idart = b.idart AND
a.idlang = '.$this->lang.'';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT
'.$this->tab['art_lang'].' AS a,
'.$this->tab['art'].' AS b,
'.$this->tab['cat_art'].' AS c
c.idcat = '.$idcat.' AND
b.idclient = '.$this->client.' AND
b.idart = c.idart AND
a.idart = b.idart AND
a.idlang = '.$this->lang.'';
if (!$this->offline) {
$sql .= ' AND = 1 ';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY a.'.$this->order.' '.$this->direction.'';
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == false) {
$db2 = new DB_ConLite();
$sql = "SELECT startidartlang FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"]." WHERE idcat='".$idcat."' AND idlang='".$this->lang."'";
$startidartlang = $db2->f("startidartlang");
if ($startidartlang != 0) {
$sql = "SELECT idart FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["art_lang"]." WHERE idartlang='".$startidartlang."'";
$this->startId = $db2->f("idart");
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true) {
if ($this->db->f('is_start') == 1) {
$this->startId = $this->db->f('idart');
if ($this->start) {
$this->articles[] = $this->db->f('idart');
} else {
$this->articles[] = $this->db->f('idart');
} else {
if ($this->db->f("idart") == $this->startId) {
if ($this->start) {
$this->articles[] = $this->db->f('idart');
} else {
$this->articles[] = $this->db->f('idart');
$this->count = count($this->articles);
* Iterate to the next article, return object of type Contenido Article Object
* if an article is found. False otherwise.
* @param none
* @return object Contenido Article Object
public function nextArticle()
$limit = true;
if ($this->limit > 0) {
if ($this->cnt >= $this->limit)
$limit = false;
if ($this->cnt < count($this->articles) AND $limit) {
$idart = $this->articles[$this->cnt];
if (is_numeric($idart)) {
$this->cnt ++;
return new Article($idart, $this->client, $this->lang);
return false;
* Return ONLY the Start-Article
* @param none
* @return object Contenido Article Object
* @access public
public function startArticle()
return new Article($this->startId, $this->client, $this->lang);
* Split the article results into pages of a given size.
* Example:
* Article Collection with 5 articles
* [0] => 250
* [1] => 251
* [2] => 253
* [3] => 254
* [4] => 255
* $collection->setResultPerPage(2)
* Would split the results into 3 pages
* [0] => [0] => 250
* [1] => 251
* [1] => [0] => 253
* [1] => 254
* [2] => [0] => 255
* A page can be selected with
* $collection->setPage(int page)
* @param int $resPerPage
* @return void
* @access public
public function setResultPerPage($resPerPage)
$this->iResultPerPage = $resPerPage;
if ($this->iResultPerPage > 0) {
if (is_array($this->articles)) {
$this->aPages = array_chunk($this->articles, $this->iResultPerPage);
$this->iCountPages = count($this->aPages);
} else {
$this->aPages = array();
$this->iCountPages = 0;
* Select a page if the results was divided before.
* $collection->setResultsPerPage(2);
* $collection->setPage(1);
* // Iterate through all articles of page two
* while ($art = $collection->nextArticle())
* { ... }
* @param int $iPage The page of the article collection
* @return void
* @access public
public function setPage($iPage)
if (is_array($this->aPages[$iPage])) {
$this->articles = $this->aPages[$iPage];