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* This file contains the the static file handler class.
* @package Core
* @subpackage cClasses
* @version $Rev: 372 $
* @author Mischa Holz
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
* Class for file handling.
* Provides functions for dealing with files.
* @package Core
* @subpackage Util
class cFileHandler {
* Creates a new file
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the new file
* @param string $content [optional]
* content of the new file
* @return bool
* true on success. Otherwise false.
public static function create($filename, $content = '') {
$success = file_put_contents($filename, $content) === strlen($content);
if ($success) {
return $success;
* Reads bytes from a file
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @param int $length [optional]
* the number of bytes to read.
* @param int $offset [optional]
* this will be the first byte which is read.
* @param bool $reverse [optional]
* if true, the function will start from the back of the file.
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return string|bool
* On success it returns the bytes which have been read.
* Otherwise false.
public static function read($filename, $length = 0, $offset = 0, $reverse = false) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
if ($reverse) {
return file_get_contents($filename, false, NULL, filesize($filename) - $length - $offset, $length);
} else if ($length > 0 && $offset == 0) {
return file_get_contents($filename, false, NULL, 0, $length);
} else if ($offset > 0 && $length == 0) {
return file_get_contents($filename, false, NULL, $offset);
} else if ($offset > 0 && $length > 0) {
return file_get_contents($filename, false, NULL, $offset, $length);
} else {
return file_get_contents($filename);
* Reads a file line by line
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @param int $lines [optional]
* the number of lines to be read.
* @param int $lineoffset [optional]
* this will be the first line which is read.
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return string|array|bool
* If one line was read the function will return it.
* If more than one line was read the function will return an array
* containing the lines. Otherwise false is returned
public static function readLine($filename, $lines = 0, $lineoffset = 0) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
$f = fopen($filename, 'r');
if ($f === false) {
return false;
if ($lines == 0) {
$lines = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $lineoffset; $i++) {
$waste = fgets($f);
$ret = NULL;
if ($lines > 1) {
$ret = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
$temp = fgets($f);
if ($temp === false) {
return false;
$ret[] = substr($temp, 0, strlen($temp) - 1);
} else {
$ret = fgets($f);
$ret = substr($ret, 0, strlen($ret) - 1);
return $ret;
* Writes data to a file
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @param string $content
* the data which should be written
* @param bool $append [optional]
* if true the data will be appended to the file.
* @return bool
* true on success, false otherwise
public static function write($filename, $content, $append = false) {
$flag = 0;
if ($append && self::exists($filename)) {
$flag = FILE_APPEND;
$success = file_put_contents($filename, $content, $flag);
if ((int) $success != 0) {
return !($success === false);
* Writes a line to a file (this is similar to
* cFileHandler::write($filename, $data."\n", $apppend)
* @see cFileHandler::write($filename, $content, $append)
* @param string $filename
* the name and path to the file
* @param string $content
* the data of the line
* @param bool $append [optional]
* if true the data will be appended to file.
* @return bool
* true on success, false otherwise
public static function writeLine($filename, $content, $append = false) {
return self::write($filename, $content . "\n", $append);
* Checks if a file exists
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @return bool
* true if the file exists
public static function exists($filename) {
return file_exists($filename);
* Checks if the file is writable for the PHP user
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @return bool
* true if the file can be written
public static function writeable($filename) {
return is_writable($filename);
* Checks if a file is readable for the PHP user
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true if the file is readable
public static function readable($filename) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
return is_readable($filename);
* Removes a file from the filesystem
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true on success
public static function remove($filename) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
return unlink($filename);
* Truncates a file so that it is empty
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true on success
public static function truncate($filename) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
$success = file_put_contents($filename, '') === 0;
if ($success) {
return $success;
* Moves a file
* @param string $filename
* the name of the source file
* @param string $destination
* the destination. Note that the file can also be renamed in the
* process of moving it
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true on success
public static function move($filename, $destination) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
$success = rename($filename, $destination);
if ($success) {
return $success;
* Renames a file
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @param string $new_filename
* the new name of the file
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true on success
public static function rename($filename, $new_filename) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
$success = rename($filename, dirname($filename) . '/' . $new_filename);
if ($success) {
self::setDefaultFilePerms(dirname($filename) . '/' . $new_filename);
return $success;
* Copies a file
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @param string $destination
* the destination. Note that existing files get overwritten
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true on success
public static function copy($filename, $destination) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
$success = copy($filename, $destination);
if ($success) {
return $success;
* Changes the file permissions
* @param string $filename
* the name and path of the file
* @param int $mode
* the new access mode : php chmod needs octal value
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return bool
* true on success
public static function chmod($filename, $mode) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
// chmod needs octal value for correct execution.
$mode = intval($mode, 8);
return chmod($filename, $mode);
* Returns an array containing information about the file.
* Currently
* following elements are in it: 'size' - the file size (in byte) 'atime' -
* the time the file was last accessed (unix timestamp) 'ctime' - time the
* file was created (unix timestamp) 'mtime' - time the file was last
* modified (unix timestamp) 'perms' - permissions of the file represented
* in 4 octal digits 'extension' - the file extension or '' if there's no
* extension 'mime' - the mime type of the file
* @param string $filename
* the name and path to the file
* @throws cInvalidArgumentException
* if the file with the given filename does not exist
* @return array
* Returns an array containing information about the file
public static function info($filename) {
if (!cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
throw new cInvalidArgumentException('The file ' . $filename . ' could not be accessed because it does not exist.');
$ret = array();
$ret['size'] = @filesize($filename);
$ret['atime'] = @fileatime($filename);
$ret['ctime'] = @filectime($filename);
$ret['mtime'] = @filemtime($filename);
$temp = @decoct(fileperms($filename));
$ret['perms'] = substr($temp, strlen($temp) - 4);
$ret['extension'] = substr(basename($filename), (int) strrpos(basename($filename), '.') + 1);
if ($ret['extension'] == basename($filename)) {
$ret['extension'] = '';
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<') && function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
// function is deprecated in PHP 5.3
$ret['mime'] = @mime_content_type($filename);
} else if (function_exists('finfo_open')) {
// extension has to be installed seperately in versions prior to 5.3
$finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$ret['mime'] = @finfo_file($finfo, $filename);
} else {
$ret['mime'] = '';
return $ret;
* Returns the extension of passed filename
* @param string $basename
* @return string
public static function getExtension($basename) {
return pathinfo($basename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
* Sets the default file permissions on the given file.
* @param string $filename
* the name of the file
* @return bool
* true on success or false on failure
public static function setDefaultFilePerms($filename) {
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
if (isset($cfg['default_perms']['file']) === false) {
return false;
$filePerms = $cfg['default_perms']['file'];
return cFileHandler::chmod($filename, $filePerms);
* Validates the given filename.
* @param string $filename
* the filename to validate
* @param bool $notifyAndExitOnFailure [optional]
* if set, function will show a notification and will exit the script
* @return bool
* true if the given filename is valid, false otherwise
public static function validateFilename($filename, $notifyAndExitOnFailure = true) {
// check if filename only contains valid characters
if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9._-]/i', $filename)) {
// validation failure...
if ($notifyAndExitOnFailure) {
// display notification and exit
cRegistry::addErrorMessage(i18n('Wrong file name.'));
$page = new cGuiPage('generic_page');
return false;
// check if filename is empty
if (strlen(trim($filename)) == 0) {
// validation failure...
if ($notifyAndExitOnFailure) {
// display notification and exit
$notification = new cGuiNotification();
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Please insert file name."));
return false;
return true;
* Check if given filename is either '.' or '..'.
* @param string $fileName
* @return bool
public static function fileNameIsDot($fileName) {
// bugfix: function must work with full paths of files
$name = end(explode('/', $fileName));
if ($name != '.' && $name != '..') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Check if file name begins with a period.
* @param string $fileName
* @return bool
public static function fileNameBeginsWithDot($fileName) {
return strpos(end(explode('/', $fileName)), ".") === 0;