* @copyright (c) 2015, conlite.org * @license http://www.gnu.de/documents/gpl.en.html GPL v3 (english version) * @license http://www.gnu.de/documents/gpl.de.html GPL v3 (deutsche Version) * @link http://www.conlite.org ConLite.org * * $Id: class.layout.php 352 2015-09-24 12:12:51Z oldperl $ */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } cInclude('includes', 'functions.upl.php'); class cApiLayoutCollection extends ItemCollection { public function __construct() { global $cfg; parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["lay"], "idlay"); $this->_setItemClass("cApiLayout"); } /** @deprecated [2011-03-15] Old constructor function for downwards compatibility */ public function cApiLayoutCollection() { cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()"); $this->__construct(); } public function create($title) { global $client; $item = parent::create(); $item->set("name", $title); $item->set("idclient", $client); $item->store(); return ($item); } } class cApiLayout extends Item { protected $_sLayPath; protected $_bFromFile = FALSE; /** * Configuration Array of LayFileEdit * array is set with entries in local config file * * @var array */ private $_aLayFileEditConf = array( 'use'=>false, 'layFolderName'=>'data/layouts' ); private $_sLayoutAlias; /** * Constructor Function * @param mixed $mId Specifies the ID of item to load */ public function __construct($mId = false) { global $cfg; parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["lay"], "idlay"); $this->setFilters(array(), array()); if(isset($cfg['dceLayEdit']) && is_array($cfg['dceLayEdit'])) { $this->_aLayFileEditConf = array_merge($this->_aLayFileEditConf, $cfg['dceLayEdit']); $this->_setLayPath(); } $oClient = new cApiClient($client); $aClientProp = $oClient->getPropertiesByType('layfileedit'); if(count($aClientProp) > 0) { $this->_aLayFileEditConf = array_merge($this->_aLayFileEditConf, $aClientProp); } //print_r($this->_aLayFileEditConf); if ($mId !== false) { $this->loadByPrimaryKey($mId); } } public function getLayout() { if($this->_aLayFileEditConf['use'] === TRUE) { $sLayFile = $this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath'] .$this->_sLayoutAlias."/".$this->_sLayoutAlias."html"; $this->_setCodeFromFile($sLayFile); } return $this->get("code"); } protected function _getLayPath() { return $this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath']; } protected function _setLayPath() { global $cfgClient, $client; if(!isset($this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath']) || empty($this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath'])) { $this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath'] = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] .$this->_aLayFileEditConf['layFolderName']."/"; } } protected function _getLayoutAlias() { if(empty($this->_sLayoutAlias)) { if($this->virgin) { return false; } else { $this->_setLayoutAlias(); } } return $this->_sLayoutAlias; } protected function _setLayoutAlias() { $this->_sLayoutAlias = strtolower(uplCreateFriendlyName($this->get('name'))); } protected function _onLoad() { if($this->virgin !== TRUE) { $this->_setLayoutAlias(); $this->_setLayPath(); } } /** * read file and set an object field * * @param string $sFile * @param string $sField * @return boolean */ private function _setCodeFromFile($sFile) { if(FALSE === strstr($sFile, $this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath'])) { $sFile = $this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath'].$sFile; } $sLayDirPath = $this->_aLayFileEditConf['layPath'].$this->_sLayoutAlias."/"; if(is_dir($sLayDirPath) && is_writable($sLayDirPath) && file_exists($sLayDirPath.$this->_sLayoutAlias.".html")) { $sFile = $sLayDirPath.$this->_sLayoutAlias.".html"; } if(is_file($sFile) && is_readable($sFile)) { $iFileSize = (int) filesize($sFile); if($iFileSize > 0 && $fh = fopen($sFile, 'r')) { $this->set("code", fread($fh, $iFileSize), false); fclose($fh); $this->_bFromFile = TRUE; $this->_displayNoteFromFile(); return true; } } return false; } private function _displayNoteFromFile($bIsOldPath = FALSE) { global $frame, $area; if($frame == 4 && $area == 'lay_edit') { $sAddMess = ''; $oNote = new Contenido_Notification(); $oNote->displayNotification('warning', i18n("Layout uses LayFromFile. Editing and Saving may not be possible in backend.")); } } } ?>