* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created unknown * modified 2008-06-30, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix * modified 2011-03-14, Murat Purc, adapted to new GenericDB partly ported to PHP 5, formatting * * $Id: class.note.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } class NoteCollection extends CommunicationCollection { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_setItemClass("NoteItem"); } /** @deprecated [2011-03-15] Old constructor function for downwards compatibility */ function NoteCollection() { cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()"); $this->__construct(); } /** * select: Selects one or more items from the database * * This function only extends the where statement. See the * original function for the parameters. * * @access public * @see ItemCollection */ public function select($where = "", $group_by = "", $order_by = "", $limit = "") { if ($where == "") { $where = "comtype='note'"; } else { $where .= " AND comtype='note'"; } return parent::select($where, $group_by, $order_by, $limit); } /** * create: Creates a new note item. * * @param $itemtype string Item type (usually the class name) * @param $itemid mixed Item ID (usually the primary key) * @param $idlang int Language-ID * @param $message string Message to store * * @return object The new item * @access public */ public function create($itemtype, $itemid, $idlang, $message, $category = "") { $item = parent::create(); $item->set("subject", "Note Item"); $item->set("message", $message); $item->set("comtype", "note"); $item->store(); $item->setProperty("note", "itemtype", $itemtype); $item->setProperty("note", "itemid", $itemid); $item->setProperty("note", "idlang", $idlang); if ($category != "") { $item->setProperty("note", "category", $category); } return $item; } } class NoteItem extends CommunicationItem { } class NoteView extends cHTMLIFrame { public function NoteView($sItemType, $sItemId) { global $sess, $cfg; cHTMLIFrame::cHTMLIFrame(); $this->setSrc($sess->url("main.php?itemtype=$sItemType&itemid=$sItemId&area=note&frame=2")); $this->setBorder(0); $this->setStyleDefinition("border", "1px solid ".$cfg['color']['table_border']); } } class NoteList extends cHTMLDiv { public function NoteList($sItemType, $sItemId) { cHTMLDiv::cHTMLDiv(); $this->_sItemType = $sItemType; $this->_sItemId = $sItemId; $this->setStyleDefinition("width", "100%"); } public function setDeleteable($bDeleteable) { $this->_bDeleteable = $bDeleteable; } public function toHTML() { global $cfg, $lang; $sItemType = $this->_sItemType; $sItemId = $this->_sItemId; $this->setStyleDefinition("background", $cfg['color']['table_light']); $oPropertyCollection = new PropertyCollection; $oPropertyCollection->select("itemtype = 'idcommunication' AND type = 'note' AND name = 'idlang' AND value = '$lang'"); $items = array(); while ($oProperty = $oPropertyCollection->next()) { $items[] = $oProperty->get("itemid"); } $oNoteItems = new NoteCollection; if (count($items) == 0) { $items[] = 0; } $oNoteItems->select("idcommunication IN (".implode(", ", $items).')',"", "created DESC"); $i = array(); $dark = false; while ($oNoteItem = $oNoteItems->next()) { if ($oNoteItem->getProperty("note", "itemtype") == $sItemType && $oNoteItem->getProperty("note", "itemid") == $sItemId) { $j = new NoteListItem($sItemType, $sItemId, $oNoteItem->get("idcommunication")); $j->setAuthor($oNoteItem->get("author")); $j->setDate($oNoteItem->get("created")); $j->setMessage($oNoteItem->get("message")); $j->setBackground($dark); $j->setDeleteable($this->_bDeleteable); $dark = !$dark; $i[] = $j; } } $this->setContent($i); $result = parent::toHTML(); return ('
'); } } class NoteListItem extends cHTMLDiv { public function NoteListItem($sItemType, $sItemId, $iDeleteItem) { cHTMLDiv::cHTMLDiv(); $this->setStyleDefinition("padding", "2px"); $this->setBackground(); $this->setDeleteable(true); $this->_iDeleteItem = $iDeleteItem; $this->_sItemType = $sItemType; $this->_sItemId = $sItemId; } public function setDeleteable($bDeleteable) { $this->_bDeleteable = $bDeleteable; } public function setBackground($dark = false) { global $cfg; if ($dark) { $this->setStyleDefinition("background", $cfg['color']['table_dark']); } else { $this->setStyleDefinition("background", $cfg['color']['table_light']); } } public function setAuthor($sAuthor) { if (strlen($sAuthor) == 32) { $result = getGroupOrUserName($sAuthor); if ($result !== false) { $sAuthor = $result; } } $this->_sAuthor = $sAuthor; } public function setDate($iDate) { $dateformat = getEffectiveSetting("backend", "timeformat", "Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (is_string($iDate)) { $iDate = strtotime($iDate); } $this->_sDate = date($dateformat, $iDate); } public function setMessage($sMessage) { $this->_sMessage = $sMessage; } public function render() { global $cfg, $sess; $itemtype = $this->_sItemType; $itemid = $this->_sItemId; $deleteitem = $this->_iDeleteItem; $table = '
'; $table .= $this->_sAuthor; $table .= ''; $table .= $this->_sDate; if ($this->_bDeleteable == true) { $oDeleteable = new cHTMLLink(); $oDeletePic = new cHTMLImage($cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"]."/images/delete.gif"); $oDeleteable->setContent($oDeletePic); $oDeleteable->setLink($sess->url("main.php?frame=2&area=note&itemtype=$itemtype&itemid=$itemid&action=note_delete&deleteitem=$deleteitem")); $table .= ''.$oDeleteable->render(); } $table .= '
'; $oMessage = new cHTMLDiv; $oMessage->setContent($this->_sMessage); $oMessage->setStyle("padding-bottom: 8px;"); $this->setContent(array($table, '
',$oMessage)); return parent::render(); } } class NoteLink extends cHTMLLink { /** * @var string Object type * @access private */ private $_sItemType; /** * @var string Object ID * @access private */ private $_sItemID; /** * @var boolean If true, shows the note history * @access private */ private $_bShowHistory; /** * @var boolean If true, history items can be deleted * @access private */ private $_bDeleteHistoryItems; /** * NoteLink: Creates a new note link item. * * This link is used to show the popup from any position within the system. * The link contains the note image. * * @param $sItemType string Item type (usually the class name) * @param $sItemId mixed Item ID (usually the primary key) * * @return none * @access public */ public function NoteLink($sItemType, $sItemID) { parent::cHTMLLink(); $img = new cHTMLImage("images/note.gif"); $img->setStyle("padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px;"); $img->setAlt(i18n("View notes / add note")); $this->setLink("#"); $this->setContent($img->render()); $this->setAlt(i18n("View notes / add note")); $this->_sItemType = $sItemType; $this->_sItemID = $sItemID; $this->_bShowHistory = false; $this->_bDeleteHistoryItems = false; } /** * enableHistory: Enables the display of all note items * * @return none * @access public */ public function enableHistory() { $this->_bShowHistory = true; } /** * disableHistory: Disables the display of all note items * * @return none * @access public */ public function disableHistory() { $this->_bShowHistory = false; } /** * enableHistoryDelete: Enables the delete function in the history view * * @return none * @access public */ public function enableHistoryDelete() { $this->_bDeleteHistoryItems = true; } /** * disableHistoryDelete: Disables the delete function in the history view * * @return none * @access public */ public function disableHistoryDelete() { $this->_bDeleteHistoryItems = false; } /** * render: Renders the resulting link * * @return none * @access public */ public function render($return = false) { global $sess; $itemtype = $this->_sItemType; $itemid = $this->_sItemID; $this->setEvent("click", 'javascript:window.open('."'".$sess->url("main.php?area=note&frame=1&itemtype=$itemtype&itemid=$itemid")."', 'todo', 'resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, height=360, width=550');"); return parent::render($return); } } ?>