* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * $Id$: */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * Extracts the available content-types from the database * * Creates an array $a_content[type][number] = content string * f.e. $a_content['CMS_HTML'][1] = content string * Same for array $a_description * * @param int $idartlang Language specific ID of the arcticle * @return void * * @author Jan Lengowski * @copyright four for business AG */ function getAvailableContentTypes($idartlang) { global $db, $cfg, $a_content, $a_description; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["content"] . " AS a, " . $cfg["tab"]["art_lang"] . " AS b, " . $cfg["tab"]["type"] . " AS c WHERE a.idtype = c.idtype AND a.idartlang = b.idartlang AND b.idartlang = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartlang) . "'"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $a_content[$db->f("type")][$db->f("typeid")] = urldecode($db->f("value")); $a_description[$db->f("type")][$db->f("typeid")] = i18n($db->f("description")); } } /** * Checks if an article is assigned to multiple categories * * @param int $idart Article-Id * @return bool Article assigned to multiple categories */ function isArtInMultipleUse($idart) { global $cfg, $client; $db = new DB_ConLite; $sql = "SELECT idart FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["cat_art"] . " WHERE idart = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idart) . "'"; $db->query($sql); return ($db->affected_rows() > 1); } /** * Checks if a value is alphanumeric * * @param mixed $test Value to test * @param bool $umlauts [Use german Umlaute] Optional * @return bool Value is alphanumeric */ function is_alphanumeric($test, $umlauts = true) { if ($umlauts == true) { $match = "/^[a-z0-9������� ]+$/i"; } else { $match = "/^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i"; } return (preg_match($match, $test)); } /** * Returns multi-language month name (canonical) by its numeric value * * @param int $month * @return string */ function getCanonicalMonth($month) { switch ($month) { case 1 : return (i18n("January")); break; case 2 : return (i18n("February")); break; case 3 : return (i18n("March")); break; case 4 : return (i18n("April")); break; case 5 : return (i18n("May")); break; case 6 : return (i18n("June")); break; case 7 : return (i18n("July")); break; case 8 : return (i18n("August")); break; case 9 : return (i18n("September")); break; case 10 : return (i18n("October")); break; case 11 : return (i18n("November")); break; case 12 : return (i18n("December")); break; } } /** * Get multi-language day * * @param int $iDay The day number of date(w) * @return string Dayname of current language */ function getCanonicalDay($iDay) { switch ($iDay) { case 1 : return (i18n("Monday")); break; case 2 : return (i18n("Tuesday")); break; case 3 : return (i18n("Wednesday")); break; case 4 : return (i18n("Thursday")); break; case 5 : return (i18n("Friday")); break; case 6 : return (i18n("Saterday")); break; case 0 : return (i18n("Sunday")); break; default: break; } } /** * Returns the id of passed area * * @param mixed $area Area name * @return int */ function getIDForArea($area) { global $client, $lang, $cfg, $sess; $db = new DB_ConLite; if (!is_numeric($area)) { $sql = "SELECT idarea FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " WHERE name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($area, $db) . "'"; $db->query($sql); if ($db->next_record()) { $area = $db->f(0); } } return $area; } /** * Returns the parent id of passed area * * @param mixed $area * @return int */ function getParentAreaId($area) { global $client, $lang, $cfg, $sess; $db = new DB_ConLite; if (is_numeric($area)) { $sql = "SELECT b.name FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " AS a, " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " AS b WHERE a.idarea = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($area) . "' AND b.name = a.parent_id"; } else { $sql = "SELECT b.name FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " AS a, " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " AS b WHERE a.name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($area, $db) . "' AND b.name = a.parent_id"; } $db->query($sql); if ($db->next_record()) { return $db->f(0); } else { return $area; } } /** * Write JavaScript to mark * * @param int $menuitem Which menuitem to mark * @param bool $return Return or echo script * * @author Jan Lengowski * @copyright four for business AG */ function markSubMenuItem($menuitem, $return = false) { $str = ''; if ($return) { return $str; } else { echo $str; } } /** * Redirect to main area * * @param bool $send Redirect Yes/No * * @author Jan Lengowski * @copyright four for business AG */ function backToMainArea($send) { if ($send) { /* Global vars */ global $area, $cfg, $db, $sess, $idart, $idcat, $idartlang, $idcatart, $frame; /* Get main area */ $sql = "SELECT a.name FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " AS a, " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " AS b WHERE b.name = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($area, $db) . "' AND b.parent_id = a.name"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); $parent = $db->f("name"); /* Create url string */ $url_str = 'main.php?' . 'area=' . $parent . '&' . 'idcat=' . $idcat . '&' . 'idart=' . $idart . '&' . 'idartlang=' . $idartlang . '&' . 'idcatart=' . $idcatart . '&' . 'force=1&' . 'frame=' . $frame; $url = $sess->url($url_str); /* Redirect */ header("location: $url"); } } function showLocation($area) { global $db; global $cfgPath, $lngArea; global $cfg; global $belang; //Create new xml Class and load the file $xml = new XML_doc; if ($xml->load($cfg['path']['xml'] . $cfg['lang'][$belang]) == false) { if ($xml->load($cfg['path']['xml'] . 'lang_en_US.xml') == false) { die("Unable to load any XML language file"); } } $sql = "SELECT location FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " as A, " . $cfg["tab"]["nav_sub"] . " as B Where A.name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($area, $db) . "' AND A.idarea=B.idarea AND A.online='1'"; $db->query($sql); if ($db->next_record()) { echo "" . $xml->valueOf($db->f("location")) . ""; } else { $sql = "SELECT parent_id FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " WHERE name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($area, $db) . "' AND online='1'"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); $parent = $db->f("parent_id"); $sql = "SELECT location FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["area"] . " as A, " . $cfg["tab"]["nav_sub"] . " as B Where A.name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($parent, $db) . "' AND A.idarea = B.idarea AND A.online='1'"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); echo "" . $xml->valueOf($db->f("location")) . $lngArea[$area] . ""; } } function showTable($tablename) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tablename"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { while (list ($key, $value) = each($db->Record)) { print (is_string($key) ? "$key: $value | " : ""); } print ("
"); } } /** * Get languages for given client * * @deprecated since ConLite version 2.0.0, use method in class cApiLanguageCollection instead * * @param int $client * @return array Array of language ids */ function getLanguagesByClient($client) { $oClLangs = new cApiLanguageCollection(); return $oClLangs->getClientLanguages($client); } /** * Returns all languages (language ids and names) of an client * * @param int $client * @return array List of languages where the key is the language id and value the language name */ function getLanguageNamesByClient($client) { global $db; global $cfg; $sql = "SELECT a.idlang AS idlang, b.name AS name FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["clients_lang"] . " AS a, " . $cfg["tab"]["lang"] . " AS b WHERE idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND a.idlang = b.idlang ORDER BY idlang ASC"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $list[$db->f("idlang")] = $db->f("name"); } return $list; } function set_magic_quotes_gpc(&$code) { global $cfg; if (!$cfg['simulate_magic_quotes']) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) { $code = addslashes($code); } } } /** * Returns a list with all clients and languages. * * @return array Indexed array where the value is an assoziative array as follows: * - $arr[0]['idlang'] * - $arr[0]['langname'] * - $arr[0]['idclient'] * - $arr[0]['clientname'] */ function getAllClientsAndLanguages() { global $db, $cfg; $sql = "SELECT a.idlang as idlang, a.name as langname, b.name as clientname, b.idclient as idclient FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["lang"] . " as a, " . $cfg["tab"]["clients_lang"] . " as c, " . $cfg["tab"]["clients"] . " as b WHERE a.idlang = c.idlang AND c.idclient = b.idclient"; $db->query($sql); $aRs = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $aRs[] = array( 'idlang' => $db->f('idlang'), 'langname' => $db->f('langname'), 'idclient' => $db->f('idclient'), 'clientname' => $db->f('clientname'), ); } return $aRs; } function fakeheader($time) { global $con_time0; if (!isset($con_time0)) { $con_time0 = $time; } if ($time >= $con_time0 + 1000) { $con_time0 = $time; header('X-pmaPing: Pong'); } // end if } function recursive_copy($from_path, $to_path) { $oldumask = umask(0); if (mkdir($to_path, 0777)) { umask($oldumask); $old_path = getcwd(); $this_path = getcwd(); if (is_dir($from_path)) { chdir($from_path); $myhandle = opendir('.'); while (($myfile = readdir($myhandle)) !== false) { if (($myfile != ".") && ($myfile != "..")) { if (is_dir($myfile)) { recursive_copy($from_path . $myfile . "/", $to_path . $myfile . "/"); chdir($from_path); } else if (file_exists($myfile)) { copy($from_path . $myfile, $to_path . $myfile); } } } closedir($myhandle); } chdir($old_path); return true; } else { umask($oldumask); return false; } } function getmicrotime() { list ($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec); } /* Small hack to clean up unused sessions. As we are probably soon rewriting the session management, this hack is OK. */ function cleanupSessions() { global $cfg; $db = new DB_ConLite; $db2 = new DB_ConLite; $col = new InUseCollection; $temp = new Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth; $maxdate = date("YmdHis", time() - ($temp->lifetime * 60)); /* Expire old sessions */ $sql = "SELECT changed, sid FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["phplib_active_sessions"]; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { if ($db->f("changed") < $maxdate) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["phplib_active_sessions"] . " WHERE sid = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($db->f("sid"), $db2) . "'"; $db2->query($sql); $col->removeSessionMarks($db->f("sid")); } } /* Expire invalid InUse-Entries */ $col->select(); while ($c = $col->next()) { $sql = "SELECT sid FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["phplib_active_sessions"] . " WHERE sid = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($c->get("session"), $db2) . "'"; $db2->query($sql); if (!$db2->next_record()) { $col->delete($c->get("idinuse")); } } } function isGroup($uid) { $users = new User; if ($users->loadUserByUserID($uid) == false) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getGroupOrUserName($uid) { $users = new User; if ($users->loadUserByUserID($uid) === false) { $groups = new Group; /* Yes, it's a group. Let's try to load the group members! */ if ($groups->loadGroupByGroupID($uid) === false) { return false; } else { return substr($groups->getField("groupname"), 4); } } else { return $users->getField("realname"); } } /** * getPhpModuleInfo - parses phpinfo() output * * parses phpinfo() output * (1) get informations for a specific module (parameter $modulname) * (2) get informations for all modules (no parameter for $modulname needed) * * if a specified extension doesn't exists or isn't activated an array will be returned: * Array * ( * [error] => extension is not available * ) * * * to get specified information on one module use (1): * getPhpModuleInfo($moduleName = 'gd'); * * to get all informations use (2): * getPhpModuleInfo($moduleName); * * * EXAMPLE OUTPUT (1): * Array * ( * [GD Support] => Array * ( * [0] => enabled * ) * ... * ) * * * EXAMPLE OUTPUT (2): * Array * ( * [yp] => Array * ( * [YP Support] => Array * ( * [0] => enabled * ) * * ) * ... * } * * foreach ($moduleSettings as $setting => $value) * $setting contains the modul settings * $value contains the settings as an array ($value[0] => Local Value && $value[1] => Master Value) * * @param $modulName string specify modul name or if not get all settings * * @return array see above for example * @author Marco Jahn */ function getPhpModuleInfo($moduleName) { $moduleSettings = array(); ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); // get information vor modules $string = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $pieces = explode("]*)\">/", $val, $sub_key); // perform a regular expression match on tabs with 2 columns preg_match_all("/]*> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td>/Ux", $val, $sub); // perform a regular expression match on tabs with 3 columns preg_match_all("/]*> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td>/Ux", $val, $sub_ext); if (isset($moduleName)) { // if $moduleName is specified if (extension_loaded($moduleName)) { //check if specified extension exists or is loaded if (!empty($sub_key[1]) && $sub_key[1] == $moduleName) { //create array only for specified $moduleName foreach ($sub[0] as $key => $val) { $moduleSettings[strip_tags($sub[1][$key])] = array(strip_tags($sub[2][$key])); } } } else { //specified extension is not loaded or doesn't exists $moduleSettings['error'] = 'extension is not available'; } } else { // $moduleName isn't specified => get everything foreach ($sub[0] as $key => $val) { $moduleSettings[$sub_key[1]][strip_tags($sub[1][$key])] = array(strip_tags($sub[2][$key])); } foreach ($sub_ext[0] as $key => $val) { $moduleSettings[$sub_key[1]][strip_tags($sub_ext[1][$key])] = array(strip_tags($sub_ext[2][$key]), strip_tags($sub_ext[3][$key])); } } } return $moduleSettings; } function isValidMail($sEMail, $bStrict = false) { if ($bStrict) { // HerrB (14.02.2008), code posted by Calvini // See http://www.contenido.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=106612#106612 // Note, that IDNs are currently only supported if given as punycode // "Strict" just means "95% real-world match", // e.g. a.b@c.de, a-b@c.de, a_b@c.de and some special chars (not \n, ;) // See also http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.eregi.php#52458, // but note http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.eregi.php#55215 // or just kill yourself, as being dumb to even try to validate an // email address: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php#76615 $sLocalChar = '-a-z0-9_!#\\$&\'\\*\\+\\/=\\?\\^`\\{\\|\\}~'; $sLocalRegEx = '[' . $sLocalChar . '](\\.*[' . $sLocalChar . '])*'; $sDomainChar = 'a-z���'; $sDomainRegEx = $sDomainRegEx = '(([' . $sDomainChar . ']|[' . $sDomainChar . '][' . $sDomainChar . '0-9-]{0,61}[' . $sDomainChar . '0-9])\\.)+'; $sTLDChar = 'a-z'; $sTLDRegEx = '[' . $sTLDChar . ']{2,}'; return preg_match('/^' . $sLocalRegEx . '@' . $sDomainRegEx . $sTLDRegEx . '$/i', $sEMail); } else { return preg_match("/^[0-9a-z]([-_.]*[0-9a-z]*)*@[a-z0-9-]+\.([a-z])/i", $sEMail); } } function htmldecode($string) { $trans_tbl = clGetHtmlTranslationTable(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl); $ret = strtr($string, $trans_tbl); return $ret; } /** * build or rebuild array $cfgClient * * @global array $cfgClient * @global int $errsite_idcat * @global int $errsite_idart * @global DB_ConLite $db * @global array $cfg */ function rereadClients() { global $cfgClient; global $errsite_idcat; global $errsite_idart; global $db; global $cfg; if (!is_object($db)) { $db = new DB_ConLite(); } if (!is_array($cfgClient)) { $cfgClient = array(); } $sql = "SELECT name, idclient, frontendpath, htmlpath, errsite_cat, errsite_art FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["clients"]; $db->query($sql); if ($db->affected_rows() <= 0) { return; } while ($db->next_record()) { $cfgClient["set"] = "set"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["name"] = $db->f("name"); $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["errsite"]["idcat"] = $db->f("errsite_cat"); $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["errsite"]["idart"] = $db->f("errsite_art"); $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["images"] = $db->f("htmlpath") . "images/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["upload"] = "upload/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] = $db->f("frontendpath"); $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["htmlpath"] = $db->f("htmlpath"); $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["htmlpath"]["frontend"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["htmlpath"]; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["upl"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "upload/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["upl"]["htmlpath"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["htmlpath"]["frontend"] . "upload/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["upl"]["frontendpath"] = "upload/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["css"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "css/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["js"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "js/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["tpl"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/"; // added new path variables since v2.0.2 $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["cache"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "cache/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["cache"]["frontendpath"] = "cache/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["code"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "cache/code/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["code"]["frontendpath"] = "cache/code/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["xml"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "xml/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["xml"]["frontendpath"] = "xml/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["template"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["template"]["frontendpath"] = "templates/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["data"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "data/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["module"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "data/modules/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["module"]["frontendpath"] = "data/modules/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["config"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "data/config/production/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["config"]["frontendpath"] = "data/config/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["layout"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "data/layouts/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["layout"]["frontendpath"] = "data/layouts/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["log"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "data/logs/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["log"]["frontendpath"] = "data/logs/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["version"]["path"] = $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["path"]["frontend"] . "data/version/"; $cfgClient[$db->f("idclient")]["version"]["frontendpath"] = "data/version/"; $errsite_idcat[$db->f("idclient")] = $db->f("errsite_cat"); $errsite_idart[$db->f("idclient")] = $db->f("errsite_art"); } } /** * Sets a system property entry * * @modified Timo Trautmann 22.02.2008 Support for editing name and type * * @param string $type The type of the item * @param string $name The name of the item * @param string $value The value of the item * @param int $idsystemprop The sysprop id, use optional. If set it allows to modify type name and value */ function setSystemProperty($type, $name, $value, $idsystemprop = 0) { global $cfg; if ($type == "" || $name == "") { return false; } $idsystemprop = Contenido_Security::toInteger($idsystemprop); $db_systemprop = new DB_ConLite(); if ($idsystemprop == 0) { $sql = "SELECT idsystemprop FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " WHERE type='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db_systemprop) . "' AND name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, $db_systemprop) . "'"; } else { $sql = "SELECT idsystemprop FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " WHERE idsystemprop='$idsystemprop'"; } $db_systemprop->query($sql); if ($db_systemprop->num_rows() > 0) { if ($idsystemprop == 0) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " SET value='" . Contenido_Security::filter($value, $db_systemprop) . "' WHERE type='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db_systemprop) . "' AND name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, $db_systemprop) . "'"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " SET value='" . Contenido_Security::filter($value, $db_systemprop) . "', type='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db_systemprop) . "', name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, $db_systemprop) . "' WHERE idsystemprop='$idsystemprop'"; } } else { $idsystemprop = $db_systemprop->nextid($cfg["tab"]["system_prop"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " (idsystemprop, value, type, name) VALUES ('$idsystemprop', '" . Contenido_Security::filter($value, $db_systemprop) . "', '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db_systemprop) . "', '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, $db_systemprop) . "')"; } $db_systemprop->query($sql); } /** * Remove a system property entry * * @param string $type The type of the item * @param string $name The name of the item */ function deleteSystemProperty($type, $name) { global $cfg; $db_systemprop = new DB_ConLite; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " WHERE type='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db_systemprop) . "' AND name='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, $db_systemprop) . "'"; $db_systemprop->query($sql); } /** * Retrieves all available system properties. * Array format: * * $array[$type][$name] = $value; * * @modified Timo Trautmann 22.02.2008 Support for editing name and type editing by primaray key idsystemprop * if bGetPropId is set: * $array[$type][$name][value] = $value; * $array[$type][$name][idsystemprop] = $idsystemprop; * * @param boolean bGetPropId - if true special mode is activated which generates for each property a third array, which also contains idsystemprop value * @return array */ function getSystemProperties($bGetPropId = 0) { global $cfg; $db_systemprop = new DB_ConLite; $sql = "SELECT idsystemprop, type, name, value FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " ORDER BY type ASC, name ASC, value ASC"; $db_systemprop->query($sql); $results = array(); if ($bGetPropId) { while ($db_systemprop->next_record()) { $results[$db_systemprop->f("type")][$db_systemprop->f("name")]['value'] = urldecode($db_systemprop->f("value")); $results[$db_systemprop->f("type")][$db_systemprop->f("name")]['idsystemprop'] = urldecode($db_systemprop->f("idsystemprop")); } } else { while ($db_systemprop->next_record()) { $results[$db_systemprop->f("type")][$db_systemprop->f("name")] = urldecode($db_systemprop->f("value")); } } return ($results); } /** * Gets a system property entry * * @param string $type The type of the item * @param string $name The name of the item * @return mixed boolean false if nothing was found, or */ function getSystemProperty($sType, $sName) { $oProperties = new cApiSystemPropertyCollection(); return $oProperties->getSystemProperty($sType, $sName); /* global $cfg; $db_systemprop = new DB_ConLite; $sql = "SELECT value FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["system_prop"]." WHERE type='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($type, $db_systemprop)."' AND name='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($name, $db_systemprop)."'"; $db_systemprop->query($sql); if ($db_systemprop->next_record()) { return urldecode($db_systemprop->f("value")); } else { return false; } */ } /** * Gets system property entries * * @param string $type The type of the item * @return array Value */ function getSystemPropertiesByType($sType) { global $cfg; $aResult = array(); $db_systemprop = new DB_ConLite; $sSQL = "SELECT name, value FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["system_prop"] . " WHERE type='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sType, $db_systemprop) . "' ORDER BY name"; $db_systemprop->query($sSQL); while ($db_systemprop->next_record()) { $aResult[$db_systemprop->f("name")] = urldecode($db_systemprop->f("value")); } return $aResult; } /** * Returns the current effective setting for a property. * * The order is: * System => Client => Group => User * * System properties can be overridden by the group, and group * properties can be overridden by the user. * * @param string $type The type of the item * @param string $name The name of the item * @param string $default Optional default value * @return mixed boolean false if nothing was found */ function getEffectiveSetting($type, $name, $default = "") { global $auth, $client, $lang; if ($auth->auth["uid"] != "nobody") { $user = new User; $user->loadUserByUserID($auth->auth["uid"]); $value = $user->getUserProperty($type, $name, true); unset($user); } else { $value = false; } if ($value == false) { $oClient = new cApiClientLanguage(false, $client, $lang); $value = $oClient->getProperty($type, $name); unset($oClient); } if ($value == false) { $oClient = new cApiClient($client); $value = $oClient->getProperty($type, $name); unset($oClient); } if ($value == false) { $value = getSystemProperty($type, $name); } if ($value === false) { return $default; } else { return $value; } } /** * Returns the current effective settings for a type of properties. * * The order is: * System => Client => Group => User * * System properties can be overridden by the group, and group * properties can be overridden by the user. * * You may use default array to preset settings, this will not override found settings * * @version $Rev$ * @author Ortwin Pinke * * @global object $auth * @global int $client * @global array $cfg * @global int $lang * @param string $sType * @param array $aDefault * @return array */ function getEffectiveSettingsByType($sType, $aDefault = array()) { global $auth, $client, $cfg, $lang; $aResult = getSystemPropertiesByType($sType); $oClient = new cApiClient($client); $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $oClient->getPropertiesByType($sType)); unset($oClient); $oClient = new cApiClientLanguage(false, $client, $lang); $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $oClient->getPropertiesByType($sType)); unset($oClient); if ($auth->auth["uid"] != "nobody") { $oUser = new User; $oUser->loadUserByUserID($auth->auth["uid"]); $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $oUser->getUserPropertiesByType($sType, true)); } if (is_array($aDefault) && count($aDefault) > 0) { foreach ($aDefault as $sKey => $sValue) { if (key_exists($sKey, $aResult)) continue; $aResult[$sKey] = $sValue; } } return $aResult; } /** * retrieve list of article specifications for current client and language * * @return array list of article specifications */ function getArtspec() { global $db, $cfg, $lang, $client; $sql = "SELECT artspec, idartspec, online, artspecdefault FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " WHERE client='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND lang='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang) . "' ORDER BY artspec ASC"; $db->query($sql); $artspec = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $artspec[$db->f("idartspec")]['artspec'] = $db->f("artspec"); $artspec[$db->f("idartspec")]['online'] = $db->f("online"); $artspec[$db->f("idartspec")]['default'] = $db->f("artspecdefault"); } return $artspec; } /** * add new article specification * * @param string article specification text * * @return void */ function addArtspec($artspectext, $online) { global $db, $cfg, $lang, $client; if (isset($_POST['idartspec'])) { //update $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " SET artspec='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB(urldecode($artspectext), $db) . "', online='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($online) . "' WHERE idartspec=" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($_POST['idartspec']) . ""; $db->query($sql); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " (idartspec, client, lang, artspec, online, artspecdefault) VALUES (" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($db->nextid($cfg['tab']['art_spec'])) . ", '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "', '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang) . "', '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB(urldecode($artspectext), $db) . "', 0, 0)"; $db->query($sql); } } /** * delete specified article specification * * @param integer article specification id * * @return void */ function deleteArtspec($idartspec) { global $db, $cfg; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " WHERE idartspec = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartspec) . "'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg["tab"]["art_lang"] . " set artspec = '0' WHERE artspec = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartspec) . "'"; $db->query($sql); } /** * set article specifications online * * flag to switch if an article specification should be shown the frontend or not * * @param integer article specification id * @param integer 0/1 switch the status between on an offline * * @return void */ function setArtspecOnline($idartspec, $online) { global $db, $cfg; $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " SET online=" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($online) . " WHERE idartspec=" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartspec) . ""; $db->query($sql); } /** * set a default article specification * * while creating a new article this defined article specification will be default setting * * @param integer article specification id * * @return void */ function setArtspecDefault($idartspec) { global $db, $cfg, $lang, $client; $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " SET artspecdefault=0 WHERE client='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND lang='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang) . "'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " SET artspecdefault=1 WHERE idartspec='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idartspec) . "'"; $db->query($sql); } /** * Build a Article select Box * * @param String Name of the SelectBox * @param String Value of the SelectBox * @return String HTML */ function buildArticleSelect($sName, $iIdCat, $sValue) { global $cfg, $client, $lang, $idcat; $db = new DB_ConLite; $html = ''; $html .= ''; return $html; } /** * Build a Category / Article select Box * * @param String Name of the SelectBox * @param String Value of the SelectBox * @param Integer Value of highest level that should be shown * @param String Optional style informations for select * @return String HTML */ function buildCategorySelect($sName, $sValue, $sLevel = 0, $sStyle = "") { global $cfg, $client, $lang, $idcat; $db = new DB_ConLite; $db2 = new DB_ConLite; $html = ''; $html .= ''; return $html; } /** * getFileExtension * Returns the file extension of a given file * * @param string $filename Name of the file * @return extension on success, false if no extension could be extracted. */ function getFileExtension($filename) { $dotposition = strrpos($filename, "."); if ($dotposition !== false) { return (strtolower(substr($filename, $dotposition + 1))); } else { return false; } } function human_readable_size($number) { $base = 1024; $suffixes = array(" B", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB"); $usesuf = 0; $n = (float) $number; //Appears to be necessary to avoid rounding while ($n >= $base) { $n /= (float) $base; $usesuf ++; } $places = 2 - floor(log10($n)); $places = max($places, 0); $retval = number_format($n, $places, ".", "") . $suffixes[$usesuf]; return $retval; } /** * Trims an array * * @param array Array to trim * @return array Trimmed array */ function trim_array($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { return $array; } foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $array[$key] = trim($value); } return $array; } function array_csort() { //coded by Ichier2003 $args = func_get_args(); $marray = array_shift($args); $msortline = "return(array_multisort("; $i = 0; foreach ($args as $arg) { $i ++; if (is_string($arg)) { foreach ($marray as $row) { $a = strtoupper($row[$arg]); $sortarr[$i][] = $a; } } else { $sortarr[$i] = $arg; } $msortline .= "\$sortarr[" . $i . "],"; } $msortline .= "\$marray));"; @ eval($msortline); return $marray; } /** * str_ireplace_once - Replaces a string only once * * Caution: This function only takes strings as parameters, * not arrays! * @param $find string String to find * @param $replace string String to replace * @param $subject string String to process * * @return string Processed string */ function str_ireplace_once($find, $replace, $subject) { $start = strpos(strtolower($subject), strtolower($find)); if ($start === false) { return $subject; } $end = $start + strlen($find); $first = substr($subject, 0, $start); $last = substr($subject, $end, strlen($subject) - $end); $result = $first . $replace . $last; return ($result); } /** * str_ireplace_once_reverse - Replaces a string only once, in reverse direction * * Caution: This function only takes strings as parameters, * not arrays! * @param $find string String to find * @param $replace string String to replace * @param $subject string String to process * * @return string Processed string */ function str_ireplace_once_reverse($find, $replace, $subject) { $start = str_rpos(strtolower($subject), strtolower($find)); if ($start === false) { return $subject; } $end = $start + strlen($find); $first = substr($subject, 0, $start); $last = substr($subject, $end, strlen($subject) - $end); $result = $first . $replace . $last; return ($result); } /** * str_rpos - Finds a string position in reverse direction * * NOTE: The original strrpos-Function of PHP4 only finds * a single character as needle. * * @param $haystack string String to search in * @param $needle string String to search for * @param $start integer Offset * * @return string Processed string */ function str_rpos($haystack, $needle, $start = 0) { $tempPos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $start); if ($tempPos === false) { if ($start == 0) { //Needle not in string at all return false; } else { //No more occurances found return $start - strlen($needle); } } else { //Find the next occurance return str_rpos($haystack, $needle, $tempPos + strlen($needle)); } } /** * isImageMagickAvailable - checks if ImageMagick is available * * @return boolean true if ImageMagick is available */ function isImageMagickAvailable() { global $_imagemagickAvailable; if (is_bool($_imagemagickAvailable)) { if ($_imagemagickAvailable === true) { return true; } else { return false; } } $output = array(); $retval = 0; @exec("convert", $output, $retval); if (!is_array($output) || count($output) == 0) { return false; } if (strpos($output[0], "ImageMagick") !== false) { $_imagemagickAvailable = true; return true; } else { $_imagemagickAvailable = false; return false; } } /** * isRunningFromWeb - checks if the script is being runned from the web * * @return boolean true if the script is running from the web */ function isRunningFromWeb() { if ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] == "" || php_sapi_name() == "cgi" || php_sapi_name() == "cli") { return false; } return true; } /** * getClientName: Returns the client name for a given ID * * @return string client name */ function getClientName($idclient) { global $cfg; $db = new DB_ConLite; $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["clients"] . " WHERE idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idclient) . "'"; $db->query($sql); if ($db->next_record()) { return $db->f("name"); } else { return false; } } function scanDirectory($sDirectory, $bRecursive = false) { if (substr($sDirectory, strlen($sDirectory) - 1, 1) == "/") { $sDirectory = substr($sDirectory, 0, strlen($sDirectory) - 1); } if (!is_dir($sDirectory)) { return false; } $aFiles = array(); $hDirHandle = opendir($sDirectory); while ($sFile = readdir($hDirHandle)) { $sFullpathFile = $sDirectory . "/" . $sFile; if (is_file($sFullpathFile) && is_readable($sFullpathFile)) { $aFiles[] = $sFullpathFile; } if (is_dir($sFullpathFile) && $sFile != "." && $sFile != ".." && $bRecursive == true) { $aSubFiles = scanDirectory($sFullpathFile, $bRecursive); if (is_array($aSubFiles)) { $aFiles = array_merge($aFiles, $aSubFiles); } } } return $aFiles; } /** * scanPlugins: Scans a given plugin directory and places the * found plugins into the array $cfg['plugins'] * * * Example: * scanPlugins("frontendusers"); * * Result: * $cfg['plugins']['frontendusers'] => array with all found plugins * * Note: Plugins are only "found" if the following directory structure * if found: * * entity/ * plugin1/plugin1.php * plugin2/plugin2.php * * The plugin's directory and file name have to be the * same, otherwise the function won't find them! * * @param $entity Name of the directory to scan * @return string client name */ function scanPlugins($entity) { global $cfg; $pluginorder = getSystemProperty("plugin", $entity . "-pluginorder"); $lastscantime = getSystemProperty("plugin", $entity . "-lastscantime"); $plugins = array(); /* Fetch and trim the plugin order */ if ($pluginorder != "") { $plugins = explode(",", $pluginorder); foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) { $plugins[$key] = trim($plugin); } } $basedir = $cfg["path"]["contenido"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "$entity/"; /* Don't scan all the time, but each 60 seconds */ if ($lastscantime + 60 < time()) { setSystemProperty("plugin", $entity . "-lastscantime", time()); $dh = opendir($basedir); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (is_dir($basedir . $file) && $file != "includes" && $file != "." && $file != "..") { if (!in_array($file, $plugins)) { if (file_exists($basedir . $file . "/" . $file . ".php")) { $plugins[] = $file; } } } } foreach ($plugins as $key => $value) { if (!is_dir($basedir . $value) || !file_exists($basedir . $value . "/" . $value . ".php")) { unset($plugins[$key]); } } $pluginorder = implode(",", $plugins); setSystemProperty("plugin", $entity . "-pluginorder", $pluginorder); } foreach ($plugins as $key => $value) { if (!is_dir($basedir . $value) || !file_exists($basedir . $value . "/" . $value . ".php")) { unset($plugins[$key]); } else { i18nRegisterDomain($entity . "_" . $value, $basedir . $value . "/locale/"); } } $cfg['plugins'][$entity] = $plugins; } /** * includePlugins: Includes plugins for a given entity * * Example: * includePlugins("frontendusers"); * * @param $entity Name of the directory to scan */ function includePlugins($entity) { global $cfg; if (is_array($cfg['plugins'][$entity])) { foreach ($cfg['plugins'][$entity] as $plugin) { plugin_include($entity, $plugin . "/" . $plugin . ".php"); } } } /** * callPluginStore: Calls the plugin's store methods * * Example: * callPluginStore("frontendusers"); * * @param $entity Name of the directory to scan */ function callPluginStore($entity) { global $cfg; /* Check out if there are any plugins */ if (is_array($cfg['plugins'][$entity])) { foreach ($cfg['plugins'][$entity] as $plugin) { if (function_exists($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_wantedVariables") && function_exists($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_store")) { $wantVariables = call_user_func($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_wantedVariables"); if (is_array($wantVariables)) { $varArray = array(); foreach ($wantVariables as $value) { $varArray[$value] = stripslashes($GLOBALS[$value]); } } $store = call_user_func($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_store", $varArray); } } } } function displayPlugin($entity, & $form) { /* TODO: Function can't work, as $feuser is not defined (see $display = * call_user_func($entity."_".$plugin."_display", $feuser);) and plugins need * - if data has to be shown - global objects ... */ $pluginOrder = trim_array(explode(",", getSystemProperty("plugin", $entity . "-pluginorder"))); /* Check out if there are any plugins */ if (is_array($pluginOrder)) { foreach ($pluginOrder as $plugin) { if (function_exists($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_getTitle") && function_exists($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_display")) { $plugTitle = call_user_func($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_getTitle"); $display = call_user_func($entity . "_" . $plugin . "_display", $feuser); if (is_array($plugTitle) && is_array($display)) { foreach ($plugTitle as $key => $value) { $form->add($value, $display[$key]); } } else { if (is_array($plugTitle) || is_array($display)) { $form->add("WARNING", "The plugin $plugin delivered an array for the displayed titles, but did not return an array for the contents."); } else { $form->add($plugTitle, $display); } } } } } } /** * createRandomName: Creates a random name (example: Passwords) * * Example: * echo createRandomName(8); * * @param $nameLength Length of the generated string * @return string random name */ function createRandomName($nameLength) { $NameChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $Vouel = 'aeiou'; $Name = ""; for ($index = 1; $index <= $nameLength; $index ++) { if ($index % 3 == 0) { $randomNumber = rand(1, strlen($Vouel)); $Name .= substr($Vouel, $randomNumber - 1, 1); } else { $randomNumber = rand(1, strlen($NameChars)); $Name .= substr($NameChars, $randomNumber - 1, 1); } } return $Name; } /** * sendPostRequest: Sents a HTTP POST request * * Example: * sendPostRequest("hostname", "serverpath/test.php", $data); * * @param $host Hostname or domain * @param $pathhost Path on the host or domain * @param $data Data to send * @param $referer Referer (optional) * @param $port Port (default: 80) */ function sendPostRequest($host, $path, $data, $referer = "", $port = 80) { $fp = fsockopen($host, $port); fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\n"); fputs($fp, "Host: $host\n"); fputs($fp, "Referer: $referer\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\n"); fputs($fp, "Connection: close\n\n"); fputs($fp, "$data\n"); while (!feof($fp)) { $res .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); return $res; } function is_dbfs($file) { if (substr($file, 0, 5) == "dbfs:") { return true; } } function setHelpContext($area) { global $cfg; if ($cfg['help'] == true) { $hc = "parent.parent.parent.frames[0].document.getElementById('help').setAttribute('data', '$area');"; } else { $hc = ""; } return $hc; } function define_if($constant, $value) { if (!defined($constant)) { define($constant, $value); } } /** * Specify platform specific newline character; PHP_EOL has been introduced in PHP 5.0.2 * Note, that Mac seems to use \r, sorry guys */ if (!defined('PHP_EOL')) { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { define('PHP_EOL', "\r\n"); // Windows } else { define('PHP_EOL', "\n"); // *nix } } function locale_arsort($locale, $array) { $oldlocale = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 0); setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $locale); uasort($array, "strcoll"); setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $oldlocale); return ($array); } /* TODO: Ask timo to document this. */ /* Note: If subarrays exists, this function currently returns the key of the array given by $array, and not from the subarrays (todo: add flag to allow this) */ function array_search_recursive($search, $array, $partial = false, $strict = false) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $val = array_search_recursive($search, $value, $partial, $strict); if ($val !== false) { return ($key); } } else { if ($partial == false) { if ($strict == true) { if ($value === $search) { return $key; } } else { if ($value == $search) { return $key; } } } else { if (strpos($value, $search) !== FALSE) { return $key; } } } } return false; } /** * cDie: Contenido die-alternative * * @author unknown * * @param string $file File name (use __FILE__) * @param string $line Line number (use __LINE__) * @param string $message Message to display * @return void */ function cDie($file, $line, $message) { cError($file, $line, $message); die("$file $line: $message"); } /** * cWarning: Contenido warning * * @param $file File name (use __FILE__) * @param $line Line number (use __LINE__) * @param $message Message to display */ function cWarning($file, $line, $message) { trigger_error("$file $line: $message", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * cError: Contenido error * * @param $file File name (use __FILE__) * @param $line Line number (use __LINE__) * @param $message Message to display */ function cError($file, $line, $message) { trigger_error("$file $line: $message", E_USER_ERROR); } /** * cDeprecated: Trigger deprecated stuff * * @author Ortwin Pinke * @param string $file File name (use __FILE__) * @param string $line Line number (use __LINE__) * @param string $message Message to display */ function cDeprecated($file, $line, $message) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) { trigger_error($file . " " . $line . ": " . $message, E_USER_DEPRECATED); } else { trigger_error("$file $line: $message", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * getNamedFrame: Returns the name of the numeric frame given * * @param $frame Frame number * @return string Canonical name of the frame */ function getNamedFrame($frame) { switch ($frame) { case 1 : return ("left_top"); break; case 2 : return ("left_bottom"); break; case 3 : return ("right_top"); break; case 4 : return ("right_bottom"); break; default : return (""); break; } } /** * startTiming: Starts the timing for a specific function * * @param function string Name of the function * @param parameters array All parameters for the function to measure * * @return int uuid for this measure process */ function startTiming($function, $parameters = array()) { global $_timings, $cfg; if ($cfg["debug"]["functiontiming"] == false) { return; } /* Create (almost) unique ID */ $uuid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); if (!is_array($parameters)) { cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Warning: startTiming's parameters parameter expects an array"); $parameters = array(); } $_timings[$uuid]["parameters"] = $parameters; $_timings[$uuid]["function"] = $function; $_timings[$uuid]["start"] = getmicrotime(); return $uuid; } /** * endAndLogTiming: Ends the timing process and logs it to the timings file * * @param uuid int UUID which has been used for timing */ function endAndLogTiming($uuid) { global $_timings, $cfg; if ($cfg["debug"]["functiontiming"] == false) { return; } $_timings[$uuid]["end"] = getmicrotime(); $timeSpent = $_timings[$uuid]["end"] - $_timings[$uuid]["start"]; $myparams = array(); /* Build nice representation of the function */ foreach ($_timings[$uuid]["parameters"] as $parameter) { switch (gettype($parameter)) { case "string" : $myparams[] = '"' . $parameter . '"'; break; case "boolean" : if ($parameter == true) { $myparams[] = "true"; } else { $myparams[] = "false"; } break; default : if ($parameter == "") { $myparams[] = '"' . $parameter . '"'; } else { $myparams[] = $parameter; } } } $parameterString = implode(", ", $myparams); trigger_error("calling function " . $_timings[$uuid]["function"] . "(" . $parameterString . ") took " . $timeSpent . " seconds", E_USER_NOTICE); } // @TODO: it's better to create a instance of DB_ConLite class, the class constructor connects also to the database. function checkMySQLConnectivity() { global $contenido_host, $contenido_database, $contenido_user, $contenido_password, $cfg; if ($cfg["database_extension"] == "mysqli") { if (function_exists("mysqli_connect")) { if (($iPos = strpos($contenido_host, ":")) !== false) { list($sHost, $sPort) = explode(":", $contenido_host); $res = mysqli_connect($sHost, $contenido_user, $contenido_password, "", $sPort); } else { $res = mysqli_connect($contenido_host, $contenido_user, $contenido_password); } } else { $res = NULL; } } else { if (function_exists("mysql_connect")) { $res = mysql_connect($contenido_host, $contenido_user, $contenido_password); } else { $res = NULL; } } $selectDb = false; if ($res) { if ($cfg["database_extension"] == "mysqli") { $selectDb = mysqli_select_db($res, $contenido_database); } else { $selectDb = mysql_select_db($contenido_database, $res); } } if (!$res || !$selectDb) { $errortitle = i18n("MySQL Database not reachable for installation %s"); $errortitle = sprintf($errortitle, $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"]); $errormessage = i18n("The MySQL Database for the installation %s is not reachable. Please check if this is a temporary problem or if it is a real fault."); $errormessage = sprintf($errormessage, $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"]); notifyOnError($errortitle, $errormessage); if ($cfg["contenido"]["errorpage"] != "") { header("Location: " . $cfg["contenido"]["errorpage"]); } else { die("Could not connect to the database server with this configuration!"); } exit; } else { if ($cfg["database_extension"] == "mysqli") { mysqli_close($res); } else { mysql_close($res); } } } function notifyOnError($errortitle, $errormessage) { global $cfg; $sFileNotify = $cfg['path']['conlite_logs'] . "notify.txt"; if (file_exists($sFileNotify)) { $notifytimestamp = file_get_contents($sFileNotify); } else { $notifytimestamp = 0; } if ((time() - $notifytimestamp) > $cfg["contenido"]["notifyinterval"] * 60) { if ($cfg['contenido']['notifyonerror'] != "") { $sMailhost = getSystemProperty('system', 'mail_host'); if ($sMailhost == '') { $sMailhost = 'localhost'; } $oMail = new PHPMailer(); $oMail->Host = $sMailhost; $oMail->IsHTML(0); $oMail->WordWrap = 1000; $oMail->IsMail(); $oMail->AddAddress($cfg["contenido"]["notifyonerror"], ""); $oMail->Subject = $errortitle; $oMail->Body = $errormessage; /* Notify configured email */ $oMail->Send(); } /* Write last notify log file */ file_put_contents($sFileNotify, time()); } } function cIDNAEncode($sourceEncoding, $string) { if (extension_loaded("iconv")) { cInclude('pear', 'Net/IDNA.php'); $idn = Net_IDNA :: getInstance(); $string = iconv("UTF-8", $sourceEncoding, $string); $string = $idn->encode($string); return ($string); } if (extension_loaded("recode")) { cInclude('pear', 'Net/IDNA.php'); $idn = Net_IDNA :: getInstance(); $string = $idn->decode($string); $string = recode_string("UTF-8.." . $sourceEncoding, $string); return $string; } return $string; } function cIDNADecode($targetEncoding, $string) { if (extension_loaded("iconv")) { cInclude('pear', 'Net/IDNA.php'); $idn = Net_IDNA :: getInstance(); $string = $idn->decode($string); $string = iconv($targetEncoding, "UTF-8", $string); return ($string); } if (extension_loaded("recode")) { cInclude('pear', 'Net/IDNA.php'); $idn = Net_IDNA :: getInstance(); $string = recode_string($targetEncoding . "..UTF-8", $string); $string = $idn->decode($string); return $string; } return $string; } /** * Checks for a named key of an array, pushes it if not set with a default value * * @param array $aArray reference of array * @param string $sKey key to check for and to set * @param multi $mDefault default value * @return boolean false if no array is given, void otherwise */ function cInitializeArrayKey(&$aArray, $sKey, $mDefault = "") { if (!is_array($aArray)) { if (isset($aArray)) { return false; } $aArray = array(); } if (!array_key_exists($sKey, $aArray)) { $aArray[$sKey] = $mDefault; } } /** * Function checks current language * and client settings by HTTP-Params * and DB settings. Based on this * informations it will send an HTTP * header for right encoding. * * @param DB_ConLite $db * @param array $cfg global cfg-array * @param int $lang global language id * * @since 4.6.18 * * @version 1.0.0 * @author Holger Librenz */ function sendEncodingHeader($db, $cfg, $lang) { if (array_key_exists("use_encoding", $_GET)) { $use_encoding = trim(strip_tags($_GET["use_encoding"])); } if (array_key_exists("use_encoding", $_POST)) { $use_encoding = trim(strip_tags($_POST["use_encoding"])); } if (!isset($use_encoding)) { $use_encoding = true; } if (is_string($use_encoding)) { if ($use_encoding == "false") { $use_encoding = false; } else { $use_encoding = true; } } if ($use_encoding != false) { $sql = "SELECT idlang, encoding FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["lang"]; $db->query($sql); $aLanguageEncodings = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $aLanguageEncodings[$db->f("idlang")] = $db->f("encoding"); } if (array_key_exists($lang, $aLanguageEncodings)) { if (!in_array($aLanguageEncodings[$lang], $cfg['AvailableCharsets'])) { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); } else { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$aLanguageEncodings[$lang]}"); } } else { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); } } } /** * IP_match * * @param string $network * @param string $mask * @param string $ip * @return boolean */ function IP_match($network, $mask, $ip) { bcscale(3); $ip_long = ip2long($ip); $mask_long = ip2long($network); # # Convert mask to divider # if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $mask)) { /// style mask (Cisco style) $divider = bcpow(2, (32 - $mask)); } else { /// style mask $xmask = ip2long($mask); if ($xmask < 0) $xmask = bcadd(bcpow(2, 32), $xmask); $divider = bcsub(bcpow(2, 32), $xmask); } # # Test is IP within specified mask # if (floor(bcdiv($ip_long, $divider)) == floor(bcdiv($mask_long, $divider))) { # match - this IP is within specified mask return true; } else { # fail - this IP is NOT within specified mask return false; } } ?>