* @copyright (c) 2012-2013, conlite.org * * $Id: include.system_db_backup.php 438 2016-05-17 17:31:24Z oldperl $ */ /* @var $sess Contenido_Session */ /* @var $perm Contenido_Perm */ /* @var $auth Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth */ /* @var $notification Contenido_Notification */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } define('CL_BACKUP_COUNT_LINES', 20000); define('CL_BACKUP_MAX_RELOADS', 600); define('CL_BACKUP_VERSION', 'CL DB-Backup 1.3.4'); define('CL_BACKUP_PATH', $cfg['path']['conlite_backup']); define('CL_BACKUP_LOGFILE', $cfg['path']['conlite_logs'] . "db-backup-log.txt"); define('CL_BACKUP_START_IMG', $cfg['path']['contenido_html'] . $cfg['path']['images'] . "db_backup_start.png"); define('CL_BACKUP_START_IMG_OFF', $cfg['path']['contenido_html'] . $cfg['path']['images'] . "db_backup_start_off.png"); $aMessage = array(); $bNoBackup = false; $bFinalStep = false; // check backup path if (!is_dir(CL_BACKUP_PATH) || !is_writable(CL_BACKUP_PATH)) { $notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Backupfolder missing or not writable!")); $bNoBackup = true; } $backup_action = (isset($_GET['cl_action']) ? $_GET['cl_action'] : ''); // check dbuser rights /* echo "
$oDb = new DB_ConLite();
//echo $sSql = "SHOW GRANTS FOR '".$cfg['db']['connection']['user']."'@'".$cfg['db']['connection']['host']."';";
echo $sSql = "SHOW GRANTS FOR '" . $cfg['db']['connection']['user'] . "';";
while ($oDb->next_record()) {

$sTable = "";
$bk_filename = str_replace(array("&cl_action=backupnow", "&"), array("", "&"), $sess->self_url()); // web28 - 2011-07-02 - Security Fix - PHP_SELF
$info_h1 = i18n("Start your Backup!");
$info_h2 = ' ';
$oImgButton = new cHTMLImage();
if ($bNoBackup) {
    $oImgButton->setAlt(mi18n("Backup not possible!"));
} else {
    $oImgButton->setAlt(mi18n("Click to start Backup!"));
$sImage = $oImgButton->render();
$oStartButton = new cHTMLLink($sess->self_url() . "&cl_action=backupnow");
$button_back = ($bNoBackup) ? $sImage : $oStartButton->toHtml();

//aktiviert die Ausgabepufferung

//Start Session
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
//#### BACKUP ANFANG #######
if (isset($_SESSION['dump'])) {
    $dump = $_SESSION['dump'];
    $info_h2 = ' ';
    $button_back = ' ';
} else {
    $oUser = new User();
    $bHasPermission = ($oUser->getUserProperty("system", "cl_backup_allowed") == 'true') ? true : false;
    if (!$perm->isSysadmin() && !$bHasPermission) {
        $notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied!"));

cInclude("classes", "class.cl_db_backup.php");

if ($backup_action == 'backupnow') {
    $oDB = new DB_ConLite();
    $oDB2 = new DB_ConLite();

    $info_h1 = i18n("Starting Backup.");
    $info_h2 = ' ';

    $restore = array();
    $dump = array();


    //BOF Disable "STRICT" mode!
    $vers = $oDB->getClientInfo();
    if (substr($vers, 0, 1) > 4) {
        $oDB->query("SET SESSION sql_mode=''");
        //@mysql_query("SET SESSION sql_mode=''", $oDB->Link_ID);
    //EOF Disable "STRICT" mode!

    $mysql_version = '-- MySQL-Client-Version: ' . $oDB->getClientInfo() . "\n--\n";

    $schema = '-- ConLite ' . $cfg['version'] . "\n" .
            '--' . "\n" .
            '-- ' . CL_BACKUP_VERSION . ' (c) 2012-' . date('Y') . ' php-backoffice.de' . "\n" .
            '--' . "\n" .
            '-- Database: ' . $cfg['db']['connection']['database'] . "\n" .
            '-- Database Server: ' . $oDB->getServerInfo() . "\n" .
            '--' . "\n" . $mysql_version .
            '-- Backup Date: ' . date("r") . "\n\n";
    $backup_file = 'dbd_' . $cfg['db']['connection']['database'] . '-' . date('YmdHis');
    $dump['file'] = CL_BACKUP_PATH . $backup_file;

    if (!isset($dump['compress'])) {
        if (getEffectiveSetting("cl-backup", "use_gzip", false) == 'true') {
            $dump['compress'] = true;
            $dump['file'] .= '.sql.gz';
        } else {
            $dump['compress'] = false;
            $dump['file'] .= '.sql';

    if (!isset($dump['complete_inserts'])) {
        if (getEffectiveSetting("cl-backup", "complete_inserts", false) == 'true') {
            $dump['complete_inserts'] = 'yes';

    $oDB->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $cfg['db']['connection']['database'] . "` LIKE '" . $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix'] . "_%'");
    $dump['num_tables'] = $oDB->num_rows();

    //Tabellennamen in Array einlesen
    $dump['tables'] = Array();
    $dump['num_rows'] = -1;
    //echo "
    if ($dump['num_tables'] > 0) {
        $dump['num_rows'] = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $dump['num_tables']; $i++) {
            $row = $oDB->toArray(FETCH_ASSOC);
            $dump['tables'][$i] = $row['Name'];
            $oDB2->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $row['Name']);
            //$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$row['Name'], $oDB->Link_ID);
            $aTmp = $oDB2->toArray(FETCH_ASSOC);
            $dump['num_rows'] += $aTmp[0];
        $dump['nr'] = 0;

        $dump['table_offset'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['dump'] = $dump;
        //echo '
         * Statuszeile kompatibel zu MySQLDumper (MSD)
         * AUFBAU der Statuszeile:
         *  -- Status:tabellenzahl:datensätze:Multipart:Datenbankname:script:scriptversion:Kommentar:MySQLVersion:Backupflags:SQLBefore:SQLAfter:Charset:EXTINFO
         *  Aufbau Backupflags (1 Zeichen pro Flag, 0 oder 1, 2=unbekannt)
         *  (complete inserts)(extended inserts)(ignore inserts)(delayed inserts)(downgrade)(lock tables)(optimize tables)
        $statusline = array();
        $statusline['tables'] = $dump['num_tables'];
        $statusline['records'] = $dump['num_rows'];
        $statusline['part'] = 'MP_0';
        $statusline['dbname'] = $cfg['db']['connection']['database'];
        $statusline['script'] = 'php';
        $statusline['scriptversion'] = '1.24';
        $statusline['comment'] = 'Backup made by ' . CL_BACKUP_VERSION;
        $statusline['mysqlversion'] = $oDB->getServerInfo();
        $statusline['flags'] = '2222222';
        $statusline['sqlbefore'] = '';
        $statusline['sqlafter'] = '';
        $statusline['charset'] = $oDB->getClientEncoding();
        $statusline['extinfo'] = 'EXTINFO';

        $sStatLine = "-- Status:";
        $sStatLine .= implode(":", $statusline) . "\n\n";
        $schema = $sStatLine . $schema;
        $oClBackup = new clDbBackup();
        $selbstaufruf = '';
    } else {
        $aMessage['level'] = Contenido_Notification::LEVEL_ERROR;
        $aMessage['text'] = "Error: Cannot read database!";
//else ERROR
//Seite neu laden wenn noch nicht alle Tabellen ausgelesen sind
if ($dump['num_tables'] > 0 && $backup_action != 'backupnow') {

    if (!is_object($oClBackup)) {
        $oClBackup = new clDbBackup();

    $info_h1 = i18n("Backup in Progress!");


    if ($dump['nr'] < $dump['num_tables']) {
        $nr = $dump['nr'];
        $dump['aufruf'] ++;
        $table_ok = i18n("Tables saved: ") . ($nr + 1) . '

' . i18n("Last processed: ") . $dump['tables'][$nr] . '

' . i18n("Pageviews: ") . $dump['aufruf']; //Neue Tabelle if ($dump['table_offset'] == 0) { $dump['table_records'] = $oClBackup->_writeTableHeader($dump['tables'][$nr]); $dump['anzahl_zeilen'] = CL_BACKUP_COUNT_LINES; $dump['table_offset'] = 1; $dump['zeilen_offset'] = 0; } else { //Daten aus Tabelle lesen //GetTableData($dump['tables'][$nr]); $oClBackup->_writeTableData($dump['tables'][$nr]); } $_SESSION['dump'] = $dump; $selbstaufruf = ''; //Verhindert Endlosschleife - Script wir nach MAX_RELOADS beendet if ($dump['aufruf'] > CL_BACKUP_MAX_RELOADS) { $selbstaufruf = ''; } } else { //Fertig $info_h2 = ' '; $info_h1 = i18n("Backup done!"); $table_ok = i18n("Tables saved: ") . $dump['nr'] . '

' . i18n("Pageviews: ") . $dump['aufruf']; $selbstaufruf = ''; unset($_SESSION['dump']); $oBackButton = new cHTMLLink($sess->self_url()); $oBackButton->_setContent(i18n("Go Back to Overview")); $button_back = $oBackButton->toHtml(); $bFinalStep = true; if (!is_object($oClBackup)) { $oClBackup = new clDbBackup(); } $oClBackup->writeLog(); } } //#### BACKUP ENDE ####### // Let's build the file table if (!isset($_SESSION['dump']) && !$bFinalStep) { if (!is_object($oClBackup)) { $oClBackup = new clDbBackup(); } $aFiles = $oClBackup->getDumpFiles(CL_BACKUP_PATH); //print_r($aFiles); $oFileList = new cScrollList(); $oFileList->objTable->setID("files_tab"); $oFileList->setHeader(mi18n("#"), mi18n("Date"), mi18n("Filename"), mi18n("Filesize"), mi18n("Tables/Entries"), "", mi18n("Actions")); $oFileList->objHeaderItem->updateAttributes(array('style' => "width: 20px; padding: 0 4px;white-space:nowrap; border: 1px solid #B3B3B3; border-bottom: 0;")); $oFileList->setSortable(1, true); $oFileList->setSortable(2, true); $iLoop = 0; if (is_array($aFiles) && count($aFiles) > 0) { foreach ($aFiles as $sKey => $aFile) { // send file on request if ($cl_action == 'download_file' && $fileid == $sKey) { $oClBackup->sendFile(CL_BACKUP_PATH . $aFile['filename']); die(); } if ($cl_action == 'del_file' && $fileid == $sKey) { if (unlink(CL_BACKUP_PATH . $aFile['filename'])) { $notification->displayNotification('info', i18n("File successfully deleted.")); continue; } } $oDelImg = new cHTMLImage(); $oDelImg->setSrc($cfg['path']['contenido_html'] . $cfg['path']['images'] . "but_delete.gif"); $oDelImg->setClass("img_but"); $oDelImg->setAlt(i18n("Delete File")); $oDelete = new cHTMLLink($sess->url($sess->self_url() . "&cl_action=del_file&fileid=$sKey"), "delete"); $oDelete->setContent($oDelImg->render()); $oDownloadImg = new cHTMLImage(); $oDownloadImg->setSrc($cfg['path']['contenido_html'] . $cfg['path']['images'] . "but_downloadlist.gif"); $oDownloadImg->setClass("img_but"); $oDownloadImg->setAlt(i18n("Download File")); $oDownload = new cHTMLLink($sess->url($sess->self_url() . "&cl_action=download_file&fileid=$sKey"), "download"); $oDownload->setContent($oDownloadImg->render()); $aFileStats = readStatusLineFromFile(CL_BACKUP_PATH . $aFile['filename']); if (is_array($aFileStats)) { $sFileStats = $aFileStats['tables'] . " / " . $aFileStats['records']; } else { $sFileStats = ''; } $oFileList->setData($iLoop, $iLoop + 1, date("Y-m-d H:i", $aFile['ctime']), $aFile['filename'], human_readable_size($aFile['size']), $sFileStats, " ", $oDelete->render() . $oDownload->render()); $iLoop++; } } $sFileList = $oFileList->render(true); } function readStatusLineFromFile($sFile) { $FileName = basename($sFile); if (strtolower(substr($FileName, -2)) == 'gz') { $fp = gzopen($sFile, "r"); if ($fp === false) die('Can\'t open file ' . $FileName); $sline = gzgets($fp, 40960); gzclose($fp); } else { $fp = fopen($sFile, "r"); if ($fp === false) die('Can\'t open file ' . $FileName); $sline = fgets($fp, 5000); fclose($fp); } $aStatusLine = clStatusLine2Array($sline); return $aStatusLine; } function clStatusLine2Array($sLine) { if (substr($sLine, 0, 9) != "-- Status") return false; $aStatus = explode(":", $sLine); $aRet = array(); $aRet['tables'] = $aStatus[1]; $aRet['records'] = $aStatus[2]; $aRet['dbname'] = $aStatus[4]; if ((isset($aStatus[12])) && trim($aStatus[12]) != 'EXTINFO') { $aRet['charset'] = $aStatus[12]; } else { $aRet['charset'] = '?'; } return $aRet; } ?> <?php echo CL_BACKUP_VERSION; ?> '; ?>