* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2007-04-20 * modified 2008-06-15, Rudi Bieller, Bugfix CON-149 * modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix * modified 2008-06-27, Timo.Trautmann, Encoding Header added * modified 2008-07-02, Frederic Schneider, querys escaped and include security class * modified 2008-09-08, Oliver Lohkemper, Fixed: "Fatal error: Class 'PropertyCollection' not found" * modified 2010-05-20, Murat Purc, standardized Contenido startup and security check invocations, see [#CON-307] * * $Id$: * }} * */ /* * 16.01.2008 * Thorsten Granz * Added 'store search' function * Added showinng values of search in searchform (Timo Trautmann) */ if (!defined("CON_FRAMEWORK")) { define("CON_FRAMEWORK", true); } // Contenido startup process include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/startup.php'); page_open(array('sess' => 'Contenido_Session', 'auth' => 'Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth', 'perm' => 'Contenido_Perm')); i18nInit($cfg["path"]["contenido"].$cfg["path"]["locale"], $belang); # Variablen initialisieren $db = new DB_ConLite; $db2 = new DB_ConLite; // Session $sSession = ''; $sSession_tmp = ''; // Session 'Anhang' fuer URLs $sSessionAppend = ''; // SprachID $iSpeachID = $lang; $iSpeachID_tmp = NULL; // Suche - ID $iSearchID = NULL; $iSearchID_tmp = 0; // Suche - Text $sSearchStr = NULL; $sSearchStr_tmp = ''; // Suche - Date type $sSearchStrDateType = NULL; $sSearchStrDateType_tmp = ''; // Suche - Date from $sSearchStrDateFrom = NULL; $sSearchStrDateFrom_tmp = ''; // Suche - Date to $sSearchStrDateTo = NULL; $sSearchStrDateTo_tmp = ''; $where = ''; // SprachID ermitteln $iLangID = ((int) $lang > 0?(int) $lang:1); // effektive Einstellung fuer Zeitdarstellung holen $dateformat = getEffectiveSetting("backend", "timeformat_date", "Y-m-d"); // fuer das Initialiseren der Sub-Navi benoetigte Werte $sLoadSubnavi = ''; $iIDCat = 0; $iIDTpl = 0; // Session- und Sprachdaten aus Formularanfrage sichern if (isset($_POST[$sess->name])) { $sSession_tmp = trim (strip_tags ($_POST[$sess->name])); } elseif (isset($_GET[$sess->name])) { $sSession_tmp = trim (strip_tags ($_GET[$sess->name])); } if (strlen($sSession_tmp) > 0) { $sSession = $sSession_tmp; } if (isset($_POST['speach'])) { $iSpeachID_tmp = (int) $_POST['speach']; if ((string) $iSpeachID_tmp === $_POST['speach']) { $iSpeachID = $iSpeachID_tmp; } } if( !empty($sSession) ) { //Backend page_open(array ( 'sess' => 'Contenido_Session', 'auth' => 'Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth', 'perm' => 'Contenido_Perm' )); i18nInit($cfg["path"]["contenido"].$cfg["path"]["locale"], $belang); } else { //Frontend page_open(array ('sess' => 'Contenido_Frontend_Session', 'auth' => 'Contenido_Frontend_Challenge_Crypt_Auth', 'perm' => 'Contenido_Perm')); } /* * SAVE SEARCH * Some orientation info: * 1. User is calling a stored search -> fetch search values from con_properties and put them in PHP variables used for searching * 2. User has entered some search values -> standard search in DB * 3. User pressed 'save search' -> show 'successfully stored' message & use the stored search id to show the result again */ $save_title = 'save_title'; $save_id = 'save_id'; $save_date_from = 'save_date_from'; $save_date_from_year = 'save_date_from_year'; $save_date_from_month = 'save_date_from_month'; $save_date_from_day = 'save_date_from_day'; $save_date_to = 'save_date_to'; $save_date_to_year = 'save_date_to_year'; $save_date_to_month = 'save_date_to_month'; $save_date_to_day = 'save_date_to_day'; $save_date_field = 'save_date_field'; $save_author = 'save_author'; $save_name = 'save_name'; $type = 'savedsearch'; // section for saved searches in con_properties $refreshScript = ''; // refresh top left frame $saveSuccessfull = ''; // Sucessfully stored message /* Function for generating refresh JavaScript for form in left_top */ function generateJs ($aValues) { if (is_array($aValues)) { global $save_title; global $save_id; global $save_date_from_year; global $save_date_from_month; global $save_date_from_day; global $save_date_to_year; global $save_date_to_month; global $save_date_to_day; global $save_date_field; global $save_author; global $save_name; return 'function refresh_article_search_form (refresh) { var oFrame = top.content.left.left_top; if (oFrame) { oForm = oFrame.document.backend_search; oForm.bs_search_text.value = "'.$aValues[$save_title].'"; oForm.bs_search_id.value = "'.$aValues[$save_id].'"; oForm.bs_search_date_type.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_field].'"; oFrame.toggle_tr_visibility("tr_date_from"); oFrame.toggle_tr_visibility("tr_date_to"); oForm.bs_search_date_from_day.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_from_day].'"; oForm.bs_search_date_from_month.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_to_month].'"; oForm.bs_search_date_from_year.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_from_year].'"; oForm.bs_search_date_to_day.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_to_day].'"; oForm.bs_search_date_to_month.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_to_month].'"; oForm.bs_search_date_to_year.value = "'.$aValues[$save_date_to_year].'"; oForm.bs_search_author.value = "'.$aValues[$save_author].'"; } } refresh_article_search_form (); '; } else { return false; } } /** Function masks string for inserting into SQL statement * * @param string $sString * @return string */ function mask ($sString) { $sString = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $sString); $sString = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $sString); $sString = str_replace('"', '\\"', $sString); return $sString; } $sScript = ''; /* Searches in generic db for a - Search */ function getSearchResults($itemidReq, $itemtypeReq) { global $save_title; global $save_id; global $save_date_from; global $save_date_from_year; global $save_date_from_month; global $save_date_from_day; global $save_date_to; global $save_date_to_year; global $save_date_to_month; global $save_date_to_day; global $save_date_field; global $save_author; global $save_name; global $type; $retValue = array(); // Request from DB $propertyCollection = new PropertyCollection; $results = $propertyCollection->getValuesByType($itemtypeReq, $itemidReq, $type); // Put results in returning Array $retValue[$save_title] = $results[$save_title]; $retValue[$save_id] = $results[$save_id]; $retValue[$save_date_field] = $results[$save_date_field]; $retValue[$save_author] = $results[$save_author]; // Date from $sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp = 0; $sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp = 0; $sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp = 0; $saveDateFrom = $results[$save_date_from]; if( isset($saveDateFrom) && sizeof($saveDateFrom)>0 ) { $saveDateFrom = str_replace(' 00:00:00', '', $saveDateFrom); $saveDateFromParts = explode('-', $saveDateFrom); if(sizeof($saveDateFromParts) == 3) { $retValue[$save_date_from_year] = $saveDateFromParts[0]; $retValue[$save_date_from_month] = $saveDateFromParts[1]; $retValue[$save_date_from_day] = $saveDateFromParts[2]; } } // Date to $sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp = 0; $sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp = 0; $sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp = 0; $saveDateTo = $results[$save_date_to]; if( isset($saveDateTo) && sizeof($saveDateTo)>0 ) { $saveDateTo = str_replace(' 23:59:59', '', $saveDateTo); $saveDateToParts = explode('-', $saveDateTo); if(sizeof($saveDateToParts) == 3) { $retValue[$save_date_to_year] = $saveDateToParts[0]; $retValue[$save_date_to_month] = $saveDateToParts[1]; $retValue[$save_date_to_day] = $saveDateToParts[2]; } } return $retValue; } // SAVE CURRENT SEARCH if( sizeof($_GET) == 0 && isset($_POST['save_search']) ) { $itemtype = rand(0,10000); $itemid = time(); $propertyCollection = new PropertyCollection; /** * Getting values from POST and storing them to DB * no checking for consistency done here because these values have already been checked when * building form sending this POST */ // Title / Content $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_title, $_POST[$save_title]); // ID $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_id, $_POST[$save_id]); // Date from $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_date_from, $_POST[$save_date_from]); // Date to $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_date_to, $_POST[$save_date_to]); // Date type $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_date_field, $_POST[$save_date_field]); // Author $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_author, $_POST[$save_author]); // Name of search (displayed to user) $propertyCollection->setValue($itemtype, $itemid, $type, $save_name, $_POST[$save_name]); // Call search we justed saved to show results $searchResults = getSearchResults($itemid, $itemtype); $sSearchStr_tmp = $searchResults[$save_title]; $iSearchID_tmp = $searchResults[$save_id]; $sSearchStrDateType_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_field]; $sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from_day]; $sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from_month]; $sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from_year]; $sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to_day]; $sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to_month]; $sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to_year]; $sSearchStrAuthor_tmp = $searchResults[$save_author]; $sScript = generateJs($searchResults); // Reload top left to show new search name $refreshScript .= 'top.content.left.left_top.location.href = top.content.left.left_top.location.href+"&save_search=true";'; // Message for successfull saving $saveSuccessfull = i18n("Thank you for saving this search from extinction !"); } // STORED SEARCH HAS BEEN CALLED elseif( sizeof($_GET) > 0) { $itemtypeReq = (isset($itemtypeReq))?$_GET['itemtype']:''; $itemidReq = (isset($itemidReq))?$_GET['itemid']:''; if(strlen($itemtypeReq) > 0 && strlen($itemidReq) > 0) { $searchResults = getSearchResults($itemidReq, $itemtypeReq); $sSearchStr_tmp = $searchResults[$save_title]; $iSearchID_tmp = $searchResults[$save_id]; $sSearchStrDateType_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_field]; $sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from_day]; $sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from_month]; $sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from_year]; $sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to_day]; $sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to_month]; $sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to_year]; $sSearchStrAuthor_tmp = $searchResults[$save_author]; $sSearchStrDateFrom_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_from]; $sSearchStrDateTo_tmp = $searchResults[$save_date_to]; #script for refreshing search form with stored search options $sScript = generateJs($searchResults); } elseif( isset($_GET['recentedit']) ) { // compute current day minus one week $actDate = time(); $weekInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // seconds, minutes, hours, days $oneWeekEarlier = $actDate - $weekInSeconds; $sSearchStrDateType_tmp = 'lastmodified'; $sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp = date('d', $oneWeekEarlier); $sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp = date('m', $oneWeekEarlier); $sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp = date('Y', $oneWeekEarlier); $sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp = date('d', $actDate); $sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp = date('m', $actDate); $sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp = date('Y', $actDate); } elseif( isset($_GET['myarticles']) ) { $sSearchStrAuthor_tmp = $auth->auth['uname']; } } // STANDARD SEARCH elseif( sizeof($_GET) == 0 && isset($_POST) ) { $sSearchStr_tmp = trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_text'])); $iSearchID_tmp = (int) $_POST['bs_search_id']; $sSearchStrDateType_tmp = trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_type'])); $sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp = (int) trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_from_day'])); $sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp = (int) trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_from_month'])); $sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp = (int) trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_from_year'])); $sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp = (int) trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_to_day'])); $sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp = (int) trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_to_month'])); $sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp = (int) trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_date_to_year'])); $sSearchStrAuthor_tmp = trim (strip_tags ($_POST['bs_search_author'])); } // else ERROR // No code here, empty results caught later in code // Title / Content if (!empty($sSearchStr_tmp)) { $sSearchStr = $sSearchStr_tmp; } // Article ID if ($iSearchID_tmp > 0) { $iSearchID = $iSearchID_tmp; } // Date if ($sSearchStrDateType_tmp != 'n/a') { if (!empty($sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp) && !empty($sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp) && !empty($sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp)) { $sSearchStrDateFrom = $sSearchStrDateFromYear_tmp.'-'.$sSearchStrDateFromMonth_tmp.'-'.$sSearchStrDateFromDay_tmp.' 00:00:00'; } else { $sSearchStrDateFrom = ''; } if (!empty($sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp) && !empty($sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp) && !empty($sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp)) { $sSearchStrDateTo = $sSearchStrDateToYear_tmp.'-'.$sSearchStrDateToMonth_tmp.'-'.$sSearchStrDateToDay_tmp.' 23:59:59'; } else { $sSearchStrDateTo = ''; } $sDateFieldName = $sSearchStrDateType_tmp; } else { $sDateFieldName = ''; } // Author if (!empty($sSearchStrAuthor_tmp)) { $sSearchStrAuthor = $sSearchStrAuthor_tmp; } # liest den gesuchten Artikel aus der Datenbank $sql_1 = "SELECT DISTINCT a.idart, a.idartlang, a.title, a.online, a.locked, a.idartlang, a.created, a.published, a.artsort, a.lastmodified, b.idcat, b.idcatart, b.idcatart, c.startidartlang, c.idcatlang, e.name as 'tplname' FROM ".$cfg['tab']['art_lang']." as a LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['cat_art']." as b ON a.idart = b.idart LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['cat_lang']." as c ON a.idartlang = c.startidartlang LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['tpl_conf']." as d ON a.idtplcfg = d.idtplcfg LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['tpl']." as e ON d.idtpl = e.`idtpl` LEFT JOIN ".$cfg['tab']['content']." as f ON f.idartlang = a.idartlang WHERE (a.idlang = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($iSpeachID).") "; $where = ""; $bNoCriteria = true; // Article ID if (!is_null($iSearchID)) { $where.= " AND (a.idart = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($iSearchID).")"; $bNoCriteria = false; } // es soll nach Text gesucht werden if (!empty($sSearchStr)) { $where.= " AND ((a.title LIKE '%" . mask(Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sSearchStr, $db)) . "%')"; $where.= " OR (f.value LIKE '%" . mask(Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sSearchStr, $db)) . "%'))"; $bNoCriteria = false; } if (!empty($sSearchStrDateFrom) && ($sDateFieldName != '')) { $where.= " AND (a.".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sDateFieldName, $db)." >= '".mask(Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sSearchStrDateFrom, $db))."')"; $bNoCriteria = false; } if (!empty($sSearchStrDateTo) && ($sDateFieldName != '')) { $where.= " AND (a.".$sDateFieldName." <= '".mask(Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sSearchStrDateTo, $db))."')"; $bNoCriteria = false; } if (!empty($sSearchStrAuthor) && ($sSearchStrAuthor != 'n/a')) { // es soll nach Autor gesucht werden $where.= " AND ((a.author = '" . mask(Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sSearchStrAuthor, $db)) . "') OR (a.modifiedby = '" . mask(Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sSearchStrAuthor, $db))."'))"; $bNoCriteria = false; } if (!empty($where)) { $sql_1 .= $where; $db->query($sql_1); } if (!empty($sSession)) { $sSessionAppend = '?contenido=' . $sSession; } $tpl = new Template(); $tpl->setEncoding('iso-8859-1'); $tpl->set('s', 'SESSID', $sSession); $tpl->set('s', 'SCRIPT', $sScript); $tpl->set('s', 'SESSNAME', $sess->name); $tpl->set('s', 'TITLE', i18n('Search results')); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_START', i18n("Article")); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_TITLE', i18n("Title")); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_CHANGED', i18n("Changed")); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_PUBLISHED', i18n("Published")); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_SORTORDER', i18n("Sort order")); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_TEMPLATE', i18n("Template")); $tpl->set('s', 'TH_ACTIONS', i18n("Actions")); // Refresh top left frame $tpl->set('s', 'REFRESH', $refreshScript); // Successfully stored Message $tpl->set('s', 'SEARCHSTOREDMESSAGE', $saveSuccessfull); $iAffectedRows = $db->affected_rows(); if (empty($where) || $iAffectedRows <= 0) { $sNoArticle = i18n("Missing search value."); $sNothingFound = i18n("No article found."); if( $bNoCriteria ) { $sErrOut = $sNoArticle; } else { $sErrOut = $sNothingFound; } $sRow = '' . $sErrOut . ''; $tpl->set('d', 'ROWS', $sRow); $tpl->next(); } else { $bHit = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $iAffectedRows; $i++) { // reinitialisiere Hilfs-String $sRow = ''; $db->next_record(); $idcat = $db->f("idcat"); $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con", "con_makestart"); if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con", "con_makeonline"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con", "con_deleteart"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con", "con_tplcfg_edit"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con", "con_makecatonline"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con", "con_changetemplate"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con_editcontent", "con_editart"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con_editart", "con_edit"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con_editart", "con_newart"); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action("con_editart", "con_saveart"); } #Check rights per cat if (!$check_rights) { //hotfix timo trautmann 2008-12-10 also check rights in associated groups $aGroupsForUser = $perm->getGroupsForUser($auth->auth[uid]); $aGroupsForUser[] = $auth->auth[uid]; $sTmpUserString = implode("','", $aGroupsForUser); #Check if any rights are applied to current user or his groups $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["rights"]." WHERE user_id IN ('".$sTmpUserString."') AND idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($client)."' AND idlang = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang)."' AND idcat = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($idcat)."'"; $db2->query($sql); if ($db2->num_rows() != 0) { if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_makestart",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_makeonline",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_deleteart",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_tplcfg_edit",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_makecatonline",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_changetemplate",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con_editcontent", "con_editart",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con_editart", "con_edit",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con_editart", "con_newart",$idcat); } if (!$check_rights) { $check_rights = $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con_editart", "con_saveart",$idcat); } } } if ($check_rights) { $bHit = true; $idart = $db->f("idart"); $idartlang = $db->f("idartlang"); $idcatart = $db->f("idcatart"); $idcatlang = $db->f("idcatlang"); $title = $db->f("title"); $idartlang = $db->f("idartlang"); $created = date($dateformat, strtotime($db->f("created"))); $lastmodified = date($dateformat, strtotime($db->f("lastmodified"))); $published = date($dateformat, strtotime($db->f("published"))); $online = $db->f("online"); $locked = $db->f("locked"); $startidartlang = $db->f("startidartlang"); $templatename = $db->f("tplname"); // fuer den ersten gefundenen Artikel die Werte fuer CategoryID und TemplateID merken if ($i == 0) { $iIDCat = $idcat; if(!empty($idtpl)) { $iIDTpl = $idtpl; } } /* Funktion zum umwandeln in Startartikel/normale Artikel*/ if ($perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_makestart",$idcat) && 0 == 1) { if( $startidartlang == $idartlang ) { $sFlagTitle = i18n('Flag as normal article'); $makeStartarticle = "\"{$sFlagTitle}\""; } else { $sFlagTitle = i18n('Flag as start article'); $makeStartarticle = "\"{$sFlagTitle}\""; } } else { if( $startidartlang == $idartlang ) { $sFlagTitle = i18n('Flag as normal article'); $makeStartarticle = "\"{$sFlagTitle}\""; } else { $sFlagTitle = i18n('Flag as start article'); $makeStartarticle = "\"{$sFlagTitle}\""; } } /* Funktion zum online/offline stellen */ if( $online==1 ) { $sOnlineStatus = i18n('Make offline'); $bgColorRow = "background-color: #E2E2E2;"; $setOnOff = "\"{$sOnlineStatus}\""; } else { $sOnlineStatus = i18n('Make online'); $bgColorRow = "background-color: #E2D9D9;"; $setOnOff = "\"{$sOnlineStatus}\""; } /* Funktion zum Artikel sperren/entsperren */ if( $locked==1 ) { $sLockStatus = i18n('Unfreeze article'); $lockArticle = "\"{$sLockStatus}\""; } else { $sLockStatus = i18n('Freeze article'); $lockArticle = "\"{$sLockStatus}\""; } /* Templatename */ if (!empty($templatename)) { $sTemplateName = clHtmlEntities($templatename); } else { $sTemplateName = '--- ' . i18n("None") . ' ---'; } $todoListeSubject = i18n("Reminder"); $sReminder = i18n("Set reminder / add to todo list"); $sDuplicateArticle = i18n("Duplicate article"); $sArticleProperty = i18n("Article properties"); $sConfigureTpl = i18n("Configure template"); $sDeleteArticle = i18n("Delete article"); $sDeleteArticleQuestion = i18n("Do you really want to delete following article"); $sRowId = "$idart-$idartlang-$idcat-0-$idcatart-$iLangID"; if ($i == 0) { $tpl->set('s', 'FIRST_ROWID', $sRowId); } if ($online == 1 OR ($i % 2 == 1)) { $bgColorRow = '#E2E2E2'; } else { $bgColorRow = '#E2E2E2'; } if ($perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con_editcontent", "con_editart",$idcat)) { $editart = "".$db->f("title").""; } else { $editart = $db->f("title"); } if ($perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_duplicate",$idcat)) { $duplicate = "\"$sDuplicateArticle\""; } else { $duplicate = ""; } if ($perm->have_perm_area_action_item("con", "con_deleteart",$idcat)) { $delete = "
".$db->f('title')."", "deleteArticle($idart,$idcat)")\" title=\"$sDeleteArticle\">\"$sDeleteArticle\"
"; }else { $delete = ""; } $sRow = '' . "\n"; $sRow .= $makeStartarticle . "\n"; $sRow .= "$editart $lastmodified $published ".$db->f("artsort")." $sTemplateName \"$sReminder\" $duplicate $delete "; $tpl->set('d', 'ROWS', $sRow); $tpl->next(); } #if } #for if (!$bHit) { $sNothingFound = i18n("No article found."); $sRow = '' . $sNothingFound . ''; $tpl->set('d', 'ROWS', $sRow); $tpl->next(); } $sLoadSubnavi = 'parent.parent.frames["right"].frames["right_top"].location.href = \'main.php?area=con&frame=3&idcat=' . $iIDCat . '&idtpl=' . $iIDTpl . '&contenido=' . $sSession . "';"; } #if ########################### # Save Search Parameters ########################### if(!empty($bHit) && sizeof($_GET) == 0 && isset($_POST) ) { // Build form with hidden fields that contain all search parameters to be stored using generic db $searchForm = ''; $tpl->set('s', 'STORESEARCHFORM', $searchForm); // Title / Header for 'store the search' form $tpl->set('s', 'STORESEARCHINFO', i18n("Save this Search")); } else { $tpl->set('s', 'STORESEARCHINFO', ''); $tpl->set('s', 'STORESEARCHFORM', ''); } $tpl->set('s', 'SUBNAVI', $sLoadSubnavi); sendEncodingHeader($db, $cfg, $lang); $tpl->generate($cfg['path']['templates'] . 'template.backend_search_results.html'); ?>