* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2003-09-01 * modified 2008-06-25, Frederic Schneider, add security fix * modified 2009-10-27, Murat Purc, initialization of variable $bError to prevent PHP strict messages * modified 2010-05-20, Murat Purc, standardized Contenido startup and security check invocations, see [#CON-307] * * $Id$: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /* Info: * This file contains Contenido General API functions. * * If you are planning to add a function, please make sure that: * 1.) The function is in the correct place * 2.) The function is documented * 3.) The function makes sense and is generically usable * */ /** * Includes a file and takes care of all path transformations. * * Example: * contenido_include('classes', 'class.backend.php'); * * Currently defined areas: * * frontend Path to the *current* frontend * conlib Path to conlib * pear Path to the bundled pear copy * classes Path to the contenido classes (see NOTE below) * cronjobs Path to the cronjobs * external Path to the external tools * includes Path to the contenido includes * scripts Path to the contenido scripts * * NOTE: Since Contenido (since v 4.8.15) provides autoloading of required * class files, there is no need to load Contenido class files of by using * contenido_include() or cInclude(). * * @param string $sWhere The area which should be included * @param string $sWhat The filename of the include * @param bool $bForce If true, force the file to be included * @param string $bReturnPath Flag to return the path instead of including the file * @return void */ function contenido_include($sWhere, $sWhat, $bForce = false, $bReturnPath = false) { global $client, $cfg, $cfgClient; // Sanity check for $sWhat $sWhat = trim($sWhat); $sWhere = strtolower($sWhere); $bError = false; switch ($sWhere) { case 'config': $sInclude = $cfg['path']['config'] . $sWhat; break; case 'frontend': $sInclude = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . $sWhat; break; case 'wysiwyg': $sInclude = $cfg['path']['wysiwyg'] . $sWhat; break; case 'all_wysiwyg': $sInclude = $cfg['path']['all_wysiwyg'] . $sWhat; break; case 'conlib': case 'phplib': $sInclude = $cfg['path']['phplib'] . $sWhat; break; case 'pear': $sInclude = $sWhat; $sIncludePath = ini_get('include_path'); if (!preg_match('|' . $cfg['path']['pear'] . '|i', $sIncludePath)) { // contenido pear path is not set in include_path // we try to add it via ini_set if (!@ini_set('include_path', $sIncludePath . PATH_SEPARATOR . $cfg['path']['pear'])) { // not able to change include_path trigger_error("Can't add {$cfg['path']['pear']} to include_path", E_USER_NOTICE); $sInclude = $cfg['path']['pear'] . $sWhat; unset($sWhere); } else { $aPaths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path')); $iLast = count($aPaths) - 1; if ($iLast >= 2) { $tmp = $aPaths[1]; $aPaths[1] = $aPaths[$iLast]; $aPaths[$iLast] = $tmp; @ini_set('include_path', implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $aPaths)); } unset($aPaths, $iLast, $tmp); } } break; default: // FIXME: A workaround to provide inclusion of classes which are not // handled by the autoloader if ($sWhere === 'classes') { if (cAutoload::isAutoloadable($cfg['path'][$sWhere] . $sWhat)) { // it's a class file and it will be loaded automatically by // the autoloader - get out here return; } } $sInclude = $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path'][$sWhere] . $sWhat; break; } $sFoundPath = ''; if ($sWhere === 'pear') { // now we check if the file is available in the include path $aPaths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path')); foreach ($aPaths as $sPath) { if (@file_exists($sPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sInclude)) { $sFoundPath = $sPath; break; } } if (!$sFoundPath) { $bError = true; } unset($aPaths, $sPath); } else { if (!file_exists($sInclude) || preg_match('#^\.\./#', $sWhat)) { $bError = true; } } // should the path be returned? if ($bReturnPath) { if ($sFoundPath !== '') { $sInclude = $sFoundPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sInclude; } if (!$bError) { return $sInclude; } else { return false; } } if ($bError) { $aBackTrace = debug_backtrace(); if (is_array($aBackTrace[1])) { $sError = " in " . $aBackTrace[1]['file'] . " on line " . $aBackTrace[1]['line'] . " function: " . $aBackTrace[1]['function'] . " "; } else { $sError = ""; } trigger_error("Can't include $sInclude $sError", E_USER_ERROR); return; } // now include the file if ($bForce == true) { include($sInclude); } else { include_once($sInclude); } } /** * Shortcut to contenido_include. * * @see contenido_include * * @param string $sWhere The area which should be included * @param string $sWhat The filename of the include * @param bool $bForce If true, force the file to be included * @return void */ function cInclude($sWhere, $sWhat, $bForce = false) { contenido_include($sWhere, $sWhat, $bForce); } /** * Includes a file from a plugin and takes care of all path transformations. * * Example: * plugin_include('formedit', 'classes/class.formedit.php'); * * @param string $sWhere The name of the plugin * @param string $sWhat The filename of the include * @return void */ function plugin_include($sWhere, $sWhat) { global $cfg; $sInclude = $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . $sWhere . '/' . $sWhat; if (is_readable($sInclude)) { include_once($sInclude); } else { $sCaller = ""; $aTrace = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($aTrace as $iKey => $aValue) { if ($aValue['function'] == __METHOD__) { $sCaller = $aValue['file'] . " line " . $aValue['line']; break; } } trigger_error("Function " . __METHOD__ . ": Can't include $sInclude in " . $sCaller, E_USER_WARNING); } }