* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release >= 4.8.8 * * {@internal * created 2008-08-05 * * }} * */ if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } class VersionLayout extends Version { /** * The name of Layout * @access private */ private $sName; /** * The code of Layout * @access private */ private $sCode; /** * The Description of Layout * @access private */ private $sDescripion; /** * The Metainformation about layout * @access private */ private $sDeletabel; /** * The class versionLayout object constructor, initializes class variables * * @param string $iIdLayout The name of style file * @param array $aCfg * @param array $aCfgClient * @param object $oDB * @param integer $iClient * @param object $sArea * @param object $iFrame * * @return void its only initialize class members */ public function __construct($iIdLayout, $aCfg, $aCfgClient, $oDB, $iClient, $sArea, $iFrame){ // Init class members in super class parent::__construct($aCfg, $aCfgClient, $oDB, $iClient, $sArea, $iFrame); // folder layout $this->sType = "layout"; $this->iIdentity = $iIdLayout; // This function looks if maximum number of stored versions is achieved $this->prune(); $this->initRevisions(); // Set Layout Table Iformation $this->setLayoutTable(); // Create Body Node of Xml File $this->setData("name", $this->sName); $this->setData("description", $this->sDescripion); $this->setData("code", $this->sCode); $this->setData("deletable", $this->bDeletabel); } /** * Function reads rows variables from table con_layout and init with the class members. * * @return void */ private function setLayoutTable(){ if(!is_object($this->oDB)) $this->oDB = new DB_ConLite; $sSql = ""; $aLayout = array(); $sSql = "SELECT * FROM ". $this->aCfg["tab"]["lay"] ." WHERE idlay = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->iIdentity)."'"; if($this->oDB->query($sSql)) { $this->oDB->next_record(); $this->iClient = $this->oDB->f("idclient"); $this->sName = $this->oDB->f("name"); $this->sDescripion = $this->oDB->f("description"); $this->sDeletabel = $this->oDB->f("deletable"); $this->sCode = $this->oDB->f("code"); $this->sAuthor = $this->oDB->f("author"); $this->dCreated = $this->oDB->f("created"); $this->dLastModified = $this->oDB->f("lastmodified"); } } // end function /** * This function read an xml file nodes * * @param string $sPath Path to file * * @return array returns array width this three nodes */ public function initXmlReader($sPath) { $aResult = array(); if($sPath !=""){ // Output this xml file $sXML = simplexml_load_file($sPath); if ($sXML) { foreach ($sXML->body as $oBodyValues) { // if choose xml file read value an set it $aResult["name"] = $oBodyValues->name; $aResult["desc"] = $oBodyValues->description; $aResult["code"] = $oBodyValues->code; } } } return $aResult; } /** * Function returns javascript which refreshes contenido frames for file list an subnavigation. * This is neccessary, if filenames where changed, when a history entry is restored * * @param integer $iIdClient - id of client which contains this file * @param string $sArea - name of contenido area in which this procedure should be done * @param integer $iIdLayout - Id of layout to highlight * @param object $sess - Contenido session object * * @return string - Javascript for refrehing frames */ public function renderReloadScript($sArea, $iIdLayout, $sess) { $sReloadScript = ""; return $sReloadScript; } }// end of class ?>