* @copyright (c) 2012, conlite.org * * $Id: class.cl_db_backup.php 374 2015-11-09 15:59:28Z oldperl $ */ /* @var $sess Contenido_Session */ /* @var $perm Contenido_Perm */ /* @var $auth Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth */ /* @var $notification Contenido_Notification */ // security check defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') or die('Illegal call'); class clDbBackup { protected $_oDb; protected $_sDumpFile = null; protected $_bCompress = false; protected $_sTmpData = null; protected $_aUsedExt = array('sql', 'gz'); protected $_aTableContent = array('_code', '_inuse', '_phplib_active_sessions'); protected $_sLogFile; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->_oDb = new DB_ConLite(); $this->_sLogFile = CL_BACKUP_LOGFILE; if (isset($_SESSION['dump']['file']) && !empty($_SESSION['dump']['file'])) { $this->_sDumpFile = $_SESSION['dump']['file']; } if (isset($_SESSION['dump']['compress']) && is_bool($_SESSION['dump']['compress'])) { $this->_bCompress = ($_SESSION['dump']['compress']) ? true : false; } } /** * Builds and returns an array of dump files for a given dir * * @param string $sPath server path to dump files * @param string $sOrder sort order by * @param string $sDirection sort direction * @return array|boolean returns array of files or false */ public function getDumpFiles($sPath, $sOrder = 'date', $sDirection = 'DESC') { $oDirHandle = dir($sPath); $aFiles = array(); if (is_object($oDirHandle)) { $iLoop = 0; while (false !== ($sFile = $oDirHandle->read())) { if ($sFile == '..' || $sFile == '.' || $sFile == '.svn') continue; $info = new SplFileInfo($sPath . $sFile); // pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) if ($info->isFile()) { $sExtension = ''; if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.6", ">=")) { $sExtension = $info->getExtension(); } else { $sExtension = pathinfo($info->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } if (!in_array($sExtension, $this->_aUsedExt)) continue; $aFiles[$iLoop]['ext'] = $sExtension; $aFiles[$iLoop]['size'] = $info->getSize(); $aFiles[$iLoop]['readable'] = $info->isReadable(); $aFiles[$iLoop]['atime'] = $info->getATime(); $aFiles[$iLoop]['ctime'] = $info->getCTime(); $aFiles[$iLoop]['mtime'] = $info->getMTime(); } $aFiles[$iLoop]['filename'] = $sFile; $iLoop++; } $oDirHandle->close(); } if (count($aFiles) > 0) { // Hole eine Liste von Spalten foreach ($aFiles as $key => $row) { $time[$key] = $row['ctime']; } array_multisort($time, (($sDirection == 'DESC') ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC), $aFiles); } return (count($aFiles) > 0) ? $aFiles : false; } /** * Write data to dump file * * @todo make this func protected and give a public wrapper * @param string $sData * @return boolean */ public function _writeToDumpFile($sData = null) { if (!is_null($sData)) $this->_sTmpData = $sData; if (!is_null($this->_sDumpFile)) { if (!is_null($this->_sTmpData) && !empty($this->_sTmpData)) { if ($this->_bCompress) { $fp = gzopen($this->_sDumpFile, 'ab'); gzwrite($fp, $this->_sTmpData, strlen($this->_sTmpData)); gzclose($fp); } else { $fp = fopen($this->_sDumpFile, 'ab'); fwrite($fp, $this->_sTmpData); fclose($fp); } $this->_sTmpData = null; return true; } } $this->_sTmpData = null; return false; } /** * Write table header to dump and return dataset count * * @param string $sTable * @return array */ public function _writeTableHeader($sTable) { $data = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$sTable`;\n"; $this->_oDb->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $sTable . '`'); $this->_oDb->next_record(); $row = $this->_oDb->toArray(); //@mysql_fetch_row($res); $data .= $row[1] . ';' . "\n\n"; if (!$this->_noTableData($sTable)) { $data .= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$sTable` DISABLE KEYS */;\n"; } $this->_writeToDumpFile($data); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as `count_records` FROM `" . $sTable . "`"; $this->_oDb->query($sql); $this->_oDb->next_record(); $res_array = $this->_oDb->toArray(); return $res_array['count_records']; } /** * Write table data to dump file * * @global array $dump * @param string $sTable * @return void */ public function _writeTableData($sTable) { global $dump; if ($this->_noTableData($sTable)) { $dump['nr'] ++; $dump['table_offset'] = 0; return; } $table_list = array(); $this->_oDb->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $sTable); while($this->_oDb->next_record()) { $aResult = $this->_oDb->toArray(); $table_list[] = $aResult['Field']; } $this->_oDb->query('select `' . implode('`,`', $table_list) . '` from ' . $sTable . ' limit ' . $dump['zeilen_offset'] . ',' . ($dump['anzahl_zeilen'])); $ergebnisse = $this->_oDb->num_rows(); $data = ''; if ($ergebnisse !== false) { if (($ergebnisse + $dump['zeilen_offset']) < $dump['table_records']) { //noch nicht fertig - neuen Startwert festlegen $dump['zeilen_offset']+= $dump['anzahl_zeilen']; } else { //Fertig - naechste Tabelle $dump['nr'] ++; $dump['table_offset'] = 0; } //BOF Complete Inserts ja/nein if ($_SESSION['dump']['complete_inserts'] == 'yes') { while ($this->_oDb->next_record()) { $rows = $this->_oDb->toArray(); $insert = 'INSERT INTO `' . $sTable . '` (`' . implode('`, `', $table_list) . '`) VALUES ('; foreach ($table_list as $column) { //EOF NEW TABLE STRUCTURE - LIKE MYSQLDUMPER -functions_dump.php line 186 if (!isset($rows[$column])) { $insert.='NULL,'; } else if ($rows[$column] != '') { $insert.='\'' . mysql_escape_string($rows[$column]) . '\','; } else { $insert.='\'\','; } //BOF NEW TABLE STRUCTURE - LIKE MYSQLDUMPER } $data .=substr($insert, 0, -1) . ');' . "\n"; } } else { $lines = array(); while ($this->_oDb->next_record()) { $rows = $this->_oDb->toArray(); $values = array(); foreach ($table_list as $column) { //EOF NEW TABLE STRUCTURE - LIKE MYSQLDUMPER if (!isset($rows[$column])) { $values[] = 'NULL'; } else if ($rows[$column] != '') { $values[] = '\'' . mysql_escape_string($rows[$column]) . '\''; } else { $values[] = '\'\''; } //BOF NEW TABLE STRUCTURE - LIKE MYSQLDUMPER } $lines[] = implode(', ', $values); } $tmp = trim(implode("),\n (", $lines)); if ($tmp != '') { $data = 'INSERT INTO `' . $sTable . '` (`' . implode('`, `', $table_list) . '`) VALUES' . "\n" . ' (' . $tmp . ");\n"; } } //EOF Complete Inserts ja/nein if ($dump['table_offset'] == 0) $data.= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$sTable` ENABLE KEYS */;\n\n"; $this->_writeToDumpFile($data); } } /** * send a file to browser (download) and exit * * @param string $sFileName */ public function sendFile($sFileName) { if (is_file($sFileName)) { $path_parts = pathinfo($sFileName); $file_name = $path_parts['basename']; $file_ext = $path_parts['extension']; $file_size = filesize($sFileName); $rTmpFile = @fopen($sFileName, "rb"); if ($rTmpFile) { set_time_limit(0); ob_end_clean(); // set the headers, prevent caching header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: private", false); // required for certain browsers header("Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file_name\""); // set the mime type based on extension, add yours if needed. $ctype_default = "application/octet-stream"; $content_types = array( "sql" => "application/x-sql", "gz" => "application/x-gzip" ); $ctype = isset($content_types[$file_ext]) ? $content_types[$file_ext] : $ctype_default; header("Content-Type: $ctype"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: $file_size"); while (!feof($rTmpFile)) { print(@fread($rTmpFile, 1024 * 8)); ob_flush(); flush(); if (connection_status() != 0) { @fclose($rTmpFile); exit; } } // file save was a success @fclose($rTmpFile); $this->_writeLogEntry("Downloaded File: " . basename($sFileName)); exit; } else { // file couldn't be opened header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); exit; } } else { // file does not exist header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; } } /** * Write a log entry */ public function writeLog() { $this->_writeLogEntry("Backup generated: " . $this->_sDumpFile); } /** * Check against table exclude array for writing table data * * @param string $sTable * @return boolean */ protected function _noTableData($sTable) { foreach ($this->_aTableContent as $sExTable) { if (strstr($sTable, $sExTable)) return true; } return false; } /** * Write to log file * * @global Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth $auth * @param string $sMessage */ protected function _writeLogEntry($sMessage) { /* @var $auth Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth */ global $auth; if (!empty($auth->auth['uname'])) { $sMessage = "User " . $auth->auth['uname'] . " - " . $sMessage; } $f = @fopen($this->_sLogFile, 'a+'); if (is_resource($f)) { @fputs($f, date("m.d.Y g:ia") . " " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " " . $sMessage . "\n"); @fclose($f); } } } ?>