* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2003-12-15 * modified 2008-06-27, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix * modified 2009-01-08, Timo Trautmann fixed bug: Changes in Head Containers in visualedit were not stored * modified 2009-10-13, Murat Purc, Fixed bug in visualedit replacements (see [#CON-273]) and othe improvements * * $Id: include.tpl_visualedit.php 316 2014-06-27 14:49:54Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } cInclude('includes', 'functions.tpl.php'); $idtpl = Contenido_Security::toInteger($idtpl); $client = Contenido_Security::toInteger($client); $sql = "SELECT a.idtpl, a.name as name, a.description, a.idlay, b.description as laydescription, defaulttemplate FROM " . $cfg['tab']['tpl'] . " AS a LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['lay'] . " AS b ON a.idlay=b.idlay WHERE a.idtpl='" . $idtpl . "' ORDER BY name"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); $idtpl = (int) $db->f('idtpl'); $tplname = $db->f('name'); $description = $db->f('description'); $idlay = (int) $db->f('idlay'); $laydescription = nl2br($db->f('laydescription')); $bIsDefault = $db->f('defaulttemplate'); $sql = "SELECT number, idmod FROM " . $cfg['tab']['container'] . " WHERE idtpl='" . $idtpl . "'"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $a_c[$db->f('number')] = $db->f('idmod'); } $modules = array(); $sql = "SELECT idmod, name, type FROM " . $cfg['tab']['mod'] . " WHERE idclient='" . $client . "' ORDER BY name"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $modules[$db->f('idmod')]['name'] = $db->f('name'); $modules[$db->f('idmod')]['type'] = $db->f('type'); } $sql = "SELECT code FROM " . $cfg['tab']['lay'] . " WHERE idlay='" . $idlay . "'"; $db->query($sql); $oLayout = new cApiLayout(Contenido_Security::toInteger($idlay)); if($oLayout->virgin) { echo i18n("No such layout"); } else { $code = $oLayout->getLayout(); // get document version (html or xhtml) $is_XHTML = getEffectiveSetting('generator', 'xhtml', 'false'); $sElemClosing = ($is_XHTML == 'true') ? ' /' : ''; $base = ''; $tags = $base; $tags .= ' '; $code = str_replace('', "\n".$tags ."\n", $code); tplPreparseLayout($idlay, $code); $containers = tplBrowseLayoutForContainers($idlay, $code); $a_container = explode('&',$containers); $sContainerInHead = ''; foreach ($a_container as $key => $value) { if ($value != 0) { //*************** Loop through containers **************** $name = tplGetContainerName($idlay, $value); $modselect = new cHTMLSelectElement('c['.$value.']'); $modselect->setAttribute('title', "Container $value ($name)"); $mode = tplGetContainerMode($idlay, $value); if ($mode == 'fixed') { $default = tplGetContainerDefault($idlay, $value); foreach ($modules as $key => $val) { if ($val['name'] == $default) { if (strlen($val['name']) > 20) { $short_name = capiStrTrimHard($val['name'], 20); $option = new cHTMLOptionElement($short_name, $key); $option->setAttribute('title', "Container $value ($name) " . $val['name']); } else { $option = new cHTMLOptionElement($val['name'], $key); $option->setAttribute('title', "Container $value ($name)"); } if ($a_c[$value] == $key) { $option->setSelected(true); } $modselect->addOptionElement($key, $option); } } } else { $default = tplGetContainerDefault($idlay, $value); if ($mode == 'optional' || $mode == '') { $option = new cHTMLOptionElement('-- ' . i18n("none") . ' --', 0); if (isset($a_c[$value]) && $a_c[$value] != '0') { $option->setSelected(false); } else { $option->setSelected(true); } $modselect->addOptionElement(0, $option); } $allowedtypes = tplGetContainerTypes($idlay, $value); foreach ($modules as $key => $val) { $short_name = $val['name']; if (strlen($val['name']) > 20) { $short_name = capiStrTrimHard($val['name'], 20); } $option = new cHTMLOptionElement($short_name, $key); if (strlen($val['name']) > 20) { $option->setAttribute('title', "Container $value ($name) " . $val['name']); } if ($a_c[$value] == $key || ($a_c[$value] == 0 && $val['name'] == $default)) { $option->setSelected(true); } if (count($allowedtypes) > 0) { if (in_array($val['type'], $allowedtypes) || $val['type'] == '') { $modselect->addOptionElement($key, $option); } } else { $modselect->addOptionElement($key, $option); } } } // visual edit item container $sLabelAndSelect = '' . $modselect->render(); $sVisualEditItem = '
' . $sLabelAndSelect . '
'; // collect containers in head for displaying them at the start of body if (is_array($containerinf) && isset($containerinf[$idlay]) && isset($containerinf[$idlay][$value]) && isset($containerinf[$idlay][$value]['is_body']) && $containerinf[$idlay][$value]['is_body'] == false) { // replace container inside head with empty values and collect the container $code = preg_replace("/(.*)<\/container>/Uis", "CMS_CONTAINER[$value]", $code); $code = preg_replace("//i", "CMS_CONTAINER[$value]", $code); $code = str_ireplace("CMS_CONTAINER[$value]", '', $code); $sContainerInHead .= $sVisualEditItem . "\n"; } else { // replace other container $code = preg_replace("/(.*)<\/container>/Uis", "CMS_CONTAINER[$value]", $code); $code = preg_replace("//i", "CMS_CONTAINER[$value]", $code); $code = str_ireplace("CMS_CONTAINER[$value]", $sVisualEditItem, $code); } } } // Get rid of any forms $code = preg_replace("//i", '', $code); $code = preg_replace("/<\/form(.*)>/i", '', $code); $form = '
'; $form .= $sContainerInHead; $sInput = ''; $button = '
' . $sInput . '
'; $code = preg_replace("//i", "" . $form . $button, $code); $code = preg_replace("/<\/body(.*)>/i", '', $code); // remove all scripts, we just need a plain layout $code = preg_replace("/]*>(.*?)<\/script>/is", '', $code); eval("?>\n".$code."\n