* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created unknown * modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix * modified 2008-10-??, Bilal Arslan - moved password DB queries, added new ConUser object * modified 2008-11-17, H. Librenz - method calls on new ConUser object modified, comments added * modified 2011-02-07, Dominik Ziegler, removed integration of not supported java module editor * * $Id: include.mycontenido_settings.php 130 2012-09-13 10:34:08Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } $user = new cApiUser($auth->auth["uid"]); $noti = ""; if ($action == "mycontenido_editself") { if (!isset($wysi)) { $wysi = false; } $error = false; if ($newpassword != "") { if (md5($oldpassword) != $user->get("password")) { $error = i18n("Old password incorrect"); } if (strcmp($newpassword, $newpassword2) != 0) { $error = i18n("Passwords don't match"); } if ($error !== false) { $noti = $notification->returnNotification("error", $error)."
"; } else { // New Class User, update password $oUser = new ConUser($cfg, $db, $auth->auth['uid']); $iResult = $oUser->savePassword($newpassword); #$user->set("password", md5($newpassword)); if ( $iResult == iConUser::PASS_OK ) { $noti = $notification->returnNotification("info", i18n("Password changed"))."
"; } else { $noti = $notification->returnNotification("error", ConUser::getErrorString($iResult, $cfg)); } } } $user->set("email", $email); $user->set("wysi", $wysi); $user->setUserProperty("backend", "timeformat", $format); $user->setUserProperty("backend", "timeformat_date", $formatdate); $user->setUserProperty("backend", "timeformat_time", $formattime); $user->store(); } $settingsfor = sprintf(i18n("Settings for %s"), $user->get("username") . " (".$user->get("realname").")"); $form = new UI_Table_Form("settings"); $form->setWidth('550'); $form->setVar("idlang", $lang); $form->setVar("area", $area); $form->setVar("action", "mycontenido_editself"); $form->setVar("frame", $frame); $form->addHeader($settingsfor); // @since 2006-07-04 Display password fields if not authenticated via LDAP/AD, only if ($user->get("password") != 'active_directory_auth') { $oldpassword = new cHTMLPasswordbox("oldpassword"); $newpassword = new cHTMLPasswordbox("newpassword"); $newpassword2 = new cHTMLPasswordbox("newpassword2"); $form->add(i18n("Old password"), $oldpassword); $form->add(i18n("New password"), $newpassword); $form->add(i18n("Confirm new password"), $newpassword2); } $email = new cHTMLTextbox("email", $user->get("email")); $form->add(i18n("E-Mail"), $email); $wysiwyg = new cHTMLCheckbox("wysi", 1); $wysiwyg->setChecked($user->get("wysi")); $wysiwyg->setLabelText(i18n("Use WYSIWYG Editor")); $form->add(i18n("Options"), array($wysiwyg)); $formathint = "
".i18n("The format is equal to PHP's date() function."); $formathint.= "
"; $formathint.= i18n("Common date formattings").":"; $formathint.= "
"; $formathint.= "d M Y H:i => 01 Jan 2004 00:00"; $formathint.= "
"; $formathint.= "d.m.Y H:i:s => 01.01.2004 00:00:00"; $format = new cHTMLTextbox("format", $user->getUserProperty("backend", "timeformat")); $format2 = new cHTMLTextbox("formatdate", $user->getUserProperty("backend", "timeformat_date")); $format3 = new cHTMLTextbox("formattime", $user->getUserProperty("backend", "timeformat_time")); $form->add(i18n("Date/Time format"), array($format, $formathint)); $form->add(i18n("Date format"), array($format2)); $form->add(i18n("Time format"), array($format3)); $page = new cPage(); $page->setContent(array($noti, $form, markSubMenuItem(3, true))); $page->render(); ?>