/** * Project: * Contenido Content Management System * * Description: * Header frame related JavaScript * * * @package Contenido Header menu * @version 1.1.0 * @author Timo Hummel * @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @requires jQuery JavaScript Framework * * {@internal * created 2004-03-22 * modified 2009-12-17 Murat Purc, Redesign of header menu handling, takeover menu code from template, added ContenidoRegistry, HeaderMenu, HeaderClickMenu, HeaderDelayMenu and Firebug Emulation * * $Id: header.js 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $: * }} * */ var active_main; var active_sub; var active_link; var active_sub_link; function show(id, slink) { $("#sub_0").css("display", "none"); if (active_main) { hide(active_main); } if (active_link) { active_link.className = "main"; } $("#"+id).css("display", "block"); $("#head_nav1 span a").css("color", "#000000"); if (slink) { if (typeof slink == "object") { $(slink).css("color", "#0060B1"); } else { $("#"+slink).css("color", "#0060B1"); } } active_main = id; } function hide(id) { $("#"+id).css("display", "none"); active_main = 0; } /** * Switches the backend language, by reloading top frame with new langugage. * * Uses global variable "sid"! * * @param {Integer} idlang */ function changeContenidoLanguage(idlang) { var url = "index.php?contenido="+sid+"&changelang="+idlang; parent.frames.top.location.href = url; } /** * Resets the header menu. */ function resetHeaderMenu() { var menu = ContenidoRegistry.get("headerMenu"); menu.reset(); $("#submenus a").attr("class", "sub"); var oThis = this; show.apply(oThis, [menu.getActiveSubMenu(), menu.getActiveMenu()]); } // ################################################################################################# /** * Registry class * * @class ContenidoRegistry * @static */ ContenidoRegistry = { _instances: [], set: function(key, value) { this._instances[key] = value; }, get: function(key) { if (this._instances[key] == "undefined") { throw("No entry is registered for key '"+key+"'"); } return this._instances[key]; }, isRegistered: function(key) { return (this._instances[key] == "undefined"); }, remove: function(key) { this._instances = this._instances.splice(this._instances.indexOf(key), 1); } } // ################################################################################################# /** * Header timer class to control the mouseout mouseover delay * * @class HeaderTimer * @static */ var HeaderTimer = { /** * Mouseout timeout handler * * @type {Integer} */ out: null, /** * Mouseover timeout handler * * @type {Integer} */ over: null, /** * Clear a existing mouseout handler */ resetOut: function() { if (this.out) { clearTimeout(this.out); } }, /** * Clear a existing mouseover handler */ resetOver: function() { if (this.over) { clearTimeout(this.over); } } }; // ################################################################################################# /** * Base header menu class. Clickmenu or Delaymenu should extend this (se below)! * * @class HeaderMenu * @static */ var HeaderMenu = { DEFAULT_MENU_ID: "main_0", DEFAULT_SUBMENU_ID: "sub_0", _currentActiveMenuId: null, _currentActiveSubmenusId: null, /** * Menu initialization * * @param {Object} options Option object * @abstract */ initialize: function(options) { throw("Abstract function: must be overwritten by child"); }, /** * Resets the stored menu ids (main menu and sub menu) */ reset: function() { this.setActiveMenu(this.DEFAULT_MENU_ID); this.setActiveSubMenu(this.DEFAULT_SUBMENU_ID); }, /** * Getter for active main menu * * @returns {String} */ getActiveMenu: function() { return this._currentActiveMenuId; }, /** * Setter for active main menu * * @param {String} menuId */ setActiveMenu: function(menuId) { this._currentActiveMenuId = menuId; }, /** * Getter for active sub menu * * @returns {String} */ getActiveSubMenu: function() { return this._currentActiveSubmenusId; }, /** * Setter for active sub menu * * @param {String} subMenuId */ setActiveSubMenu: function(subMenuId) { this._currentActiveSubmenusId = subMenuId; }, /** * Returns the superior main menu id of passed sub menu id * * @param {String} subMenuId * @returns {String} */ getMenuIdBySubMenuId: function(subMenuId) { return subMenuId.replace("sub_", "main_"); }, /** * Returns the inferior sub menu id of passed main menu id * * @param {String} menuId * @returns {String} */ getSubMenuIdByMenuId: function(menuId) { return menuId.replace("main_", "sub_"); }, /** * Activates a menue. * * @param {Object} obj Main menu item object * @abstract */ activate: function(obj) { throw("Abstract function: must be overwritten by child"); }, /** * Deactivates a menu. * * @param {Object} obj Main menu item object * @abstract */ deactivate: function(obj) { throw("Abstract function: must be overwritten by child"); }, /** * Marks menu item as active menu when a anchor of one of its subitems is clicked. * * @param {Object} obj Anchor item object */ markActive: function(obj) { // reset color for all links $("#submenus a").attr("class", "sub"); $(obj).attr("class", "activemenu"); // remember name for clicked var curElement = $(obj).parent().attr("id"); // If we are here this means a submenu item was clicked // Now find out the related menu item on level 1 and store it // We need to do this for restoring highlighting of the current active menu on mouseout of hover menu this.setActiveMenu(this.getMenuIdBySubMenuId(curElement)); this.setActiveSubMenu(curElement); } } // ################################################################################################# /** * Header click menu class. Switches the menu by click. * * @class HeaderClickMenu * @extends HeaderMenu * @static */ var HeaderClickMenu = jQuery.extend(true, {}, HeaderMenu); HeaderClickMenu.initialize = function(options) { if (typeof options == "undefined") { options = {}; } if (typeof options.menuId == "undefined") { options.menuId = this.DEFAULT_MENU_ID; } if (typeof options.subMenuId == "undefined") { options.subMenuId = this.DEFAULT_SUBMENU_ID; } this.setActiveMenu(options.menuId); this.setActiveSubMenu(options.subMenuId); $("#head_nav1 a").click(function (){ HeaderClickMenu.activate(this); }); $("#submenus a").click(function (){ HeaderClickMenu.markActive(this); }); }; /** * Activates a menue. * * @param {Object} obj Main menu item object */ HeaderClickMenu.activate = function(obj) { this._currentActiveMenuId = $(obj).attr("id"); this._currentActiveSubmenusId = this.getSubMenuIdByMenuId(this._currentActiveMenuId); show(this._currentActiveSubmenusId, obj); }; /** * Empty function. * * @param {Object} obj Main menu item object */ HeaderClickMenu.deactivate = function(obj) { // donut }; // ################################################################################################# /** * Header delay menu class. Switches the menu by mouseover/-out. * * @class HeaderDelayMenu * @extends HeaderMenu * @static */ var HeaderDelayMenu = jQuery.extend(true, {}, HeaderMenu); HeaderDelayMenu.initialize = function(options) { this._mouseOverDelay = 300; this._mouseOutDelay = 1000; if (typeof options == "undefined") { options = {}; } if (typeof options.menuId == "undefined") { options.menuId = this.DEFAULT_MENU_ID; } if (typeof options.subMenuId == "undefined") { options.subMenuId = this.DEFAULT_SUBMENU_ID; } if (typeof options.mouseOverDelay == "undefined" || isNaN(options.mouseOverDelay)) { options.mouseOverDelay = this._mouseOverDelay; } if (typeof options.mouseOutDelay == "undefined" || isNaN(options.mouseOutDelay)) { options.mouseOutDelay = this._mouseOutDelay; } this._mouseOverDelay = options.mouseOverDelay; this._mouseOutDelay = options.mouseOutDelay; this.setActiveMenu(options.menuId); this.setActiveSubMenu(options.subMenuId); $("#head_nav1 a").mouseover(function (){ HeaderDelayMenu.activate(this); }).mouseout(function (){ HeaderDelayMenu.deactivate(this); }); $("#submenus a").click(function (){ HeaderDelayMenu.markActive(this); }).mouseover(function (){ HeaderTimer.resetOut(); }).mouseout(function (){ HeaderDelayMenu.deactivate(this); }); }; HeaderDelayMenu.activate = function(obj) { HeaderTimer.resetOut(); var ident = this.getSubMenuIdByMenuId($(obj).attr("id")); HeaderTimer.resetOver(); var that = this; HeaderTimer.over = setTimeout(function() { show(ident, obj); }, that._mouseOverDelay); }; /** * Deactivates a menu by hiding its submenu using a defined delay time. * * @param {Object} obj Main menu item object */ HeaderDelayMenu.deactivate = function(obj) { HeaderTimer.resetOut(); var that = this; HeaderTimer.out = setTimeout(function() { show.apply(obj, [that.getActiveSubMenu(), that.getActiveMenu()]); }, that._mouseOutDelay); }; // ################################################################################################# /** * Firebug emulation, to prevent errors if firebug is not available */ if (!("console" in window) || !("firebug" in console)) { (function(){ window.console = { log: function(){}, debug: function(){}, info: function(){}, warn: function(){}, error: function(){} } })(); }