* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2003-05-20 * modified 2008-07-02, Frederic Schneider, new code-header and include security_class * modified 2010-05-20, Murat Purc, standardized Contenido startup and security check invocations, see [#CON-307] * * $Id: logout.php 284 2014-01-09 23:58:34Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if (!defined("CON_FRAMEWORK")) { define("CON_FRAMEWORK", true); } // Contenido startup process include_once ('./includes/startup.php'); page_open(array('sess' => 'Contenido_Session', 'auth' => 'Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth', 'perm' => 'Contenido_Perm')); i18nInit($cfg["path"]["contenido"].$cfg["path"]["locale"], $belang); cInclude("includes", 'cfg_language_de.inc.php'); cInclude("includes", 'functions.forms.php'); $oActiveUser = new ActiveUsers($db, $cfg, $auth); $iUserId= $auth->auth["uid"]; $oActiveUser->deleteUser($iUserId); $auth->logout(); page_close(); $sess->delete(); header("location:index.php"); ?>