* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release >= 5.0 * * {@internal * created 2008-08-05 * $Id: include.html_tpl_history.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } // For read Fileinformation an get the id of current File cInclude("includes", "functions.file.php"); // For Editor syntax highlighting cInclude("external", "edit_area/class.edit_area.php"); $sFileName = ""; $sFileName = $_REQUEST['file']; $bDeleteFile = false; if($sFileName == ""){ $sFileName = $_REQUEST['idhtml_tpl']; } $sType = "templates"; $sTypeContent = "templates"; $oPage = new cPage; $oPage->addScript('messageBox', ''); $oPage->addScript('messageBoxInit', ''); if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action($area, 'htmltpl_history_manage')) { $notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied")); $oPage->render(); } else if (!(int) $client > 0) { $oPage->render(); } else if (getEffectiveSetting('versioning', 'activated', 'false') == 'false') { $notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("Versioning is not activated")); $oPage->render(); } else { $sTypeContent = "templates"; // Get File Informataion from DB $aFileInfo = getFileInformation ($client, $sFileName , $sTypeContent, $db); // [action] => history_truncate delete all current history if($_POST["action"] == "history_truncate") { $oVersionHtmlTemp = new VersionFile($aFileInfo["idsfi"], $aFileInfo, $sFileName ,$sTypeContent, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame); $bDeleteFile = $oVersionHtmlTemp->deleteFile(); unset($oVersionHtmlTemp); } if ($_POST["html_tpl_send"] == true && $_POST["html_tpl_code"] !="" && $sFileName != "" && $aFileInfo["idsfi"]!="" ) { // save button $oVersionHtmlTemp = new VersionFile($aFileInfo["idsfi"], $aFileInfo,$sFileName ,$sTypeContent, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame); // Get Post variables $sHTMLCode = $_POST["html_tpl_code"]; $sHTMLName = $_POST["html_tpl_name"]; $sHTMLDesc = $_POST["html_tpl_desc"]; $sPath = $oVersionHtmlTemp->getPathFile(); // Edit File // There is a need for renaming file if($sFileName != $sHTMLName) { if (getFileType($sHTMLName) != 'html' AND strlen(stripslashes(trim($sHTMLName))) > 0) { $sHTMLName = stripslashes($sHTMLName).".html"; } renameFile($sFileName, $sHTMLName, $oVersionHtmlTemp->getPathFile()); $oPage->addScript("reload", $oVersionHtmlTemp->renderReloadScript('htmltpl', $sHTMLName, $sess)); } if(fileEdit($sHTMLName, $sHTMLCode, $sPath)) { // make new revision File $oVersionHtmlTemp->createNewVersion(); // Update File Information updateFileInformation($client, $sFileName, $sType, $aFileInfo, $sHTMLDesc, $db, $sHTMLName); $sFileName = $sHTMLName; } unset($oVersionHtmlTemp); } if($sFileName != "" && $aFileInfo["idsfi"]!="" && $_POST["action"] != "history_truncate" ) { $oVersionHtmlTemp= new VersionFile($aFileInfo["idsfi"],$aFileInfo["description"] ,$sFileName, $sTypeContent, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame); // Init Form variables of SelectBox $sSelectBox = ""; $oVersionHtmlTemp->setVarForm("area", $area); $oVersionHtmlTemp->setVarForm("frame", $frame); $oVersionHtmlTemp->setVarForm("idhtml_tpl", $sFileName); $oVersionHtmlTemp->setVarForm("file", $sFileName); // create and output the select box, for params please look class.version.php $sSelectBox = $oVersionHtmlTemp->buildSelectBox("html_tpl_history", "HTML Template History", "Show History Entry", "idhtml_tpl_history"); // Generate Form $oForm = new UI_Table_Form("jscript_display"); $oForm->addHeader(i18n("Edit JScript")); $oForm ->setWidth("100%"); $oForm->setVar("area", $area); $oForm->setVar("frame", $frame); $oForm->setVar("idhtml_tpl", $sFileName); $oForm->setVar("html_tpl_send", 1); // if send form refresh button if ($_POST["idhtml_tpl_history"] != "") { $sRevision = $_POST["idhtml_tpl_history"]; } else { $sRevision = $oVersionHtmlTemp->getLastRevision(); } if ($sRevision != '') { $sPath = $oVersionHtmlTemp->getFilePath() . $sRevision; // Read XML Nodes and get an array $aNodes = array(); $aNodes = $oVersionHtmlTemp->initXmlReader($sPath); // Create Textarea and fill it with xml nodes if (count($aNodes) > 1) { // if choose xml file read value an set it $sName = $oVersionHtmlTemp->getTextBox("html_tpl_name", $aNodes["name"], 60); $sDescription = $oVersionHtmlTemp->getTextarea("html_tpl_desc", $aNodes["desc"], 100, 10); $sCode = $oVersionHtmlTemp->getTextarea("html_tpl_code", $aNodes["code"], 100, 30, "IdLaycode"); } } // Add new Elements of Form $oForm->add(i18n("Name"), $sName); $oForm->add(i18n("Description"), $sDescription); $oForm->add(i18n("Code"), $sCode); $oForm->setActionButton("apply", "images/but_ok.gif", i18n("Copy to current"), "c"/*, "mod_history_takeover"*/); //modified it $oForm->unsetActionButton("submit"); // Render and handle History Area $oPage->setEncoding("utf-8"); $oEditAreaOutput = new EditArea('IdLaycode', 'php', substr(strtolower($belang), 0, 2), true, $cfg, !$bInUse); $oPage->addScript('IdLaycode', $oEditAreaOutput->renderScript()); if($sSelectBox !="") { $oPage->setContent($sSelectBox . $oForm->render()); } else { $notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("No template history available")); } $oPage->render(); } else { if($bDeleteFile){ $notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("Version history was cleared")); } else { $notification->displayNotification("warning", i18n("No template history available")); } } } ?>