* @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } global $cfg; // Try to load GenericDB database driver $driver_filename = $cfg['path']['contenido'].$cfg['path']['classes'].'drivers/'.$cfg['sql']['gdb_driver'].'/class.gdb.'.$cfg['sql']['gdb_driver'].'.php'; if (file_exists($driver_filename)) { include_once($driver_filename); } /** * Class Contenido_ItemException. * @author Murat Purc * @version 0.1 * @copyright four for business AG */ class Contenido_ItemException extends Exception {} /** * Class Contenido_ItemCache. * * Implements features to cache entries, usually result sets of Item classes. * Contains a list of self instances, where each instance contains cached Items * fore one specific table. * * @author Murat Purc * @version 0.1.2 * @copyright four for business AG */ class Contenido_ItemCache { /** * List of self instances (Contenido_ItemCache) * @var array */ protected static $_oInstances = array(); /** * Assoziative cache array * @var array */ protected $_aItemsCache = array(); /** * Table name for current instance * @var string */ protected $_sTable = ''; /** * Max number of items to cache * @var int */ protected $_iMaxItemsToCache = 10; /** * Enable caching * @var bool */ protected $_bEnable = false; protected $_iFrame; /** * Contructor of Contenido_ItemCache * @param string $sTable Table name * @param array $aOptions Options array as follows: * - $aOptions['max_items_to_cache'] = (int) Number of items to cache * - $aOptions['enable'] = (bool) Flag to enable caching */ protected function __construct($sTable, array $aOptions = array()) { $this->_sTable = $sTable; if (isset($aOptions['max_items_to_cache']) && (int) $aOptions['max_items_to_cache'] > 0) { $this->_iMaxItemsToCache = (int) $aOptions['max_items_to_cache']; } if (isset($aOptions['enable']) && is_bool($aOptions['enable'])) { $this->_bEnable = (bool) $aOptions['enable']; } if(isset($_GET['frame']) && is_numeric($_GET['frame'])) { $this->_iFrame = (int) $_GET['frame']; } else { $this->_bEnable = false; } } /** * Prevent cloning */ protected function __clone() { } /** * Returns item cache instance, creates it, if not done before. * Works as a singleton for one specific table. * * @param string $sTable Table name * @param array $aOptions Options array as follows: * - $aOptions['max_items_to_cache'] = (int) Number of items to cache * - $aOptions['enable'] = (bool) Flag to enable caching */ public static function getInstance($sTable, array $aOptions = array()) { if (!isset(self::$_oInstances[$sTable])) { self::$_oInstances[$sTable] = new self($sTable, $aOptions); } return self::$_oInstances[$sTable]; } /** * Returns items cache list. * * @return array */ public function getItemsCache() { return $this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame]; } /** * Returns existing entry from cache by it's id. * * @param mixed $mId * @return array|null */ public function getItem($mId) { if (!$this->_bEnable) { return null; } if (isset($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame][$mId])) { return $this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame][$mId]; } else { return null; } } /** * Returns existing entry from cache by matching propery value. * * @param mixed $mProperty * @param mixed $mValue * @return array|null */ public function getItemByProperty($mProperty, $mValue) { if (!$this->_bEnable) { return null; } // loop thru all cached entries and try to find a entry by it's property if(is_array($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame]) && count($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame]) > 0) { foreach ($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame] as $id => $aEntry) { if (isset($aEntry[$mProperty]) && $aEntry[$mProperty] == $mValue) { return $aEntry; } } } return null; } /** * Returns existing entry from cache by matching properties and their values. * * @param array $aProperties Assoziative key value pairs * @return array|null */ public function getItemByProperties(array $aProperties) { if (!$this->_bEnable) { return null; } // loop thru all cached entries and try to find a entry by it's property foreach ($this->_aItemsCache as $id => $aEntry) { $mFound = null; foreach ($aProperties as $key => $value) { if (isset($aEntry[$key]) && $aEntry[$key] == $value) { if (null === $mFound) { $mFound = true; } } else { $mFound = false; break; } if (true === $mFound) { return $aEntry; } } } return null; } /** * Adds passed item data to internal cache * * @param mixed $mId * @param array $aData Usually the recordset * @return void */ public function addItem($mId, array $aData) { if (!$this->_bEnable) { return null; } if(isset($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame])) { $aTmpItemsArray = $this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame]; if ($this->_iMaxItemsToCache == count($aTmpItemsArray)) { // we have reached the maximum number of cached items, remove first entry $firstEntryKey = array_shift($aTmpItemsArray); if(is_array($firstEntryKey)) return null; unset($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame][$firstEntryKey]); } } // add entry $this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame][$mId] = $aData; } /** * Removes existing cache entry by it's key * * @param mixed $mId * @return void */ public function removeItem($mId) { if (!$this->_bEnable) { return null; } // remove entry if (isset($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame][$mId])){ unset($this->_aItemsCache[$this->_iFrame][$mId]); } } } /** * Class Contenido_ItemBaseAbstract. * Base class with common features for database based items and item collections. * * @author Murat Purc * @version 0.2 * @copyright four for business AG */ abstract class Contenido_ItemBaseAbstract { /** * Database instance, contains the database object * @var DB_ConLite */ protected $db; /** * Second DB instance, is required for some additional queries without * losing an current existing query result. * @var DB_ConLite */ protected $secondDb; /** * Property collection instance * @var PropertyCollection */ protected $properties; /** * Item cache instance * @var Contenido_ItemCache */ protected static $_oCache; /** * GenericDB settings, see $cfg['sql'] * @var array */ protected $_settings; /** * Storage of the source table to use for the information * @var string */ protected $table; /** * Storage of the primary key * @var string * @todo remove access from public */ public $primaryKey; /** * Checks for the virginity of created objects. If true, the object * is virgin and no operations on it except load-Functions are allowed. * @todo remove access from public * @var bool */ public $virgin; /** * Lifetime of results/created objects? * FIXME Not used at the moment! * @var int */ protected $lifetime; /** * Storage of the last occured error * @var string */ protected $lasterror = ''; /** * Cache the result items * FIXME seems to not used, remove it! * @var array */ protected $cache; /** * Classname of current instance * @var string */ protected $_className; /** * Sets some common properties * * @param string $sTable Name of table * @param string $sPrimaryKey Primary key of table * @param string $sClassName Name of parent class * @param int $iLifetime Lifetime of the object in seconds (NOT USED!) * @throws Contenido_ItemException If table name or primary key is not set */ protected function __construct($sTable, $sPrimaryKey, $sClassName, $iLifetime = 10) { global $cfg; $this->db = new DB_ConLite(); if ($sTable == '') { $sMsg = "$sClassName: No table specified. Inherited classes *need* to set a table"; throw new Contenido_ItemException($sMsg); } elseif ($sPrimaryKey == '') { $sMsg = "No primary key specified. Inherited classes *need* to set a primary key"; throw new Contenido_ItemException($sMsg); } $this->_settings = $cfg['sql']; // instanciate caching $aCacheOpt = (isset($this->_settings['cache'])) ? $this->_settings['cache'] : array(); self::$_oCache = Contenido_ItemCache::getInstance($sTable, $aCacheOpt); $this->table = $sTable; $this->primaryKey = $sPrimaryKey; $this->virgin = true; $this->lifetime = $iLifetime; $this->_className = $sClassName; } /** * Escape string for using in SQL-Statement. * * @param string $sString The string to escape * @return string Escaped string */ public function escape($sString) { return $this->db->escape($sString); } /** * Returns the second database instance, usable to run additional statements * without losing current query results. * * @return DB_ConLite */ protected function _getSecondDBInstance() { if (!isset($this->secondDb) || !($this->secondDb instanceof DB_ConLite)) { $this->secondDb = new DB_ConLite(); } return $this->secondDb; } /** * Returns properties instance, instantiates it if not done before. * * @return PropertyCollection */ protected function _getPropertiesCollectionInstance() { // Runtime on-demand allocation of the properties object if (!isset($this->properties) || !($this->properties instanceof PropertyCollection)) { $this->properties = new PropertyCollection(); } return $this->properties; } } /** * Class ItemCollection * Abstract class for database based item collections. * * @author Timo A. Hummel * @author Murat Purc * @version 0.2 * @copyright four for business 2003 */ abstract class ItemCollection extends Contenido_ItemBaseAbstract { /** * Storage of all result items * @var string Contains all result items */ protected $objects; /** * GenericDB driver object * @var gdbDriver */ protected $_driver; /** * List of instances of ItemCollection implementations * @var array */ protected $_collectionCache = array(); /** * @var string Single item class */ protected $_itemClass; /** * @var Item object of single item class */ protected $_itemClassInstance = NULL; /** * @var object Iterator object for the next() method */ protected $_iteratorItem; /** * @var array Reverse join partners for this data object */ protected $_JoinPartners; /** * @var array Forward join partners for this data object */ protected $_forwardJoinPartners; /** * @var array Where restrictions for the query */ protected $_whereRestriction; /** * @var array Inner group conditions */ protected $_innerGroupConditions = array(); /** * @var array Group conditions */ protected $_groupConditions; /** * @var array Result fields for the query */ protected $_resultFields = array(); /** * @var string Encoding */ protected $_encoding; /** * Stores all operators which are supported by GenericDB * Unsupported operators are passed trough as-is. * @var array */ protected $_aOperators; /** * Flag to select all fields in a query. Reduces the number of queries send * to the database. * @var bool */ protected $_bAllMode = false; protected $_order; /** * Constructor Function * * @param string $sTable The table to use as information source * @param string $sPrimaryKey The primary key to use * @param int $iLifetime */ public function __construct($sTable, $sPrimaryKey, $iLifetime = 10) { parent::__construct($sTable, $sPrimaryKey, get_parent_class($this), $iLifetime); $this->resetQuery(); // Try to load driver $this->_initializeDriver(); // Try to find out the current encoding if (isset($GLOBALS['lang']) && isset($GLOBALS['aLanguageEncodings'])) { $this->setEncoding($GLOBALS['aLanguageEncodings'][$GLOBALS['lang']]); } $this->_aOperators = array( '=', '!=', '<>', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'LIKE', 'DIACRITICS' ); } /** * Defines the reverse links for this table. * * Important: The class specified by $sForeignCollectionClass needs to be a * collection class and has to exist. * Define all links in the constructor of your object. * * @param string $sForeignCollectionClass Specifies the foreign class to use * @return void */ protected function _setJoinPartner($sForeignCollectionClass) { if (class_exists($sForeignCollectionClass)) { // Add class if (!in_array($sForeignCollectionClass, $this->_JoinPartners)) { $this->_JoinPartners[] = strtolower($sForeignCollectionClass); } } else { $sMsg = "Could not instanciate class [$sForeignCollectionClass] for use " . "with _setJoinPartner in class " . get_class($this); cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); } } /** * Method to set the accompanying item object. * * @param string $sClassName Specifies the classname of item * @return void */ protected function _setItemClass($sClassName) { if (class_exists($sClassName)) { $this->_itemClass = $sClassName; $this->_itemClassInstance = new $sClassName; // Initialize driver in case the developer does a setItemClass-Call // before calling the parent constructor $this->_initializeDriver(); $this->_driver->setItemClassInstance($this->_itemClassInstance); } else { $sMsg = "Could not instanciate class [$sClassName] for use with " . "_setItemClass in class " . get_class($this); cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); } } /** * Initializes the driver to use with GenericDB. * * @param $bForceInit boolean If true, forces the driver to initialize, even if it already exists. */ protected function _initializeDriver($bForceInit = false) { if (!is_object($this->_driver) || $bForceInit == true) { $this->_driver = new gdbMySQL(); } } /** * Sets the encoding. * @param string $sEncoding */ public function setEncoding($sEncoding) { $this->_encoding = $sEncoding; $this->_driver->setEncoding($sEncoding); } /** * Sets the query to use foreign tables in the resultset * @param string $sForeignClass The class of foreign table to use */ public function link($sForeignClass) { if (class_exists($sForeignClass)) { $this->_links[$sForeignClass] = new $sForeignClass; } else { $sMsg = "Could not find class [$sForeignClass] for use with link in class " . get_class($this); cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); } } /** * Sets the limit for results * @param int $iRowStart * @param int $iRowCount */ public function setLimit($iRowStart, $iRowCount) { $this->_limitStart = $iRowStart; $this->_limitCount = $iRowCount; } /** * Restricts a query with a where clause * @param string $sField * @param mixed $mRestriction * @param string $sOperator */ public function setWhere($sField, $mRestriction, $sOperator = '=') { $sField = strtolower($sField); $this->_where['global'][$sField]['operator'] = $sOperator; $this->_where['global'][$sField]['restriction'] = $mRestriction; } /** * Removes a previous set where clause (@see ItemCollection::setWhere). * @param string $sField * @param mixed $mRestriction * @param string $sOperator */ public function deleteWhere($sField, $mRestriction, $sOperator = '=') { $sField = strtolower($sField); if (isset($this->_where['global'][$sField]) && is_array($this->_where['global'][$sField])) { if ($this->_where['global'][$sField]['operator'] == $sOperator && $this->_where['global'][$sField]['restriction'] == $mRestriction) { unset($this->_where['global'][$sField]); } } } /** * Restricts a query with a where clause, groupable * @param string $sGroup * @param string $sField * @param mixed $mRestriction * @param string $sOperator */ public function setWhereGroup($sGroup, $sField, $mRestriction, $sOperator = '=') { $sField = strtolower($sField); $this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField]['operator'] = $sOperator; $this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField]['restriction'] = $mRestriction; } /** * Removes a previous set groupable where clause (@see ItemCollection::setWhereGroup). * @param string $sGroup * @param string $sField * @param mixed $mRestriction * @param string $sOperator */ public function deleteWhereGroup($sGroup, $sField, $mRestriction, $sOperator = '=') { $sField = strtolower($sField); if (is_array($this->_where['groups'][$sGroup]) && isset($this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField]) && is_array($this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField])) { if ($this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField]['operator'] == $sOperator && $this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField]['restriction'] == $mRestriction) { unset($this->_where['groups'][$sGroup][$sField]); } } } /** * Defines how relations in one group are linked each together * @param string $sGroup * @param string $sCondition */ public function setInnerGroupCondition($sGroup, $sCondition = 'AND') { $this->_innerGroupConditions[$sGroup] = $sCondition; } /** * Defines how groups are linked to each other * @param string $sGroup1 * @param string $sGroup2 * @param string $sCondition */ public function setGroupCondition($sGroup1, $sGroup2, $sCondition = 'AND') { $this->_groupConditions[$sGroup1][$sGroup2] = $sCondition; } /** * Builds a where statement out of the setGroupWhere calls * * @return array With all where statements */ protected function _buildGroupWhereStatements() { $aWheres = array(); $aGroupWhere = array(); $mLastGroup = false; $sGroupWhereStatement = ''; // Find out if there are any defined groups if (count($this->_where['groups']) > 0) { // Step trough all groups foreach ($this->_where['groups'] as $groupname => $group) { $aWheres = array(); // Fetch restriction, fields and operators and build single group // where statements foreach ($group as $field => $item) { $aWheres[] = $this->_driver->buildOperator($field, $item['operator'], $item['restriction']); } // Add completed substatements $sOperator = 'AND'; if (isset($this->_innerGroupConditions[$groupname])) { $sOperator = $this->_innerGroupConditions[$groupname]; } $aGroupWhere[$groupname] = implode(' '.$sOperator.' ', $aWheres); } } // Combine groups foreach ($aGroupWhere as $groupname => $group) { if ($mLastGroup != false) { $sOperator = 'AND'; // Check if there's a group condition if (isset($this->_groupConditions[$groupname])) { if (isset($this->_groupConditions[$groupname][$mLastGroup])) { $sOperator = $this->_groupConditions[$groupname][$mLastGroup]; } } // Reverse check if (isset($this->_groupConditions[$mLastGroup])) { if (isset($this->_groupConditions[$mLastGroup][$groupname])) { $sOperator = $this->_groupConditions[$mLastGroup][$groupname]; } } $sGroupWhereStatement .= ' '.$sOperator.' ('.$group.')'; } else { $sGroupWhereStatement .= '('.$group.')'; } $mLastGroup = $groupname; } return $sGroupWhereStatement; } /** * Builds a where statement out of the setWhere calls * * @return array With all where statements */ protected function _buildWhereStatements() { $aWheres = array(); // Build global where condition foreach ($this->_where['global'] as $field => $item) { $aWheres[] = $this->_driver->buildOperator($field, $item['operator'], $item['restriction']); } return (implode(' AND ', $aWheres)); } /** * Fetches all tables which will be joined later on. * * The returned array has the following format: *
     * array(
     *     array(fields),
     *     array(tables),
     *     array(joins),
     *     array(wheres)
     * );
* * Notes: * The table is the table name which needs to be added to the FROM clause * The join statement which is inserted after the master table * The where statement is combined with all other where statements * The fields to select from * * @todo Reduce complexity of this function, to much code... * * @param ??? $ignoreRoot * @return array Array structure, see above */ protected function _fetchJoinTables($ignoreRoot) { $aParameters = array(); $aFields = array(); $aTables = array(); $aJoins = array(); $aWheres = array(); // Fetch linked tables foreach ($this->_links as $link => $object) { $matches = $this->_findReverseJoinPartner(strtolower(get_class($this)), $link); if ($matches !== false) { if (isset($matches['desttable'])) { // Driver function: Build query parts $aParameters[] = $this->_driver->buildJoinQuery( $matches['desttable'], strtolower($matches['destclass']), $matches['key'], strtolower($matches['sourceclass']), $matches['key'] ); } else { foreach ($matches as $match) { $aParameters[] = $this->_driver->buildJoinQuery( $match['desttable'], strtolower($match['destclass']), $match['key'], strtolower($match['sourceclass']), $match['key'] ); } } } else { // Try forward search $mobject = new $link; $matches = $mobject->_findReverseJoinPartner($link, strtolower(get_class($this))); if ($matches !== false) { if (isset($matches['desttable'])) { $i = $this->_driver->buildJoinQuery( $mobject->table, strtolower($link), $mobject->primaryKey, strtolower($matches['destclass']), $matches['key'] ); if ($i['field'] == ($link.'.'.$mobject->primaryKey) && $link == $ignoreRoot) { unset($i['join']); } $aParameters[] = $i; } else { foreach ($matches as $match) { $xobject = new $match['sourceclass']; $i = $this->_driver->buildJoinQuery( $xobject->table, strtolower($match['sourceclass']), $xobject->primaryKey, strtolower($match['destclass']), $match['key'] ); if ($i['field'] == ($match['sourceclass'] . '.' . $xobject->primaryKey) && $match['sourceclass'] == $ignoreRoot) { unset($i['join']); } array_unshift($aParameters, $i); } } } else { $bDualSearch = true; // Check first if we are a instance of another class foreach ($mobject->_JoinPartners as $sJoinPartner) { if (class_exists($sJoinPartner)) { if (is_subclass_of($this, $sJoinPartner)) { $matches = $mobject->_findReverseJoinPartner($link, strtolower($sJoinPartner)); if ($matches !== false) { if ($matches['destclass'] == strtolower($sJoinPartner)) { $matches['destclass'] = get_class($this); if (isset($matches['desttable'])) { $i = $this->_driver->buildJoinQuery( $mobject->table, strtolower($link), $mobject->primaryKey, strtolower($matches['destclass']), $matches['key'] ); if ($i['field'] == ($link . '.' . $mobject->primaryKey) && $link == $ignoreRoot) { unset($i['join']); } $aParameters[] = $i; } else { foreach ($matches as $match) { $xobject = new $match['sourceclass']; $i = $this->_driver->buildJoinQuery( $xobject->table, strtolower($match['sourceclass']), $xobject->primaryKey, strtolower($match['destclass']), $match['key'] ); if ($i['field'] == ($match['sourceclass'] . '.' . $xobject->primaryKey) && $match['sourceclass'] == $ignoreRoot) { unset($i['join']); } array_unshift($aParameters, $i); } } $bDualSearch = false; } } } } } if ($bDualSearch) { // Try dual-side search $forward = $this->_resolveLinks(); $reverse = $mobject->_resolveLinks(); $result = array_intersect($forward, $reverse); if (count($result) > 0) { // Found an intersection, build references to it foreach ($result as $value) { $oIntersect = new $value; $oIntersect->link(strtolower(get_class($this))); $oIntersect->link(strtolower(get_class($mobject))); $aIntersectParameters = $oIntersect->_fetchJoinTables($ignoreRoot); $aFields = array_merge($aIntersectParameters['fields'], $aFields); $aTables = array_merge($aIntersectParameters['tables'], $aTables); $aJoins = array_merge($aIntersectParameters['joins'], $aJoins); $aWheres = array_merge($aIntersectParameters['wheres'], $aWheres); } } else { $sMsg = "Could not find join partner for class [$link] in class " . get_class($this)." in neither forward nor reverse direction."; cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); } } } } } // Add this class $aFields[] = strtolower(strtolower(get_class($this))).'.'.$this->primaryKey; // Make the parameters unique foreach ($aParameters as $parameter) { array_unshift($aFields, $parameter['field']); array_unshift($aTables, $parameter['table']); array_unshift($aJoins, $parameter['join']); array_unshift($aWheres, $parameter['where']); } $aFields = array_filter(array_unique($aFields)); $aTables = array_filter(array_unique($aTables)); $aJoins = array_filter(array_unique($aJoins)); $aWheres = array_filter(array_unique($aWheres)); return array( 'fields' => $aFields, 'tables' => $aTables, 'joins' => $aJoins, 'wheres' => $aWheres ); } /** * Resolves links (class names of joined partners) * * @return array */ protected function _resolveLinks() { $aResolvedLinks = array(); $aResolvedLinks[] = strtolower(get_class($this)); foreach ($this->_JoinPartners as $link) { $class = new $link; $aResolvedLinks = array_merge($class->_resolveLinks(), $aResolvedLinks); } return $aResolvedLinks; } /** * Resets the properties */ public function resetQuery() { $this->setLimit(0, 0); $this->_JoinPartners = array(); $this->_forwardJoinPartners = array(); $this->_links = array(); $this->_where['global'] = array(); $this->_where['groups'] = array(); $this->_groupConditions = array(); $this->_resultFields = array(); } /** * Builds and runs the query * * @return bool */ public function query() { if (!isset($this->_itemClassInstance)) { $sMsg = "GenericDB can't use query() if no item class is set via setItemClass"; cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); return false; } $aGroupWhereStatements = $this->_buildGroupWhereStatements(); $sWhereStatements = $this->_buildWhereStatements(); $aParameters = $this->_fetchJoinTables(strtolower(get_class($this))); $aStatement = array( 'SELECT', implode(', ', (array_merge($aParameters['fields'], $this->_resultFields))), 'FROM', '`' . $this->table . '` AS ' . strtolower(get_class($this)) ); if (count($aParameters['tables']) > 0) { $aStatement[] = implode(', ', $aParameters['tables']); } if (count($aParameters['joins']) > 0) { $aStatement[] = implode(' ', $aParameters['joins']); } $aWheres = array(); if (count($aParameters['wheres']) > 0) { $aWheres[] = implode(', ', $aParameters['wheres']); } if ($aGroupWhereStatements != '') { $aWheres[] = $aGroupWhereStatements; } if ($sWhereStatements != '') { $aWheres[] = $sWhereStatements; } if (count($aWheres) > 0) { $aStatement[] = 'WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $aWheres); } if ($this->_order != '') { $aStatement[] = 'ORDER BY '.$this->_order; } if ($this->_limitStart > 0 || $this->_limitCount > 0) { $iRowStart = intval($this->_limitStart); $iRowCount = intval($this->_limitCount); $aStatement[] = "LIMIT $iRowStart, $iRowCount"; } $sql = implode(' ', $aStatement); $result = $this->db->query($sql); $this->_lastSQL = $sql; // @todo disable all mode in this method for the moment. It has to be verified, // if enabling will result in negative side effects. $this->_bAllMode = false; return ($result) ? true : false; } /** * Sets the result order part of the query * (e. g. "fieldname", "fieldname DESC", "fieldname DESC, field2name ASC") * @param string $order */ public function setOrder($order) { $this->_order = strtolower($order); } /** * Adds a result field * @param string $sField */ public function addResultField($sField) { $sField = strtolower($sField); if (!in_array($sField, $this->_resultFields)) { $this->_resultFields[] = $sField; } } /** * Removes existing result field * @param string $sField */ public function removeResultField($sField) { $sField = strtolower($sField); $key = array_search($sField, $this->_resultFields); if ($key !== false) { unset($this->_resultFields[$key]); } } /** * Returns reverse join partner. * * @param string $sParentClass * @param string $sClassName * @param array|bool */ protected function _findReverseJoinPartner($sParentClass, $sClassName) { // Make the parameters lowercase, as get_class is buggy $sClassName = strtolower($sClassName); $sParentClass = strtolower($sParentClass); // Check if we found a direct link if (in_array($sClassName, $this->_JoinPartners)) { $obj = new $sClassName; return array( 'desttable' => $obj->table, 'destclass' => $sClassName, 'sourceclass' => $sParentClass, 'key' => $obj->primaryKey ); } else { // Recurse all items foreach ($this->_JoinPartners as $join => $tmpClassname) { $obj = new $tmpClassname; $status = $obj->_findReverseJoinPartner($tmpClassname, $sClassName); if (is_array($status)) { $returns = array(); if (!isset($status['desttable'])) { foreach ($status as $subitem) { $returns[] = $subitem; } } else { $returns[] = $status; } $obj = new $tmpClassname; $returns[] = array( 'desttable' => $obj->table, 'destclass' => $tmpClassname, 'sourceclass' => $sParentClass, 'key' => $obj->primaryKey ); return ($returns); } } } return false; } /** * Selects all entries from the database. Objects are loaded using their primary key. * * @param string $sWhere Specifies the where clause. * @param string $sGroupBy Specifies the group by clause. * @param string $sOrderBy Specifies the order by clause. * @param string $sLimit Specifies the limit by clause. * @return bool True on success, otherwhise false */ public function select($sWhere = '', $sGroupBy = '', $sOrderBy = '', $sLimit = '') { unset($this->objects); if ($sWhere == '') { $sWhere = ''; } else { $sWhere = ' WHERE '.$sWhere; } if ($sGroupBy != '') { $sGroupBy = ' GROUP BY '.$sGroupBy; } if ($sOrderBy != '') { $sOrderBy = ' ORDER BY '.$sOrderBy; } if ($sLimit != '') { $sLimit = ' LIMIT '.$sLimit; } $sFields = ($this->_settings['select_all_mode']) ? '*' : $this->primaryKey; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $sFields . ' FROM `' . $this->table . '`' . $sWhere . $sGroupBy . $sOrderBy . $sLimit; $this->db->query($sql); $this->_lastSQL = $sql; $this->_bAllMode = $this->_settings['select_all_mode']; if ($this->db->num_rows() == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Selects all entries from the database. Objects are loaded using their primary key. * * @param string $sDistinct Specifies if distinct will be added to the SQL * statement ($sDistinct !== '' -> DISTINCT) * @param string $sFrom Specifies the additional from clause (e.g. * 'con_news_groups AS groups, con_news_groupmembers AS groupmembers'). * @param string $sWhere Specifies the where clause. * @param string $sGroupBy Specifies the group by clause. * @param string $sOrderBy Specifies the order by clause. * @param string $sLimit Specifies the limit by clause. * @return bool True on success, otherwhise false * @author HerrB */ public function flexSelect($sDistinct = '', $sFrom = '', $sWhere = '', $sGroupBy = '', $sOrderBy = '', $sLimit = '') { unset($this->objects); if ($sDistinct != '') { $sDistinct = 'DISTINCT '; } if ($sFrom != '') { $sFrom = ', '.$sFrom; } if ($sWhere != '') { $sWhere = ' WHERE '.$sWhere; } if ($sGroupBy != '') { $sGroupBy = ' GROUP BY '.$sGroupBy; } if ($sOrderBy != '') { $sOrderBy = ' ORDER BY '.$sOrderBy; } if ($sLimit != '') { $sLimit = ' LIMIT '.$sLimit; } $sql = 'SELECT ' . $sDistinct . strtolower(get_class($this)) . '.' . $this->primaryKey . ' AS ' . $this->primaryKey . ' FROM `' . $this->table . '` AS ' . strtolower(get_class($this)) . $sFrom . $sWhere . $sGroupBy . $sOrderBy . $sLimit; $this->db->query($sql); $this->_lastSQL = $sql; // @todo disable all mode in this method $this->_bAllMode = false; if ($this->db->num_rows() == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Checks if a specific entry exists. * * @param mixed $mId The id to check for (could be numeric or string) * @return bool True if object exists, false if not */ public function exists($mId) { $oDb = $this->_getSecondDBInstance(); $sql = "SELECT `%s` FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'"; $oDb->query($sql, $this->primaryKey, $this->table, $this->primaryKey, $mId); return ($oDb->next_record()) ? true : false; } /** * Advances to the next item in the database. * * @return Item|bool The next object, or false if no more objects */ public function next() { if ($this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->_bAllMode) { $aRs = $this->db->toArray(DB_ConLite::FETCH_BOTH); return $this->loadItem($aRs); } else { return $this->loadItem($this->db->f($this->primaryKey)); } } else { return false; } } /** * Fetches the resultset related to current loaded primary key as a object * * @param Item */ public function fetchObject($sClassName) { $sKey = strtolower($sClassName); if (!is_object($this->_collectionCache[$sKey])) { $this->_collectionCache[$sKey] = new $sClassName; } $obj = $this->_collectionCache[$sKey]; return $obj->loadItem($this->db->f($obj->primaryKey)); } /** * Both arrays are optional. If both empty you will get an result using field stored in primaryKey * * $aFields = array with the fields to fetch. Notes: * If the array contains keys, the key will be used as alias for the field. Example: * array('id' => 'idcat') will put 'idcat' into field 'id' * * $aObjects = array with the objects to fetch. Notes: * If the array contains keys, the key will be used as alias for the object. If you specify * more than one object with the same key, the array will be multi-dimensional. * * @param array $aFields * @param array $aObjects * @return array */ public function fetchTable(array $aFields = array(), array $aObjects = array()) { $row = 1; $aTable = array(); if(empty($aFields) && empty($aObjects)) { $aFields = array($this->primaryKey); } $this->db->seek(0); while ($this->db->next_record()) { foreach ($aFields as $alias => $field) { //if ($alias != '') { if (is_string($alias)) { $aTable[$row][$alias] = $this->db->f($field); } else { $aTable[$row][$field] = $this->db->f($field); } } // Fetch objects if(!empty($aObjects)) { foreach ($aObjects as $alias => $object) { if ($alias != '') { if (isset($aTable[$row][$alias])) { // Is set, check for array. If no array, create one if (is_array($aTable[$row][$alias])) { $aTable[$row][$alias][] = $this->fetchObject($object); } else { // $tmpObj = $aTable[$row][$alias]; $aTable[$row][$alias] = array(); $aTable[$row][$alias][] = $this->fetchObject($object); } } else { $aTable[$row][$alias] = $this->fetchObject($object); } } else { $aTable[$row][$object] = $this->fetchObject($object); } } } $row ++; } $this->db->seek(0); return $aTable; } /** * Returns an array of arrays * @param array $aObjects With the correct order of the objects * @return array Result */ public function queryAndFetchStructured(array $aObjects) { $aOrder = array(); $aFetchObjects = array(); $aResult = array(); foreach ($aObjects as $object) { $x = new $object; $object = strtolower($object); $aOrder[] = $object.'.'.$x->primaryKey.' ASC'; $aFetchObjects[] = $x; } $this->setOrder(implode(', ', $aOrder)); $this->query(); $this->db->seek(0); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $aResult = $this->_recursiveStructuredFetch($aFetchObjects, $aResult); } return $aResult; } protected function _recursiveStructuredFetch(array $aObjects, array $aResult) { $i = array_shift($aObjects); $value = $this->db->f($i->primaryKey); if (!is_null($value)) { $aResult[$value]['class'] = strtolower(get_class($i)); $aResult[$value]['object'] = $i->loadItem($value); if (count($aObjects) > 0) { $aResult[$value]['items'] = $this->_recursiveStructuredFetch($aObjects, $aResult[$value]['items']); } } return $aResult; } /** * Returns the amount of returned items * @return int Number of rows */ public function count() { return ($this->db->num_rows()); } /** * Loads a single entry by it's id. * * @param string|int $id The primary key of the item to load. * @return Item The loaded item */ public function fetchById($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $id = (int) $id; } elseif (is_string($id)) { $id = $this->escape($id); } return $this->loadItem($id); } /** * Loads a single object from the database. * * @param mixed $mItem The primary key of the item to load or a recordset * with itemdata (array) to inject to the item object. * @return Item The newly created object * @throws Contenido_ItemException If item class is not set */ public function loadItem($mItem) { if (empty($this->_itemClass)) { $sMsg = "ItemClass has to be set in the constructor of class " . get_class($this) . ")"; throw new Contenido_ItemException($sMsg); } if (!is_object($this->_iteratorItem)) { $this->_iteratorItem = new $this->_itemClass(); } if (is_array($mItem)) { $this->_iteratorItem->loadByRecordSet($mItem); } else { $this->_iteratorItem->loadByPrimaryKey($mItem); } return $this->_iteratorItem; } /** * Creates a new item in the table and loads it afterwards. * * @param string $primaryKeyValue Optional parameter for direct input of primary key value * @return Item The newly created object */ public function create() { /* @var $oDb DB_ConLite */ $oDb = $this->_getSecondDBInstance(); $iNextId = $oDb->nextid($this->table); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `%s` (%s) VALUES (%d)'; $oDb->query($sql, $this->table, $this->primaryKey, $iNextId); return $this->loadItem($iNextId); } /** * Deletes an item in the table. * Deletes also cached e entry and any existing properties. * * @param mixed $mId Id of entry to delete * @return bool */ public function delete($mId) { $result = $this->_delete($mId); return $result; } /** * Deletes all found items in the table matching the rules in the passed where clause. * Deletes also cached e entries and any existing properties. * * @param string $sWhere The where clause of the SQL statement * @return int Number of deleted entries */ public function deleteByWhereClause($sWhere) { $oDb = $this->_getSecondDBInstance(); $aIds = array(); $numDeleted = 0; // get all ids $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->primaryKey . ' AS pk FROM `' . $this->table . '` WHERE ' . $sWhere; $oDb->query($sql); while ($oDb->next_record()) { $aIds[] = $oDb->f('pk'); } // delete entries by their ids foreach ($aIds as $id) { if ($this->_delete($id)) { $numDeleted++; } } return $numDeleted; } /** * Deletes all found items in the table matching the passed field and it's value. * Deletes also cached e entries and any existing properties. * * @param string $sField The field name * @param mixed $mValue The value of the field * @return int Number of deleted entries */ public function deleteBy($sField, $mValue) { $oDb = $this->_getSecondDBInstance(); $aIds = array(); $numDeleted = 0; // get all ids if (is_string($mValue)) { $sql = "SELECT %s AS pk FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%s'"; } else { $sql = "SELECT %s AS pk FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d"; } $oDb->query($sql, $this->primaryKey, $this->table, $sField, $mValue); while ($oDb->next_record()) { $aIds[] = $oDb->f('pk'); } // delete entries by their ids foreach ($aIds as $id) { if ($this->_delete($id)) { $numDeleted++; } } return $numDeleted; } /** * Deletes an item in the table, deletes also existing cache entries and * properties of the item. * * @param mixed $mId Id of entry to delete * @return bool */ protected function _delete($mId) { // delete cache entry self::$_oCache->removeItem($mId); // delete the property values $oProperties = $this->_getPropertiesCollectionInstance(); $oProperties->deleteProperties($this->primaryKey, $mId); $oDb = $this->_getSecondDBInstance(); // delete db entry $sql = "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE %s = '%s'"; $oDb->query($sql, $this->table, $this->primaryKey, $mId); return (($oDb->affected_rows() > 0)?true:false); } /** * Fetches an array of fields from the database. * * Example: * $i = $object->fetchArray('idartlang', array('idlang', 'name')); * * could result in: * $i[5] = array('idlang' => 5, 'name' => 'My Article'); * * Important: If you don't pass an array for fields, the function * doesn't create an array. * @param string $sKey Name of the field to use for the key * @param mixed $mFields String or array * @return array Resulting array */ public function fetchArray($sKey, $mFields) { $aResult = array(); while ($item = $this->next()) { if (is_array($mFields)) { foreach ($mFields as $value) { $aResult[$item->get($sKey)][$value] = $item->get($value); } } else { $aResult[$item->get($sKey)] = $item->get($mFields); } } return $aResult; } } /** * Class Item * Abstract class for database based items. * * @author Timo A. Hummel * @author Murat Purc * @version 0.3 * @copyright four for business 2003 */ abstract class Item extends Contenido_ItemBaseAbstract { /** * Storage of the source table to use for the user informations * @var array */ public $values; /** * Storage of the fields which were modified, where the keys are the * fieldnames and the values just simple booleans. * @var array */ protected $modifiedValues; /** * Stores the old primary key, just in case somebody wants to change it * @var string */ protected $oldPrimaryKey; /** * List of funcion names of the filters used when data is stored to the db. * @var array */ protected $_arrInFilters = array('urlencode', 'clHtmlSpecialChars', 'addslashes'); /** * List of funcion names of the filtersused when data is retrieved from the db * @var array */ protected $_arrOutFilters = array('stripslashes', 'htmldecode', 'urldecode'); /** * Class name of meta object * @var string */ protected $_metaObject; /** * Constructor function * * @param string $sTable The table to use as information source * @param string $sPrimaryKey The primary key to use * @param int $iLifetime */ public function __construct($sTable = '', $sPrimaryKey = '', $iLifetime = 10) { parent::__construct($sTable, $sPrimaryKey, get_parent_class($this), $iLifetime); } function __destruct() { //print_r(self::$_oCache); } /** * Loads an item by colum/field from the database. * * @param string $sField Specifies the field * @param mixed $mValue Specifies the value * @param bool $bSafe Use inFilter or not * @return bool True if the load was successful */ public function loadBy($sField, $mValue, $bSafe = true) { if ($bSafe) { $mValue = $this->_inFilter($mValue); } // check, if cache contains a matching entry $aRecordSet = null; if ($sField === $this->primaryKey) { $aRecordSet = self::$_oCache->getItem($this->table."_".$mValue); } else { $aRecordSet = self::$_oCache->getItemByProperty($this->table."_".$sField, $mValue); } if ($aRecordSet) { // entry in cache found, load entry from cache $this->loadByRecordSet($aRecordSet); return true; } // SQL-Statement to select by field $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE %s = '%s'",$this->table,$sField,$mValue); //$sql = $this->db->prepare($sql, $this->table, $sField, $mValue); // Query the database $this->db->query($sql); $this->_lastSQL = $sql; if ($this->db->num_rows() > 1) { $sMsg = "Tried to load a single line with field $sField and value $mValue from " . $this->table . " but found more than one row"; cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); } // Advance to the next record, return false if nothing found if (!$this->db->next_record()) { return false; } $this->loadByRecordSet($this->db->toArray()); return true; } /** * Loads an item by passed where clause from the database. * This function is expensive, since it executes allways a query to the database * to retrieve the primary key, even if the record set is aleady cached. * NOTE: Passed value has to be escaped before. This will not be done by this function. * * @param string $sWhere The where clause like 'idart = 123 AND idlang = 1' * @return bool True if the load was successful */ protected function _loadByWhereClause($sWhere) { // SQL-Statement to select by whee clause $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s AS pk FROM `%s` WHERE ",$this->primaryKey,$this->table) . (string) $sWhere; //$sql = $this->db->prepare($sql, $this->primaryKey, $this->table); // Query the database $this->db->query($sql); $this->_lastSQL = $sql; if ($this->db->num_rows() > 1) { $sMsg = "Tried to load a single line with where clause '" . $sWhere . "' from " . $this->table . " but found more than one row"; cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sMsg); } // Advance to the next record, return false if nothing found if (!$this->db->next_record()) { return false; } $id = $this->db->f('pk'); return $this->loadByPrimaryKey($id); } /** * Loads an item by ID from the database. * * @param string $mValue Specifies the primary key value * @return bool True if the load was successful */ public function loadByPrimaryKey($mValue) { $bSuccess = $this->loadBy($this->primaryKey, $mValue); if (($bSuccess == true) && method_exists($this, '_onLoad')) { $this->_onLoad(); } return $bSuccess; } /** * Loads an item by it's recordset. * * @param array $aRecordSet The recordset of the item */ public function loadByRecordSet(array $aRecordSet) { $this->values = $aRecordSet; $this->oldPrimaryKey = $this->values[$this->primaryKey]; $this->virgin = false; self::$_oCache->addItem($this->table."_".$this->oldPrimaryKey, $this->values); } /** * Checks if a the item is already loaded. * @return boolean */ public function isLoaded() { return ($this->virgin)?FALSE:TRUE; } /** * Function which is called whenever an item is loaded. * Inherited classes should override this function if desired. * * @return void */ protected function _onLoad() { } /** * Gets the value of a specific field. * * @param string $sField Specifies the field to retrieve * @return mixed Value of the field */ public function getField($sField) { if ($this->virgin == true) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } return $this->_outFilter($this->values[$sField]); } /** * Wrapper for getField (less to type). * * @param string $sField Specifies the field to retrieve * @return mixed Value of the field */ public function get($sField) { return $this->getField($sField); } /** * Sets the value of a specific field. * * @param string $sField Field name * @param string $mValue Value to set * @param bool $bSafe Flag to run defined inFilter on passed value */ public function setField($sField, $mValue, $bSafe = true) { if ($this->virgin == true) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } $this->modifiedValues[$sField] = true; if ($sField == $this->primaryKey) { $this->oldPrimaryKey = $this->values[$sField]; } if ($bSafe == true) { $this->values[$sField] = $this->_inFilter($mValue); } else { $this->values[$sField] = $mValue; } return true; } /** * Shortcut to setField. * * @param string $sField Field name * @param string $mValue Value to set * @param bool $bSafe Flag to run defined inFilter on passed value */ public function set($sField, $mValue, $bSafe = true) { return $this->setField($sField, $mValue, $bSafe); } /** * Stores the loaded and modified item to the database. * * @return bool */ public function store() { if(!$this->isLoaded()) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->table . '` SET '; $first = true; if (!is_array($this->modifiedValues)) { return true; } foreach ($this->modifiedValues as $key => $bValue) { if ($first == true) { $sql .= "`$key` = '" . $this->values[$key] . "'"; $first = false; } else { $sql .= ", `$key` = '" . $this->values[$key] . "'"; } } $sql .= " WHERE " . $this->primaryKey . " = '" . $this->oldPrimaryKey . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->_lastSQL = $sql; if ($this->db->affected_rows() > 0) { self::$_oCache->addItem($this->table."_".$this->oldPrimaryKey, $this->values); } return ($this->db->affected_rows() < 1) ? false : true; } /** * Returns current item data as an assoziative array. * * @return array|false */ public function toArray() { if ($this->virgin == true) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } $aReturn = array(); foreach ($this->values as $field => $value) { $aReturn[$field] = $this->getField($field); } return $aReturn; } /** * Returns current item data as an object. * * @return stdClass|false */ public function toObject() { $return = $this->toArray(); return (false !== $return) ? (object) $return : $return; } /** * Sets a custom property. * * @param string $sType Specifies the type * @param string $sName Specifies the name * @param mixed $mValue Specifies the value * @return bool */ public function setProperty($sType, $sName, $mValue) { // If this object wasn't loaded before, return false if ($this->virgin == true) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } // Set the value $oProperties = $this->_getPropertiesCollectionInstance(); $bResult = $oProperties->setValue( $this->primaryKey, $this->get($this->primaryKey), $sType, $sName, $mValue ); return $bResult; } /** * Returns a custom property. * * @param string $sType Specifies the type * @param string $sName Specifies the name * @return mixed Value of the given property or false */ public function getProperty($sType, $sName) { // If this object wasn't loaded before, return false if ($this->virgin == true) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } // Return the value $oProperties = $this->_getPropertiesCollectionInstance(); $mValue = $oProperties->getValue( $this->primaryKey, $this->get($this->primaryKey), $sType, $sName ); return $mValue; } /** * Deletes a custom property. * * @param string $sType Specifies the type * @param string $sName Specifies the name * @return bool */ public function deleteProperty($sType, $sName) { // If this object wasn't loaded before, return false if ($this->virgin == true) { $this->lasterror = 'No item loaded'; return false; } // Delete the value $oProperties = $this->_getPropertiesCollectionInstance(); $bResult = $oProperties->deleteValue( $this->primaryKey, $this->get($this->primaryKey), $sType, $sName ); return $bResult; } /** * Deletes a custom property by its id. * * @param int $idprop Id of property * @return bool */ public function deletePropertyById($idprop) { $oProperties = $this->_getPropertiesCollectionInstance(); return $oProperties->delete($idprop); } /** * Deletes the current item * * @return void */ // Method doesn't work, remove in future versions // function delete() // { // $this->_collectionInstance->delete($item->get($this->primaryKey)); //} /** * Define the filter functions used when data is being stored or retrieved * from the database. * * Examples: *
     * $obj->setFilters(array('addslashes'), array('stripslashes'));
     * $obj->setFilters(array('htmlencode', 'addslashes'), array('stripslashes', 'htmlencode'));
* * @param array $aInFilters Array with function names * @param array $aOutFilters Array with function names * * @return void */ public function setFilters($aInFilters = array(), $aOutFilters = array()) { $this->_arrInFilters = $aInFilters; $this->_arrOutFilters = $aOutFilters; } /** * Filters the passed data using the functions defines in the _arrInFilters array. * * @see setFilters * * @todo This method is used from public scope, but it should be protected * * @param mixed $mData Data to filter * @return mixed Filtered data */ public function _inFilter($mData) { if(is_numeric($mData) || is_array($mData)) return $mData; foreach ($this->_arrInFilters as $_function) { if (function_exists($_function)) { $mData = $_function($mData); } } return $mData; } /** * Filters the passed data using the functions defines in the _arrOutFilters array. * * @see setFilters * * @param mixed $mData Data to filter * @return mixed Filtered data */ protected function _outFilter($mData) { if(is_numeric($mData)) return $mData; foreach ($this->_arrOutFilters as $_function) { if (function_exists($_function)) { $mData = $_function($mData); } } return $mData; } protected function _setMetaObject($sObjectName) { $this->_metaObject = $sObjectName; } public function getMetaObject() { global $_metaObjectCache; if (!is_array($_metaObjectCache)) { $_metaObjectCache = array(); } $sClassName = $this->_metaObject; $qclassname = strtolower($sClassName); if (array_key_exists($qclassname, $_metaObjectCache)) { if (is_object($_metaObjectCache[$qclassname])) { if (strtolower(get_class($_metaObjectCache[$qclassname])) == $qclassname) { $_metaObjectCache[$qclassname]->setPayloadObject($this); return $_metaObjectCache[$qclassname]; } } } if (class_exists($sClassName)) { $_metaObjectCache[$qclassname] = new $sClassName ($this); return $_metaObjectCache[$qclassname]; } } } ?>