* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2008-09-08, Ingo van Peeren * modified 2010-05-20, Murat Purc, standardized Contenido startup and security check invocations, see [#CON-307] * modified 2011-02-08, Dominik Ziegler, removed old PHP compatibility stuff as contenido now requires at least PHP 5 * * $Id: ajaxmain.php 306 2014-03-13 23:03:26Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if (!defined("CON_FRAMEWORK")) { define("CON_FRAMEWORK", true); } // Contenido startup process include_once ('./includes/startup.php'); $cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["fullstart"] = getmicrotime(); cInclude ("includes", 'functions.api.php'); cInclude ("includes", 'functions.forms.php'); page_open(array('sess' => 'Contenido_Session', 'auth' => 'Contenido_Challenge_Crypt_Auth', 'perm' => 'Contenido_Perm')); i18nInit($cfg["path"]["contenido"].$cfg["path"]["locale"], $belang); /** * Bugfix * @see http://contenido.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18291 * * added by H. Librenz (2007-12-07) */ //includePluginConf(); require_once $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['includes'] . 'functions.includePluginConf.php'; cInclude ("includes", 'cfg_language_de.inc.php'); # Create Contenido classes $db = new DB_ConLite; $notification = new Contenido_Notification; $classarea = new Area(); $classlayout = new Layout(); $classclient = new Client(); $classuser = new User(); $currentuser = new User(); $currentuser->loadUserByUserID($auth->auth["uid"]); # change Client if (isset($changeclient) && is_numeric($changeclient) ) { $client = $changeclient; unset($lang); } # Sprache wechseln if (isset($changelang) && is_numeric($changelang) ) { unset($area_rights); unset($item_rights); $lang = $changelang; } if (!is_numeric($client) || (!$perm->have_perm_client("client[".$client."]") && !$perm->have_perm_client("admin[".$client."]"))) { // use first client which is accessible $sess->register("client"); $sql = "SELECT idclient FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["clients"]." ORDER BY idclient ASC"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $mclient = $db->f("idclient"); if ($perm->have_perm_client("client[".$mclient."]") || $perm->have_perm_client("admin[".$mclient."]") ) { unset($lang); $client = $mclient; break; } } } else { $sess->register("client"); } if (!is_numeric($lang) || $lang == "") { $sess->register("lang"); # search for the first language of this client $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["lang"]." AS A, ".$cfg["tab"]["clients_lang"]." AS B WHERE A.idlang=B.idlang AND idclient='".Contenido_Security::toInteger($client)."' ORDER BY A.idlang ASC"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); $lang = $db->f("idlang"); } else { $sess->register("lang"); } // send right encoding http header sendEncodingHeader($db, $cfg, $lang); $perm->load_permissions(); # Create Contenido classes $xml = new XML_doc; $tpl = new Template; $backend = new Contenido_Backend; //$backend->debug=true; # Register session variables $sess->register("sess_area"); if (isset($area)) { $sess_area = $area; } else { $area = ( isset($sess_area) && $sess_area != "" ) ? $sess_area : 'login'; } $sess->register("cfgClient"); $sess->register("errsite_idcat"); $sess->register("errsite_idart"); if ($cfgClient["set"] != "set") { rereadClients (); } # Initialize Contenido_Backend. # Load all actions from the DB # and check if permission is # granted. if ($cfg["debug"]["rendering"] == true) { $oldmemusage = memory_get_usage(); } # Select area $backend->select($area); $cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["start"] = getmicrotime(); # If $action is set -> User klicked some button/link # get the appopriate code for this action and evaluate it. if (isset($action) && $action != "") { if (!isset($idart)) { $idart = 0; } $backend->log($idcat, $idart, $client, $lang, $action); } if (isset($action)) { if ($backend->getCode($action) != '') { if ($backend->debug == 1) { echo '
            echo $backend->getCode($action)."\n";
            echo '
'; } eval($backend->getCode($action)); } else { if ($backend->debug == 1) { echo '
            echo "no code available in action\n";
            echo '
'; } } } if(isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) && $_REQUEST['ajax'] != '') { $oAjax = new Ajax(); $sReturn = $oAjax->handle($_REQUEST['ajax']); echo $sReturn; } else { include_once($cfg['path']['contenido'].$cfg['path']['includes'] ."ajax/include.ajax." . $area . ".php"); } $cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["end"] = getmicrotime(); if ($cfg["debug"]["rendering"] == true) { echo "Building this page (excluding contenido includes) took: " . ($cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["end"] - $cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["start"])." seconds
"; echo "Building the complete page took: " . ($cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["end"] - $cfg["debug"]["backend_exectime"]["fullstart"])." seconds
"; echo "Include memory usage: ".human_readable_size(memory_get_usage()-$oldmemusage)."
"; echo "Complete memory usage: ".human_readable_size(memory_get_usage())."
"; } /** * Start User Tracking (who is online) * **/ $oActiveUser = new ActiveUsers($db, $cfg, $auth); $oActiveUser->startUsersTracking(); /** * * End of the User Tracking */ page_close(); ?>