setDefault(self::$_aOptions['default']); } $sSelectScript = ''; // reset static options array self::_setDefaultOptions(); return self::$_oSelectElement->render() . $sSelectScript; } static public function getFileSelect($sName) { global $cCurrentModule; if(is_null(self::$_aOptions)) { self::_setDefaultOptions(); } self::$_oSelectElement = new cHTMLSelectElement($sName); if(empty(self::$_aOptions['file_select_dir'])) { $sDir = cRegistry::getClientConfig(cRegistry::getClientId())['path']['frontend'].'templates'; } else { $sDir = self::$_aOptions['file_select_dir']; } $aFiles = scanDirectory($sDir); $aModFiles = array(); // add template files in mod dir if present if(null !== cRegistry::getConfigValue('dceModEdit','use') && cRegistry::getConfigValue('dceModEdit','use') == TRUE) { //echo "modul: ".$cCurrentModule; $oModule = new cApiModule($cCurrentModule); if($oModule->isLoaded() && $oModule->isLoadedFromFile('input')) { $sModTplPath = $oModule->getModulePath()."template"; if(is_dir($sModTplPath)) { $aModFiles = scanDirectory($sModTplPath); //print_r($aModFiles); $aFiles = array_merge($aFiles, $aModFiles); } } } //echo '
'; //print_r($aFiles); $oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement("--Please Choose--", 0); self::$_oSelectElement->addOptionElement(0, $oOption); foreach($aFiles as $iKey=>$sFilePath) { $aParts = pathinfo($sFilePath); if(!in_array($aParts['extension'], self::$_aOptions['file_extension'])) { continue; } if($aParts['dirname'] == $sDir) { $oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($aParts['basename'], $aParts['basename']); } else { $oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement("Mod: ".$aParts['basename'], $aParts['basename']); } self::$_oSelectElement->addOptionElement($iKey+1, $oOption); //print_r($aParts); } if (isset(self::$_aOptions['default'])) { self::$_oSelectElement->setDefault(self::$_aOptions['default']); } $sSelectScript = ''; // reset static options array self::_setDefaultOptions(); return self::$_oSelectElement->render().$sSelectScript; } static public function getOnOffButton($sName) { global $cnumber; $oDiv = new cHTMLDiv(); $oDiv->setID($oDiv->getID()."C".$cnumber); $sInput = ""; $aValues = array( 'false' => mi18n("OFF"), 'true' => mi18n("ON") ); $oInput = new cHTMLRadiobutton($sName, "not set"); foreach ($aValues as $sValue => $sLabel) { $oInput->advanceID(); $oInput->setLabelText($sLabel); $oInput->setAttribute("value", $sValue); if (self::$_aOptions['default'] == $sValue) { $oInput->setChecked(TRUE); } else { $oInput->setChecked(FALSE); } $sInput .= $oInput->render(); } $sInput .= ''; $oDiv->setContent($sInput); return $oDiv->render(); } static public function setOptions(array $aOptions) { self::_setDefaultOptions(); self::$_aOptions = array_merge(self::$_aOptions, $aOptions); } static protected function _addCategories() { $oDB = new DB_ConLite(); $sSQL = "SELECT tblCat.idcat AS idcat, AS name, " . "tblCatLang.visible AS visible, tblCatLang.public AS public, tblCatTree.level AS level " . "FROM " . cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', 'cat') . " AS tblCat, " . cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', 'cat_lang') . " AS tblCatLang, " . cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', 'cat_tree') . " AS tblCatTree" . " WHERE tblCat.idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB(cRegistry::getClientId(), $oDB) . "'" . " AND tblCatLang.idlang = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB(cRegistry::getLanguageId(), $oDB) . "'" . " AND tblCatLang.idcat = tblCat.idcat AND tblCatTree.idcat = tblCat.idcat "; if (self::$_aOptions['max_level'] > 0) { $sSQL .= "AND tblCatTree.level < '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB(self::$_aOptions['max_level'], $oDB) . "' "; } $sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblCatTree.idtree"; $oDB->query($sSQL); $iCount = (int) $oDB->num_rows(); if ($iCount > 0) { $iCountOptions = count(self::$_oSelectElement->_options); while ($oDB->next_record()) { $sSpaces = ""; $sStyle = ""; $iID = $oDB->f("idcat"); for ($i = 0; $i < $oDB->f("level"); $i++) { $sSpaces .= " "; } // Generate new option element if ((self::$_aOptions['cat_visible'] && $oDB->f("visible") == 0) || (self::$_aOptions['cat_public'] && $oDB->f("public") == 0)) { // If category has to be visible or public and it isn't, don't add value $sValue = ""; } else if (self::$_aOptions['with_articles']) { // If article will be added, set negative idcat as value $sValue = "-" . $iID; } else { // Show only categories - and everything is fine... $sValue = $iID; } $oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sSpaces . "> " . utf8_encode($oDB->f("name")), $sValue); if ((self::$_aOptions['cat_visible'] && $oDB->f("visible") == 0) || (self::$_aOptions['cat_public'] && $oDB->f("public") == 0)) { $oOption->setDisabled(true); } // Coloring option element, restricted shows grey color $oOption->setStyle("background-color: #EFEFEF"); if (self::$_aOptions['colored'] && ($oDB->f("visible") == 0 || $oDB->f("public") == 0)) { $oOption->setStyle("color: #666666;"); } // Add option element to the list self::$_oSelectElement->addOptionElement($iCountOptions, $oOption); /* if ($bWithArt) { $iArticles = $this->addArticles($iID, $bColored, self::$_aOptions['art_online'], $sSpaces); $iCount += $iArticles; } */ $iCountOptions++; } } return $iCount; } static private function _setDefaultOptions() { self::$_aOptions = array( 'max_level' => 0, 'default' => NULL, 'colored' => FALSE, 'cat_visible' => TRUE, 'cat_public' => TRUE, 'with_articles' => FALSE, 'art_online' => TRUE, 'file_select_dir' => NULL, 'file_extension' => array('html') ); } }