100) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Cyan must be between 0 and 100'); } if ($magenta < 0 || $magenta > 100) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Magenta must be between 0 and 100'); } if ($yellow < 0 || $yellow > 100) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Yellow must be between 0 and 100'); } if ($black < 0 || $black > 100) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Black must be between 0 and 100'); } $this->cyan = $cyan; $this->magenta = $magenta; $this->yellow = $yellow; $this->black = $black; } public function getCyan() : int { return $this->cyan; } public function getMagenta() : int { return $this->magenta; } public function getYellow() : int { return $this->yellow; } public function getBlack() : int { return $this->black; } public function toRgb() : Rgb { $k = $this->black / 100; $c = (-$k * $this->cyan + $k * 100 + $this->cyan) / 100; $m = (-$k * $this->magenta + $k * 100 + $this->magenta) / 100; $y = (-$k * $this->yellow + $k * 100 + $this->yellow) / 100; return new Rgb( (int) (-$c * 255 + 255), (int) (-$m * 255 + 255), (int) (-$y * 255 + 255) ); } public function toCmyk() : Cmyk { return $this; } public function toGray() : Gray { return $this->toRgb()->toGray(); } }