/** * * $Id: pluginInfo.js 279 2013-11-21 14:34:53Z oldperl $ */ /***************************************** * * * File : $RCSfile: pluginInfo.js,v $ * Project : Contenido * Descr : File contains functions for displaying plugin information layer, hiding and crorrecting its position, when browser window is resized * * Author : $Author: timo.trautmann$ * Modified : $Date: 2013-11-21 15:34:53 +0100 (Thu, 21 Nov 2013) $ * * � four for business AG, www.4fb.de ******************************************/ /** * Function returns offset left, top, width and heigth of a given htnmlelement as array * * @param object oElement - Object which should be analyzed * @return array - containing dimension information */ var getElementPostion = function (oElement) { var iHeigth = oElement.offsetHeight; var iWidth = oElement.offsetWidth; var iTop = 0, iLeft = 0; while (oElement) { iTop += oElement.offsetTop || 0; iLeft += oElement.offsetLeft || 0; oElement = oElement.offsetParent; }; return [iLeft, iTop, iHeigth, iWidth]; } /** * Function set layer position absolutely. Basis for position is element plugin_layer, which contains * all avariable plugins * */ function setLayerPostion () { var oPluginLayer = document.getElementById('plugin_layer'); //only correct position, if layer is currently displayed if (oPluginLayer.style.display = 'block') { var aPluginListPos = getElementPostion(document.getElementById('plugin_list')); oPluginLayer.style.top=aPluginListPos[1]; oPluginLayer.style.left=aPluginListPos[0]+200; } } /** * Function shows plugin information layer and fills it with given information * * @param sHeader string - Name of the plugin * @param sDescription string - Description of the plugin */ function showPluginInfo(sHeader, sDescription) { setLayerPostion(); //get plugin layer var oPluginLayer = document.getElementById('plugin_layer'); //set layer data and display it document.getElementById('plugin_header').innerHTML=sHeader; document.getElementById('plugin_description').innerHTML=sDescription; oPluginLayer.style.display = 'block'; } /** * Function hides plugin information layer * */ function hidePluginInfo() { document.getElementById('plugin_layer').style.display = 'none'; } //update layer position when browser window is resized window.onresize = setLayerPostion;