* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * * * * {@internal * created unknown * modified 2008-07-07, bilal arslan, added security fix * * $Id$: * }} * */ if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } define("C_PREDICT_SUFFICIENT", 1); define("C_PREDICT_NOTPREDICTABLE", 2); define("C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_SAMEOWNER", 3); define("C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_SAMEGROUP", 4); define("C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_OTHERS", 5); define("C_PREDICT_CHANGEUSER", 6); define("C_PREDICT_CHANGEGROUP", 7); define("C_PREDICT_WINDOWS", 8); define("E_BASEDIR_NORESTRICTION", 1); define("E_BASEDIR_DOTRESTRICTION", 2); define("E_BASEDIR_RESTRICTIONSUFFICIENT", 3); define("E_BASEDIR_INCOMPATIBLE", 4); /** * isWriteable: * Checks if a specific file is writeable. Includes a PHP 4.0.4 * workaround where is_writable doesn't return a value of type * boolean. Also clears the stat cache and checks if the file * exists. * * @param $file string Path to the file, accepts absolute and relative files * @return boolean true if the file exists and is writeable, false otherwise */ function isWriteable ($file) { clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } $bStatus = is_writable($file); /* PHP 4.0.4 workaround */ settype($bStatus, "boolean"); return $bStatus; } /** * isReadable * Checks if a file is readable. * * @param $file string Path to the file, accepts absolute and relative files * @return boolean true if the file exists and is readable, false otherwise */ function isReadable ($file) { return is_readable($file); } function canReadFile ($sFilename) { if (isReadable(dirname($sFilename))) { if (isReadable($sFilename)) { $fp = fopen($sFilename, "r"); fclose($fp); return true; } } return false; } function canWriteFile ($sFilename) { #check dir perms, create a new file read it and delete it if (is_dir($sFilename)) { $sRandFilenamePath = $sFilename; $i = 0; #try to find a random filename for write test, which does not exist while (file_exists($sRandFilenamePath) && $i < 100) { $sRandFilename = 'con_test'.rand(0,1000000000).'con_test'; $sRandFilenamePath = ''; if ($sFilename{strlen($sFilename)-1} == '/') { $sRandFilenamePath = $sFilename.$sRandFilename; } else { $sRandFilenamePath = $sFilename.'/'.$sRandFilename; } $i++; } #there is no file name which does not exist, exit after 100 trials if ($i == 100) { return false; } /* Ignore errors in case isWriteable() returns * a wrong information */ $fp = @fopen($sRandFilenamePath, "w"); if ($fp) { @fclose($fp); unlink($sRandFilenamePath); return true; } else { return false; } } if (isWriteable(dirname($sFilename))) { if (file_exists($sFilename)) { if (!isWriteable($sFilename)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* Ignore errors in case isWriteable() returns * a wrong information */ $fp = @fopen($sFilename, "w"); @fclose($fp); if (file_exists($sFilename)) { @unlink($sFilename); return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (file_exists($sFilename)) { if (!isWriteable($sFilename)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } function canDeleteFile ($sFilename) { if (isWriteable($sFilename)) { unlink($sFilename); if (file_exists($sFilename)) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } function getFileInfo ($sFilename) { if (!file_exists($sFilename)) { return false; } $oiFilePermissions = fileperms($sFilename); if ($oiFilePermissions === false) { return false; } switch (true) { case (($oiFilePermissions & 0xC000) == 0xC000): $info = 's'; $type = "socket"; break; case (($oiFilePermissions & 0xA000) == 0xA000): $info = 'l'; $type = "symbolic link"; break; case (($oiFilePermissions & 0x8000) == 0x8000): $info = '-'; $type = "regular file"; break; case (($oiFilePermissions & 0x6000) == 0x6000): $info = 'b'; $type = "block special"; break; case (($oiFilePermissions & 0x4000) == 0x4000): $info = 'd'; $type = "directory"; break; case (($oiFilePermissions & 0x2000) == 0x2000): $info = 'c'; $type = "character special"; break; case (($oiFilePermissions & 0x1000) == 0x1000): $info = 'p'; $type = "FIFO pipe"; break; default: $info = "u"; $type = "Unknown"; break; } $aFileinfo = array(); $aFileinfo["info"] = $info; $aFileinfo["type"] = $type; $aFileinfo["owner"]["read"] = ($oiFilePermissions & 0x0100) ? true : false; $aFileinfo["owner"]["write"] = ($oiFilePermissions & 0x0080) ? true : false; $aFileinfo["group"]["read"] = ($oiFilePermissions & 0x0020) ? true : false; $aFileinfo["group"]["write"] = ($oiFilePermissions & 0x0010) ? true : false; $aFileinfo["others"]["read"] = ($oiFilePermissions & 0x0004) ? true : false; $aFileinfo["others"]["write"] = ($oiFilePermissions & 0x0002) ? true : false; $aFileinfo["owner"]["id"] = fileowner($sFilename); $aFileinfo["group"]["id"] = filegroup($sFilename); return ($aFileinfo); } function checkOpenBasedirCompatibility () { $value = getPHPIniSetting("open_basedir"); if (isWindows()) { $aBasedirEntries = explode(";", $value); } else { $aBasedirEntries = explode(":", $value); } if (count($aBasedirEntries) == 1 && $aBasedirEntries[0] == $value) { return E_BASEDIR_NORESTRICTION; } if (in_array(".", $aBasedirEntries) && count($aBasedirEntries) == 1) { return E_BASEDIR_DOTRESTRICTION; } $sCurrentDirectory = getcwd(); foreach ($aBasedirEntries as $entry) { if (stristr($sCurrentDirectory, $entry)) { return E_BASEDIR_RESTRICTIONSUFFICIENT; } } return E_BASEDIR_INCOMPATIBLE; } function predictCorrectFilepermissions ($file) { /* Check if the system is a windows system. If yes, * we can't predict anything. */ if (isWindows()) { return C_PREDICT_WINDOWS; } /* Check if the file is read- and writeable. If yes, we don't need * to do any further checks. */ if (isWriteable($file) && isReadable($file)) { return C_PREDICT_SUFFICIENT; } $iServerUID = getServerUID(); /* * If we can't find out the web server UID, we cannot * predict the correct mask. */ if ($iServerUID === false) { return C_PREDICT_NOTPREDICTABLE; } $iServerGID = getServerGID(); /* * If we can't find out the web server GID, we cannot * predict the correct mask. */ if ($iServerGID === false) { return C_PREDICT_NOTPREDICTABLE; } $aFilePermissions = getFileInfo($file); if (getSafeModeStatus()) { /* SAFE-Mode related checks */ if ($iServerUID == $aFilePermissions["owner"]["id"]) { return C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_SAMEOWNER; } if (getSafeModeGidStatus()) { /* SAFE-Mode GID related checks */ if ($iServerGID == $aFilePermissions["group"]["id"]) { return C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_SAMEGROUP; } return C_PREDICT_CHANGEGROUP; } } else { /* Regular checks */ if ($iServerUID == $aFilePermissions["owner"]["id"]) { return C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_SAMEOWNER; } if ($iServerGID == $aFilePermissions["group"]["id"]) { return C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_SAMEGROUP; } return C_PREDICT_CHANGEPERM_OTHERS; } } ?>