* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2003-03-21 * modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix * modified 2010-08-18, Munkh-Ulzii Balidar, add a functionality to show the used info * * $Id: include.mod_overview.php 359 2015-10-01 10:55:49Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } if (!(int) $client > 0) { #if there is no client selected, display empty page $oPage = new cPage; $oPage->render(); return; } ############################ # Now build bottom with list ############################ $cApiModuleCollection = new cApiModuleCollection; $classmodule = new cApiModule; $oPage = new cPage; // no value found in request for items per page -> get form db or set default $oUser = new cApiUser($auth->auth["uid"]); if (!isset($_REQUEST["elemperpage"]) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['elemperpage']) || $_REQUEST['elemperpage'] < 0) { $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] = $oUser->getProperty("itemsperpage", $area); } if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST["elemperpage"])) { $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] = 0; } if ($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] > 0) { // -- All -- will not be stored, as it may be impossible to change this back to something more useful $oUser->setProperty("itemsperpage", $area, $_REQUEST["elemperpage"]); } unset($oUser); if (!isset($_REQUEST["page"]) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['page']) || $_REQUEST['page'] <= 0 || $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] == 0) { $_REQUEST["page"] = 1; } // Sort by requested if (isset($_REQUEST["sortby"]) && $_REQUEST["sortby"] != "") { $cApiModuleCollection->setOrder($_REQUEST["sortby"] . " " . $_REQUEST["sortorder"]); } else { $cApiModuleCollection->setOrder("name asc"); } // Search filter requested if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"]) && $_REQUEST["filter"] != "" && $_REQUEST["searchin"] == '') { $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "name", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "description", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "type", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "input", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "output", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setInnerGroupCondition("default", "OR"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"]) && $_REQUEST["filter"] != "" && $_REQUEST["searchin"] == 'name') { $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "name", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setInnerGroupCondition("default", "OR"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"]) && $_REQUEST["filter"] != "" && $_REQUEST["searchin"] == 'description') { $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "description", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setInnerGroupCondition("default", "OR"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"]) && $_REQUEST["filter"] != "" && $_REQUEST["searchin"] == 'type') { $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "type", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setInnerGroupCondition("default", "OR"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"]) && $_REQUEST["filter"] != "" && $_REQUEST["searchin"] == 'input') { $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "input", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setInnerGroupCondition("default", "OR"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"]) && $_REQUEST["filter"] != "" && $_REQUEST["searchin"] == 'output') { $cApiModuleCollection->setWhereGroup("default", "output", "%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%", "LIKE"); $cApiModuleCollection->setInnerGroupCondition("default", "OR"); } // Type filter requested if (isset($_REQUEST["filtertype"])) { switch ($_REQUEST["filtertype"]) { case "--all--": break; case "--wotype--": $cApiModuleCollection->setWhere("type", ""); break; default: $cApiModuleCollection->setWhere("type", $_REQUEST["filtertype"]); break; } } // Items per page requested $cApiModuleCollection->setWhere("idclient", $client); if ($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] > 0) { $cApiModuleCollection->query(); $iItemCount = $cApiModuleCollection->count(); if ($iItemCount < (($_REQUEST["page"] - 1) * $_REQUEST["elemperpage"])) { $_REQUEST["page"] = 1; } if ($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] * ($_REQUEST["page"]) >= $iItemCount + $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] && $_REQUEST["page"] != 1) { $_REQUEST["page"] --; } $cApiModuleCollection->setLimit(($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] * ($_REQUEST["page"] - 1)), $_REQUEST["elemperpage"]); } else { $iItemCount = 0; } // Build list for left_bottom considering filter values $mlist = new UI_Menu; $sOptionModuleCheck = getSystemProperty("system", "modulecheck"); $sOptionForceCheck = getEffectiveSetting("modules", "force-menu-check", "false"); $iMenu = 0; $cApiModuleCollection->query(); while ($cApiModule = $cApiModuleCollection->next()) { if ($perm->have_perm_item($area, $db->f("idmod")) || $perm->have_perm_area_action("mod_translate", "mod_translation_save") || $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("mod_translate", "mod_translation_save", $cApiModule->get("idmod"))) { $idmod = $cApiModule->get("idmod"); $link = new cHTMLLink; $link->setMultiLink("mod", "", "mod_edit", ""); $link->setCustom("idmod", $cApiModule->get("idmod")); $link->updateAttributes(array("alt" => $cApiModule->get("description"))); $link->updateAttributes(array("title" => $cApiModule->get("description"))); $link->updateAttributes(array("style" => "margin-left:5px")); $sName = $cApiModule->get("name"); if ($sOptionModuleCheck !== "false" && $sOptionForceCheck !== "false") { // Check module and force check has been enabled - check module (surprisingly...) $inputok = modTestModule($cApiModule->get("input"), $cApiModule->get("idmod") . "i", false); $outputok = modTestModule($cApiModule->get("output"), $cApiModule->get("idmod") . "o", true); if ($inputok && $outputok) { // Everything ok $colName = $sName; // The set default color: none :) } else if ($inputok || $outputok) { // Input or output has a problem $colName = '' . $sName . ''; } else { // Input >and< output has a problem $colName = '' . $sName . ''; } } else { // Do not check modules (or don't force it) - so, let's take a look into the database $sModuleError = $cApiModule->get("error"); if ($sModuleError == "none") { $colName = $sName; } else if ($sModuleError == "input" || $sModuleError == "output") { $colName = '' . $sName . ''; } else { $colName = '' . $sName . ''; } } $iMenu ++; $mlist->setTitle($iMenu, $colName); if ($perm->have_perm_area_action_item("mod_edit", "mod_edit", $db->f("idmod")) || $perm->have_perm_area_action_item("mod_translate", "mod_translation_save", $cApiModule->get("idmod"))) { $mlist->setLink($iMenu, $link); } $inUse = $classmodule->moduleInUse($idmod); $bFromFile = $cApiModule->isLoadedFromFile(); $deletebutton = ""; if ($inUse) { $inUseString = i18n("Click for more information about usage"); $mlist->setActions($iMenu, 'inuse', '' . $inUseString . ''); $delDescription = i18n("Module in use, cannot delete"); } else if($bFromFile) { $delDescription = i18n("Module in filesystem, cannot delete"); } else { $mlist->setActions($iMenu, 'inuse', ''); if ($perm->have_perm_area_action_item("mod", "mod_delete", $cApiModule->get("idmod"))) { $delTitle = i18n("Delete module"); $delDescr = sprintf(i18n("Do you really want to delete the following module:

"), $sName); $deletebutton = '' . $delTitle . ''; } else { $delDescription = i18n("No permission"); } } if ($deletebutton == "") { //$deletebutton = ''; $deletebutton = '' . $delDescription . ''; } $todo = new TODOLink("idmod", $db->f("idmod"), "Module: $sName", ""); $mlist->setActions($iMenu, "todo", $todo->render()); $mlist->setActions($iMenu, "delete", $deletebutton); if (isset($_GET['idmod']) && $_GET['idmod'] == $idmod) { $mlist->setExtra($iMenu, 'id="marked" '); } //$mlist->setImage($iMenu, "images/but_module.gif"); //$mlist->setImage($iMenu, 'images/spacer.gif', 5); } } $deleteScript = ' '; $sShowUsedInfo = ' '; $sMarkRow = ''; $oPage->setMargin(0); $oPage->addScript('messagebox', ''); $oPage->addScript('jquery', ''); $oPage->addScript('delete', $deleteScript); $oPage->addScript('showUsedInfo', $sShowUsedInfo); $oPage->addScript('cfoldingrow.js', ''); $oPage->addScript('parameterCollector.js', ''); $oPage->setContent($mlist->render(false) . $sMarkRow); //generate current content for Object Pager $oPagerLink = new cHTMLLink; $pagerl = "pagerlink"; $oPagerLink->setTargetFrame('left_bottom'); $oPagerLink->setLink("main.php"); $oPagerLink->setCustom("elemperpage", $_REQUEST["elemperpage"]); if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"])) $oPagerLink->setCustom("filter", stripslashes($_REQUEST["filter"])); if (isset($_REQUEST["sortby"])) $oPagerLink->setCustom("sortby", $_REQUEST["sortby"]); if (isset($_REQUEST["sortorder"])) $oPagerLink->setCustom("sortorder", $_REQUEST["sortorder"]); $oPagerLink->setCustom("frame", $frame); $oPagerLink->setCustom("area", $area); $oPagerLink->enableAutomaticParameterAppend(); $oPagerLink->setCustom("contenido", $sess->id); $oPager = new cObjectPager("02420d6b-a77e-4a97-9395-7f6be480f497", $iItemCount, $_REQUEST["elemperpage"], $_REQUEST["page"], $oPagerLink, "page", $pagerl); //add slashes, to insert in javascript $sPagerContent = $oPager->render(1); $sPagerContent = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $sPagerContent); $sPagerContent = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $sPagerContent); //send new object pager to left_top $sRefreshPager = ' '; $oPage->addScript('refreshpager', $sRefreshPager); $oPage->render(); ?>