* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * * * * {@internal * created 2005-06-10 * modified 2008-07-04, bilal arslan, added security fix * * $Id: editor.php 312 2014-06-18 11:01:08Z oldperl $: * }} * */ if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } // include editor config/combat file include (dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config.php"); // CONTENIDO cInclude("external", "wysiwyg/tinymce3/editorclass.php"); // name of textarea element if (isset($type)) { $editor_name = "CMS_HTML"; // this should be $type (might be a contenido bug) } else { $editor_name = "content"; } // if editor is called from any include.CMS_*.html file use available content from $a_content if ($a_content[$type][$typenr]) { $editor_content = $a_content[$type][$typenr]; // if not set it is possible to use available content from var $editor_content } $editor_content = clHtmlSpecialChars($editor_content); $cTinyMCEEditor = new cTinyMCEEditor($editor_name, $editor_content); switch ($type) { case "CMS_HTML": $editor_height = getEffectiveSetting("wysiwyg", "tinymce-height-html", false); if ($editor_height == false) { $editor_height = getEffectiveSetting("tinymce", "contenido_height_html", false); } break; case "CMS_HTMLHEAD": $editor_height = getEffectiveSetting("wysiwyg", "tinymce-height-head", false); if ($editor_height == false) { $editor_height = getEffectiveSetting("tinymce", "contenido_height_head", false); } break; default: $editor_height = false; } if ($editor_height !== false) { $cTinyMCEEditor->setSetting("height", $editor_height, true); } /* TODO: -> see editor_template.js -> create own theme template engine -> maybe change the way icons are displayed */ $currentuser = new User; $currentuser->loadUserByUserID($auth->auth["uid"]); if ($currentuser->getField("wysi") == 1) { echo $cTinyMCEEditor->getScripts(); echo $cTinyMCEEditor->getEditor(); } else { $oTextarea = new cHTMLTextarea($editor_name, $editor_content); $oTextarea->setId($editor_name); $bgColor = getEffectiveSetting("wysiwyg", "tinymce-backgroundcolor", "white"); $editor_width = getEffectiveSetting("wysiwyg", "tinymce-width", "600"); $editor_height = getEffectiveSetting("wysiwyg", "tinymce-height", "480"); $oTextarea->setStyle("width: ".$editor_width."px; height: ".$editor_height."px; background-color: ".$bgColor.";"); echo $oTextarea->render(); } ?>