* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release 4.8.12 * * {@internal * created 2009-04-08 * * $Id: class.ajax.php 424 2016-02-25 06:28:41Z oldperl $: * }} * */ /** * Class for outputting some content for Ajax use * */ class Ajax { /** * Constructor of class * * @access public */ function __construct() { } /** * Function for handling requested ajax data * * @param string $sAction - name of requested ajax action * @access public */ public function handle($sAction) { $sString = ''; switch ($sAction) { //case to get an article select box param name value and idcat were neded (name= name of select box value=selected item) case 'artsel': $sName = (string) $_REQUEST['name']; $iValue = (int) $_REQUEST['value']; $iIdCat = (int) $_REQUEST['idcat']; $sString = buildArticleSelect($sName, $iIdCat, $iValue); break; case 'dirlist': global $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient; $sDirName = (string) $_REQUEST['dir']; $iFileListId = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $iIdArtLang = (int) $_REQUEST['idartlang']; $oArt = new Article(null, null, null, $iIdArtLang); $sArtReturn = $oArt->getContent('CMS_FILELIST', $iFileListId); $oFileList = new Cms_FileList($sArtReturn, $iFileListId, 0, '', $cfg, null, '', $client, $lang, $cfgClient, null); $sString = $oFileList->getDirectoryList($oFileList->buildDirectoryList($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $sDirName)); break; case 'filelist': global $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient; $sDirName = (string) $_REQUEST['dir']; $iFileListId = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $iIdArtLang = (int) $_REQUEST['idartlang']; $oArt = new Article(null, null, null, $iIdArtLang); $sArtReturn = $oArt->getContent('CMS_FILELIST', $iFileListId); $oFileList = new Cms_FileList($sArtReturn, $iFileListId, 0, '', $cfg, null, '', $client, $lang, $cfgClient, null); $sString = $oFileList->getFileSelect($sDirName); break; case 'inused_layout': //list of used templates for a layout global $cfg; $oLayout = new Layout(); if ((int) $_REQUEST['id'] > 0 && $oLayout->layoutInUse((int) $_REQUEST['id'], true)) { $oTpl = new Template(); $aUsedTpl = $oLayout->getUsedTemplates(); if (count($aUsedTpl) > 0) { $sResponse = '
'; foreach ($aUsedTpl as $i => $aTpl) { $oTpl->set('d', 'NAME', $aTpl['tpl_name']); $oTpl->next(); } $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_NAME', i18n('Template name')); $sString = '
' . $oTpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['inuse_lay_mod'], true) . '
'; } else { $sString = i18n("No data found!"); } } break; case 'inused_module': //list of used templates for a module global $cfg; $oModule = new cApiModule(); if ((int) $_REQUEST['id'] > 0 && $oModule->moduleInUse((int) $_REQUEST['id'], true)) { $oTpl = new Template(); $aUsedTpl = $oModule->getUsedTemplates(); if (count($aUsedTpl) > 0) { foreach ($aUsedTpl as $i => $aTpl) { $oTpl->set('d', 'NAME', $aTpl['tpl_name']); $oTpl->next(); } $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_NAME', i18n('Template name')); $sString = '
' . $oTpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['inuse_lay_mod'], true) . '
'; } else { $sString = i18n("No data found!"); } } break; case 'inused_template': // list of used category and art global $cfg; cInclude('backend', 'includes/functions.tpl.php'); if ((int) $_REQUEST['id'] > 0) { $oTpl = new Template(); $oTpl->reset(); $aUsedData = tplGetInUsedData((int) $_REQUEST['id']); if (isset($aUsedData['cat'])) { $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_TYPE', i18n('Category')); foreach ($aUsedData['cat'] as $i => $aCat) { $oTpl->set('d', 'ID', $aCat['idcat']); $oTpl->set('d', 'LANG', $aCat['lang']); $oTpl->set('d', 'NAME', $aCat['name']); $oTpl->next(); } $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_ID', i18n('idcat')); $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_LANG', i18n('idlang')); $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_NAME', i18n('Name')); $sResponse = $oTpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['inuse_tpl'], true); } $oTpl->reset(); if (isset($aUsedData['art'])) { $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_TYPE', i18n('Article')); foreach ($aUsedData['art'] as $i => $aArt) { $oTpl->set('d', 'ID', $aArt['idart']); $oTpl->set('d', 'LANG', $aArt['lang']); $oTpl->set('d', 'NAME', $aArt['title']); $oTpl->next(); } $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_ID', i18n('idart')); $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_LANG', i18n('idlang')); $oTpl->set('s', 'HEAD_NAME', i18n('Name')); $sResponse .= $oTpl->generate($cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['inuse_tpl'], true); } $sString = '
' . $sResponse . '
'; } else { $sString = i18n("No data found!"); } break; case 'plugin_request': if (class_exists("pimPlugin")) { if ($_REQUEST['plugin'] === "pluginmanager") { $oPlugin = new pimPluginDummy(); } else { $oPlugin = new pimPlugin(); $oPlugin->loadBy("folder", $_REQUEST['plugin']); } if ($oPlugin->isLoaded()) { $bActive = ($oPlugin->get("active")) ? TRUE : FALSE; $sPluginFolder = $oPlugin->get("folder"); $sPluginPath = cRegistry::getBackendPath() . cRegistry::getConfigValue("path", "plugins") . $sPluginFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $sAjaxClassFile = $sPluginPath . "classes" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class." . $sPluginFolder . ".ajax.php"; $sAjaxIncludeFile = $sPluginPath . "includes" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "include." . $sPluginFolder . "_ajax.php"; if ($bActive && file_exists($sAjaxClassFile)) { $sClassName = ucfirst($sPluginFolder) . "Ajax"; $oPluginAjax = new $sClassName(); $sString = $oPluginAjax->handle($_REQUEST['plugin_ajax_action']); if (!empty($sString)) { break; } } else if ($bActive && file_exists($sAjaxIncludeFile)) { $sAjaxFuncName = "ajax_" . $sPluginFolder . "_" . $_REQUEST['plugin_ajax_action']; @include_once $sAjaxIncludeFile; if (function_exists($sAjaxFuncName)) { $sString = $sAjaxFuncName(); break; } } } } //if action is unknown generate error message default: $sString = "Unknown Ajax Action"; break; } return $sString; } } ?>