( function (jQuery, scope) { var generator = 'ConLite'; var Con; // var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); var $ = jQuery; scope.Con = scope.Con || { Plugin: {}, cfg: {}, sid: 0 }; Con = scope.Con; Con.$ = jQuery; Con.cfg.enableLog = true; Con.namespace = function (namespace) { var ns = namespace.split('.'), o = scope, i; for (i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) { o[ns[i]] = o[ns[i]] || {}; o = o[ns[i]]; } return o; }; Con.getFrame = function (name) { try { // Contenido's file and image browser if ("undefined" === typeof (scope.top.content)) { switch (name) { case 'header': return scope.header; case 'content': return scope.contentFrame; case 'left': return scope.top.left; case 'left_deco': return scope.top.left.left_deco; case 'left_top': return scope.top.left.left_top; case 'left_bottom': return scope.top.left.left_bottom; case 'right': return scope.top.right; case 'right_top': return scope.top.right.right_top; case 'right_bottom': return scope.top.right.right_bottom; } } // everywhere else switch (name) { case 'header': return scope.top.header; case 'content': return scope.top.content; case 'left': return scope.top.content.left; case 'left_deco': return scope.top.content.left.left_deco; case 'left_top': return scope.top.content.left.left_top; case 'left_bottom': return scope.top.content.left.left_bottom; case 'right': return scope.top.content.right; case 'right_top': if ('undefined' !== $.type(scope.top.content.right)) { return scope.top.content.right.right_top; } else { return scope.top.content.right_top; } case 'right_bottom': if ('undefined' !== typeof (scope.top.content.right)) { return scope.top.content.right.right_bottom; } else { return scope.top.content.right_bottom; } } } catch (e) { Con.log(["getFrame: Couldn't get frame " + name, e], generator, 'warn'); return null; } }; Con.log = function (mixedVar, source, severity) { severity = severity || 'log'; if (!Con.cfg.enableLog) { return; } else if (-1 === $.inArray(severity, ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'])) { return; } if (scope.console && 'function' === typeof scope.console[severity]) { var msg = severity.toUpperCase() + ': ' + source + ': '; scope.console[severity](msg, mixedVar); } }; // Console emulation, to prevent errors if console is not available if (!('console' in scope)) { (function () { scope.console = { log: function () { }, debug: function () { }, info: function () { }, warn: function () { }, error: function () { } }; })(); } } )(jQuery, window);