* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6 * * {@internal * created 2003-12-28 * modified 2008-06-26, Frederic Schneider, add security fix * modified 2008-11-27, Andreas Lindner, add possibility to define additional chars as allowed in file / dir names * modified 2009-03-16, Ingo van Peeren, fixed some sql-statements and a missing parameter in uplRenameDirectory() * modified 2009-10-22, OliverL, fixed uplHasFiles is only one file in directory you can delete Directory * modified 2009-10-29, Murat Purc, replaced deprecated functions (PHP 5.3 ready) and usage of is_dbfs() * * $Id$: * }} * */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * Function reduces long path names and creates a dynamic tooltipp which shows * the full path name on mouseover * * @author Timo Trautmann (4fb) * @param string $sDisplayPath - original filepath * @param int $iLimit - limit of chars which were displayed directly. If the path * string is shorter there will be no tooltipp * @return string - string, which contains short path name and tooltipp if neccessary */ function generateDisplayFilePath($mDisplayPath, $mLimit) { if(is_null($mDisplayPath)) { $sDisplayPath = ''; } else { $sDisplayPath = (string) trim($mDisplayPath); } $iLimit = intval($mLimit); if (strlen($sDisplayPath) > $iLimit) { $sDisplayPathShort = capiStrTrimHard($sDisplayPath, $iLimit); $sTooltippString = ''; $iCharcount = 0; $aPathFragments = explode('/', $sDisplayPath); foreach ($aPathFragments as $sFragment) { if (empty($sFragment)) { continue; } if (strlen($sFragment) > ($iLimit - 5)) { $sFragment = capiStrTrimHard($sFragment, $iLimit); } else if ($iCharcount + strlen($sFragment) + 1 > $iLimit) { $sTooltippString .= '
' . $sFragment . '/'; $iCharcount = strlen($sFragment); } else { $iCharcount = $iCharcount + 1 + strlen($sFragment); $sTooltippString .= $sFragment . '/'; } } $sDisplayPath = '' . $sDisplayPathShort . ''; } return $sDisplayPath; } function uplDirectoryListRecursive($currentdir, $startdir = NULL, $files = array(), $depth = -1, $pathstring = "") { $depth++; $unsorted_files = array(); if (chdir($currentdir) == false) { return; } // remember where we started from if (!$startdir) { $startdir = $currentdir; } $d = opendir("."); //list the files in the dir while ($file = readdir($d)) { if ($file != ".." && $file != ".") { if (is_dir($file)) { $unsorted_files[] = $file; } else { } } } if (is_array($unsorted_files)) sort($unsorted_files); $sorted_files = $unsorted_files; if (is_array($sorted_files)) { foreach ($sorted_files as $file) { if ($file != ".." && $file != ".") { if ((filetype(getcwd() . "/" . $file) == "dir") && (opendir(getcwd() . "/" . $file) !== false)) { $a_file['name'] = $file; $a_file['depth'] = $depth; $a_file['pathstring'] = $pathstring . $file . '/'; ; $files[] = $a_file; // If $file is a directory take a look inside $files = uplDirectoryListRecursive(getcwd() . '/' . $file, getcwd(), $files, $depth, $a_file['pathstring']); } else { // If $ file is not a directory then do nothing } } } } closedir($d); chdir($startdir); return $files; } function upldelete($path, $files) { global $cfgClient, $client, $con_cfg, $db, $cfg; $path = $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $path; if (!is_array($files)) { $tmp[] = $files; unset($files); $files = $tmp; } $ArrayCount = count($files); for ($i = 0; $i < $ArrayCount; $i++) { if (is_dir($path . urldecode($files[$i]))) { uplRecursiveRmDirIfEmpty($path . urldecode($files[$i])); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["upl"] . " WHERE dirname='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($files[$i], $db) . "/'"; $db->query($sql); } else { if (file_exists($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . $con_cfg['PathFrontendTmp'] . urldecode($files[$i]))) { unlink($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . $con_cfg['PathFrontendTmp'] . urldecode($files[$i])); } $file_name = urldecode($files[$i]); $sql_dirname = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'], '', $path); unlink($path . $file_name); $sql = "SELECT idupl FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["upl"] . " WHERE idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND filename='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($file_name) . "' AND dirname='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sql_dirname) . "'"; $db->query($sql); if ($db->next_record()) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["upl"] . " WHERE idupl='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($db->f("idupl")) . "'"; $db->query($sql); } } } } function uplRecursiveRmDirIfEmpty($dir) { global $notification; if (!is_dir($dir)) { return 0; } $directory = @opendir($dir); if (!$directory) { return false; } readdir($directory); while (false !== ($dir_entry = readdir($directory))) { if ($dir_entry != "." && $dir_entry != "..") { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $dir_entry)) { uplrecursivermdir($dir . "/" . $dir_entry); } else { $notification->displayNotification("warning", "Im Verzeichnis $dir sind noch Dateien vorhanden. Löschen nicht möglich."); } } } closedir($directory); unset($directory); if (@rmdir($dir)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function uplHasFiles($dir) { global $client, $cfgClient; $directory = @opendir($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $dir); if (!$directory) { return true; } while (false !== ($dir_entry = readdir($directory))) { if ($dir_entry != "." && $dir_entry != "..") { closedir($directory); return (true); } } closedir($directory); unset($directory); return false; } function uplHasSubdirs($dir) { global $client, $cfgClient; $directory = @opendir($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $dir); if (!$directory) { return true; } readdir($directory); $ret = false; while (false !== ($dir_entry = readdir($directory))) { if ($dir_entry != "." && $dir_entry != "..") { if (is_dir($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $dir . $dir_entry)) { closedir($directory); return true; } } } return ($ret); } /** * uplSyncDirectory ($path) * Sync database contents with directory * * @param string $path Specifies the path to scan */ function uplSyncDirectory($path) { global $cfgClient, $client, $cfg, $db; if (is_dbfs($path)) { return uplSyncDirectoryDBFS($path); } $uploads = new UploadCollection; $properties = new PropertyCollection; /* Read all files in a specific directory */ $dir = $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $path; $olddir = getcwd(); @chdir($dir); $dirhandle = @opendir($dir); /* Whoops, probably failed to open. Return to the caller, but clean up stuff first. */ if (!$dirhandle) { $uploads->select("dirname = '$path' AND idclient = '$client'"); while ($upload = $uploads->next()) { if (!file_exists($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $upload->get("dirname") . $upload->get("filename"))) { $uploads->delete($upload->get("idupl")); } } // A click on "Upload" (root) would result in path = "" and this will result in LIKE '%' = everything // So, we have to exclude dbfs-files, as they "don't exist" (-> file_exists) $properties->select("idclient = '$client' AND itemtype='upload' AND type='file' AND itemid LIKE '" . $path . "%' AND itemid NOT LIKE 'dbfs%'"); while ($property = $properties->next()) { if (!file_exists($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $property->get("itemid"))) { $properties->delete($property->get("idproperty")); } } chdir($olddir); return; } /* Put all the files into the $files array */ while ($file = readdir($dirhandle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_file($file)) { $uploads->sync($path, $file); } } } $uploads->select("dirname = '$path' AND idclient = '$client'"); while ($upload = $uploads->next()) { if (!file_exists($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $upload->get("dirname") . $upload->get("filename"))) { $uploads->delete($upload->get("idupl")); } } // A click on "Upload" (root) would result in path = "" and this will result in LIKE '%' = everything // So, we have to exclude dbfs-files, as they "don't exist" (-> file_exists) $properties->select("idclient = '$client' AND itemtype='upload' AND type='file' AND itemid LIKE '" . $path . "%' AND itemid NOT LIKE 'dbfs%'"); while ($property = $properties->next()) { if (!file_exists($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $property->get("itemid"))) { $properties->delete($property->get("idproperty")); } } chdir($olddir); } /** * uplSyncDirectoryDBFS ($path) * Sync database contents with DBFS * * @param string $path Specifies the path to scan */ function uplSyncDirectoryDBFS($path) { global $cfgClient, $client, $cfg, $db; $uploads = new UploadCollection; $properties = new PropertyCollection; $dbfs = new DBFSCollection; if ($dbfs->dir_exists($path)) { $strippath = $dbfs->strip_path($path); $dbfs->select("dirname = '$strippath'"); while ($file = $dbfs->next()) { if ($file->get("filename") != ".") { $uploads->sync($path . "/", $file->get("filename")); } } } $uploads->select("dirname = '$path/' AND idclient = '$client'"); while ($upload = $uploads->next()) { if (!$dbfs->file_exists($upload->get("dirname") . $upload->get("filename"))) { $uploads->delete($upload->get("idupl")); } } $properties->select("idclient = '$client' AND itemtype='upload' AND type='file' AND itemid LIKE '" . $path . "%'"); while ($property = $properties->next()) { if (!$dbfs->file_exists($property->get("itemid"))) { $properties->delete($property->get("idproperty")); } } return; } function uplmkdir($path, $name) { global $cfgClient, $client, $action; if (is_dbfs($path)) { $path = str_replace("dbfs:", "", $path); $fullpath = $path . "/" . $name . "/."; $dbfs = new DBFSCollection; $dbfs->create($fullpath); return; } $name = uplCreateFriendlyName($name); $name = strtr($name, "'", "."); if (file_exists($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $path . $name)) { $action = "upl_mkdir"; return "0702"; } else { $oldumask = umask(0); @mkdir($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $path . $name, 0775); umask($oldumask); } } function uplRenameDirectory($oldpath, $newpath, $parent) { global $cfgClient, $client, $cfg, $db; $db2 = new DB_ConLite; rename($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $parent . $oldpath, $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $parent . $newpath . "/"); /* Fetch all directory strings starting with the old path, and replace them with the new path */ $sql = "SELECT dirname, idupl FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["upl"] . " WHERE idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND dirname LIKE '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($parent, $db) . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($oldpath, $db) . "%'"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $moldpath = $db->f("dirname"); $junk = substr($moldpath, strlen($parent) + strlen($oldpath)); $newpath2 = $parent . $newpath . $junk; $idupl = $db->f("idupl"); $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg["tab"]["upl"] . " SET dirname='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($newpath2, $db) . "' WHERE idupl = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idupl) . "'"; $db2->query($sql); } $sql = "SELECT itemid, idproperty FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["properties"] . " WHERE itemid LIKE '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($parent, $db) . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($oldpath, $db) . "%'"; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $moldpath = $db->f("itemid"); $junk = substr($moldpath, strlen($parent) + strlen($oldpath)); $newpath2 = $parent . $newpath . $junk; $idproperty = $db->f("idproperty"); $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg["tab"]["properties"] . " SET itemid = '$newpath2' WHERE idproperty='$idproperty'"; $db2->query($sql); } } function uplRecursiveDirectoryList($directory, &$rootitem, $level, $sParent = '', $iRenameLevel = null) { $dirhandle = @opendir($directory); if (!$dirhandle) { } else { $aInvalidDirectories = array(); unset($files); //list the files in the dir while ($file = readdir($dirhandle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (@chdir($directory . $file . "/")) { if (uplCreateFriendlyName($file) == $file) { $files[] = $file; } else { if ($_GET['force_rename'] == 'true') { if ($iRenameLevel == 0 || $iRenameLevel == $level) { uplRenameDirectory($file, uplCreateFriendlyName($file), $sParent); $iRenameLevel = $level; $files[] = uplCreateFriendlyName($file); } else { array_push($aInvalidDirectories, $file); } } else { array_push($aInvalidDirectories, $file); } } } } } if (is_array($files)) { sort($files); foreach ($files as $key => $file) { /* We aren't using is_dir anymore as that function is buggy */ $olddir = getcwd(); if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (@chdir($directory . $file . "/")) { unset($item); $item = new TreeItem($file, $directory . $file . "/", true); $item->custom["level"] = $level; if ($key == count($files) - 1) { $item->custom["lastitem"] = true; } else { $item->custom["lastitem"] = false; } $item->custom["parent"] = $directory; $rootitem->addItem($item); $old = $rootitem; $aArrayTemp = uplRecursiveDirectoryList($directory . $file . "/", $item, $level + 1, $sParent . $file . '/', $iRenameLevel); $aInvalidDirectories = array_merge($aInvalidDirectories, $aArrayTemp); $rootitem = $old; chdir($olddir); } } } } } @closedir($dirhandle); return $aInvalidDirectories; } function uplRecursiveDBDirectoryList($directory, &$rootitem, $level) { $dbfs = new DBFSCollection; $dbfs->select("filename = '.'", "dirname", "dirname ASC"); $count = 0; $lastlevel = 0; $item["."] = &$rootitem; while ($dbitem = $dbfs->next()) { $dirname = $dbitem->get("dirname"); $level = substr_count($dirname, "/") + 2; $file = basename($dbitem->get("dirname")); $parent = dirname($dbitem->get("dirname")); if ($dirname != "." && $file != ".") { $item[$dirname] = new TreeItem($file, "dbfs:/" . $dirname, true); $item[$dirname]->custom["level"] = $level; $item[$dirname]->custom["parent"] = $parent; $item[$dirname]->custom["lastitem"] = true; if ($prevobj[$level]->custom["level"] == $level) { if (is_object($prevobj[$level])) { $prevobj[$level]->custom["lastitem"] = false; } } if ($lastlevel > $level) { unset($prevobj[$lastlevel]); $lprevobj->custom["lastitem"] = true; } $prevobj[$level] = &$item[$dirname]; $lprevobj = &$item[$dirname]; $lastlevel = $level; if (is_object($item[$parent])) { $item[$parent]->addItem($item[$dirname]); } $count++; } } } function uplGetThumbnail($file, $maxsize) { global $client, $cfgClient, $cfg; if ($maxsize == -1) { return uplGetFileIcon($file); } switch (getFileExtension($file)) { case "png": case "gif": case "tiff": case "tif": case "bmp": case "jpeg": case "jpg": case "bmp": case "iff": case "xbm": case "wbmp": $img = capiImgScale($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"] . $file, $maxsize, $maxsize, false, false, 50); if ($img !== false) { return $img; } else { $value = capiImgScale($cfg["path"]["contenido"] . "images/unknown.jpg", $maxsize, $maxsize, false, false, 50); if ($value !== false) { return $value; } else { return uplGetFileIcon($file); } } break; default: return uplGetFileIcon($file); } } /** * Returns the icon for a file type * * @param $file Filename to retrieve the extension for * * @return Icon for the file type * */ function uplGetFileIcon($file) { global $cfg; switch (getFileExtension($file)) { case "sxi": case "sti": case "pps": case "pot": case "kpr": case "pptx": case "potx": case "pptm": case "potm": case "ppt": $icon = "ppt.gif"; break; case "doc": case "dot": case "sxw": case "stw": case "sdw": case "docx": case "dotx": case "docm": case "dotm": case "kwd": $icon = "word.gif"; break; case "xls": case "sxc": case "stc": case "xlw": case "xlt": case "csv": case "ksp": case "xlsx": case "xltx": case "xlsm": case "xlsb": case "xltm": case "sdc": $icon = "excel.gif"; break; case "txt": case "rtf": $icon = "txt.gif"; break; case "gif": $icon = "gif.gif"; break; case "png": $icon = "png.gif"; break; case "jpeg": case "jpg": $icon = "jpg.gif"; break; case "html": case "htm": $icon = "html.gif"; break; case "lha": case "rar": case "arj": case "bz2": case "bz": case "gz": case "tar": case "tbz2": case "tbz": case "tgz": case "zip": $icon = "zip.gif"; break; case "pdf": $icon = "pdf.gif"; break; case "mov": case "avi": case "mpg": case "mpeg": case "wmv": $icon = "movie.gif"; break; case "swf": $icon = "swf.gif"; break; case "js": $icon = "js.gif"; break; case "vcf": $icon = "vcf.gif"; break; case "odf": $icon = "odf.gif"; break; case "php": $icon = "php.gif"; break; case "mp3": case "wma": case "ogg": case "mp4": $icon = "sound.gif"; break; case "psd": case "ai": case "eps": case "cdr": case "qxp": case "ps": $icon = "design.gif"; break; case "css": $icon = "css.gif"; default: if (file_exists($cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml'] . $cfg["path"]["images"] . "filetypes/" . getFileExtension($file) . ".gif")) { $icon = getFileExtension($file) . ".gif"; } else { $icon = "unknown.gif"; } break; } return $cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml'] . $cfg["path"]["images"] . "filetypes/" . $icon; } /** * Returns the description for a file type * * @param $extension Extension to use * * @return Text for the file type * */ function uplGetFileTypeDescription($extension) { global $cfg; switch ($extension) { /* Presentation files */ case "sxi": return (i18n("OpenOffice.org Presentation")); case "sti": return (i18n("OpenOffice.org Presentation Template")); case "pps": return (i18n("Microsoft PowerPoint Screen Presentation")); case "pot": return (i18n("Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Template")); case "kpr": return (i18n("KDE KPresenter Document")); case "ppt": return (i18n("Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Template")); /* Document files */ case "doc": return (i18n("Microsoft Word Document or regular text file")); case "dot": return (i18n("Microsoft Word Template")); case "sxw": return (i18n("OpenOffice.org Text Document")); case "stw": return (i18n("OpenOffice.org Text Document Template")); case "sdw": return (i18n("StarOffice 5.0 Text Document")); case "kwd": return (i18n("KDE KWord Document")); /* Spreadsheet files */ case "xls": return (i18n("Microsoft Excel Worksheet")); case "sxc": return (i18n("OpenOffice.org Table")); case "stc": return (i18n("OpenOffice.org Table Template")); case "xlw": return (i18n("Microsoft Excel File")); case "xlt": return (i18n("Microsoft Excel Template")); case "csv": return (i18n("Comma Seperated Value File")); case "ksp": return (i18n("KDE KSpread Document")); case "sdc": return (i18n("StarOffice 5.0 Table")); /* Text types */ case "txt": return (i18n("Plain Text")); case "rtf": return (i18n("Rich Text Format")); /* Images */ case "gif": return (i18n("GIF Image")); case "png": return (i18n("PNG Image")); case "jpeg": return (i18n("JPEG Image")); case "jpg": return (i18n("JPEG Image")); case "tif": return (i18n("TIFF Image")); case "psd": return (i18n("Adobe Photoshop Image")); /* HTML */ case "html": return (i18n("Hypertext Markup Language Document")); case "htm": return (i18n("Hypertext Markup Language Document")); case "css": return (i18n("Cascading Style Sheets")); /* Archives */ case "lha": return (i18n("LHA Archive")); case "rar": return (i18n("RAR Archive")); case "arj": return (i18n("ARJ Archive")); case "bz2": return (i18n("bz2-compressed File")); case "bz": return (i18n("bzip-compressed File")); case "zip": return (i18n("ZIP Archive")); case "tar": return (i18n("TAR Archive")); case "gz": return (i18n("GZ Compressed File")); /* Source files */ case "c": return (i18n("C Program Code")); case "c++": case "cc": case "cpp": return (i18n("C++ Program Code")); case "hpp": case "h": return (i18n("C or C++ Program Header")); case "php": case "php3": case "php4": return (i18n("PHP Program Code")); case "phps": return (i18n("PHP Source File")); case "pdf": return (i18n("Adobe Acrobat Portable Document")); /* Movies */ case "mov": return (i18n("QuickTime Movie")); case "avi": return (i18n("avi Movie")); case "mpg": case "mpeg": return (i18n("MPEG Movie")); case "wmv": return (i18n("Windows Media Video")); default: return (i18n($extension . "-File")); } } function uplCreateFriendlyName($filename, $spacer = "_") { global $cfg; $newfilename = ""; if (!isset($cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars']) || !is_array($cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", $spacer, $filename); } elseif (in_array(' ', $cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars']) === FALSE) { $filename = str_replace(" ", $spacer, $filename); } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($filename); $i++) { $atom = substr($filename, $i, 1); $bFound = false; if (preg_match("/[0-9a-zA-Z]/i", $atom)) { $newfilename .= $atom; $bFound = true; } if (($atom == "-" || $atom == "_" || $atom == ".") && !$bFound) { $newfilename .= $atom; $bFound = true; } #Check for additionally allowed charcaters in $cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars'] (must be array of chars allowed) if (isset($cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars']) && is_array($cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars']) && !$bFound) { if (in_array($atom, $cfg['upl']['allow_additional_chars'])) { $newfilename .= $atom; } } } return $newfilename; } function uplSearch($searchfor) { global $client; $properties = new PropertyCollection; $uploads = new UploadCollection; $mysearch = urlencode($searchfor); /* Search for keywords first, ranking +5 */ $properties->select("idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND itemtype = 'upload' AND type='file' AND name='keywords' AND value LIKE '%" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($mysearch, $db) . "%'", "itemid"); while ($item = $properties->next()) { $items[$item->get("itemid")] += (substr_count(strtolower($item->get("value")), strtolower($searchfor)) * 5); } /* Search for medianame , ranking +4 */ $properties->select("idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND itemtype = 'upload' AND type='file' AND name='medianame' AND value LIKE '%" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($mysearch, $db) . "%'", "itemid"); while ($item = $properties->next()) { $items[$item->get("itemid")] += (substr_count(strtolower($item->get("value")), strtolower($searchfor)) * 4); } /* Search for media notes, ranking +3 */ $properties->select("idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND itemtype = 'upload' AND type='file' AND name='medianotes' AND value LIKE '%" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($mysearch, $db) . "%'", "itemid"); while ($item = $properties->next()) { $items[$item->get("itemid")] += (substr_count(strtolower($item->get("value")), strtolower($searchfor)) * 3); } /* Search for description, ranking +2 */ $uploads->select("idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND description LIKE '%" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($mysearch, $db) . "%'", "idupl"); while ($item = $uploads->next()) { $items[$item->get("dirname") . $item->get("filename")] += (substr_count(strtolower($item->get("description")), strtolower($searchfor)) * 2); } /* Search for file name, ranking +1 */ $uploads->select("idclient='" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($client) . "' AND filename LIKE '%" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($mysearch, $db) . "%'", "idupl"); while ($item = $uploads->next()) { $items[$item->get("dirname") . $item->get("filename")] += 1; } return ($items); } function uplGetFileExtension($sFile) { /* Fetch the dot position */ $iDotPosition = strrpos($sFile, "."); $sExtension = substr($sFile, $iDotPosition + 1); if (strpos($sExtension, "/") !== false) { return false; } else { return $sExtension; } } ?>