update main with develop #48

Oldperl hat 218 Commits von develop nach main 2023-10-16 16:14:01 +00:00 zusammengeführt
6 geänderte Dateien mit 695 neuen und 954 gelöschten Zeilen
Nur Änderungen aus Commit d482a362af werden angezeigt - Alle Commits anzeigen

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* <Description>
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5
* @con_template <Templatefiles>
* @con_notice <Notice>
* @package ContenidoBackendArea
* @version <version>
* @author <author>
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* {@internal
* created <date>
* modified 2008-07-04, bilal arslan, added security fix
* $Id$:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
// Relative path to contenido directory, for all inclusions, in most cases: "../contenido/"
$contenido_path = "!PATH!";
// If language isn't specified, set this client and language (ID)
$load_lang = "!LANG!";
$load_client = "!CLIENT!";
/* Various debugging options */
$frontend_debug["container_display"] = false;
$frontend_debug["module_display"] = false;
$frontend_debug["module_timing"] = false;
$frontend_debug["module_timing_summary"] = false;
/* Set to 1 to brute-force module regeneration */
$force = 0;

Datei anzeigen

@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5
* @con_template <Templatefiles>
* @con_notice <Notice>
* @package ContenidoBackendArea
* @version <version>
* @author unknown
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
@ -20,15 +22,17 @@
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-16, H. Librenz - Hotfix: checking for potential unsecure calling
* modified 2008-07-04, bilal arslan, added security fix
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-16, H. Librenz - Hotfix: checking for potential unsecure calling
* modified 2008-07-03, bilal arslan, added security fix
* modified 2010-05-20, Murat Purc, standardized Contenido startup and security check invocations, see [#CON-307]
* $Id$:
* }}
if (!defined("CON_FRAMEWORK")) {
if (!defined("CON_FRAMEWORK")) {
define("CON_FRAMEWORK", true);
@ -36,12 +40,8 @@ $contenido_path = '';
# include the config file of the frontend to init the Client and Language Id
include_once ("config.php");
// include security class and check request variables
include_once ($contenido_path . 'classes/class.security.php');
include_once ($contenido_path . "includes/startup.php");
cInclude("includes", "functions.general.php");
// Contenido startup process
include_once ($contenido_path . 'includes/startup.php');
if ($contenido)

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist Diff laden

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,40 +1,25 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* file: front_crcloginform.inc.php
* Description:
* <Description>
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5
* @con_template <Templatefiles>
* @con_notice <Notice>
* @package ContenidoBackendArea
* @version <version>
* @package ConLite
* @subpackage Frontend
* @version $Rev$
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @copyright conrepo.org
* @link http://conlite.conrepo.org
* @author Jan Lengowski
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* {@internal
* created 2003-01-21
* modified 2005-09-29, Andreas Lindner
* modified 2008-07-04, bilal arslan, added security fix
* modified 2008-11-18, Murat Purc, add usage of Contenido_Url to create urls to frontend pages and redesign of HTML markup
* modified 2009-01-03, Murat Purc, synchronized with cms/front_crcloginform.inc.php
* modified 2011-02-07, Dominik Ziegler, fixed check of but_ok.gif and changed input type button to submit
* $Id$:
* }}
* security check
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
@ -108,18 +93,17 @@ if ( file_exists($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . 'images/but_ok.gif')
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $encoding[$lang] ?>" />
<meta charset="<?php echo $encoding[$lang] ?>" />
<title>:: :: :: :: Contenido Login</title>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
<script type="text/javascript">
if (top != self) {
top.location.href = self.location.href;
// --></script>
<style type="text/css"><!--
<style type="text/css">
* {margin:0; padding:0;}
html, body {height: 100%;}
body {background-color:#fff; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size: 11px; color:#000;}
@ -134,7 +118,7 @@ if ( file_exists($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . 'images/but_ok.gif')
#login .formHeader {font-weight:bold; background-color:<?php echo $cfg['color']['table_header'] ?>; border-bottom:1px solid <?php echo $cfg['color']['table_border'] ?>; padding:3px; margin-bottom:10px;}
#login .formRow {padding:0 10px; height:31px;}
#login .clear {clear:both;}
// --></style>
@ -156,13 +140,14 @@ if ( file_exists($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . 'images/but_ok.gif')
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
if (document.login.username.value == '') {
} else {
// --></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.login.username.value == '') {
} else {
// -->

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
@ -26,548 +27,504 @@
* $Id$:
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
// Select box with additional functions for category and article selection
class cHTMLInputSelectElement extends cHTMLSelectElement
* Constructor. Creates an HTML select field (aka "DropDown").
* @param string $sName Name of the element
* @param int $iWidth Width of the select element
* @param string $sID ID of the element
* @param string $bDisabled Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param int $iTabIndex Tab index for form elements
* @param string $sAccesskey Key to access the field
* @return none
function cHTMLInputSelectElement ($sName, $iWidth = "", $sID = "", $bDisabled = false, $iTabIndex = null, $sAccessKey = "")
cHTMLSelectElement :: __construct($sName, $iWidth, $sID, $bDisabled, $iTabIndex, $sAccessKey);
class cHTMLInputSelectElement extends cHTMLSelectElement {
* Constructor. Creates an HTML select field (aka "DropDown").
* @param string $sName Name of the element
* @param int $iWidth Width of the select element
* @param string $sID ID of the element
* @param string $bDisabled Item disabled flag (non-empty to set disabled)
* @param int $iTabIndex Tab index for form elements
* @param string $sAccesskey Key to access the field
* @return none
* */
function __construct($sName, $iWidth = "", $sID = "", $bDisabled = false, $iTabIndex = null, $sAccessKey = "") {
cHTMLSelectElement :: __construct($sName, $iWidth, $sID, $bDisabled, $iTabIndex, $sAccessKey);
* Function addArticles. Adds articles to select box values.
* @param int $iIDCat idcat of the category to be listed
* @param bool $bColored Add color information to option elements
* @param bool $bArtOnline If true, only online articles will be added
* @param string $sSpaces Just some "&nbsp;" to show data hierarchically (used in conjunction with addCategories)
* @return int Number of items added
function addArticles ($iIDCat, $bColored = false, $bArtOnline = true, $sSpaces = "")
global $cfg, $lang;
* Function addArticles. Adds articles to select box values.
* @param int $iIDCat idcat of the category to be listed
* @param bool $bColored Add color information to option elements
* @param bool $bArtOnline If true, only online articles will be added
* @param string $sSpaces Just some "&nbsp;" to show data hierarchically (used in conjunction with addCategories)
* @return int Number of items added
* */
function addArticles($iIDCat, $bColored = false, $bArtOnline = true, $sSpaces = "") {
global $cfg, $lang;
$oDB = new DB_ConLite;
$oDB = new DB_Contenido;
if (is_numeric($iIDCat) && $iIDCat > 0)
$sSQL = "SELECT tblArtLang.title AS title, tblArtLang.idartlang AS idartlang, tblCatArt.idcat AS idcat, ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatArt.idcatart AS idcatart, tblCatArt.is_start AS isstart, tblArtLang.online AS online, ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatLang.startidartlang as idstartartlang ";
$sSQL .= "FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["art_lang"]." AS tblArtLang, ".$cfg["tab"]["cat_art"]." AS tblCatArt, ";
$sSQL .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"]." AS tblCatLang ";
$sSQL .= "WHERE tblCatArt.idcat = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($iIDCat)."' AND tblCatLang.idcat = tblCatArt.idcat AND tblCatLang.idlang = tblArtLang.idlang AND ";
if (is_numeric($iIDCat) && $iIDCat > 0) {
$sSQL = "SELECT tblArtLang.title AS title, tblArtLang.idartlang AS idartlang, tblCatArt.idcat AS idcat, ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatArt.idcatart AS idcatart, tblCatArt.is_start AS isstart, tblArtLang.online AS online, ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatLang.startidartlang as idstartartlang ";
$sSQL .= "FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["art_lang"] . " AS tblArtLang, " . $cfg["tab"]["cat_art"] . " AS tblCatArt, ";
$sSQL .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"] . " AS tblCatLang ";
$sSQL .= "WHERE tblCatArt.idcat = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($iIDCat) . "' AND tblCatLang.idcat = tblCatArt.idcat AND tblCatLang.idlang = tblArtLang.idlang AND ";
if ($bArtOnline) {
$sSQL .= "tblArtLang.online = '1' AND ";
if ($bArtOnline) {
$sSQL .= "tblArtLang.online = '1' AND ";
$sSQL .= "tblArtLang.idart = tblCatArt.idart AND tblArtLang.idlang = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, $oDB)."' ";
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true) {
$sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblCatArt.is_start DESC, tblArtLang.title"; // Getting start article as first article
} else {
$sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblArtLang.title";
$sSQL .= "tblArtLang.idart = tblCatArt.idart AND tblArtLang.idlang = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, $oDB) . "' ";
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true) {
$sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblCatArt.is_start DESC, tblArtLang.title"; // Getting start article as first article
} else {
$sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblArtLang.title";
$iCount = $oDB->num_rows();
if ($iCount == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
$iCounter = count($this->_options);
while ($oDB->next_record())
// Generate new option element
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sSpaces."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".substr(urldecode($oDB->f("title")), 0, 32), $oDB->f("idcatart"));
$iCount = $oDB->num_rows();
if ($iCount == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
$iCounter = count($this->_options);
while ($oDB->next_record()) {
// Generate new option element
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sSpaces . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . substr(urldecode($oDB->f("title")), 0, 32), $oDB->f("idcatart"));
if ($bColored)
$bIsStartArticle = false;
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true && $oDB->f("isstart") == 1) {
// Compatible mode and "start article" flag is set
$bIsStartArticle = true;
} else if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] != true && $oDB->f("idstartartlang") == $oDB->f("idartlang")) {
// No compatible mode and current article is start article (idstartartlang is the same for all records within a category)
$bIsStartArticle = true;
if ($bColored) {
$bIsStartArticle = false;
if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true && $oDB->f("isstart") == 1) {
// Compatible mode and "start article" flag is set
$bIsStartArticle = true;
} else if ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] != true && $oDB->f("idstartartlang") == $oDB->f("idartlang")) {
// No compatible mode and current article is start article (idstartartlang is the same for all records within a category)
$bIsStartArticle = true;
if ($bIsStartArticle)
if ($oDB->f("online") == 0) {
// Start article, but offline -> red
$oOption->setStyle("color: #ff0000;");
} else {
// Start article -> blue
$oOption->setStyle("color: #0000ff;");
} else if ($oDB->f("online") == 0) {
// Offline article -> grey
$oOption->setStyle("color: #666666;");
if ($bIsStartArticle) {
if ($oDB->f("online") == 0) {
// Start article, but offline -> red
$oOption->setStyle("color: #ff0000;");
} else {
// Start article -> blue
$oOption->setStyle("color: #0000ff;");
} else if ($oDB->f("online") == 0) {
// Offline article -> grey
$oOption->setStyle("color: #666666;");
// Add option element to the list
$this->addOptionElement($iCounter, $oOption);
return $iCount;
} else {
return 0;
// Add option element to the list
$this->addOptionElement($iCounter, $oOption);
return $iCount;
} else {
return 0;
* Function addCategories. Adds category elements (optionally including articles) to select box values.
* Note: Using "with articles" adds the articles also - but the categories will get a negative value!
* There is no way to distinguish between a category id and an article id...
* @param int $iMaxLevel Max. level shown (to be exact: except this level)
* @param bool $bColored Add color information to option elements
* @param bool $bCatVisible If true, only add idcat as value, if cat is visible
* @param bool $bCatPublic If true, only add idcat as value, if cat is public
* @param bool $bWithArt Add also articles per category
* @param bool $bArtOnline If true, show only online articles
* @return int Number of items added
function addCategories ($iMaxLevel = 0, $bColored = false, $bCatVisible = true, $bCatPublic = true,
$bWithArt = false, $bArtOnline = true)
global $cfg, $client, $lang;
* Function addCategories. Adds category elements (optionally including articles) to select box values.
* Note: Using "with articles" adds the articles also - but the categories will get a negative value!
* There is no way to distinguish between a category id and an article id...
* @param int $iMaxLevel Max. level shown (to be exact: except this level)
* @param bool $bColored Add color information to option elements
* @param bool $bCatVisible If true, only add idcat as value, if cat is visible
* @param bool $bCatPublic If true, only add idcat as value, if cat is public
* @param bool $bWithArt Add also articles per category
* @param bool $bArtOnline If true, show only online articles
* @return int Number of items added
* */
function addCategories($iMaxLevel = 0, $bColored = false, $bCatVisible = true, $bCatPublic = true,
$bWithArt = false, $bArtOnline = true) {
global $cfg, $client, $lang;
$oDB = new DB_ConLite;
$oDB = new DB_Contenido;
$sSQL = "SELECT tblCat.idcat AS idcat, tblCatLang.name AS name, ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatLang.visible AS visible, tblCatLang.public AS public, tblCatTree.level AS level ";
$sSQL .= "FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["cat"]." AS tblCat, ".$cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"]." AS tblCatLang, ";
$sSQL .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_tree"]." AS tblCatTree ";
$sSQL .= "WHERE tblCat.idclient = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($client, $oDB)."' AND tblCatLang.idlang = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, $oDB)."' AND ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatLang.idcat = tblCat.idcat AND tblCatTree.idcat = tblCat.idcat ";
$sSQL = "SELECT tblCat.idcat AS idcat, tblCatLang.name AS name, ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatLang.visible AS visible, tblCatLang.public AS public, tblCatTree.level AS level ";
$sSQL .= "FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["cat"] . " AS tblCat, " . $cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"] . " AS tblCatLang, ";
$sSQL .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_tree"] . " AS tblCatTree ";
$sSQL .= "WHERE tblCat.idclient = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($client, $oDB) . "' AND tblCatLang.idlang = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, $oDB) . "' AND ";
$sSQL .= "tblCatLang.idcat = tblCat.idcat AND tblCatTree.idcat = tblCat.idcat ";
if ($iMaxLevel > 0) {
$sSQL .= "AND tblCatTree.level < '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($iMaxLevel, $oDB)."' ";
$sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblCatTree.idtree";
if ($iMaxLevel > 0) {
$sSQL .= "AND tblCatTree.level < '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($iMaxLevel, $oDB) . "' ";
$sSQL .= "ORDER BY tblCatTree.idtree";
$iCount = $oDB->num_rows();
if ($iCount == 0) {
return false;
} else {
$iCounter = count($this->_options);
while ($oDB->next_record())
$sSpaces = "";
$sStyle = "";
$iID = $oDB->f("idcat");
$iCount = $oDB->num_rows();
if ($iCount == 0) {
return false;
} else {
$iCounter = count($this->_options);
while ($oDB->next_record()) {
$sSpaces = "";
$sStyle = "";
$iID = $oDB->f("idcat");
for ($i = 0; $i < $oDB->f("level"); $i++) {
$sSpaces .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
for ($i = 0; $i < $oDB->f("level"); $i++) {
$sSpaces .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
// Generate new option element
if (($bCatVisible && $oDB->f("visible") == 0) ||
($bCatPublic && $oDB->f("public") == 0)) {
// If category has to be visible or public and it isn't, don't add value
$sValue = "";
} else if ($bWithArt) {
// If article will be added, set negative idcat as value
$sValue = "-".$iID;
} else {
// Show only categories - and everything is fine...
$sValue = $iID;
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sSpaces.">&nbsp;".urldecode($oDB->f("name")), $sValue);
// Generate new option element
if (($bCatVisible && $oDB->f("visible") == 0) || ($bCatPublic && $oDB->f("public") == 0)) {
// If category has to be visible or public and it isn't, don't add value
$sValue = "";
} else if ($bWithArt) {
// If article will be added, set negative idcat as value
$sValue = "-" . $iID;
} else {
// Show only categories - and everything is fine...
$sValue = $iID;
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($sSpaces . ">&nbsp;" . urldecode($oDB->f("name")), $sValue);
// Coloring option element, restricted shows grey color
$oOption->setStyle("background-color: #EFEFEF");
if ($bColored && ($oDB->f("visible") == 0 || $oDB->f("public") == 0)) {
$oOption->setStyle("color: #666666;");
// Coloring option element, restricted shows grey color
$oOption->setStyle("background-color: #EFEFEF");
if ($bColored && ($oDB->f("visible") == 0 || $oDB->f("public") == 0)) {
$oOption->setStyle("color: #666666;");
// Add option element to the list
$this->addOptionElement($iCounter, $oOption);
// Add option element to the list
$this->addOptionElement($iCounter, $oOption);
if ($bWithArt) {
$iArticles = $this->addArticles($iID, $bColored, $bArtOnline, $sSpaces);
$iCount += $iArticles;
$iCounter = count($this->_options);
return $iCount;
if ($bWithArt) {
$iArticles = $this->addArticles($iID, $bColored, $bArtOnline, $sSpaces);
$iCount += $iArticles;
$iCounter = count($this->_options);
return $iCount;
* Function addTypesFromArt. Adds types and type ids which are available for the specified article
* @param int $iIDCatArt Article id
* @param string $sTypeRange Komma separated list of Contenido type ids which may be in the resulting list (e.g. '1','17','28')
* @return int Number of items added
function addTypesFromArt ($iIDCatArt, $sTypeRange = "")
global $cfg, $lang;
* Function addTypesFromArt. Adds types and type ids which are available for the specified article
* @param int $iIDCatArt Article id
* @param string $sTypeRange Komma separated list of Contenido type ids which may be in the resulting list (e.g. '1','17','28')
* @return int Number of items added
* */
function addTypesFromArt($iIDCatArt, $sTypeRange = "") {
global $cfg, $lang;
$oDB = new DB_ConLite;
$oDB = new DB_Contenido;
if (is_numeric($iIDCatArt) && $iIDCatArt > 0)
$sSQL = "SELECT tblContent.typeid AS typeid, tblContent.idtype AS idtype, tblType.type AS type, tblType.description AS description, ";
$sSQL .= "tblContent.value AS value ";
$sSQL .= "FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["content"]." AS tblContent, ".$cfg["tab"]["art_lang"]." AS tblArtLang, ";
$sSQL .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_art"]." AS tblCatArt, ".$cfg["tab"]["type"]." AS tblType ";
$sSQL .= "WHERE tblContent.idtype = tblType.idtype AND tblContent.idartlang = tblArtLang.idartlang AND ";
$sSQL .= "tblArtLang.idart = tblCatArt.idart AND tblArtLang.idlang = '". Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, $oDB)."' AND tblCatArt.idcatart = '". Contenido_Security::toInteger($iIDCatArt)."' ";
if (is_numeric($iIDCatArt) && $iIDCatArt > 0) {
$sSQL = "SELECT tblContent.typeid AS typeid, tblContent.idtype AS idtype, tblType.type AS type, tblType.description AS description, ";
$sSQL .= "tblContent.value AS value ";
$sSQL .= "FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["content"] . " AS tblContent, " . $cfg["tab"]["art_lang"] . " AS tblArtLang, ";
$sSQL .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_art"] . " AS tblCatArt, " . $cfg["tab"]["type"] . " AS tblType ";
$sSQL .= "WHERE tblContent.idtype = tblType.idtype AND tblContent.idartlang = tblArtLang.idartlang AND ";
$sSQL .= "tblArtLang.idart = tblCatArt.idart AND tblArtLang.idlang = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, $oDB) . "' AND tblCatArt.idcatart = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($iIDCatArt) . "' ";
if ($sTypeRange != "") {
$sSQL .= "AND tblContent.idtype IN (". Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sTypeRange, $oDB).") ";
if ($sTypeRange != "") {
$sSQL .= "AND tblContent.idtype IN (" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sTypeRange, $oDB) . ") ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY tblContent.idtype, tblContent.typeid";
$sql .= "ORDER BY tblContent.idtype, tblContent.typeid";
$iCount = $oDB->num_rows();
if ($iCount == 0) {
return false;
} else {
while ($oDB->next_record())
$sTypeIdentifier = "tblData.idtype = '".$oDB->f('idtype')."' AND tblData.typeid = '".$oDB->f('typeid')."'";
$iCount = $oDB->num_rows();
if ($iCount == 0) {
return false;
} else {
while ($oDB->next_record()) {
$sTypeIdentifier = "tblData.idtype = '" . $oDB->f('idtype') . "' AND tblData.typeid = '" . $oDB->f('typeid') . "'";
// Generate new option element
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($oDB->f('type')."[".$oDB->f('typeid')."]: ".substr(strip_tags(urldecode($oDB->f("value"))), 0, 50), $sTypeIdentifier);
// Generate new option element
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($oDB->f('type') . "[" . $oDB->f('typeid') . "]: " . substr(strip_tags(urldecode($oDB->f("value"))), 0, 50), $sTypeIdentifier);
// Add option element to the list
$this->addOptionElement($sTypeIdentifier, $oOption);
return $iCount;
} else {
return false;
// Add option element to the list
$this->addOptionElement($sTypeIdentifier, $oOption);
return $iCount;
} else {
return false;
* Selects specified elements as selected
* @param array $aElements Array with "values" of the cHTMLOptionElement to set
* @return none
function setSelected($aElements) {
if (is_array($this->_options) && is_array($aElements)) {
foreach ($this->_options as $sKey => $oOption) {
if (in_array($oOption->getAttribute("value"), $aElements)) {
$this->_options[$sKey] = $oOption;
} else {
$this->_options[$sKey] = $oOption;
* Selects specified elements as selected
* @param array $aElements Array with "values" of the cHTMLOptionElement to set
* @return none
function setSelected($aElements)
if (is_array($this->_options) && is_array($aElements))
foreach ($this->_options as $sKey => $oOption)
if (in_array($oOption->getAttribute("value"), $aElements))
$this->_options[$sKey] = $oOption;
} else {
$this->_options[$sKey] = $oOption;
class UI_Config_Table
var $_sTplCellCode;
var $_sTplTableFile;
class UI_Config_Table {
var $_sWidth;
var $_sBorder;
var $_sBorderColor;
var $_bSolidBorder;
var $_sPadding;
var $_aCells;
var $_aCellAlignment;
var $_aCellVAlignment;
var $_aCellColSpan;
var $_aCellClass;
var $_aRowBgColor;
var $_aRowExtra;
var $_bAddMultiSelJS;
var $_sTplCellCode;
var $_sTplTableFile;
var $_sWidth;
var $_sBorder;
var $_sBorderColor;
var $_bSolidBorder;
var $_sPadding;
var $_aCells;
var $_aCellAlignment;
var $_aCellVAlignment;
var $_aCellColSpan;
var $_aCellClass;
var $_aRowBgColor;
var $_aRowExtra;
var $_bAddMultiSelJS;
var $_sColorLight;
var $_sColorDark;
var $_sColorLight;
var $_sColorDark;
function __construct() {
global $cfg;
function UI_Config_Table()
global $cfg;
$this->_sPadding = 2;
$this->_sBorder = 0;
$this->_sBorderColor = $cfg['color']['table_border'];
$this->_sTplCellCode = ' <td align="{ALIGN}" valign="{VALIGN}" class="{CLASS}" colspan="{COLSPAN}" style="{EXTRA}white-space:nowrap;" nowrap="nowrap">{CONTENT}</td>' . "\n";
$this->_sTplTableFile = $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['templates'] . $cfg['templates']['generic_list'];
$this->_sColorLight = $cfg['color']['table_light'];
$this->_sColorDark = $cfg['color']['table_dark'];
$this->_sPadding = 2;
$this->_sBorder = 0;
$this->_sBorderColor = $cfg['color']['table_border'];
$this->_sTplCellCode = ' <td align="{ALIGN}" valign="{VALIGN}" class="{CLASS}" colspan="{COLSPAN}" style="{EXTRA}white-space:nowrap;" nowrap="nowrap">{CONTENT}</td>'."\n";
$this->_sTplTableFile = $cfg['path']['contenido'].$cfg['path']['templates'].$cfg['templates']['generic_list'];
$this->_sColorLight = $cfg['color']['table_light'];
$this->_sColorDark = $cfg['color']['table_dark'];
function setCellTemplate($sCode) {
$this->_sTplCellCode = $sCode;
function setCellTemplate($sCode)
$this->_sTplCellCode = $sCode;
function setTableTemplateFile($sPath) {
$this->_sTplTableFile = $sPath;
function setLightColor($sColor) {
$this->_sColorLight = $sColor;
function setTableTemplateFile($sPath)
$this->_sTplTableFile = $sPath;
function setDarkColor($sColor) {
$this->_sColorDark = $sColor;
function setLightColor($sColor)
$this->_sColorLight = $sColor;
function setAddMultiSelJS($bEnabled = true) {
$this->_bAddMultiSelJS = (bool) $bEnabled;
function setDarkColor($sColor)
$this->_sColorDark = $sColor;
function setWidth($sWidth) {
$this->_sWidth = $sWidth;
function setAddMultiSelJS($bEnabled = true)
$this->_bAddMultiSelJS = (bool)$bEnabled;
function setPadding($sPadding) {
$this->_sPadding = $sPadding;
function setWidth ($sWidth)
$this->_sWidth = $sWidth;
function setBorder($sBorder) {
$this->_sBorder = $sBorder;
function setPadding ($sPadding)
$this->_sPadding = $sPadding;
function setBorderColor($sBorderColor) {
$this->_sBorderColor = $sBorderColor;
function setBorder ($sBorder)
$this->_sBorder = $sBorder;
function setSolidBorder($bSolidBorder = true) {
$this->_bSolidBorder = (bool) $bSolidBorder;
function setBorderColor ($sBorderColor)
$this->_sBorderColor = $sBorderColor;
function setCell($sRow, $sCell, $sContent) {
$this->_aCells[$sRow][$sCell] = $sContent;
$this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] = "";
function setSolidBorder ($bSolidBorder = true)
$this->_bSolidBorder = (bool)$bSolidBorder;
function setCellAlignment($sRow, $sCell, $sAlignment) {
$this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] = $sAlignment;
function setCell ($sRow, $sCell, $sContent)
$this->_aCells[$sRow][$sCell] = $sContent;
$this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] = "";
function setCellVAlignment($sRow, $sCell, $sAlignment) {
$this->_aCellVAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] = $sAlignment;
function setCellAlignment ($sRow, $sCell, $sAlignment)
$this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] = $sAlignment;
function setCellColspan($sRow, $sCell, $iColSpan) {
$this->_aCellColSpan[$sRow][$sCell] = $iColSpan;
function setCellVAlignment ($sRow, $sCell, $sAlignment)
$this->_aCellVAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] = $sAlignment;
function setCellClass($sRow, $sCell, $sClass) {
$this->_aCellClass[$sRow][$sCell] = $sClass;
function setCellColspan ($sRow, $sCell, $iColSpan)
$this->_aCellColSpan[$sRow][$sCell] = $iColSpan;
function setRowBgColor($sRow, $sColor) {
$this->_aRowBgColor[$sRow] = $sColor;
function setCellClass ($sRow, $sCell, $sClass)
$this->_aCellClass[$sRow][$sCell] = $sClass;
function setRowExtra($sRow, $sExtra) {
$this->_aRowExtra[$sRow] = $sExtra;
function setRowBgColor ($sRow, $sColor)
$this->_aRowBgColor[$sRow] = $sColor;
function _addMultiSelJS() {
// Trick: To save multiple selections in <select>-Element, add some JS which saves the
// selection, comma separated in a hidden input field on change.
// Try ... catch prevents error messages, if function is added more than once
// if (!fncUpdateSel) in JS has not worked...
function setRowExtra ($sRow, $sExtra)
$this->_aRowExtra[$sRow] = $sExtra;
$sSkript = ' <script type="text/javascript"><!--' . "\n" .
' try {' . "\n" .
' function fncUpdateSel(sSelectBox, sStorage)' . "\n" .
' {' . "\n" .
' var sSelection = "";' . "\n" .
' var oSelectBox = document.getElementsByName(sSelectBox)[0];' . "\n" .
' var oStorage = document.getElementsByName(sStorage)[0];' . "\n" .
' ' . "\n" .
' if (oSelectBox && oStorage)' . "\n" .
' {' . "\n" .
' for (i = 0; i < oSelectBox.length; i++)' . "\n" .
' {' . "\n" .
' if(oSelectBox.options[i].selected == true)' . "\n" .
' {' . "\n" .
' if (sSelection != "")' . "\n" .
' sSelection = sSelection + ",";' . "\n" .
' sSelection = sSelection + oSelectBox.options[i].value;' . "\n" .
' }' . "\n" .
' }' . "\n" .
' oStorage.value = sSelection;' . "\n" .
' }' . "\n" .
' }' . "\n" .
' } catch (e) { }' . "\n" .
' //--></script>' . "\n";
function _addMultiSelJS()
// Trick: To save multiple selections in <select>-Element, add some JS which saves the
// selection, comma separated in a hidden input field on change.
return $sSkript;
// Try ... catch prevents error messages, if function is added more than once
// if (!fncUpdateSel) in JS has not worked...
function render($bPrint = false) {
$oTable = new Template;
$sSkript = ' <script type="text/javascript"><!--'."\n".
' try {'."\n".
' function fncUpdateSel(sSelectBox, sStorage)'."\n".
' {'."\n".
' var sSelection = "";'."\n".
' var oSelectBox = document.getElementsByName(sSelectBox)[0];'."\n".
' var oStorage = document.getElementsByName(sStorage)[0];'."\n".
' '."\n".
' if (oSelectBox && oStorage)'."\n".
' {'."\n".
' for (i = 0; i < oSelectBox.length; i++)'."\n".
' {'."\n".
' if(oSelectBox.options[i].selected == true)'."\n".
' {'."\n".
' if (sSelection != "")'."\n".
' sSelection = sSelection + ",";'."\n".
' sSelection = sSelection + oSelectBox.options[i].value;'."\n".
' }'."\n".
' }'."\n".
' oStorage.value = sSelection;'."\n".
' }'."\n".
' }'."\n".
' } catch (e) { }'."\n".
' //--></script>'."\n";
$oTable->set('s', 'CELLPADDING', $this->_sPadding);
$oTable->set('s', 'BORDER', $this->_sBorder);
$oTable->set('s', 'BORDERCOLOR', $this->_sBorderColor);
return $sSkript;
$iColCount = 0;
$bDark = false;
$sBgColor = "";
$bMultiSelJSAdded = false;
if (is_array($this->_aCells)) {
foreach ($this->_aCells as $sRow => $aCells) {
//$bDark = !$bDark;
$sLine = "";
$iCount = 0;
function render($bPrint = false)
$oTable = new Template;
foreach ($aCells as $sCell => $sData) {
$sTplCell = $this->_sTplCellCode;
$oTable->set('s', 'CELLPADDING', $this->_sPadding);
$oTable->set('s', 'BORDER', $this->_sBorder);
$oTable->set('s', 'BORDERCOLOR', $this->_sBorderColor);
if ($this->_bSolidBorder) {
if ($iCount < count($aCells)) {
if ($iColCount < count($this->_aCells)) {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', 'border: 0px; border-right: 1px; border-bottom: 1px; border-color: ' . $this->_sBorderColor . '; border-style: solid;', $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', 'border: 0px; border-right: 1px; border-color: ' . $this->_sBorderColor . '; border-style: solid;', $sTplCell);
} else if ($iColCount < count($this->_aCells)) {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', 'border: 0px; border-bottom: 1px; border-color: ' . $this->_sBorderColor . '; border-style: solid;', $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', '', $sTplCell);
$iColCount = 0;
$bDark = false;
$sBgColor = "";
$bMultiSelJSAdded = false;
if (is_array($this->_aCells))
foreach ($this->_aCells as $sRow => $aCells)
//$bDark = !$bDark;
$sLine = "";
$iCount = 0;
if ($this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{ALIGN}', $this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{ALIGN}', 'left', $sTplCell);
foreach ($aCells as $sCell => $sData)
$sTplCell = $this->_sTplCellCode;
if ($this->_aCellVAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{VALIGN}', $this->_aCellVAlignment[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{VALIGN}', 'top', $sTplCell);
if ($this->_bSolidBorder)
if ($iCount < count($aCells))
if ($iColCount < count($this->_aCells)) {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', 'border: 0px; border-right: 1px; border-bottom: 1px; border-color: '.$this->_sBorderColor.'; border-style: solid;', $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', 'border: 0px; border-right: 1px; border-color: '.$this->_sBorderColor.'; border-style: solid;', $sTplCell);
} else if ($iColCount < count($this->_aCells)) {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', 'border: 0px; border-bottom: 1px; border-color: '.$this->_sBorderColor.'; border-style: solid;', $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{EXTRA}', '', $sTplCell);
if ($this->_aCellColSpan[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{COLSPAN}', $this->_aCellColSpan[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{COLSPAN}', '1', $sTplCell);
if ($this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{ALIGN}', $this->_aCellAlignment[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{ALIGN}', 'left', $sTplCell);
if ($this->_aCellClass[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{CLASS}', $this->_aCellClass[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{CLASS}', 'text', $sTplCell);
if ($this->_aCellVAlignment[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{VALIGN}', $this->_aCellVAlignment[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{VALIGN}', 'top', $sTplCell);
// Multi selection javascript
if ($this->_bAddMultiSelJS) {
$sData = $this->_addMultiSelJS() . $sData;
$this->_bAddMultiSelJS = false;
if ($this->_aCellColSpan[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{COLSPAN}', $this->_aCellColSpan[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{COLSPAN}', '1', $sTplCell);
$sTplCell = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $sData, $sTplCell);
$sLine .= $sTplCell;
if ($this->_aCellClass[$sRow][$sCell] != "") {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{CLASS}', $this->_aCellClass[$sRow][$sCell], $sTplCell);
} else {
$sTplCell = str_replace('{CLASS}', 'text', $sTplCell);
// Row
$oTable->set('d', 'ROWS', $sLine);
// Multi selection javascript
if ($this->_bAddMultiSelJS) {
$sData = $this->_addMultiSelJS() . $sData;
$this->_bAddMultiSelJS = false;
if ($this->_aRowBgColor[$sRow] != "") {
$sBgColor = $this->_aRowBgColor[$sRow];
} else if ($sBgColor == $this->_sColorLight) {
$sBgColor = $this->_sColorDark;
} else {
$sBgColor = $this->_sColorLight;
$oTable->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $sBgColor);
$sTplCell = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $sData, $sTplCell);
$sLine .= $sTplCell;
if ($this->_aRowExtra[$sRow] != "") {
$oTable->set('d', 'EXTRA', $this->_aRowExtra[$sRow]);
} else {
$oTable->set('d', 'EXTRA', '');
// Row
$oTable->set('d', 'ROWS', $sLine);
if ($this->_aRowBgColor[$sRow] != "") {
$sBgColor = $this->_aRowBgColor[$sRow];
} else if ($sBgColor == $this->_sColorLight) {
$sBgColor = $this->_sColorDark;
} else {
$sBgColor = $this->_sColorLight;
$oTable->set('d', 'BGCOLOR', $sBgColor);
if ($this->_sWidth) {
// Table: Width
$oTable->set('s', 'EXTRA', 'width: ' . $this->_sWidth . ';');
} else {
$oTable->set('s', 'EXTRA', '');
$sRendered = $oTable->generate($this->_sTplTableFile, true, false);
if ($this->_aRowExtra[$sRow] != "") {
$oTable->set('d', 'EXTRA', $this->_aRowExtra[$sRow]);
} else {
$oTable->set('d', 'EXTRA', '');
if ($bPrint == true) {
echo $sRendered;
} else {
return $sRendered;
if ($this->_sWidth) {
// Table: Width
$oTable->set('s', 'EXTRA', 'width: '.$this->_sWidth.';');
} else {
$oTable->set('s', 'EXTRA', '');
$sRendered = $oTable->generate($this->_sTplTableFile, true, false);
if ($bPrint == true) {
echo $sRendered;
} else {
return $sRendered;

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