update main with develop #48

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3 geänderte Dateien mit 6 neuen und 71 gelöschten Zeilen
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@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
* Description:
* Contenido XML Parser
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido_XML
* @version 1.0.9
@ -19,79 +16,17 @@
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-30, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* $Id$:
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Class for parsing XML documents using SAX
* This class is a abstraction class for the PHP Expat XML functions.
* You can define handler functions/objects for start, end, PI and data sections (1.) or
* your can define path which will trigger the defined event when encountered (2.)
* Example:
* 1.) $parser->setEvents(array("startElement"=> "myFunction",
* "endElement"=> "myFunction",
* "characterData"=> "myFunction",
* "processingInstruction" => "myFunction");
* The value can also be an array with the object reference and the method to call.
* i.e. "startElement"=>array(&$myObj, "myMethod") instead of "startelement"=>"myFunction"
* 2.) $parser->setEvents(array("/root/foo/bar"=>"myFunction"));
* Valid array keys are: 'startElement', 'endElement', 'characterData', 'processingInstruction' and paths
* folowing the scheme '/root/element'. The path MUST begin from the root element and MUST start with '/'.
* The value can also be an array with the object reference and the method to call.
* i.e. "/foo/bar"=>array(&$myObj, "myMethod") instead of "/foo/bar"=>"myFunction"
* It has 3 public methods:
* setEventHandlers - Set specific handlers for the xml parser
* parseFile - Used to parse a XML file
* parse - Used to parse a XML string
* A small example:
* include ("class.xmlparser.php");
* // The XML String
* $xml = '
* <?xml version="1.0"?>
* <foo>
* <bar>some text</bar>
* <bar>another text</bar>
* </foo>';
* function myHandler($name, $attribs, $content)
* {
* echo "<b style='color:red'>HIT</b>: [ <b>$name</b> ] [ $content ]<br/>";
* }
* $parser = new XmlParser; // Parser instance
* $parser->setEventHandlers(array("/foo/bar"=>"myHandler")); // Define our handler
* $parser->parse($xml); // Parse the XML string
* Report bugs to: jan.lengowski@4fb.de
* @author Jan Lengowski <Jan.Lengowski@4fb.de>
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @version 1.0
class XmlParser {
class clXmlParser {
* XML Parser autofree

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@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ class cApiModule extends Item {
private function _parseImportFile($sFile, $sType = "module", $sEncoding = "ISO-8859-1") {
global $_mImport;
$oParser = new XmlParser($sEncoding);
$oParser = new clXmlParser($sEncoding);
if ($sType == "module") {
$oParser->setEventHandlers(array("/module/name" => "cHandler_ModuleData",
@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ class cApiModuleTranslationCollection extends ItemCollection {
public function import($idmod, $idlang, $file) {
global $_mImport;
$parser = new XmlParser("ISO-8859-1");
$parser = new clXmlParser("ISO-8859-1");
$parser->setEventHandlers(array("/module/translation/string/original" => "cHandler_ItemName",
"/module/translation/string/translation" => "cHandler_Translation"));

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@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ return array(
'ArtSpecCollection' => 'conlite/classes/class.artspec.php',
'ArtSpecItem' => 'conlite/classes/class.artspec.php',
'Layout' => 'conlite/classes/class.layout.php',
'XmlParser' => 'conlite/classes/class.xmlparser.php',
'clXmlParser' => 'conlite/classes/class.clxmlparser.php',
'Contenido_UrlBuilder_CustomPath' => 'conlite/classes/UrlBuilder/Contenido_UrlBuilder_CustomPath.class.php',
'Contenido_UrlBuilder_Frontcontent' => 'conlite/classes/UrlBuilder/Contenido_UrlBuilder_Frontcontent.class.php',
'Contenido_UrlBuilderFactory' => 'conlite/classes/UrlBuilder/Contenido_UrlBuilderFactory.class.php',