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2020-02-19 20:58:47 +00:00
* Output a summary of the node or list of nodes referenced by a particular SimpleXML object
* Rather than attempting a recursive inspection, presents statistics aimed at understanding
* what your SimpleXML code is doing.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $sxml The object to inspect
* @param boolean $return Default false. If true, return the "dumped" info rather than echoing it
* @return null|string Nothing, or output, depending on $return param
* @author Rowan Collins
* @see
* @license None. Do what you like with it, but please give me credit if you like it. :)
* Equally, no warranty: don't blame me if your aircraft or nuclear power plant fails because of this code!
function simplexml_dump(SimpleXMLElement $sxml, $return=false)
$indent = "\t";
// Get all the namespaces declared at the *root* of this document
// All the items we're looking at are in the same document, so we only need do this once
$doc_ns = $sxml->getDocNamespaces(false);
$dump = '';
// Note that the header is added at the end, so we can add stats
$dump .= '[' . PHP_EOL;
// SimpleXML objects can be either a single node, or (more commonly) a list of 0 or more nodes
// I haven't found a reliable way of distinguishing between the two cases
// Note that for a single node, foreach($node) acts like foreach($node->children())
// Numeric array indexes, however, operate consistently: $node[0] just returns the node
$item_index = 0;
while ( isset($sxml[$item_index]) )
$item = $sxml[$item_index];
// It's surprisingly hard to find something which behaves consistently differently for an attribute and an element within SimpleXML
// The below relies on the fact that the DOM makes a much clearer distinction
// Note that this is not an expensive conversion, as we are only swapping PHP wrappers around an existing LibXML resource
if ( dom_import_simplexml($item) instanceOf DOMAttr )
$dump .= $indent . 'Attribute {' . PHP_EOL;
// To what namespace does this attribute belong? Returns array( alias => URI )
$ns = $item->getNamespaces(false);
if ( $ns )
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Namespace: \'' . reset($ns) . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
if ( key($ns) == '' )
$dump .= $indent . $indent . '(Default Namespace)' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Namespace Alias: \'' . key($ns) . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Name: \'' . $item->getName() . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Value: \'' . (string)$item . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . '}' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . 'Element {' . PHP_EOL;
// To what namespace does this element belong? Returns array( alias => URI )
$ns = $item->getNamespaces(false);
if ( $ns )
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Namespace: \'' . reset($ns) . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
if ( key($ns) == '' )
$dump .= $indent . $indent . '(Default Namespace)' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Namespace Alias: \'' . key($ns) . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Name: \'' . $item->getName() . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'String Content: \'' . (string)$item . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
// Now some statistics about attributes and children, by namespace
// This returns all namespaces used by this node and all its descendants,
// whether declared in this node, in its ancestors, or in its descendants
$all_ns = $item->getNamespaces(true);
// If the default namespace is never declared, it will never show up using the below code
if ( ! array_key_exists('', $all_ns) )
$all_ns[''] = NULL;
foreach ( $all_ns as $ns_alias => $ns_uri )
$children = $item->children($ns_uri);
$attributes = $item->attributes($ns_uri);
// Somewhat confusingly, in the case where a parent element is missing the xmlns declaration,
// but a descendant adds it, SimpleXML will look ahead and fill $all_ns[''] incorrectly
if (
$ns_alias == ''
! is_null($ns_uri)
count($children) == 0
count($attributes) == 0
// Try looking for a default namespace without a known URI
$ns_uri = NULL;
$children = $item->children($ns_uri);
$attributes = $item->attributes($ns_uri);
// Don't show zero-counts, as they're not that useful
if ( count($children) == 0 && count($attributes) == 0 )
$ns_label = (($ns_alias == '') ? 'Default Namespace' : "Namespace $ns_alias");
$dump .= $indent . $indent . 'Content in ' . $ns_label . PHP_EOL;
if ( ! is_null($ns_uri) )
$dump .= $indent . $indent . $indent . 'Namespace URI: \'' . $ns_uri . '\'' . PHP_EOL;
// Count occurrence of child element names, rather than listing them all out
$child_names = array();
foreach ( $children as $sx_child )
// Below is a rather clunky way of saying $child_names[ $sx_child->getName() ]++;
// which avoids Notices about unset array keys
$child_node_name = $sx_child->getName();
if ( array_key_exists($child_node_name, $child_names) )
$child_names[$child_node_name] = 1;
$child_name_output = array();
foreach ( $child_names as $name => $count )
$child_name_output[] = "$count '$name'";
$dump .= $indent . $indent . $indent . 'Children: ' . count($children);
// Don't output a trailing " - " if there are no children
if ( count($children) > 0 )
$dump .= ' - ' . implode(', ', $child_name_output);
$dump .= PHP_EOL;
// Attributes can't be duplicated, but I'm going to put them in alphabetical order
$attribute_names = array();
foreach ( $attributes as $sx_attribute )
$attribute_names[] = "'" . $sx_attribute->getName() . "'";
$dump .= $indent . $indent . $indent . 'Attributes: ' . count($attributes);
// Don't output a trailing " - " if there are no attributes
if ( count($attributes) > 0 )
$dump .= ' - ' . implode(', ', $attribute_names);
$dump .= PHP_EOL;
$dump .= $indent . '}' . PHP_EOL;
$dump .= ']' . PHP_EOL;
// Add on the header line, with the total number of items output
$dump = 'SimpleXML object (' . $item_index . ' item' . ($item_index > 1 ? 's' : '') . ')' . PHP_EOL . $dump;
if ( $return )
return $dump;
echo $dump;