
358 Zeilen
9.6 KiB

2020-02-19 20:58:47 +00:00
class pimSetupBase {
* name of plugin info xml file
const PIM_XML_FILENAME = "cl_plugin.xml";
* placeholder for sql prefix
* @var int mode of setup
public static $mode;
* plugin general infos
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlGeneral;
* plugin requirements
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlRequirements;
* plugin depencies
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlDependencies;
* areas for plugin
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlArea;
* actions for plugin
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlActions;
* frames for plugin - frame and framefile entries
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlFrames;
* nav main entry
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlNavMain;
* nav sub entries
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlNavSub;
* content type(s) for plugin
* @var SimpleXMLElement
public static $XmlContentType;
* whole xml object from info xml
* @var SimpleXMLElement
protected $_oXml = NULL;
protected $_xmlDefault = 'plugins/pluginmanager/xml/plugin_default.xml';
protected $_aXmlDefaultIndex;
protected $_aXmlDefaultValues;
* @var string
protected $_sXsdPath;
* db-tables and table-ids used
* @var array
protected $_aTables = array(
'actions' => 'idaction',
'area' => 'idarea',
'files' => 'idfile',
'framefiles' => 'idframefile',
'nav_main' => 'idnavm',
'nav_sub' => 'idnavs',
'plugins' => 'idplugin'
* holds db object
* @var DB_ConLite
protected $_oDb;
protected $_aSql = array();
protected $_iPiId = 0;
protected $_iCntQueries = 0;
protected $_iClient;
protected $_aRelations;
* @var pimPluginCollection
protected $_PimPluginCollection;
* @var pimPluginRelationCollection
protected $_PimPluginRelationCollection;
protected $_sPluginPath;
public function __construct() {
$this->_oDb = new DB_ConLite();
$this->_iClient = cRegistry::getClientId();
$this->_PimPluginCollection = new pimPluginCollection();
$this->_PimPluginRelationCollection = new pimPluginRelationCollection();
public function setPluginPath($sPath) {
$this->_sPluginPath = $sPath;
public function getPluginPath() {
return $this->_sPluginPath;
* @return boolean
public function doQueries() {
if (!is_array($this->_aSql) || count($this->_aSql) <= 0) {
return TRUE;
$iQueries = count($this->_aSql);
if ($iQueries > 0 && is_a($this->_oDb, "DB_ConLite")) {
foreach ($this->_aSql as $sSql) {
try {
} catch (Exception $exc) {
if ($iQueries == $this->_iCntQueries) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
public function undoQueries() {
public function setXmlObject($oXml, $bSplit = TRUE) {
if (is_object($oXml)) {
$this->_oXml = & $oXml;
if ($bSplit) {
public function setXsdFile($sFile) {
$this->_sXsdPath = $sFile;
* Returns next id for given table
* @param string $sTable
* @return int the next usable table id
protected function _getNextId($sTable) {
cInclude("includes", "functions.database.php");
dbUpdateSequence(cRegistry::getConfigValue("tab", "sequence"), cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', $sTable), cRegistry::getDb());
$iNextId = $this->_oDb->nextid(cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', $sTable));
// id must be over 10.000
if ($iNextId < 10000) {
$iNextId = 10000;
// added ten
$iNextId = $iNextId + 10;
// how long is the number?
$iResultStrlen = strlen($iNextId);
// removed the last number
$iNextId = substr($iNextId, 0, $iResultStrlen - 1);
return Contenido_Security::toInteger($iNextId . 0); // last number is always a zero
protected function _getAttrForTag($sTag) {
foreach ($this->_aXmlDefaultValues as $Key => $aValue) {
if ($aValue['tag'] === strtoupper($sTag) && $aValue['type'] === "complete") {
if (isset($aValue['attributes']) && is_array($aValue['attributes'])) {
return array_change_key_case($aValue['attributes']);
return FALSE;
protected function _getPluginSql() {
$sSqlFile = $this->_sPluginPath . static::SQL_FILE;
if (file_exists($sSqlFile) && is_readable($sSqlFile)) {
$this->_aSql = pimSqlParser::parse(file_get_contents($sSqlFile));
} else if (!is_array($this->_aSql)) {
$this->_aSql = array();
protected static function error($sMessage, $iPiId = NULL) {
if (!is_null($iPiId)) {
$oUnInstall = new pimSetupPluginUninstall();
$oUnInstall->uninstallPlugin($iPiId, '');
print "Error:0:" . $sMessage;
protected function _getRelations() {
$aTmpArray = array();
$this->_PimPluginRelationCollection->setWhere('idplugin', $this->_iPiId);
if ($this->_PimPluginRelationCollection->count() > 0) {
while ($oPluginRelation = $this->_PimPluginRelationCollection->next()) {
if (isset($aTmpArray[$oPluginRelation->get('type')]) && is_array($aTmpArray[$oPluginRelation->get('type')])) {
array_push($aTmpArray[$oPluginRelation->get('type')], $oPluginRelation->get('iditem'));
} else {
$aTmpArray[$oPluginRelation->get('type')] = array($oPluginRelation->get('iditem'));
$this->_aRelations = $aTmpArray;
protected function _deleteRelations() {
$iDeletetRelations = $this->_PimPluginRelationCollection->deleteByWhereClause("idplugin = " . $this->_iPiId);
protected function _deleteRelationEntries() {
$oDb = new DB_ConLite();
foreach ($this->_aRelations as $sType => $aIds) {
$sSQL = 'DELETE FROM ' . cRegistry::getConfigValue('tab', $sType) . ' WHERE ' . $this->_aTables[$sType] . ' IN (' . implode(',', $aIds) . ')';
if ($oDb->query($sSQL) == FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
protected function _updateSortOrder() {
if(!isset($_REQUEST['new_position'])) {
return 0;
$oPluginColl = new pimPluginCollection();
$oPluginColl->setWhere("executionorder", (int) $_REQUEST['new_position'], ">=");
if($oPluginColl->count() > 0) {
/* @var $oPlugin cApiPlugin */
while ($oPlugin = $oPluginColl->next()) {
$iOrder = $oPlugin->get("executionorder");
$oPlugin->set("executionorder", $iOrder++);
return (int) $_REQUEST['new_position'];
* Set temporary xml content to static variables
* @param string $xml
private function _setXml() {
// General plugin informations
self::$XmlGeneral = $this->_oXml->general;
// Plugin requirements
self::$XmlRequirements = $this->_oXml->requirements;
// Plugin dependencies
self::$XmlDependencies = $this->_oXml->dependencies;
// CONTENIDO areas: *_area
self::$XmlArea = $this->_oXml->conlite->areas;
// CONTENIDO actions: *_actions
self::$XmlActions = $this->_oXml->conlite->actions;
// CONTENIDO frames: *_frame_files and *_files
self::$XmlFrames = $this->_oXml->conlite->frames;
// CONTENIDO main navigations: *_nav_main
self::$XmlNavMain = $this->_oXml->conlite->nav_main;
// CONTENIDO sub navigations: *_nav_sub
self::$XmlNavSub = $this->_oXml->conlite->nav_sub;
// CONTENIDO Content Types: *_type
self::$XmlContentType = $this->_oXml->content_types;
private function _xmlParseIntoStruct() {
$sData = implode("", file($this->_xmlDefault));
$oParser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parse_into_struct($oParser, $sData, $this->_aXmlDefaultValues, $this->_aXmlDefaultIndex);
private function _updateSequence($table = false) {
global $db, $cfg;
if (!$table) {
$sql = "SHOW TABLES";
while ($db->next_record()) {
dbUpdateSequence($cfg['sql']['sqlprefix'] . "_sequence", $db->f(0));
} else {
dbUpdateSequence($cfg['sql']['sqlprefix'] . "_sequence", $table);