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* ConLite Session Management
* @package Core
* @subpackage cSystemClasses
* @version $Rev:$
* @author Ortwin Pinke <>
* @copyright (c) 2014, ConLite Team <>
* @link ConLite Portal
* $Id:$
* @package ContenidoBackendArea
* @version
* @author Boris Erdmann, Kristian Koehntopp
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {die('Illegal call');}
* old session class, now only extends new cSession
* @deprecated since version 2.0
class Session extends cSession {
class cSession {
var $classname = "Session"; ## Needed for object serialization.
## Define the parameters of your session by either overwriting
## these values or by subclassing session (recommended).
var $magic = ""; ## Some string you should change.
var $mode = "cookie"; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies
var $fallback_mode; ## If this doesn't work, fall back...
var $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes
var $cookie_domain = ""; ## If set, the domain for which the
## session cookie is set.
var $gc_time = 1440; ## Purge all session data older than 1440 minutes.
var $gc_probability = 5; ## Garbage collect probability in percent
var $auto_init = ""; ## Name of the autoinit-File, if any.
var $secure_auto_init = 1; ## Set to 0 only, if all pages call
## page_close() guaranteed.
var $allowcache = "no"; ## "passive", "no", "private" or "public"
var $allowcache_expire = 1440; ## If you allowcache, data expires in this
## many minutes.
var $that_class = ""; ## Name of data storage container
## End of parameters.
var $name; ## Session name
var $id; ## Unique Session ID
var $that;
var $pt = array(); ## This Array contains the registered things
var $in = 0; ## Marker: Did we already include the autoinit file?
var $expires; ## Expire date
var $_expires;
## register($things):
## call this function to register the things that should become persistent
function register($things) {
$things = explode(",", $things);
while (list(, $thing) = each($things)) {
$thing = trim($thing);
if ($thing) {
$this->pt[$thing] = true;
function setExpires($time) {
$this->_expires = $time;
function is_registered($name) {
if (isset($this->pt[$name]) && $this->pt[$name] == true)
return true;
return false;
function unregister($things) {
$things = explode(",", $things);
while (list(, $thing) = each($things)) {
$thing = trim($thing);
if ($thing) {
## get_id():
## Propagate the session id according to mode and lifetime.
## Will create a new id if necessary. To take over abandoned sessions,
## one may provide the new session id as a parameter (not recommended).
function get_id($id = "") {
$newid = true;
$this->name = $this->cookiename == "" ? $this->classname : $this->cookiename;
if ("" == $id) {
$newid = false;
switch ($this->mode) {
case "get":
$id = isset($_GET[$this->name]) ?
$_GET[$this->name] :
( isset($_POST[$this->name]) ?
$_POST[$this->name] :
case "cookie":
$id = isset($_COOKIE[$this->name]) ?
$_COOKIE[$this->name] : "";
die("This has not been coded yet.");
if ("" == $id) {
$newid = true;
$id = $this->that->ac_newid(md5(uniqid($this->magic)), $this->name);
switch ($this->mode) {
case "cookie":
if ($newid && ( 0 == $this->lifetime )) {
SetCookie($this->name, $id, 0, "/", $this->cookie_domain);
if (0 < $this->lifetime) {
SetCookie($this->name, $id, time() + $this->lifetime * 60, "/", $this->cookie_domain);
// Remove session ID info from QUERY String - it is in cookie
if (isset($QUERY_STRING) && ("" != $QUERY_STRING)) {
$QUERY_STRING = preg_replace(
"/(^|&)" . quotemeta(urlencode($this->name)) . "=" . $id . "(&|$)/", "\\1", $QUERY_STRING);
case "get":
if (isset($QUERY_STRING) && ("" != $QUERY_STRING)) {
$QUERY_STRING = preg_replace(
"/(^|&)" . quotemeta(urlencode($this->name)) . "=" . $id . "(&|$)/", "\\1", $QUERY_STRING);
$this->id = $id;
## put_id():
## Stop using the current session id (unset cookie, ...) and
## abandon a session.
function put_id() {
global $_COOKIE;
switch ($this->mode) {
case "cookie":
$this->name = $this->cookiename == "" ? $this->classname : $this->cookiename;
SetCookie($this->name, "", 0, "/", $this->cookie_domain);
$_COOKIE[$this->name] = "";
// do nothing. We don't need to die for modes other than cookie here.
## delete():
## Delete the current session record and put the session id.
function delete() {
$this->that->ac_delete($this->id, $this->name);
## url($url):
## Helper function: returns $url concatenated with the current
## session $id.
function url($url) {
// Remove existing session info from url
$url = preg_replace(
"/([&?])" . quotemeta(urlencode($this->name)) . "=" . $this->id . "(&|$)/", "\\1", $url);
// Remove trailing ?/& if needed
$url = preg_replace("/[&?]+$/", "", $url);
switch ($this->mode) {
case "get":
$url .= ( strpos($url, "?") != false ? "&" : "?" ) .
urlencode($this->name) . "=" . $this->id;
// Encode naughty characters in the URL
$url = str_replace(array("<", ">", " ", "\"", "'"), array("%3C", "%3E", "+", "%22", "%27"), $url);
return $url;
function purl($url) {
print $this->url($url);
* @param array $aParam
* @return string
function self_url($aParam = array()) {
parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $aQuery);
$aQuery = array_merge($aQuery, $aParam);
$sQuery = http_build_query($aQuery,'','&');
return $this->url($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $sQuery);
function pself_url() {
print $this->self_url();
function hidden_session($mode = 0) {
if ($mode) {
return sprintf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">\n", $this->name, $this->id);
} else {
printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">\n", $this->name, $this->id);
function add_query($qarray) {
global $PHP_SELF;
if ((isset($QUERY_STRING) && ("" != $QUERY_STRING)) || ($this->mode == "get")) {
$sep_char = "&";
} else {
$sep_char = "?";
$qstring = "";
while (list($k, $v) = each($qarray)) {
$qstring .= $sep_char . urlencode($k) . "=" . urlencode($v);
$sep_char = "&";
return $qstring;
function padd_query($qarray) {
print $this->add_query($qarray);
## serialize($var,&$str):
## appends a serialized representation of $$var
## at the end of $str.
## To be able to serialize an object, the object must implement
## a variable $classname (containing the name of the class as string)
## and a variable $persistent_slots (containing the names of the slots
## to be saved as an array of strings).
function serialize($var, &$str) {
static $t, $l, $k;
## Determine the type of $$var
eval("\$t = gettype(\$$var);");
switch ($t) {
case "array":
## $$var is an array. Enumerate the elements and serialize them.
eval("reset(\$$var); \$l = gettype(list(\$k)=each(\$$var));");
$str .= "\$$var = array(); ";
while ("array" == $l) {
## Structural recursion
$this->serialize($var . "['" . preg_replace("/([\\'])/", "\\\\1", $k) . "']", $str);
eval("\$l = gettype(list(\$k)=each(\$$var));");
case "object":
## $$var is an object. Enumerate the slots and serialize them.
eval("\$k = \$${var}->classname; \$l = reset(\$${var}->persistent_slots);");
$str.="\$$var = new $k; ";
while ($l) {
## Structural recursion.
$this->serialize($var . "->" . $l, $str);
eval("\$l = next(\$${var}->persistent_slots);");
## $$var is an atom. Extract it to $l, then generate code.
eval("\$l = \$$var;");
$str.="\$$var = '" . preg_replace("/([\\'])/", "\\\\1", $l) . "'; ";
function get_lock() {
function release_lock() {
## freeze():
## freezes all registered things ( scalar variables, arrays, objects ) into
## a database table
function freeze() {
$str = "";
//print "DBG: <pre>"; var_dump($this->pt); print "</pre>\n";
$this->serialize("this->in", $str);
$this->serialize("this->pt", $str);
while (list($thing) = each($this->pt)) {
$thing = trim($thing);
if ($thing && isset($GLOBALS[$thing])) {
$this->serialize("GLOBALS['" . $thing . "']", $str);
$r = $this->that->ac_store($this->id, $this->name, $str);
if (!$r)
$this->that->ac_halt("Session: freeze() failed.");
## thaw:
## Reload frozen variables from the database and microwave them.
function thaw() {
$vals = $this->that->ac_get_value($this->id, $this->name);
eval(sprintf(";%s", $vals));
## Variable precedence functions
function reimport_get_vars() {
function reimport_post_vars() {
function reimport_cookie_vars() {
function reimport_any_vars($arrayname) {
global $$arrayname;
if (!is_array($$arrayname))
while (list($key, $val) = each($$arrayname)) {
$GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
## All this is support infrastructure for the start() method
function set_container() {
$name = $this->that_class;
$this->that = new $name;
function set_tokenname() {
$this->name = $this->cookiename == "" ? $this->classname : $this->cookiename;
function release_token($sid = "") {
global $_COOKIE, $_POST, $_GET,
if (isset($this->fallback_mode) && ("get" == $this->fallback_mode) && ("cookie" == $this->mode) && (!isset($_COOKIE[$this->name]))) {
// Looks like no cookie here - check GET/POST params
if (isset($_GET[$this->name]) || isset($_POST[$this->name])) {
// Session info passed via GET/POST - go to fallback_mode
$this->mode = $this->fallback_mode;
} else {
// It seems to be the first load of this page -
// no cookie and no GET/POST params
// Generate session ID and setup cookie.
// Next line is to generate correct self_url() later
$this->mode = $this->fallback_mode;
if (isset($HTTPS) && $HTTPS == 'on') {
## You will need to fix suexec as well, if you
## use Apache and CGI PHP
$PROTOCOL = 'https';
} else {
$PROTOCOL = 'http';
header("Status: 302 Moved Temporarily");
header("Location: " . $PROTOCOL . "://" . $HTTP_HOST . $this->self_url());
function put_headers() {
# Allowing a limited amount of caching, as suggested by
# Padraic Renaghan on
# Note that in HTTP/1.1 the Cache-Control headers override the Expires
# headers and HTTP/1.0 ignores headers it does not recognize (e.g,
# Cache-Control). Mulitple Cache-Control directives are split into
# mulitple headers to better support MSIE 4.x.
# Added pre- and post-check for MSIE 5.x as suggested by R.C.Winters,
# see
# for details
switch ($this->allowcache) {
case "passive":
$mod_gmt = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", getlastmod()) . " GMT";
header("Last-Modified: " . $mod_gmt);
# possibly ie5 needs the pre-check line. This needs testing.
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0");
case "public":
$exp_gmt = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $this->allowcache_expire * 60) . " GMT";
$mod_gmt = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", getlastmod()) . " GMT";
header("Expires: " . $exp_gmt);
header("Last-Modified: " . $mod_gmt);
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . $this->allowcache_expire * 60);
case "private":
$mod_gmt = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", getlastmod()) . " GMT";
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . $mod_gmt);
header("Cache-Control: private");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . $this->allowcache_expire * 60);
header("Cache-Control: pre-check=" . $this->allowcache_expire * 60);
$rand = md5(mt_rand());
$mod_gmt = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 3600) . " GMT";
if ($this->_expires > 0) {
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $this->_expires) . " GMT");
} else {
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control:no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Cache-control: private, no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("ETag: $rand");
## Garbage collection
## Destroy all session data older than this
function gc() {
if ((rand() % 100) < $this->gc_probability) {
$this->that->ac_gc($this->gc_time, $this->name);
## Initialization
function start($sid = "") {