
585 Zeilen
36 KiB

* @package ConLite
* @subpackage Setup
2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00
* @version $Rev$
* @author Ortwin Pinke <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00
* $Id$:
// security
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
define("C_SEVERITY_NONE", 1);
define("C_SEVERITY_INFO", 2);
define("C_SEVERITY_WARNING", 3);
define("C_SEVERITY_ERROR", 4);
class cSetupSystemtest extends cSetupMask {
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function __construct($step, $previous, $next) {
parent::__construct("templates/setup/forms/systemtest.tpl", $step);
$bErrors = false;
$this->setHeader(i18n_setup("System Test"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "TITLE", i18n_setup("System Test"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", i18n_setup("Your system has been tested for compatibility with ConLite:"));
$cHTMLErrorMessageList = new cHTMLErrorMessageList;
$this->_aMessages = array();
/* Run PHP tests */
/* Run GD tests if available */
if (isPHPExtensionLoaded("gd")) {
if (hasMySQLExtension() || hasMySQLiExtension()) {
} else {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP MySQL Extension missing"), i18n_setup("ConLite requires the MySQL or MySQLi extension to access MySQL databases. Please configure PHP to use either MySQL or MySQLi."));
#Check if there is an old version of integrated plugins installed in upgrademode.
if ($_SESSION["setuptype"] == 'upgrade') {
$cHTMLFoldableErrorMessages = array();
foreach ($this->_aMessages as $iSeverity => $aMessageEntry) {
switch ($iSeverity) {
case 2: $sIcon = "images/icons/info.png";
$sIconDescription = i18n_setup("Information");
case 3: $sIcon = "images/icons/warning.png";
$sIconDescription = i18n_setup("Warning");
case 4: $sIcon = "images/icons/error.png";
$sIconDescription = i18n_setup("Fatal error");
$bErrors = true;
foreach ($aMessageEntry as $aMessage) {
$cHTMLFoldableErrorMessages[] = new cHTMLFoldableErrorMessage($aMessage[0], $aMessage[1], $sIcon, $sIconDescription);
if (count($cHTMLFoldableErrorMessages) == 0) {
$cHTMLFoldableErrorMessages[] = new cHTMLFoldableErrorMessage(i18n_setup("No problems detected"), i18n_setup("Setup could not detect any problems with your system environment"), "images/icons/info.png");
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "CONTROL_TESTRESULTS", $cHTMLErrorMessageList->render());
if ($bErrors == true) {
$this->setNavigation($previous, "");
} else {
$this->setNavigation($previous, $next);
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function doExistingOldPluginTests() {
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection(false);
$sMessage = '';
//get all tables in database and list it into array
$aAvariableTableNames = array();
$aTableNames = $db->table_names();
if (!is_array($aTableNames)) {
foreach ($aTableNames as $aTable) {
array_push($aAvariableTableNames, $aTable['table_name']);
//list of plugin tables to copy into new plugin tables
$aOldPluginTables = array('Workflow' => array('piwf_actions', 'piwf_allocation', 'piwf_art_allocation',
'piwf_items', 'piwf_user_sequences', 'piwf_workflow'),
'Content Allocation' => array('pica_alloc', 'pica_alloc_con', 'pica_lang'),
'Linkchecker' => array('pi_externlinks', 'pi_linkwhitelist'));
foreach ($aOldPluginTables as $sPlugin => $aTables) {
$bPluginExists = false;
foreach ($aTables as $sCurrentTable) {
if (in_array($sCurrentTable, $aAvariableTableNames)) {
$bPluginExists = true;
if ($bPluginExists) {
$sMessage .= sprintf(i18n_setup('An old Version of Plugin %s is installed on your system.') . "<br>\n", $sPlugin);
if ($sMessage) {
$sMessage .= '<br>' . i18n_setup('Please remove all old plugins before you continue. To transfer old plugin data, please copy the old plugin data tables into the new plugin data tables after the installation. The new plugintable names are the same, but contains the table prefix of ConLite. Also delete the old plugin tables after data transfer.');
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Old Plugins are still installed"), $sMessage);
// AMR-Test
$sDbPrefix = str_replace("_sequence", '', $db->Seq_Table);
$sAMRVer = '';
$bOldAMRPresent = false;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $sDbPrefix . "_plugins";
$db->lock($sDbPrefix . "_plugins");
while ($db->next_record()) {
if ($db->f('name') == "Advanced Mod Rewrite") {
$sAMRVer = $db->f('version');
$bOldAMRPresent = true;
if ($bOldAMRPresent) {
$sMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup('An old Version of Plugin %s is installed on your system.') . "<br>\n", "Advanced Mod Rewrite " . $sAMRVer);
$sMessage .= '<br>' . i18n_setup('Please remove old plugin using the (un-)installer delievered with old plugin before you continue.');
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("Old ModRewrite-Plugin is still installed"), $sMessage);
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function runTest($mResult, $iSeverity, $sHeadline = "", $sErrorMessage = "") {
* @todo: Store results into an external file
if ($mResult == false && $iSeverity != C_SEVERITY_NONE) {
$this->_aMessages[$iSeverity][] = array($sHeadline, $sErrorMessage);
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function doPHPTests() {
#new demo client requires PHP5
if (!version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.0", ">=") && $_SESSION["setuptype"] == 'setup') {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup('ConLite demo client requires PHP 5.2 or higher'), i18n_setup('The ConLite demo client requires PHP 5.2 or higher. If you want to install the demo client, please update your PHP version.')
$this->runTest(phpversion(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "PHP Version");
$this->runTest(php_uname(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "php_uname()");
$this->runTest($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], C_SEVERITY_NONE, "Server Software");
$this->runTest(isPHPCompatible(), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP Version lower than 5.2.0"), i18n_setup("ConLite requires PHP 5.2.0 or higher as it uses functions first introduced with PHP 5.2.0. Please update your PHP version."));
$this->runTest(getSafeModeStatus(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getSafeModeStatus()");
$this->runTest(getSafeModeGidStatus(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getSafeModeGidStatus()");
$this->runTest(getSafeModeIncludeDir(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getSafeModeIncludeDir()");
$this->runTest(getOpenBasedir(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getOpenBasedir()");
$this->runTest(getDisabledFunctions(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getDisabledFunctions()");
$this->runTest(canPHPurlfopen(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "canPHPurlfopen()");
$this->runTest(getPHPDisplayErrorSetting(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getPHPDisplayErrorSetting()");
$this->runTest(getPHPFileUploadSetting(), C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("File uploads disabled"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Your PHP version is not configured for file uploads. You can't upload files using ConLite's file manager unless you configure PHP for file uploads. See %s for more information"), '<a target="_blank" href=""></a>'));
$this->runTest(getPHPGPCOrder(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getPHPGPCOrder()");
$this->runTest(!getPHPMagicQuotesRuntime(), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP setting 'magic_quotes_runtime' is turned on"), i18n_setup("The PHP setting 'magic_quotes_runtime' is turned on. ConLite has been developed to comply with magic_quotes_runtime=Off as this is the PHP default setting. You have to change this directive to make ConLite work."));
$this->runTest(!getPHPMagicQuotesSybase(), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP Setting 'magic_quotes_sybase' is turned on"), i18n_setup("The PHP Setting 'magic_quotes_sybase' is turned on. ConLite has been developed to comply with magic_quotes_sybase=Off as this is the PHP default setting. You have to change this directive to make ConLite work."));
$this->runTest(getPHPMaxExecutionTime(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getPHPMaxExecutionTime()");
$this->runTest(intval(getPHPMaxExecutionTime()) >= 30, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("PHP maximum execution time is less than 30 seconds"), i18n_setup("PHP is configured for a maximum execution time of less than 30 seconds. This could cause problems with slow web servers and/or long operations in the backend. Our recommended execution time is 120 seconds on slow web servers, 60 seconds for medium ones and 30 seconds for fast web servers."));
$this->runTest(getPHPOpenBasedirSetting(), C_SEVERITY_NONE, "getPHPOpenBasedirSetting()");
$iResult = checkOpenBasedirCompatibility();
switch ($iResult) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_NONE);
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("open_basedir directive set to '.'"), i18n_setup("The directive open_basedir is set to '.' (e.g. current directory). This means that ConLite is unable to access files in a logical upper level in the filesystem. This will cause problems managing the ConLite frontends. Either add the full path of this ConLite installation to the open_basedir directive, or turn it off completely."));
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("open_basedir setting might be insufficient"), i18n_setup("Setup believes that the PHP directive open_basedir is configured sufficient, however, if you encounter errors like 'open_basedir restriction in effect. File <filename> is not within the allowed path(s): <path>', you have to adjust the open_basedir directive"));
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("open_basedir directive incompatible"), i18n_setup("Setup has checked your PHP open_basedir directive and reckons that it is not sufficient. Please change the directive to include the ConLite installation or turn it off completely."));
$iMemoryLimit = return_bytes(getPHPIniSetting("memory_limit"));
if ($iMemoryLimit > 0) {
$this->runTest(($iMemoryLimit > 1024 * 1024 * 32), C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("PHP memory_limit directive too small"), i18n_setup("The memory_limit directive is set to 32 MB or lower. This might be not enough for ConLite to operate correctly. We recommend to disable this setting completely, as this can cause problems with large ConLite projects."));
$this->runTest(!checkPHPSQLSafeMode(), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP sql.safe_mode turned on"), i18n_setup("The PHP directive sql.safe_mode is turned on. This causes problems with the SQL queries issued by ConLite. Please turn that directive off."));
$this->runTest(isPHPExtensionLoaded("gd"), C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("PHP GD-Extension is not loaded"), i18n_setup("The PHP GD-Extension is not loaded. Some third-party modules rely on the GD functionality. If you don't enable the GD extension, you will encounter problems with modules like galleries."));
$this->runTest(isPHPExtensionLoaded("pcre"), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP PCRE Extension is not loaded"), i18n_setup("The PHP PCRE Extension is not loaded. ConLite uses PCRE-functions like preg_repace and preg_match and won't work without the PCRE Extension."));
$this->runTest(isPHPExtensionLoaded("xml"), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP XML Extension is not loaded"), i18n_setup("The PHP XML Extension is not loaded. ConLite uses XML-functions like xml_parser_create and won't work without the XML Extension."));
$this->runTest(isPHPExtensionLoaded("xmlwriter"), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP XMLWriter Extension is not loaded"), i18n_setup("The PHP XMLWriter Extension is not loaded. ConLite uses XMLWriter and won't work without the XMLWriter Extension."));
$this->runTest(function_exists("xml_parser_create"), C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("PHP XML Extension is not loaded"), i18n_setup("The PHP XML Extension is not loaded. ConLite uses XML-functions like xml_parser_create and won't work without the XML Extension."));
$iResult = checkImageResizer();
switch ($iResult) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to check for a suitable image resizer"), i18n_setup("Setup has tried to check for a suitable image resizer (which is, for exampl, required for thumbnail creation), but was not able to clearly identify one. If thumbnails won't work, make sure you've got either the GD-extension or ImageMagick available."));
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("No suitable image resizer available"), i18n_setup("Setup checked your image resizing support, however, it was unable to find a suitable image resizer. Thumbnails won't work correctly or won't be looking good. Install the GD-Extension or ImageMagick"));
* @todo: Check if ini_set can be used
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function doGDTests() {
$this->runTest(function_exists("imagecreatefromgif"), C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("GD-Library GIF read support missing"), i18n_setup("Your GD version doesn't support reading GIF files. This might cause problems with some modules."));
$this->runTest(function_exists("imagegif"), C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("GD-Library GIF write support missing"), i18n_setup("Your GD version doesn't support writing GIF files. This might cause problems with some modules."));
$this->runTest(function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg"), C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("GD-Library JPEG read support missing"), i18n_setup("Your GD version doesn't support reading JPEG files. This might cause problems with some modules."));
$this->runTest(function_exists("imagejpeg"), C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("GD-Library JPEG write support missing"), i18n_setup("Your GD version doesn't support writing JPEG files. This might cause problems with some modules."));
$this->runTest(function_exists("imagecreatefrompng"), C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("GD-Library PNG read support missing"), i18n_setup("Your GD version doesn't support reading PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules."));
$this->runTest(function_exists("imagepng"), C_SEVERITY_INFO, i18n_setup("GD-Library PNG write support missing"), i18n_setup("Your GD version doesn't support writing PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules."));
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function doMySQLTests() {
list($handle, $status) = doMySQLConnect($_SESSION["dbhost"], $_SESSION["dbuser"], $_SESSION["dbpass"]);
if (hasMySQLiExtension() && !hasMySQLExtension()) {
$sErrorMessage = mysqli_error($handle->Link_ID);
} else {
$sErrorMessage = mysql_error();
$this->runTest($status, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("MySQL database connect failed"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup was unable to connect to the MySQL Server (Server %s, Username %s). Please correct the MySQL data and try again.<br><br>The error message given was: %s"), $_SESSION["dbhost"], $_SESSION["dbuser"], $sErrorMessage));
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection(false);
$version = fetchMySQLVersion($db);
if ($status == false) {
switch ($_SESSION["setuptype"]) {
case "setup":
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection(false);
/* Check if the database exists */
$status = checkMySQLDatabaseExists($db, $_SESSION["dbname"]);
if ($status) {
/* Yes, database exists */
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection();
/* Check if data already exists */
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%s_actions"';
$db->query(sprintf($sql, $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if ($db->next_record()) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("MySQL database already exists and seems to be filled"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup checked the database %s and found the table %s. It seems that you already have a ConLite installation in this database. If you want to install anyways, change the database prefix. If you want to upgrade from a previous version, choose 'upgrade' as setup type."), $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_actions", $_SESSION["dbprefix"])));
/* Check if data already exists */
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%s_test"';
$db->query(sprintf($sql, $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if ($db->next_record()) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("MySQL test table already exists in the database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup checked the database %s and found the test table %s. Please remove it before continuing."), $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"])));
/* Good, table doesn't exist. Check for database permisions */
$status = checkMySQLTableCreation($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("Unable to create tables in the selected MySQL database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to create a test table in the database %s and failed. Please assign table creation permissions to the database user you entered, or ask an administrator to do so."), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
/* Good, check if we can lock the table */
$status = checkMySQLLockTable($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to lock tables in the selected MySQL database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to lock a test table in the database %s and failed. You can continue, however, you should be aware of possible data losses due to missing locking. It is highly recommended that you assign the LOCK TABLES permission to your database user!"), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'true';
} else {
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'false';
/* Good, we could create a table. Now remove it again */
$status = checkMySQLDropTable($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to remove the test table"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to remove the test table %s in the database %s and failed due to insufficient permissions. Please remove the table %s manually."), sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]), $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"])));
} else {
/* Check if database can be created */
$status = checkMySQLDatabaseCreation($db, $_SESSION["dbname"]);
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("Unable to create the database in the MySQL server"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to create a test database and failed. Please assign database creation permissions to the database user you entered, ask an administrator to do so, or create the database manually.")
/* Check for database permisions */
$status = checkMySQLTableCreation($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("Unable to create tables in the selected MySQL database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to create a test table in the database %s and failed. Please assign table creation permissions to the database user you entered, or ask an administrator to do so."), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
/* Good, check if we can lock the table */
$status = checkMySQLLockTable($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to lock tables in the selected MySQL database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to lock a test table in the database %s and failed. You can continue, however, you should be aware of possible data losses due to missing locking. It is highly recommended that you assign the LOCK TABLES permission to your database user!"), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'true';
} else {
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'false';
/* Good, we could create a table. Now remove it again */
$status = checkMySQLDropTable($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to remove the test table"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to remove the test table %s in the database %s and failed due to insufficient permissions. Please remove the table %s manually."), sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]), $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_test", $_SESSION["dbprefix"])));
case "migration":
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection(false);
/* Check if the database exists */
$status = checkMySQLDatabaseExists($db, $_SESSION["dbname"]);
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("No data found for the migration"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to locate the data for the migration, however, the database %s doesn't exist. You need to copy your database first before running setup."), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection();
/* Check if data already exists */
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%s_actions"';
$db->query(sprintf($sql, $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$db->next_record()) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("No data found for the migration"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to locate the data for the migration, however, the database %s contains no tables. You need to copy your database first before running setup."), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
/* Good, check if we can lock the table */
$status = checkMySQLLockTable($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_actions", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to lock tables in the selected MySQL database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to lock a test table in the database %s and failed. You can continue, however, you should be aware of possible data losses due to missing locking. It is highly recommended that you assign the LOCK TABLES permission to your database user!"), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'true';
} else {
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'false';
case "upgrade":
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection(false);
/* Check if the database exists */
$status = checkMySQLDatabaseExists($db, $_SESSION["dbname"]);
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("No data found for the upgrade"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to locate the data for the upgrade, however, the database %s doesn't exist. You need to copy your database first before running setup."), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
$db = getSetupMySQLDBConnection();
/* Check if data already exists */
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%s_actions"';
$db->query(sprintf($sql, $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$db->next_record()) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("No data found for the upgrade"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to locate the data for the upgrade, however, the database %s contains no tables. You need to copy your database first before running setup."), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
/* Good, check if we can lock the table */
$status = checkMySQLLockTable($db, $_SESSION["dbname"], sprintf("%s_actions", $_SESSION["dbprefix"]));
if (!$status) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n_setup("Unable to lock tables in the selected MySQL database"), sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup tried to lock a test table in the database %s and failed. You can continue, however, you should be aware of possible data losses due to missing locking. It is highly recommended that you assign the LOCK TABLES permission to your database user!"), $_SESSION["dbname"]));
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'true';
} else {
$_SESSION["nolock"] = 'false';
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function doFileSystemTests() {
2019-11-04 14:55:28 +00:00
if(!is_readable(CON_SETUP_PATH."/data")) {
$this->runTest(false, C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n_setup("Setup data folder not readable!"), i18n_setup("Please check the Folder setup/data! Maybe it' s missing or not readable."));
// old logs
if ($_SESSION["setuptype"] != "setup") {
// old folders
2017-06-08 19:43:21 +00:00
// new folders in data-folder
$this->logFilePrediction("data/config/" . CL_ENVIRONMENT . "/");
2017-06-08 19:43:21 +00:00
// cronjobs
$sFolder = 'data/cronlog/';
if ($_SESSION["setuptype"] == "setup" || ($_SESSION["setuptype"] == "migration" && is_dir("../cms/"))) {
if ($_SESSION["configmode"] == "save") {
//$this->logFilePrediction("conlite/includes/config.php", C_SEVERITY_ERROR);
$this->logFilePrediction("data/config/" . CL_ENVIRONMENT . "/config.php", C_SEVERITY_ERROR);
2017-01-13 12:45:12 +00:00
public function logFilePrediction($sFile, $iSeverity = C_SEVERITY_WARNING) {
$status = canWriteFile("../" . $sFile);
$sTitle = sprintf(i18n_setup("Can't write %s"), $sFile);
$sMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Setup or ConLite can't write to the file %s. Please change the file permissions to correct this problem."), $sFile);
if ($status == false) {
if (file_exists("../" . $sFile)) {
$sTarget = "../" . $sFile;
$iPerm = predictCorrectFilepermissions("../" . $sFile);
switch ($iPerm) {
$sPredictMessage = i18n_setup("Your Server runs Windows. Due to that, Setup can't recommend any file permissions.");
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Due to a very restrictive environment, an advise is not possible. Ask your system administrator to enable write access to the file %s, especially in environments where ACL (Access Control Lists) are used."), $sFile);
$mfileperms = substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms("../" . $sFile)), -3);
$mfileperms{0} = intval($mfileperms{0}) | 0x6;
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Your web server and the owner of your files are identical. You need to enable write access for the owner, e.g. using chmod u+rw %s, setting the file mask to %s or set the owner to allow writing the file."), $sFile, $mfileperms);
$mfileperms = substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms("../" . $sFile)), -3);
$mfileperms{1} = intval($mfileperms{1}) | 0x6;
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Your web server's group and the group of your files are identical. You need to enable write access for the group, e.g. using chmod g+rw %s, setting the file mask to %s or set the group to allow writing the file."), $sFile, $mfileperms);
$mfileperms = substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms("../" . $sFile)), -3);
$mfileperms{2} = intval($mfileperms{2}) | 0x6;
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Your web server is not equal to the file owner, and is not in the webserver's group. It would be highly insecure to allow world write acess to the files. If you want to install anyways, enable write access for all others, e.g. using chmod o+rw %s, setting the file mask to %s or set the others to allow writing the file."), $sFile, $mfileperms);
} else {
$sTarget = dirname("../" . $sFile);
$iPerm = predictCorrectFilepermissions($sTarget);
switch ($iPerm) {
$sPredictMessage = i18n_setup("Your Server runs Windows. Due to that, Setup can't recommend any directory permissions.");
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Due to a very restrictive environment, an advise is not possible. Ask your system administrator to enable write access to the file or directory %s, especially in environments where ACL (Access Control Lists) are used."), dirname($sFile));
$mfileperms = substr(sprintf("%o", @fileperms($sTarget)), -3);
$mfileperms{0} = intval($mfileperms{0}) | 0x6;
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Your web server and the owner of your directory are identical. You need to enable write access for the owner, e.g. using chmod u+rw %s, setting the directory mask to %s or set the owner to allow writing the directory."), dirname($sFile), $mfileperms);
$mfileperms = substr(sprintf("%o", @fileperms($sTarget)), -3);
$mfileperms{1} = intval($mfileperms{1}) | 0x6;
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Your web server's group and the group of your directory are identical. You need to enable write access for the group, e.g. using chmod g+rw %s, setting the directory mask to %s or set the group to allow writing the directory."), dirname($sFile), $mfileperms);
$mfileperms = substr(sprintf("%o", @fileperms($sTarget)), -3);
$mfileperms{2} = intval($mfileperms{2}) | 0x6;
$sPredictMessage = sprintf(i18n_setup("Your web server is not equal to the directory owner, and is not in the webserver's group. It would be highly insecure to allow world write acess to the directory. If you want to install anyways, enable write access for all others, e.g. using chmod o+rw %s, setting the directory mask to %s or set the others to allow writing the directory."), dirname($sFile), $mfileperms);
$this->runTest(false, $iSeverity, $sTitle, $sMessage . "<br><br>" . $sPredictMessage);