
238 Zeilen
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* Abstract implementation of iConUser interface.
* This class is a basic implementation of iConUser interface. It
* should be used as base class for specific user class.
* @package Contenido Backend Classes
* @subpackages Backend User
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Holger Librenz
* @copyright four for business AG
* {@internal
* created 2008-11-16
2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00
* $Id$
* }}
// include interface...
cInclude('interfaces', 'interface.conuser.php');
// include exception
cInclude('exceptions', 'exception.conuser.php');
* This abstract class implements interface iConUser and should
* be user as base class for backend user classes.
* @package Contenido Backend Classes
* @subpackage Backend User
* @version 0.0.1
* @author Holger Librenz
* @copyright four for business AG
abstract class ConUser_Abstract implements iConUser {
* Referemces database abstraction instance
* @var DB_ConLite
protected $oDb = null;
* Contenido configuration array
* @var array
protected $aCfg = null;
* current User ID
* @var string
private $sUserId = null;
* Login name of current user.
* @var string
private $sUserName = null;
* Holds the password which should be set.
* @var unknown_type
private $sPassword = null;
* Constructor
* Checks given values and initializes class.
* @throws ConUserException
function __construct($aCfg, $oDb = null, $sUserId = null) {
if (!is_array($aCfg) || count($aCfg) <= 0) {
throw new ConUserException ("Illegal configuration array \$aCfg.");
} else {
$this->aCfg = $aCfg;
if (is_null($oDb)) {
$this->oDb = new DB_ConLite();
} else {
// is it a contenido DB instance?
if ($oDb instanceof DB_ConLite) {
$this->oDb = $oDb;
} else {
throw new ConUserException("Given value for \$oDb is not a valid DB_ConLite instance!");
if (!is_null($sUserId)) {
$bLoaded = $this->load($sUserId);
if ($bLoaded == true) {
$this->sUserId = $sUserId;
} else {
throw new ConUserException("No user with given user ID found!");
// /**
// * This method checks "the mask" of password $sNewPassword. If
// * it matches the administrators rules iConUser::PASS_OK will be
// * returned.
// *
// * In this abstract class, it always returns PASS_OK!
// *
// * @param string $sNewPassword
// * @return int
// *
// * @see iConUser::checkPasswordMask()
// */
// public static function checkPasswordMask($sNewPassword) {
// return iConUser::PASS_OK;
// }
// /**
// * Returns true if password $sNewPassword is strong enough.
// *
// * In this abstract class, it always returns true.
// *
// * @param string $sNewPassword
// * @return int
// *
// * @see iConUser::checkPasswordStrength()
// */
// public static function checkPasswordStrength($sNewPassword) {
// return iConUser::PASS_OK;
// }
* Returns user id, currently set.
* @return string
public function getUserId () {
return $this->sUserId;
* Sets user ID.
* @param unknown_type $sUserId
* TODO check this
public function setUserId ($sUserId) {
$this->sUserId = $sUserId;
* Generates new user id based on current user name.
* @return string
public function generateUserId () {
$sResult = "";
$sCurUserName = $this->getUserName();
if (!empty($sCurUserName)) {
$sResult = md5($sCurUserName);
} else {
throw new ConUserException("No user name set yet");
$this->sUserId = $sResult;
return $sResult;
* Returns user name, currently set
* @return string
public function getUserName () {
return $this->sUserName;
* Sets up new user name.
* @param string $sUserName
public function setUserName ($sUserName) {
$this->sUserName = $sUserName;
* Checks password which has to be set and return PASS_* values (i.e.
* on success PASS_OK).
* @param string $sPassword
* @return int
public function setPassword ($sPassword) {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_OK;
$iMaskResult = $this->checkPasswordMask($sPassword);
if ($iMaskResult != iConUser::PASS_OK) {
$iResult = $iMaskResult;
} else {
$iStrengthResult = $this->checkPasswordStrength($sPassword);
if ($iStrengthResult != iConUser::PASS_OK) {
$iResult = $iStrengthResult;
} else {
$this->sPassword = $sPassword;
return $iResult;
* Returns (unencoded!) password. This method should never be public
* available!
* @return string
protected function getPassword () {
return $this->sPassword;