
285 Zeilen
11 KiB

2021-08-23 13:38:26 +00:00
defined('CON_FRAMEWORK') || die('Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.');
class cGuiSourceEditor extends cGuiPage {
protected $_filename;
protected $_versionfilename;
protected $_filepath;
protected $_filetype;
protected $_codeMirror;
protected $_readOnly;
protected $_versioning;
public function __construct($filename, $versioning = true, $filetype = '', $filepath = '') {
global $belang, $cfgClient;
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$client = cRegistry::getClientId();
$perm = cRegistry::getPerm();
$area = cRegistry::getArea();
$action = cRegistry::getAction();
// call parent constructor
$this->_bHTML5 = true;
// check permissions
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
$this->displayCriticalError(i18n('Permission denied'));
// display empty page if no client is selected
if (!(int) $client > 0) {
// determine the filetype and path by using the area
if ($filetype == '') {
switch($_REQUEST['area']) {
case 'style':
$filepath = $cfgClient[$client]['css']['path'] . $filename;
$filetype = 'css';
case 'js':
$filepath = $cfgClient[$client]['js']['path'] . $filename;
$filetype = 'js';
case 'htmltpl':
$filepath = $cfgClient[$client]['tpl']['path'] . $filename;
$filetype = 'html';
// assign variables
$this->_filetype = $filetype;
$this->_filepath = $filepath;
$this->_readOnly = (getEffectiveSetting("client", "readonly", "false") == "true");
if($this->_readOnly) {
cRegistry::addWarningMessage(i18n("This area is read only! The administrator disabled edits!"));
$this->_filename = $filename;
// include the class and create the codemirror instance
cInclude('external', 'codemirror/class.codemirror.php');
$this->_codeMirror = new CodeMirror('code', $this->_filetype, cString::getPartOfString(cString::toLowerCase($belang), 0, 2), true, $cfg, !$this->_readOnly);
$this->_versioning = $versioning;
// update the edited file by using the super global _REQUEST
protected function update($req) {
global $cfgClient;
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$client = cRegistry::getClientId();
$db = cRegistry::getDb();
$frame = cRegistry::getFrame();
$perm = cRegistry::getPerm();
$area = cRegistry::getArea();
$action = cRegistry::getAction();
// check permissions
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
$this->displayCriticalError(i18n('Permission denied'));
// if read only is activated or no data has been sent, skip the update step
if( ($this->_readOnly || ($req['status'] != 'send')) && $req['delfile'] == '') {
if($req['action'] == '') {
// if magic quotes are on, strip slashes from the array
if(ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
foreach($req as $key => $value) {
$req[$key] = stripslashes($value);
// determine the file type for the file information table
$dbFileType = '';
switch($req['area']) {
case 'style':
$dbFileType = 'css';
case 'js':
$dbFileType = 'js';
case 'htmltpl':
$dbFileType = 'templates';
// delete the specified file
if ($req['delfile'] != '') {
// check if it exists
if (cFileHandler::exists($this->_filepath . $req['delfile'])) {
// load information
$fileInfos = new cApiFileInformationCollection();
$fileInfos->select('filename = \'' . $req['delfile'] . '\'');
$fileInfo = $fileInfos->next();
// if there is information and if there are versioning files, delete them
if ($fileInfo != null) {
$idsfi = $fileInfo->get('idsfi');
if (cSecurity::isInteger($idsfi) && is_dir($cfgClient[$client]['version']['path'] . "$dbFileType/$idsfi")) {
cDirHandler::recursiveRmdir($cfgClient[$client]['version']['path'] . "$dbFileType/$idsfi");
// remove the file
cFileHandler::remove($this->_filepath . $req['delfile']);
// remove the file information
'filename' => $req['delfile']
// display the information and reload the frame
$this->displayOk(i18n('File deleted successfully!'));
$this->reloadLeftBottomFrame(['file' => null]);
// Set version filename
$this->_versionfilename = $this->_filename;
// if the filename is empty, display an empty editor and create a new file
if (is_dir($this->_filepath) && cFileHandler::writeable($this->_filepath)) {
// validate the file name
if (!cFileHandler::validateFilename($req['file'], false)) {
$this->displayError(i18n('Not a valid filename!'));
// check if the file exists already
if (cFileHandler::exists($this->_filepath . '/' . $req['file'])) {
$this->displayError(i18n('A file with this name exists already'));
// set the variables and create the file. Reload frames
$this->_filepath = $this->_filepath . '/' . $req['file'];
$this->_filename = $req['file'];
cFileHandler::write($this->_filepath, '');
// save the old code and the old name
$oldCode = cFileHandler::read($this->_filepath);
$oldName = $this->_filename;
// load the file information and update the description
$fileInfos = new cApiFileInformationCollection();
$fileInfos->select('filename = \'' . $this->_filename . '\'');
$fileInfo = $fileInfos->next();
$oldDesc = '';
if ($fileInfo == null) {
// file information does not exist yet. Create the row
$fileInfo = $fileInfos->create($dbFileType, $this->_filename, $req['description']);
} else {
$oldDesc = $fileInfo->get('description');
if ($oldDesc != $req['description']) {
$fileInfo->set('description', $req['description']);
// rename the file
if ($req['file'] != $this->_filename) {
// validate the file name
if (!cFileHandler::validateFilename($req['file'], false)) {
$this->displayError(i18n('Not a valid filename!'));
} else {
// check if a file with that name exists already
if (!cFileHandler::exists(dirname($this->_filepath) . '/' . $req['file'])) {
// rename the file and set the variables accordingly
cFileHandler::rename($this->_filepath, $req['file']);
$this->_filepath = dirname($this->_filepath) . '/' . $req['file'];
$this->_filename = $req['file'];
// update the file information
$fileInfo->set('filename', $req['file']);
} else {
$this->displayError(i18n('Couldn\'t rename file. Does it exist already?'));
// if the versioning should be updated and the code changed, create a versioning instance and update it
if ($this->_versioning && $oldCode != $req['code']) {
$fileInfoArray = $fileInfos->getFileInformation($this->_versionfilename, $dbFileType);
$oVersion = new cVersionFile($fileInfo->get('idsfi'), $fileInfoArray, $req['file'], $dbFileType, $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $area, $frame, $this->_versionfilename);
// Create new Layout Version in cms/version/css/ folder
// write the code changes and display an error message or success message
if (cFileHandler::write($this->_filepath, $req['code'])) {
// store the file information
$this->displayOk(i18n('Changes saved successfully!'));
} else {
$this->displayError(i18n('Couldn\'t save the changes! Check the file system permissions.'));
public function render($template = NULL, $return = false) {
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$area = cRegistry::getArea();
$action = cRegistry::getAction();
// load the file information
$fileInfos = new cApiFileInformationCollection();
$fileInfos->select('filename = \'' . $this->_filename . '\'');
$fileInfo = $fileInfos->next();
$desc = '';
if ($fileInfo != null) {
$desc = $fileInfo->get('description');
// assign description
$this->set('s', 'DESCRIPTION', $desc);
// assign the codemirror script, and other variables
$this->set('s', 'CODEMIRROR_SCRIPT', $this->_codeMirror->renderScript());
$this->set('s', 'AREA', $area);
$this->set('s', 'ACTION', $action);
$this->set('s', 'FILENAME', $this->_filename);
if (cFileHandler::readable($this->_filepath) && $this->_filename != '') {
$this->set('s', 'SOURCE', conHtmlentities(cFileHandler::read($this->_filepath)));
} else {
$this->set('s', 'SOURCE', '');
if ($this->_readOnly) {
// if the read only mode is activated, display a greyed out icon
$this->set('s', 'SAVE_BUTTON_IMAGE', $cfg['path']['images'] . 'but_ok_off.gif');
$this->set('s', 'SAVE_BUTTON_DESC', i18n('The administratos has disabled edits'));
} else {
$this->set('s', 'SAVE_BUTTON_IMAGE', $cfg['path']['images'] . 'but_ok.gif');
$this->set('s', 'SAVE_BUTTON_DESC', i18n('Save changes'));
if ($this->_filename) {
$this->reloadRightTopFrame(['file' => $this->_filename]);
$this->reloadLeftBottomFrame(['file' => $this->_filename]);
} else {
$this->reloadLeftBottomFrame(['file' => null]);
// call the render method of cGuiPage