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2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00
* $Id$
* File : $RCSfile: contenidoConfig.js,v $
* Project :
* Descr :
* Author : $Author: oldperl $
2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00
* Modified : $Date$
* <EFBFBD> four for business AG,
* ContenidoConfig Class
* Contenido configuration object
* @author Jan Lengowski <>
* @copyright four for business AG <>
function contenidoConfig( instanceName ,actionFrameName ) {
/* Name of the Instance for external calls
or CallBacks. Defaults to 'cfg' */
this.instanceName = instanceName || 'cfg';
/* Name of the Actionframe. Defaults to 'left_bottom' */
this.actionFrameName = actionFrameName || 'left_bottom';
/* Reference to the Actionframe */
this.actionFrame = parent.frames[this.actionFrameName];
/* Element references Array */
this.objRef = [];
/* Userright properties Array */
this.hasRight = [];
this.hasRight['template'] = 0;
this.hasRight['template_cfg'] = 0;
this.hasRight['online'] = 0;
this.hasRight['public'] = 0;
this.hasRight['syncable'] = 0;
/* Actionstatus */
this.action = '';
/* Status */
this.status = false;
/* Template ID */
this.tplId = 0;
/* New template id */
this.nTplId = null;
/* Online flag */
this.isOnline = 0;
/* Public flag */
this.isPublic = 0;
/* Category ID */
this.catId = 0;
/* idString */
this.idString = 0;
} // end function
* Initializes the class.
* This method should be overwritten if the
* class is used in an other area beside 'con'.
* Stuff is HARDCODED for 'con' ATM
* @param string Id of the On-/offline image
* @param string Id of the Lock/Unlock image
* @param string Id of the Template select
contenidoConfig.prototype.init = function( imgOnlineId, imgPublicId, imgSelectId, imgTemplateCfgId) {
this.objRef = this.createRefs( imgOnlineId, imgPublicId, imgSelectId, imgTemplateCfgId);
if ( this.objRef.length == 4 ) {
this.status = true;
/* Set the object ID's */
this.objRef[1].setImgSrc( 'images/online.gif', 'images/offline.gif' );
this.objRef[2].setImgSrc( 'images/folder_delock.gif', 'images/folder_lock.gif');
this.objRef[3].setImgSrc( 'images/but_cat_conf2.gif', 'images/but_cat_conf2.gif' );
return true;
} // end function
* Loads a configuration and calls
* the updateScreen method
* @param int Contenido Template Id
* @param int Contenido Online flag
* @param int Contenido Public flag
contenidoConfig.prototype.load = function( Idcat, Idtpl, Online, Public, RightTpl, RightOn, RightPublic, RightTemplateCfg, RightIsSyncable, idString ) {
this.catId = Idcat;
this.tplId = Idtpl;
this.isOnline = Online;
this.isPublic = Public;
this.idString = idString;
this.hasRight['template'] = RightTpl;
this.hasRight['template_cfg'] = RightTemplateCfg;
this.hasRight['online'] = RightOn;
this.hasRight['public'] = RightPublic;
this.hasRight['syncable'] = RightIsSyncable;
} // end function
* Creates objects of class HTMLObj
* @param args string ID's of the objects
* @return array Array storing the objects
contenidoConfig.prototype.createRefs = function() {
var objects = new Array;
for ( i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {
objects[i] = new HTMLObj( arguments[i] );
return objects;
} // end function
* Updates the screen with the
* given class cfg information
* @return void
contenidoConfig.prototype.updateScreen = function() {
if ( this.status ) {
/* Template select dropdown */
if ( this.hasRight['template'] == 1 ) {
/* User has right to change
the template, enable dropdown, select template */
this.objRef[0].obj.removeAttribute( "disabled" );
} else {
/* User has NO right to change
the template, disable the dropdown */
this.objRef[0].obj.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
/* On-/Offline */
if ( 0 == this.isOnline && this.hasRight['online'] == 1 ) {
} else if ( 1 == this.isOnline && this.hasRight['online'] == 1 ) {
} else if ( 0 == this.hasRight['online'] ) {
/* Public / Non-Public */
if ( 0 == this.isPublic && 1 == this.hasRight['public'] ) {
} else if ( 1 == this.isPublic && 1 == this.hasRight['public'] ) {
this.objRef[2].out() ;
} else {
/* Template Config button */
if (this.hasRight['template_cfg'] == 1) {
} else {
} // end if this.status
} // end function
* Set the action property and
* execute it
* @param string action
contenidoConfig.prototype.setAction = function(action) {
//this.actionFrame.location.href = action;
} // end function
* Change template for a marked category
* @return void
* @author Jan Lengowski <>
* @copyright four for business AG <>
contenidoConfig.prototype.changeTemplate = function() {
if ( this.catId && this.hasRight['template'] == 1 ) {
/* create action string */
str = "";
str += "main.php?area=con";
str += "&action=con_changetemplate"; // action
str += "&frame=2"; // frame 2
str += "&idcat=" + cfg.catId; // idcat of marked category
str += "&idtpl=" + this.objRef[0].getValue(); // id of selected template
str += "&contenido=" + sid; // contenido session id
/* execute action */
/* set flag for changed template */
this.nTplId = this.objRef[0].getValue();
this.tplId = this.objRef[0].getValue();
* Return template changed status
* @return bool has template changed?
contenidoConfig.prototype.templateChanged = function () {
return ( this.nTplId != null ) ? true : false;
} // end function
* Return the rowId String
* @return String RowId String
contenidoConfig.prototype.getRowId = function() {
/* Build the data string.
0 -> category id
1 -> category template id
2 -> category online
3 -> category public
4 -> has right for: template
5 -> has right for: online
6 -> has right for: public
7-> has right for template_cfg
8-> category is syncable*/
var sRowId = "";
sRowId += this.catId + "-";
sRowId += this.tplId + "-";
sRowId += this.isOnline + "-";
sRowId += this.isPublic + "-";
sRowId += this.hasRight['template'] + "-";
sRowId += this.hasRight['online'] + "-";
sRowId += this.hasRight['public'] + "-";
sRowId += this.hasRight['template_cfg'] + "-";
sRowId += this.hasRight['syncable'];
return sRowId;
} // end function
* Reset the config object -> load default values;
* @return String RowId String
contenidoConfig.prototype.reset = function() {
this.catId = 0;
this.tplId = 0;
this.isOnline = 0;
this.isPublic = 0;
this.hasRight['template_cfg'] = 0;
this.hasRight['template'] = 0;
this.hasRight['online'] = 0;
this.hasRight['public'] = 0;
} // end function