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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* This class provides validation methods for HTTP parameters (GET and POST).
* Originally based on work of kummer and started by discussion in contenido forum this class
* is a little bit "re-writed" for better interaction with contenido.
* Thanks to Andreas Kummer (aka kummer) for this great idea!
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @con_notice ToDo: Error page re-direction?
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.1.2
* @author Andreas Kummer, Holger Librenz
* @copyright atelierQ Kummer, four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* @TODO: Some features are the same as in Contenido_Security (see contenido/classes/,
* merge them...
* {@internal
* created 2008-02-06
* modified 2008-06-10, I. van Peeren, initially set $this->bLog as $bLog in config file
* modified 2008-07-02, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00
* $Id$:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
define('CON_CHECK_INTEGER', '/^[0-9]*$/'); // integer value
define('CON_CHECK_PRIMITIVESTRING', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9 -_]*$/'); // simple string
define('CON_CHECK_STRING', '/^[\w0-9 -_]*$/'); // more complex string
define('CON_CHECK_HASH32', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$/'); // 32-character hash
* This class is the extended version of excelent
* code made by kummer.
* @version 1.0.1
* @see
class HttpInputValidator {
* Associative array with available POST parameter name as
* key and flag whether this parameter is "clean" or not.
* @var array
var $aPostVariables = array();
* Path and filename of logfile
* @var string
var $sLogPath = '';
* Flag whether to write log or not.
* @var boolean
var $bLog = false;
* Path to config file.
* @var string
var $sConfigPath = '';
* Array with all possible parameters and parameter formats.
* Structure has to be:
* <code>
* $check['GET']['param1'] = VALIDATE_FORMAT;
* $check['POST']['param2'] = VALIDATE_FORMAT;
* </code>
* Possible formats are defined as constants in top of these class file.
* @var array
var $aCheck = array();
* Contains first invalid parameter name.
* @var string
var $sFailure = '';
* Current mode
* @var string
var $sMode = 'training';
* Constructor
* Configuration path $sConfigPath is mandatory and has to contain the complete
* path to configuration file with defined parameters.
* The class provides two modes: training and arcade.
* Training mode only logs violations - if log path is given into log file otherwise
* as comment into HTML output. Arcade mode is made for killing - every violation will
* cause an hard exit!
* @param string $sConfigPath
* @return HttpInputValidator
function __construct($sConfigPath) {
// check config and logging path
if (!empty($sConfigPath) && file_exists($sConfigPath)) {
$this->sConfigPath = realpath($sConfigPath);
} else {
die ('Could not load HttpInputValidator configuration! (invalid path)');
// include configuration
require ($this->sConfigPath);
// if custom config exists, include it also here
if (file_exists(dirname($this->sConfigPath) . '/config.http_check.local.php')) {
require (dirname($this->sConfigPath) . '/config.http_check.local.php');
$this->bLog = $bLog;
if ($this->bLog === true) {
if (!empty($sLogPath) && is_writable(dirname($sLogPath))) {
$this->sLogPath = realpath($sLogPath);
} else {
die ('Could not log into not existing or empty log path!');
$this->aCheck = $aCheck;
// run GET check
if ($this->checkGetParams()) {
// logging is needed in both modes, training and arcade
// stops here in case of arcade mode
if ($sMode == 'arcade') {
die ('Parameter check failed! (' . $this->sFailure . ')');
// check POST params for further processings
* Checks all GET params and returns true in case of a violation, otherwise false.
* @return bool
function checkGetParams () {
$bResult = false;
foreach ($_GET as $sKey => $mValue) {
if (!$this->checkParameter('GET', $sKey, $mValue)) {
$this->sFailure = $sKey;
$bResult = true;
return $bResult;
* Fills status-array $aPostVariables. Is POST-param known and valid mapped value is true.
function checkPostParams () {
foreach ($_POST as $sKey => $mValue) {
$this->aPostVariables[$sKey] = ($this->checkParameter('POST', $sKey, $mValue)) ? (true) : (false);
* This method checks parameter of type $sType (currently GET and POST
* are supported) and name $sKey has valid value $mValue. In this case or
* in case of unknown but empty params, the method will also return true.
* @param string $sType
* @param string $sKey
* @param mixed $mValue
* @return bool
function checkParameter ($sType, $sKey, $mValue) {
$bResult = false;
if (in_array(strtoupper($sType), array('GET', 'POST'))) {
if (!isset($this->aCheck[$sType][$sKey]) && (is_null($mValue) || empty($mValue))) {
// if unknown but empty the value is unaesthetic but ok
$bResult = true;
} elseif (isset($this->aCheck[$sType][$sKey])) {
// parameter is known, check it...
$bResult = preg_match($this->aCheck[$sType][$sKey], $mValue);
return $bResult;
* Tries to log date, remote ip and the requested URI into log file.
function logHackTrial() {
if ($this->bLog === true && !empty($this->sLogPath)) {
if (($rLogFile = @fopen($this->sLogPath, 'a')) !== false) {
fwrite($rLogFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
fwrite($rLogFile, ' ');
fwrite($rLogFile, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . str_repeat(' ', 17 - strlen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])));
fwrite($rLogFile, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
fwrite($rLogFile, "\n");
} elseif ($this->sMode == 'training') {
echo "\n<br />VIOLATION: URL contains invalid or undefined paramaters! URL: '" .
clHtmlEntities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . "' <br />\n";
* Print html comment or returns (depending on flag $bReturn) all POST params.
* @return string
function showPosts($bReturn = false) {
$sResult = '';
foreach ($_POST as $sKey => $sValue) {
$sResult .= $key . ": ";
if (is_null($this->isRegularPost($sKey))) {
$sResult .= "not defined";
} else
if ($this->isRegularPost($key) === false) {
$sResult .= "iregular";
} else {
$sResult .= "ok";
$sResult .= "\n";
if ($bReturn === false) {
$sResult = "\n\n<!--\n*** POST PARAMETER CHECK ***\n\n" . $sResult . "\n-->\n\n";
echo $sResult;
} else {
return $sResult;
* Checks POST param $sKey is unknown (result is null), known but invalid (result is false)
* or it is known and valid (result is true).
* @param string $sKey
* @return mixed
function isRegularPost($sKey) {
$mResult = null;
if (isset ($this->postVariable[$sKey])) {
$mResult = $this->postVariable[$sKey];
return $mResult;