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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* This class will be a replacement for all other
* user classes, which encapsulates only small parts
* of user related tasks.
* In current version you can administer optional password checks
* via following configuration values:
* - En- or disabling checks:
* $cfg['password']['check_password_mask'] = [true|false]
* Use this flag to enable (true) or disable (false) the mask checks.
* $cfg['password']['use_cracklib'] = [true|false]
* Use this to enable (true) or disable (false) the strength check, currently done with cracklib.
* - Mask checks:
* Password mask checks are checks belonging to the "format" of the needed password string.
* $cfg['password']['min_length'], int
* Minimum length a password has to have. If not set, 8 chars are set as default
* $cfg['password']['numbers_mandatory'], int
* If set to a value greater than 0, at least $cfg['password']['numbers_mandatory'] numbers
* must be in password
* $cfg['password']['symbols_mandatory'], int && $cfg['password']['symbols_regex'], String
* If 'symbols_mandatory' set to a value greater than 0, at least so many symbols has to appear in
* given password. What symbols are regcognized can be administrated via 'symbols_regex'. This has
* to be a regular expression which is used to "find" the symbols in $sNewPassword. If not set, following
* RegEx is used: "/[|!@#$%&*\/=?,;.:\-_+~^<5E>\\\]/"
* $cfg['password']['mixed_case_mandatory'], int
* If set to a value greater than 0 so many lower and upper case character must appear in the password.
* (e.g.: if set to 2, 2 upper and 2 lower case characters must appear)
* - Strength check
* Passwords should have some special characteristics to be a strong, i.e. not easy to guess, password. Currently
* cracklib is supported. These are the configuration possibilities:
* $cfg['password']['cracklib_dict'], string
* Path and file name (without file extension!) to dictionary you want to use. This setting is
* mandatory!
* Keep in mind that these type of check only works if crack module is available.
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @subpackage Backend User
* @version 1.4.0
* @author Bilal Arslan, Holger Librenz
* @copyright four for business AG
* $Id: class.conuser.php 306 2014-03-13 23:03:26Z oldperl $
if (! defined ( 'CON_FRAMEWORK' )) {
die ( 'Illegal call' );
// Exception classes
cInclude ( "exceptions", "exception.conuser.php" );
* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Class User to handle all user related task.
* In first implementations, it will only do some little
* things, like checking and setting passwords.
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @subpackage Backend user
* @version 0.2.0
* @author Bilal Arslan, Holger Librenz
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release => 4.8.8
class ConUser extends ConUser_Abstract {
* Realname
* @var string
private $sRealName = "";
* Mail address
* @var string
private $sMail = "";
* Telephone number
* @var string
private $sTelNumber = "";
* Array of address data fill like below values
* $aAddress['street'], $aAddress['city'], $aAddress['country'], $aAddress['zip']
* @var array
private $aAddress = array ();
* To Use Tiny Editor
* @var int
private $iUseTiny = null;
* User valid date to
* @var string
private $sValidDateTo = null;
* User valid date from
* @var string
private $sValidDateFrom = null;
* Permname
* @var string
private $sPermName = "";
* Currently not implemented!
* @see ConUser_Abstract::load()
* @param string $sUserId
* @return boolean
* @todo implement it
public function load($sUserId) {
return true;
* @see ConUser_Abstract::save()
* @return boolean
public function save() {
$bResult = false;
$sUserId = $this->getUserId ();
if (! empty ( $sUserId )) {
$bResult = $this->update ();
} else {
$bResult = $this->insert ();
return $bResult;
* Updates a user
* This method update base user informations in user table. It is called
* within the iConUser::save() method.
* @return boolean
* @todo add type checks!
protected function update() {
$bResult = false;
$sUserId = $this->getUserId ();
if (! empty ( $sUserId )) {
$sSql = "
`" . $this->aCfg ["tab"] ["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . "`
realname = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sRealName, $this->oDb ) . "',
email = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sMail, $this->oDb ) . "',
telephone = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sTelNumber, $this->oDb ) . "',
address_street = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['street'], $this->oDb ) . "',
address_city = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['city'], $this->oDb ) . "',
address_country = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['country'], $this->oDb ) . "',
address_zip = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['zip'], $this->oDb ) . "',
wysi = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger ( $this->iUseTiny ) . "',
valid_from = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sValidDateFrom, $this->oDb ) . "',
valid_to = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sValidDateTo, $this->oDb ) . "',
perms = '" . $this->sPermName . "'
user_id = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $sUserId, $this->oDb ) . "'";
// try to update
if (! $this->oDb->query ( $sSql )) {
throw new ConUserException ( "Could not update user informations" );
} else {
// try to update password, if set
$sNewPass = $this->getPassword();
if (!is_null($sNewPass)) {
$iPassResult = $this->savePassword($sNewPass);
if ($iPassResult != iConUser::PASS_OK) {
// throw an exception, caus I do not know what to do uin that case, cause user update was successful!
throw new ConUserException( "Given password is not valid! [#" . $iPassResult . ']',
$bResult = true;
return $bResult;
* Creates new user.
* This method creates a new user with base informations. It is called
* within the iConUser::save() method.
* @return boolean
* @todo add value checks!
protected function insert() {
$bResult = false;
$sUserName = $this->getUserName ();
if (! empty ( $sUserName )) {
// check if user already exists
if (self::usernameExists($sUserName)) {
throw new ConUserException ("Username already exists!", iConUser::EXCEPTION_USERNAME_EXISTS);
// create user id
$sNewUserId = $this->generateUserId ();
$sSql = "
`" . $this->aCfg ["tab"] ["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . "`
username = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB( $sUserName, $this->oDb ) . "',
user_id = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $sNewUserId, $this->oDb ) . "',
realname = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sRealName, $this->oDb ) . "',
email = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sMail, $this->oDb ) . "',
telephone = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sTelNumber, $this->oDb ) . "',
address_street = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['street'], $this->oDb ) . "',
address_city = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['city'], $this->oDb ) . "',
address_country = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['country'], $this->oDb ) . "',
address_zip = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['zip'], $this->oDb ) . "',
wysi = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger ( $this->iUseTiny ) . "',
valid_from = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sValidDateFrom, $this->oDb ) . "',
valid_to = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sValidDateTo, $this->oDb ) . "',
perms = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sPermName, $this->oDb ) . "'";
// try to update
if (! $this->oDb->query ( $sSql )) {
throw new ConUserException ( "Could not create user in database" );
} else {
if ($this->oDb->affected_rows () == 1) {
// set password, if available...
$sNewPass = $this->getPassword();
if (!is_null($sNewPass)) {
$iPassResult = $this->savePassword($sNewPass);
if ($iPassResult != iConUser::PASS_OK) {
throw new ConUserException( "Given password is not valid! [#" . $iPassResult . ']',
$bResult = true;
return $bResult;
* Checks if an user with user id $sUserId already exists in DB.
* @param string $iUserId
* @return boolean
public function userExists($sUserId) {
$bResult = false;
$sSql = "
count(*) as user_cnt
`" . $this->aCfg ["tab"] ["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . "`
user_id = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( strtolower ( $sUserId ), $this->oDb ) . "'";
if ($this->oDb->query ( $sSql) !== false && $this->oDb->next_record()) {
$iCount = (int) $this->oDb->f('user_cnt');
$bResult = ($iCount != 0);
} else {
throw new ConUserException("User existence check failed!");
return $bResult;
* Checks if username $sUsername is already in use.
* @param string $sUsername
* @return boolean
* @todo to be implemented
public function usernameExists($sUsername) {
$bResult = false;
* Check count of entries that use username $sUsername.
* I use count(*) instead of selecting a field (e.g. user_id) cause
* MySQL MyISAM tables use optimized
$sSql = "
count(*) as user_cnt
`" . $this->aCfg ["tab"] ["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . "`
LOWER(`username`) = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( strtolower ( $sUsername ), $this->oDb ) . "'";
if ($this->oDb->query ( $sSql) !== false && $this->oDb->next_record()) {
$iCount = (int) $this->oDb->f('user_cnt');
$bResult = ($iCount != 0);
} else {
throw new ConUserException("Could check if username is already in use!");
return $bResult;
* @see ConUser_Abstract::savePassword()
* The method uses following config values:
* @param string $sNewPassword Password to set
* @return int
* @throws ConUserException
public function savePassword($sNewPassword) {
$iResult = 0;
// get current user id...
$sUserId = $this->getUserId ();
// check user id...
if (empty ( $sUserId )) {
throw new ConUserException ( "Could not set password for anonymous user." );
} else {
$bSaveAllowed = true;
// check password for strength and complexity
if ($this->aCfg ['password'] ['check_password_mask']) {
$iMaskResult = self::checkPasswordMask( $sNewPassword );
if ($iMaskResult != iConUser::PASS_OK) {
$iResult = $iMaskResult;
} else {
$bSaveAllowed = true;
if ($bSaveAllowed && $this->aCfg ['password'] ['use_cracklib']) {
$iStrengthResult = iConUser::checkPasswordStrength ( $sNewPassword );
if ($iStrengthResult != iConUser::PASS_OK) {
$iResult = $iStrengthResult;
} else {
$bSaveAllowed = true;
if ($bSaveAllowed) {
// now it is time to save...
// passwords are encoded as md5 hashes
$sPass = self::encodePassword( $sNewPassword );
$sSql = "
`" . $this->aCfg ["tab"] ["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . "`
password='" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $sPass, $this->oDb ) . "',
using_pw_request = '0'
user_id = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $sUserId, $this->oDB ) . "'";
$bQueryResult = $this->oDb->query ( $sSql );
if (! $bQueryResult || $this->oDb->affected_rows () < 1) {
throw new ConUserException ( "Could not set password! A DB error occured." );
} else {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_OK;
return $iResult;
* Calls constructor in base class.
* @param array $aCfg
* @param DB_ConLite $oDB
* @param string $sIdUser User ID the instnace of this class represents
* @return ConUser
* @throws ConUserException
public function __construct($aCfg, $oDb = null, $sUserId = null) {
parent::__construct ( $aCfg, $oDb, $sUserId );
* This function does update without password column to all columns of con_phplib_auth_user_md5 table.
* @return void
public function saveUser() {
if ($this->sIdUser != "") {
$sSql = ' UPDATE ' . $this->aCfg ["tab"] ["phplib_auth_user_md5"] . ' SET
realname="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sRealName, $this->oDB ) . '",
email="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sMail, $this->oDB ) . '",
telephone="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sTelNumber, $this->oDB ) . '",
address_street="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['street'], $this->oDB ) . '",
address_city="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['city'], $this->oDB ) . '",
address_country="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['country'], $this->oDB ) . '",
address_zip="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->aAddress ['zip'], $this->oDB ) . '",
wysi="' . Contenido_Security::toInteger ( $this->iUseTiny ) . '",
valid_from="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sValidDateFrom, $this->oDB ) . '",
valid_to="' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sValidDateTo, $this->oDB ) . '",
perms="' . $this->sPermName . '"
WHERE user_id = "' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB ( $this->sIdUser, $this->oDB ) . '"';
try {
if (( int ) $this->oDB->query ( $sSql ) != 1 || $this->oDB->affected_rows () != 1) {
throw new ConDbException ( "Update could not possible" );
} catch ( ConDbException $e ) {
print $e->getMessage ();
* Getter method to get user realname
* @return string Realname of user
public function getRealName() {
return $this->sRealName;
* Getter method to get user mail
* @return string Realname of user
public function getMail() {
return $this->sMail;
* Getter method to get user tel number
* @return string Realname of user
public function getTelNumber() {
return $this->sTelNumber;
* Getter method to get user adress data
* @return string Realname of user
public function getAddressData() {
return $this->aAddress;
* Getter method to get user wysi
* @return string Realname of user
public function getUseTiny() {
return $this->iUseTiny;
* Getter method to get user valid date from-to
* @return string Realname of user
public function getValidDateTo() {
return $this->sValidDateTo;
* Getter method to get user valid date from-to
* @return string Realname of user
public function getValidDateFrom() {
return $this->sValidDateFrom;
* Getter method to get user perm name
* @return string Realname of user
public function getPerms() {
return $this->sPermName;
* Setter method to set user real name
* @return void
public function setRealName($sRealName) {
$this->sRealName = $sRealName;
* Setter method to set user mail address
* @return void
public function setMail($sMail) {
$this->sMail = $sMail;
* setter method to set user tel number
* @return void
public function setTelNumber($sTelNumber) {
$this->sTelNumber = $sTelNumber;
* Setter method to set Adress Data
* @return void
public function setAddressData($sAddressStreet, $sAddressCity, $sAddressZip, $sAddressCountry) {
$this->aAddress ['street'] = $sAddressStreet;
$this->aAddress ['city'] = $sAddressCity;
$this->aAddress ['zip'] = $sAddressZip;
$this->aAddress ['country'] = $sAddressCountry;
* Sets value for street.
* @param string $sStreet
public function setStreet ($sStreet) {
$this->aAddress['street'] = $sStreet;
* Sets value for city.
* @param string $sCity
public function setCity ($sCity) {
$this->aAddress['city'] = $sCity;
* Sets value for ZIP.
* @param string $sZip
public function setZip ($sZip) {
$this->aAddress['zip'] = $sZip;
* Sets value for country.
* @param string $sCountry
public function setCountry ($sCountry) {
$this->aAddress['country'] = $sCountry;
* Setter method to set
* @return void
public function setUseTiny($iUseTiny) {
$this->iUseTiny = $iUseTiny;
* setter method to set User
* @return void
* TODO add type check
public function setValidDateTo($sValidateTo) {
$this->sValidDateTo = $sValidateTo;
* setter method to set
* @return void
* TODO add type checks
public function setValidDateFrom($sValidateFrom) {
$this->sValidDateFrom = $sValidateFrom;
* setter method to set
* @return void
* TODO add type checks
public function setPerms($aPerms) {
$this->sPermName = implode ( ",", $aPerms );
* Following configuration values are recognized:
* $this->aCfg['password']['check_password_mask'], bool
* En- or disable these checks...
* $this->aCfg['password']['min_length'], int
* Minimum length a password has to have. If not set, 8 chars are set as default
* $this->aCfg['password']['numbers_mandatory'], int
* If set to a value greater than 0, at least $this->aCfg['password']['numbers_mandatory'] numbers
* must be in password
* $this->aCfg['password']['symbols_mandatory'], int &&
* $this->aCfg['password']['symbols_regex'], String
* If 'symbols_mandatory' set to a value greater than 0, at least so many symbols has to appear in
* given password. What symbols are regcognized can be administrated via 'symbols_regex'. This has
* to be a regular expression which is used to "find" the symbols in $sNewPassword. If not set, following
* RegEx is used: "/[|!@#$%&*\/=?,;.:\-_+~^<5E>\\\]/"
* $this->aCfg['password']['mixed_case_mandatory'], int
* If set to a value greater than 0 so many lower and upper case character must appear in the password.
* (e.g.: if set to 2, 2 upper and 2 lower case characters must appear)
* @param string $sNewPassword
* @return int
public function checkPasswordMask($sNewPassword) {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_OK;
if (isset($this->aCfg['password']['check_password_mask']) &&
$this->aCfg['password']['check_password_mask'] == true) {
// any min length in config set?
$iMinLength = iConUser::MIN_PASS_LENGTH_DEFAULT;
if (isset( $this->aCfg ['password'] ['min_length'] )) {
$iMinLength = ( int ) $this->aCfg ['password'] ['min_length'];
// check length...
if (strlen ( $sNewPassword ) < $iMinLength) {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_TO_SHORT;
// check password elements
// numbers.....
if ($iResult == iConUser::PASS_OK && isset($this->aCfg['password']['numbers_mandatory']) &&
(int) $this->aCfg['password']['numbers_mandatory'] > 0) {
$aNumbersInPassword = array();
preg_match_all("/[0-9]/", $sNewPassword, $aNumbersInPassword) ;
if (count($aNumbersInPassword[0]) < (int) $this->aCfg['password']['numbers_mandatory']) {
// symbols....
if ($iResult == iConUser::PASS_OK && isset($this->aCfg['password']['symbols_mandatory']) &&
(int) $this->aCfg['password']['symbols_mandatory'] > 0) {
$aSymbols = array();
$sSymbolsDefault = "/[|!@#$%&*\/=?,;.:\-_+~^<5E>\\\]/";
if (isset($this->aCfg['password']['symbols_regex']) && !empty($this->aCfg['password']['symbols_regex'])) {
$sSymbolsDefault = $this->aCfg['password']['symbols_regex'];
preg_match_all($sSymbolsDefault, $sNewPassword, $aSymbols);
if (count($aSymbols[0]) < (int) $this->aCfg['password']['symbols_mandatory']) {
// mixed case??
if ($iResult == iConUser::PASS_OK && isset($this->aCfg['password']['mixed_case_mandatory']) &&
(int) $this->aCfg['password']['mixed_case_mandatory'] > 0) {
$aLowerCaseChars = array();
$aUpperCaseChars = array();
preg_match_all("/[a-z]/", $sNewPassword, $aLowerCaseChars);
preg_match_all("/[A-Z]/", $sNewPassword, $aUpperCaseChars);
if ((count($aLowerCaseChars[0]) < (int) $this->aCfg['password']['mixed_case_mandatory']) ||
(count($aUpperCaseChars[0]) < (int) $this->aCfg['password']['mixed_case_mandatory'])) {
return $iResult;
* This password checks the password strength. In "standard" implementation, it uses
* cracklib, if administrated and available. Other possible checks are checks against
* user list with birth dates or similar, non direct "maskable" checks.
* Following configuration values are recognized:
* $this->aCfg['password']['use_cracklib'], bool
* En- or disable these checks...
* $this->aCfg['password']['cracklib_dict'], string
* Path and file name (without file extension!) to dictionary you want to use. This setting is
* mandatory!
* Please ensure that you have a working crack module installed. If the function crack_opendict is
* not available, the check are omitted and the result is iConUser::PASS_OK.
* @param string $sNewPassword
* @return int
public function checkPasswordStrength ($sNewPassword) {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_OK;
// if cracklib functions available and cracklib checks are enabled, check password against cracklib...
if (function_exists('crack_opendict')) {
if (isset($this->aCfg['password']['use_cracklib']) && $this->aCfg['password']['use_cracklib'] == true) {
//print "CHECK 1<br>\n";
if (isset($this->aCfg['password']['cracklib_dict']) && !empty($this->aCfg['password']['cracklib_dict'])) {
$rCrackLib = crack_opendict ($this->aCfg['password']['cracklib_dict']);
if ($rCrackLib !== false) {
$bCrackResult = crack_check ($rCrackLib, $sNewPassword);
if ($bCrackResult != true) {
// check last message and map it to PASS_* constant
$sLastMessage = crack_getlastmessage();
#echo '<br>LastMessage: '.$sLastMessage;
switch (strtolower($sLastMessage)) {
case "strong password": {
// hmm, seems as it is strong enough?!
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_OK;
case "it is too short":
case "it's way too short": {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_TO_SHORT;
case "it does not contain enough different characters": {
* I list all strings addtionally to default case here for
* further "differentiation".
case "it is too simplistic/systematic":
case "it is all whitespace":
case "it looks like a national insurance number.":
case "it is based on a dictionary word":
case "it is based on a (reversed) dictionary word":
default: {
$iResult = iConUser::PASS_NOT_STRONG;
// close dictionary...
return $iResult;
* This static method provides a simple way to get error messages depending
* on error code $iErrorCode, which is returned by checkPassword* methods.
* @param int $iErrorCode
* @param array $aCfg Contenido configuration array
* @return string
public static function getErrorString ($iErrorCode, $aCfg) {
$sError = "";
switch ($iErrorCode) {
$sError = sprintf(i18n("Please use at least %d lower and upper case characters in your password!"),
$sError = sprintf(i18n("Please use at least %d numbers in your password!"),
$sError = sprintf(i18n("Please use at least %d symbols in your password!"),
case iConUser::PASS_TO_SHORT: {
$sError = sprintf(i18n("Password is too short! Please use at least %d signs."),
($aCfg['password']['min_length'] > 0 ? $aCfg['password']['min_length'] :
$sError = sprintf(i18n("Password does not contain enough different characters."));
$sError = sprintf(i18n("Please use at least %d lower and upper case characters in your password!"),
case iConUser::PASS_NOT_STRONG: {
$sError = i18n("Please choose a more secure password!");
default: {
$sError = "I do not really know whats happened. But your password does not match the
policies! Please consult your administrator. The error code is #" . $iErrorCode;
return $sError;
* {@see iConUser::encodePassword()}
* @param string $sPassword
* @return string
public static function encodePassword ($sPassword) {
return md5($sPassword);