
193 Zeilen
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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5
* @package ContenidoBackendArea
* @version 0.2
* @author unknown
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-07-07, bilal arslan, added security fix
* $Id: systemdata.php 393 2015-11-09 21:56:42Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class cSetupSystemData extends cSetupMask
function cSetupSystemData ($step, $previous, $next)
cSetupMask::cSetupMask("templates/setup/forms/systemdata.tpl", $step);
list($a_root_path, $a_root_http_path) = getSystemDirectories();
cInitializeArrayKey($_SESSION, "dbprefix", "");
cInitializeArrayKey($_SESSION, "dbhost", "");
cInitializeArrayKey($_SESSION, "dbuser", "");
cInitializeArrayKey($_SESSION, "dbname", "");
cInitializeArrayKey($_SESSION, "dbpass", "");
if(file_exists($a_root_path."/conlite/includes/config.php") || file_exists($a_root_path."/data/config/".CL_ENVIRONMENT."/config.php")) {
global $cfg; // Avoiding error message about "prepend3.php" on update from V4.x
$contenido_host = ""; // Just define the variables to avoid warnings in IDE
$contenido_user = "";
$contenido_database = "";
$contenido_password = "";
if(file_exists($a_root_path."/conlite/includes/config.php")) {
} else {
$aVars = array( "dbhost" => $contenido_host,
"dbuser" => $contenido_user,
"dbname" => $contenido_database,
"dbpass" => $contenido_password,
"dbprefix" => $cfg["sql"]["sqlprefix"]);
foreach ($aVars as $aVar => $sValue)
if ($_SESSION[$aVar] == "")
$_SESSION[$aVar] = $sValue;
$this->setHeader(i18n_setup("Database Parameters"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "TITLE", i18n_setup("Database Parameters"));
switch ($_SESSION["setuptype"])
case "setup":
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", i18n_setup("Please enter the required database information. If you are unsure about the data, ask your provider or administrator.").i18n_setup("If the database does not exist and your database user has the sufficient permissions, setup will create the database automatically."));
case "upgrade":
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", i18n_setup("Please enter the required database information. If the database data of your previous installation could have been read, the data will be inserted automatically. If you are unsure about the data, please ask your provider or administrator."));
case "migration":
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", i18n_setup("Please enter the required database information. Make sure you copied the data from your old installation (e.g. development or staging system) into a new database. Please enter the parameters of the new database."));
if ($_SESSION["dbprefix"] == "")
$_SESSION["dbprefix"] = "cl";
$dbhost = new cHTMLTextbox("dbhost", $_SESSION["dbhost"], 30, 255);
$dbname = new cHTMLTextbox("dbname", $_SESSION["dbname"], 30, 255);
$dbuser = new cHTMLTextbox("dbuser", $_SESSION["dbuser"], 30, 255);
if ($_SESSION["dbpass"] != "")
$mpass = str_repeat("*", strlen($_SESSION["dbpass"]));
} else {
$mpass = "";
$dbpass = new cHTMLPasswordbox("dbpass", $mpass, 30, 255);
$dbpass->attachEventDefinition("onchange handler", "onchange", "document.setupform.dbpass_changed.value = 'true';");
$dbpass->attachEventDefinition("onchange handler", "onkeypress", "document.setupform.dbpass_changed.value = 'true';");
$dbpass_hidden = new cHTMLHiddenField("dbpass_changed", "false");
$dbprefix = new cHTMLTextbox("dbprefix", $_SESSION["dbprefix"], 10, 30);
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "LABEL_DBHOST", i18n_setup("Database Server (IP or name)"));
if ($_SESSION["setuptype"] == "setup")
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "LABEL_DBNAME", i18n_setup("Database Name")."<br>".i18n_setup("(use empty or non-existant database)"));
} else {
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "LABEL_DBNAME", i18n_setup("Database Name"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "LABEL_DBUSERNAME", i18n_setup("Database Username"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "LABEL_DBPASSWORD", i18n_setup("Database Password"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "LABEL_DBPREFIX", i18n_setup("Table Prefix"));
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "INPUT_DBHOST", $dbhost->render());
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "INPUT_DBNAME", $dbname->render());
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "INPUT_DBUSERNAME", $dbuser->render());
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "INPUT_DBPASSWORD", $dbpass->render().$dbpass_hidden->render());
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "INPUT_DBPREFIX", $dbprefix->render());
$this->setNavigation($previous, $next);
function _createNavigation ()
$link = new cHTMLLink("#");
if ($_SESSION["setuptype"] == "setup")
$checkScript = sprintf('var msg = ""; if (document.setupform.dbhost.value == "") { msg += "%s "; } if (document.setupform.dbname.value == "") { msg += "%s "; } if (document.setupform.dbuser.value == "") { msg += "%s "; } if (document.setupform.dbhost.value != "" && document.setupform.dbname.value != "" && document.setupform.dbuser.value != "") { document.setupform.submit(); } else { alert(msg); }',
i18n_setup("You need to enter a database host."),
i18n_setup("You need to enter a database name."),
i18n_setup("You need to enter a database user."));
$link->attachEventDefinition("pageAttach", "onclick", "document.setupform.step.value = '".$this->_bNextstep."';");
$link->attachEventDefinition("submitAttach", "onclick", "$checkScript");
} else {
$link->attachEventDefinition("pageAttach", "onclick", "document.setupform.step.value = '".$this->_bNextstep."'; document.setupform.submit();");
$nextSetup = new cHTMLAlphaImage;
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "NEXT", $link->render());
$backlink = new cHTMLLink("#");
$backlink->attachEventDefinition("pageAttach", "onclick", "document.setupform.step.value = '".$this->_bBackstep."';");
$backlink->attachEventDefinition("submitAttach", "onclick", "document.setupform.submit();");
$backSetup = new cHTMLAlphaImage;
$backSetup->setStyle("margin-right: 10px");
$this->_oStepTemplate->set("s", "BACK", $backlink->render());