var klaroI18nConfig = { version: 2, cookieName: 'klaro-i18n', elementID: 'klaro', lang: 'en', default: true, noNotice: true, poweredBy: '', translations: { // these values will overwrite the defaults. For a full list, have a look // at the `src/translations` directory of this repo: // zz: { privacyPolicyUrl: '/#privacy', }, de: { privacyPolicyUrl: '/#datenschutz', consentModal: { title: 'Dies ist der Titel des Zustimmungs-Dialogs', description: 'Dies ist die Beschreibung des Zustimmungs-Dialogs.', privacyPolicy: { text: 'Dies ist der Text mit einem Link zu Ihrer {privacyPolicy}.', name: 'Datenschutzerklärung (Name)', }, }, poweredBy: 'Konfiguration ansehen', ok: "Los geht's!", purposes: { analytics: 'Besucher-Statistiken', security: 'Sicherheit', livechat: 'Live-Chat', advertisting: 'Anzeigen von Werbung', }, googleAnalytics: { description: 'Sammeln von Besucherstatistiken', }, mouseflow: { description: 'Echtzeit-Benutzeranalyse', }, }, en: { consentModal: { title: 'This is the title of the consent modal', description: 'This is the description of the consent modal.', privacyPolicy: { text: 'This is the text with a link to your {privacyPolicy}.', name: 'privacy policy (the name)', }, }, poweredBy: 'view config', ok: 'Wohoo!', purposes: { analytics: 'Analytics', security: 'Security', livechat: 'Livechat', }, googleAnalytics: { description: 'Collection of visitor statistics', }, mouseflow: { description: 'Real-time user analytics', }, }, }, services: [ { name: 'googleAnalytics', title: 'Google Analytics', purposes: ['analytics'], }, { name: 'mouseflow', title: 'Mouseflow', purposes: ['analytics'], }, ], };