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<h3>O projekcie</h3>
Pomyslodawca projektu jest Daniel Schlichtholz.<p>W 2004 stworzyl forum o nazwie <a href="http://forum.mysqldumper.de" target="_blank">MySQLDumper</a> i wkrótce programisci piszacy nowe skrypty uzupelnili skrypty Daniela.<br>Po krótki czasie maly skrypt backupu przerodzil sie w powazny projekt.
<p>Jezeli masz jakies pomysly na zmiany, odwiedz forum MySQLDumpera: <a href="http://forum.mysqldumper.de" target="_blank">http://www.mysqldumper.de</a>.
<p>Zyczymy duzo radosci z uzywania naszego projektu.<br><br><h4>Zespól MySQLDumpera</h4>
<table><tr><td><img src="images/logo.gif" alt="MySQLDumper" border="0"></td><td valign="top">
Daniel Schlichtholz - Steffen Kamper<br>
Skrypt Perla przy wspólpracy z Detlevem Richterem<br>
<h3>MySQLDumper - Pomoc</h3>
Skrypt jest dostepny na stronie domowej MySQLDumpera.<br>
Zalecamy czesto odwiedzac strone domowa by byc na biezaco z najnowszymi wiadomosciami, uaktualnieniami i pomoca.<br>
Adres strony to: <a href="http://forum.mysqldumper.de" target="_blank">http://forum.mysqldumper.de</a>
<h4>Wymagania systemowe</h4>
Skrypt powninien dzialac z praktycznie kazdym serwerem (uzywajacym Windowsa, Linuxa, itp.)<br>
oraz PHP >= wersji 4.3.4 z biblioteka GZip, MySQL (>= 3.23), JavaScriptem (musi byc zalaczony).
<a href="install.php?language=de" target="_top"><h4>Instalacja</h4></a>
Instalacja jest bardzo prosta.
Rozpakuj archiwum do dowolnego katalogu, który jest dostepny na serwerze<br>
(np. w katalogu glównym [katalog glówny serwera/]MySQLDumper)<br>
zmien uprawnienia CHMOD pliku config.php na 777<br>
... i juz gotowe!<br>
Mozesz uruchomic MySQLDumpera w swojej przegladarce przechodzac na strone "http://TwójSerwer/MySQLDumper" by dokonczyc ustawienia, po prostu wykonuj podane instrukcje.
<br><b>Uwaga:</b><br><i>Jezeli twój serwer pracuje w trybie SafeMode On MySQLDumper nie bedzie mógl utworzyc za ciebie katalogów.<br>
Bedziesz musial utworzyc je samodzielnie.<br>
MySQLDumper zatrzyma sie w takim wypadku i powie ci, co zrobic.<br>
Po utworzeniu katalogów MySQLDumper bedzie dzialal normalnie.</i><br>
<a name="perl"></a><h4>Przewodnik po skrypcie Perla</h4>
Na wiekszosci serwerów dostepny jest katalog cgi-bin, w którym skrypty Perla moga byc uruchamiane.<br>
Dostepny jest zazwyczaj przez przegladarke pod adresem http://www.TwójSerwer.pl/cgi-bin/<br><br>
W takim wypadku prosze wykonac nastepujace kroki:<br><br>
1. Przejdz na strone Backup w MySQLDumperze i kliknij na "Backup Perl"<br>
2. Skopiuj sciezke która znajduje sie za wpisem w crondump.pl dla $absolute_path_of_configdir:<br>
3. Otwórz plik "crondump.pl" w edytorze tekstowym<br>
4. paste the copied path there with absolute_path_of_configdir (no blanks) <br>
5. Save crondump.pl <br>
6. copy crondump.pl, as well as perltest.pl and simpletest.pl to the cgi-bin directory (ASCII mode in the ftp-client!) <br>
7. chmod 755 to the scripts. <br>
7b. If the ending cgi is desired, change the ending of all 3 files pl - > cgi (rename) <br>
8. Call in the MySQLDumper the page Configuration<br>
9. click on Cronscript <br>
10. changes Perl execution path to /cgi-bin/<br>
10b. if the Scripts are renamed to *.cgi , change Fileextension to cgi <br>
11 save the Configuration <br><br>
Ready ! The scripts are available from the Page "Backup" <br><br>
When you can execute Perl anywhere, only following step are needed: <br><br>
1. Call in MySQLDumper the page Backup. <br>
2. Copy the path, that stands behind entry in crondump.pl for $absolute_path_of_configdir: <br>
3. open the file "crondump.pl" in the editor <br>
4. paste the copied path there with absolute_path_of_configdir (no blanks) <br>
5. Save crondump.pl <br>
6. chmod 755 to the scripts. <br>
6b. If the ending cgi is desired, change the ending of all 3 files pl - > cgi (rename) <br>
(ev. 10b+11 from above) <br><br>
Windowsuser must change the first line of all Perlscripts, to the path of Perl. <br><br>
Example: <br>
instead of: #!/usr/bin/perl w <br>
now #!C:\perl\bin\perl.exe w<br>
In the select box above you choose your database.<br>
All actions refer to this database.
Here you get information about your system, the version numbers and details about the configured databases.<br>
If you click on a database in the table, you get a list of tables with record counts, size and last update stamp.
Here you can edit your configuration, save it or load the default settings.
<li><a name="conf1"><strong>Configured Databases:</strong> list of configured databases. The active database is in bold.</li>
<li><a name="conf2"><strong>Table-Prefix:</strong> you can choose a prefix for each database seperated. The prefix is a filter, which only handle the tables in a dump, that start with this prefix (e.g. all tables starting with "phpBB_"). If you don't want to use it, leave this field empty.</li>
<li><a name="conf3"><strong>GZip-Compression:</strong> Here you can activate the compression. It is recommended to work with compression because of the smaller size of files, netherless disk space is ever rarely.</li>
<li><a name="conf19"></a><strong>Records count for backup:</strong> These are the number of records which are being read simultaneously while the backup, before the script makes the callback. For slow server you can reduce this parameter to prevent timeouts.</li>
<li><a name="conf20"></a><strong>Records count for restore:</strong> These are the number of records which are being read simultaneously while the backup, before the script makes the callback. For slow server you can reduce this parameter to prevent timeouts.</li>
<li><a name="conf4"></a><strong>Directory for Backup files:</strong> choose your directory for the backup files. If you choose a new one, the script will create it for you. You can use relative or absolute paths.</li>
<li><a name="conf5"></a><strong>Send dumpfile as email:</strong> When this option is enabled, the script will automatically send the finished backup file as an email with an attachment (be careful!, you should use compression with this option because the dumpfile may be too large for email!)</li>
<li><a name="conf6"></a><strong>Email address:</strong> Recipient's email address</li>
<li><a name="conf7"></a><strong>Email subject:</strong> The subject of the email</li>
<li><a name="conf13"></a><strong>FTP-Transfer: </strong>When this option is enabled, the script will automatically send the finished backup file via FTP.</li>
<li><a name="conf14"><strong>FTP Server: </strong>the Address of the FTP-Servers (e.g. ftp.mybackups.de)</li>
<li><a name="conf15"></a><strong>FTP Server Port: </strong>the Port for the FTP-Server (normally 21)</li>
<li><a name="conf16"></a><strong>FTP User: </strong>the username for the FTP-Account</li>
<li><a name="conf17"></a><strong>FTP Passwort: </strong>the password for the FTP-Account</li>
<li><a name="conf18"></a><strong>FTP Upload-Ordner: </strong>the folder for saving the backup file (there must be Upload-Rights!)</li>
<li><a name="conf8"></a><strong>automatic deletion of backups:</strong> When you activate this options, backup files will be deleted automatically by the following rules.</li>
<li><a name="conf10"></a><strong>Delete by number of files:</strong> A Value > 0 deletes all files except the given value</li>
<li><a name="conf11"></a><strong>Langauge:</strong> choose your language for the interface.</li>
All the actions are listed here.<br>
You see all files in the backup directory.
For the actions "Restore" and "Delete" you have to select a file first.
<li><strong>Restore:</strong> you restore the database with the records of the selected backupfile.</li>
<li><strong>Delete:</strong> you can delete the selected backup file.</li>
<li><strong>Start new Dump:</strong> here you start a new backup (dump) with your configured parameters.</li>
You can read the Log entries and delete them.
<h6>Credits / Help</h6>
This page.