#!/usr/bin/perl -w ######################################################################################## # MySQLDumper CronDump # # 2004,2005 by Steffen Kamper # additional scripting: Detlev Richter # # for support etc. visit http://www.mysqldumper.de/board # (c) GNU General Public License ######################################################################################## # Script-Version my $pcd_version="1.20"; ######################################################################################## # please enter the absolute path of the config-dir # for using the script without Parameters the mysqldumper.conf will be load # e.g.: #my $absolute_path_of_configdir="/home/user1234/public_html/mysqldumper/work/config/"; # my $absolute_path_of_configdir=""; my $default_configfile="mysqldumper.conf"; ######################################################################################## # nothing to edit under this line !!! ######################################################################################## # import the necessary modules ... use strict; use DBI; use File::Find; use File::Basename; use CGI::Carp qw/ warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser /; # import the optional modules ... use vars qw($eval_in_died $mod_gz $mod_ftp $mod_mime); eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require Compress::Zlib; }; if(!$@){ $mod_gz = 1; import Compress::Zlib; } eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require Net::FTP; }; if(!$@){ $mod_ftp = 1; import Net::FTP; } eval { $eval_in_died = 1; require MIME::Lite; }; if(!$@){ $mod_mime = 1; import MIME::Lite; } ######################################################################################## my @trash_files; my $time_stamp; my @filearr; my $sql_file; my $backupfile; my $memory_limit=100000; my $dbh; # DBI databasehandle my $sth; # DBI statementhandle my @db_array; my @dbpraefix_array; my @db_command_beforedump_array; my @db_command_afterdump_array; my $db_anz; my $record_count; my $filesize; my $status_start; my $status_end; my $sql_text; my $punktzaehler; my @backupfiles_name; my @backupfiles_size; my $mysql_commentstring="-- "; use vars qw( $pcd_version $dbhost $dbname $dbuser $dbpass $cron_save_all_dbs $cron_db_array $cron_dbpraefix_array $dbpraefix $command_beforedump_array $command_afterdump_array $compression $backup_path $logdatei $completelogdatei $nl $command_beforedump $command_afterdump $cron_printout $cronmail $cronmail_dump $cronmailto $cronmailfrom $cronftp $ftp_server $ftp_port $ftp_user $ftp_pass $ftp_dir $mp $multipart_groesse $email_maxsize $auto_delete $cron_del_files_after_days $max_backup_files $max_backup_files_each $perlspeed $optimize_tables_beforedump $result @key_value $pair $key $value $conffile @confname $logcompression $log_maxsize $complete_log $backup_complete_inserts $backup_extended_inserts $backup_delayed_inserts $backup_ignore_inserts $backup_lock_tables $starttime $Sekunden $Minuten $Stunden $Monatstag $Monat $Jahr $Wochentag $Jahrestag $Sommerzeit $ri $rct $tabelle @tables @tablerecords $dt $sql_create @ergebnis @ar $sql_daten $inhalt $insert $totalrecords $error_message $cfh $oldbar $print_out $msg $dt $ftp $dateistamm $dateiendung $mpdatei $i $BodyNormal $BodyMultipart $BodyToBig $BodyNoAttach $BodyAttachOnly $Body $DoAttach $cmt $part $fpath $fname $fmtime $timenow $daydiff $datei $inh $gz $search $fdbname @str @dbarray $item %dbanz $anz %db_dat $delayed $ignore $complete $fieldlist $first_insert ); # Script Start die "absolute_path_of_configdir is empty !\nYou have to edit the crondump.pl and enter the absolute_path_of_configdir !\n\n" if($absolute_path_of_configdir eq ""); opendir(DIR, $absolute_path_of_configdir) or die "The config-directory you entered is wrong !\n($absolute_path_of_configdir - $!) \n\nPlease edit the crondump.pl and enter the right configuration-path.\n\n"; closedir(DIR); my $abc=length($absolute_path_of_configdir)-1; my $defed=substr($absolute_path_of_configdir,$abc,1); if($defed ne "/") { $absolute_path_of_configdir=$absolute_path_of_configdir."/"; } #include config file if($ENV{QUERY_STRING}) { @key_value = split(/&/,$ENV{QUERY_STRING}); foreach $pair(@key_value){ $pair =~ tr/+/ /; ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$pair); $conffile=$value if($key eq "config"); } } foreach (@ARGV) { if($_) { $conffile=substr($_,7,length($_)-7) if(substr($_,0,7) eq "config="); } } if(!$conffile) { $conffile=$default_configfile; } require("$absolute_path_of_configdir$conffile"); @confname=split(/\//,$conffile); # Output Headers PrintHeader(); PrintOut("Config '".$confname[$#confname]."' was loaded.

"); if($mod_gz==1) { PrintOut("Compression Library loaded ...
"); } else { $compression=0; PrintOut("Compression Library loading failed - Compression deactivated ...
"); } if($mod_ftp==1) { PrintOut("FTP Library loaded ...
"); } else { $cronftp=0; PrintOut("FTP Library loading failed - FTP deactivated ...
"); } if($mod_mime==1) { PrintOut("Mail Library loaded ...
"); } else { $cronmail=0; PrintOut("Mail Library loading failed - Mail deactivated ...

"); } # SignalHandler einrichten für Browser-Stop-Button, # unterbrochene Socketverbindungen, Crtl-C # Datenbankverbindung wird dann noch ordnungsgemäss geschlossen. $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{INT} =\&closeScript; #teste Zugriff auf logfile PrintOut("Starting Crondump ... "); write_log(": starting perl crondump $pcd_version\n"); PrintOut("ok, logging on
"); #Auto-Delete ausführen if($auto_delete>0) { #Autodelete Days if($cron_del_files_after_days>0) { PrintOut("
Autodelete: search for backups older than $cron_del_files_after_days days ...
"); find(\&AutoDeleteDays, $backup_path); DeleteFiles (\@trash_files); } #Autodelete Count if($max_backup_files>0) { PrintOut("Autodelete: search for more backups than $max_backup_files ...
"); find(\&AutoDeleteCount, $backup_path); DoAutoDeleteCount(); DeleteFiles (\@trash_files); } } #Jetzt den Dump anschmeissen # mal schauen, obs mehrere DB's sind if($cron_save_all_dbs==0) { $command_beforedump=$command_beforedump_array; $command_afterdump=$command_afterdump_array; ExecuteCommand(1); DoDump(); ExecuteCommand(2); PrintOut("
Crondump finished.
"); closeScript(); } else { @db_array=split(/\|/,$cron_db_array); @dbpraefix_array=split(/\|/,$cron_dbpraefix_array); @db_command_beforedump_array=split(/\|/,$command_beforedump_array); @db_command_afterdump_array=split(/\|/,$command_afterdump_array); $db_anz=@db_array; PrintOut("

backup $db_anz Databases ...

"); for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $db_anz; $ii++) { $dbname=$db_array[$ii]; $dbpraefix=($dbpraefix_array[$ii]) ? $dbpraefix_array[$ii] : ""; $command_beforedump=($db_command_beforedump_array[$ii]) ? $db_command_beforedump_array[$ii] : ""; $command_afterdump=($db_command_afterdump_array[$ii]) ? $db_command_afterdump_array[$ii] : ""; PrintOut("
Start backup ".($ii+1)." of $db_anz with database `$dbname` ".(($dbpraefix ne "") ? "(with praefix $dbpraefix)" : "")."
"); ExecuteCommand(1); DoDump(); ExecuteCommand(2); } PrintOut("


"); $cron_save_all_dbs=2; closeScript(); } ############################################## # Subroutinen # ############################################## sub DoDump { ($Sekunden, $Minuten, $Stunden, $Monatstag, $Monat, $Jahr, $Wochentag, $Jahrestag, $Sommerzeit) = localtime(time); $Jahr+=1900;$Monat+=1;$Jahrestag+=1; my $CTIME_String = localtime(time); $time_stamp=$Jahr."_".sprintf("%02d",$Monat)."_".sprintf("%02d",$Monatstag)."_".sprintf("%02d",$Stunden)."_".sprintf("%02d",$Minuten); $starttime= sprintf("%02d",$Monatstag).".".sprintf("%02d",$Monat).".".$Jahr." ".sprintf("%02d",$Stunden).":".sprintf("%02d",$Minuten); $fieldlist=$delayed=$ignore=""; # Verbindung mit mSQL herstellen, $dbh ist das Database Handle PrintOut("connect to database`$dbname`   "); $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass") || die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr"; # herausfinden welche Mysql-Version verwendet wird $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT VERSION()"); $sth->execute; my @mysql_version=$sth->fetchrow; my @v=split(/\./,$mysql_version[0]); if($v[0]>=4 && $v[1]>=1 ){ #mysql Version >= 4.1 %db_dat = (name => 0, rows => 4, data_length =>6, index_length =>8, update_time =>11 ); } else { #mysql Version < 4.1 %db_dat = (name => 0, rows => 3, data_length =>5 , index_length =>7, update_time =>11 ); } PrintOut("ok
MySQL-Version $v[0].$v[1].$v[2]
start Backup ".$starttime."
"); my $format=""; if($backup_complete_inserts==1) { $format.="complete inserts | "; } if($backup_extended_inserts==1) { $format.="extended inserts | "; } if($backup_ignore_inserts==1) { $format.="ignored inserts | "; } if($backup_delayed_inserts==1) { $format.="delayed inserts | "; } if($backup_lock_tables==1 && $backup_delayed_inserts==0) { $format.="lock tables | ";} if($format eq "") { $format="Backup Parameter: normal

"; } else { $format="Backup Parameter: ".substr($format,0,length($format)-3)."

"; } PrintOut($format); #Statuszeile erstellen my $t=0; my $r=0; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `$dbname`"); $sth->execute; my $st_e="\n"; #Arrays löschen undef(@tables); undef(@tablerecords); my $opttbl=0; while ( @ar=$sth->fetchrow) { if($optimize_tables_beforedump==1) { #tabelle optimieren my $sth_to = $dbh->prepare("OPTIMIZE Table `$ar[$db_dat{name}]`"); $sth_to->execute; $opttbl++; } if($dbpraefix eq ""){ $t++; $r+=$ar[$db_dat{rows}]; push(@tables,$ar[$db_dat{name}]); push(@tablerecords,$ar[$db_dat{rows}]); $st_e.=$mysql_commentstring."TABLE\|$ar[$db_dat{name}]\|$ar[$db_dat{rows}]\|".($ar[$db_dat{data_length}]+$ar[$db_dat{index_length}])."\|$ar[$db_dat{update_time}]\n"; } else { if (substr($ar[$db_dat{name}],0,length($dbpraefix)) eq $dbpraefix) { $t++; $r+=$ar[$db_dat{rows}]; push(@tables,$ar[$db_dat{name}]); push(@tablerecords,$ar[$db_dat{rows}]); $st_e.=$mysql_commentstring."TABLE\|$ar[$db_dat{name}]\|$ar[$db_dat{rows}]\|".($ar[$db_dat{data_length}]+$ar[$db_dat{index_length}])."\|$ar[$db_dat{update_time}]\n"; } } } PrintOut("$opttbl tables were optimized
") if($opttbl>0) ; PrintOut("found $t tables with $r records.

"); $status_start=$mysql_commentstring."Status:$t:$r:"; $status_end=":$dbname:perl:$pcd_version"; $status_end.="::EXTINFO$st_e\n".$mysql_commentstring."Dump created on $CTIME_String by PERL Cron-Script\n".$mysql_commentstring."Dump by MySQLDumper (http://www.mysqldumper.de/board/)\n\n"; if($mp>0) { $sql_text=$status_start."MP_$mp".$status_end; } else { $sql_text=$status_start.$status_end; } NewFilename(); $totalrecords=0; for (my $tt=0;$tt<$t;$tt++) { $tabelle=$tables[$tt]; # definition auslesen if($dbpraefix eq "" or ($dbpraefix ne "" && substr($tabelle,0,length($dbpraefix)) eq $dbpraefix)) { PrintOut("dumping table `$tabelle` "); $a="\n\n$mysql_commentstring\n$mysql_commentstring Create Table `$tabelle`\n$mysql_commentstring\n\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tabelle`;\n\n"; $sql_text.=$a; $sql_create="Show create table `$tabelle`"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_create); $sth->execute; @ergebnis=$sth->fetchrow; $sth->finish; $a=$ergebnis[1].";\n"; $sql_text.=$a."\n$mysql_commentstring\n$mysql_commentstring Data for Table `$tabelle`\n$mysql_commentstring\n\n"; if($backup_delayed_inserts==0) { $sql_text.="\n/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$tabelle` DISABLE KEYS */;\n"; } if($backup_lock_tables==1 && $backup_delayed_inserts==0) { $sql_text.="LOCK TABLES `$tabelle` WRITE;\n\n"; } WriteToFile($sql_text); $sql_text=""; PrintOut("* "); $punktzaehler=64; if($backup_complete_inserts==1) { $fieldlist="("; $sql_create="Show fields from `$tabelle`"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_create); $sth->execute; while ( @ar=$sth->fetchrow) { $fieldlist.=$ar[0].","; } $fieldlist=substr($fieldlist,0,length($fieldlist)-1).")"; } # daten auslesen $rct=$tablerecords[$tt]; for (my $ttt=0;$ttt<$rct;$ttt+=$perlspeed) { $delayed="DELAYED " if($backup_delayed_inserts==1); $ignore="IGNORE " if($backup_ignore_inserts==1); $insert = "INSERT ".$delayed.$ignore."INTO $tabelle $fieldlist VALUES ("; $first_insert=0; $sql_daten="SELECT * FROM `$tabelle` Limit ".$ttt.",".$perlspeed.";"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_daten); $sth->execute; while ( @ar=$sth->fetchrow) { #Start the insert if($first_insert==0) { $a="\n$insert"; if($backup_extended_inserts==1) {$first_insert=1;} } else { $a="\n("; } foreach $inhalt(@ar){ $a.= $dbh->quote($inhalt).", "; } $a=substr($a,0, length($a)-2).")"; if($backup_extended_inserts==1) { $a.=","; } else { $a.=";"; } $sql_text.= $a; if($memory_limit>0 && length($sql_text)>$memory_limit) { if($backup_extended_inserts==1) { $sql_text=substr($sql_text,0, length($sql_text)-1).";"; $first_insert=0; } WriteToFile($sql_text); $sql_text=""; if($mp>0 && $filesize>$multipart_groesse) {NewFilename();} } } } #jetzt wegschreiben if($backup_extended_inserts==1) { $sql_text=substr($sql_text,0, length($sql_text)-1).";"; } if($backup_lock_tables==1 && $backup_delayed_inserts==0) { $sql_text.="\n\nUNLOCK TABLES;"; } if($backup_delayed_inserts==0) { $sql_text.="\n/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$tabelle` ENABLE KEYS */;\n"; } WriteToFile($sql_text); $sql_text=""; PrintOut("
   $tablerecords[$tt] inserted records (backupfile now $filesize Bytes)
"); $totalrecords+=$tablerecords[$tt]; if($mp>0 && $filesize>$multipart_groesse) {NewFilename();} } } # Ende WriteToFile("\n".$mysql_commentstring."EOB"); PrintOut("
Backup of Database `$dbname` complete.
"); write_log(": Perl Cron-Dump `$backupfile` finished.\n"); # Jetzt der Versand per Mail if($cronmail==1) { PrintOut("sending mail ...
"); send_mail(); write_log(": Mail was sent to $cronmailto.\n"); PrintOut("Mail was sent to $cronmailto.
"); } # Jetzt der Versand per FTP if($cronftp==1) { PrintOut("sending ftp ...
"); send_ftp($sql_file); } } #Wird aufgerufen, wenn Fehler passieren sub err_trap { $error_message = shift(@_); print "Perl Cronscript ERROR: $error_message \n"; close; } sub PrintHeader { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; PrintOut("\n"); PrintOut("MySQLDumper - Perl CronDump [Version $pcd_version]

MySQLDumper - Perl CronDump [Version $pcd_version]

\n"); } sub PrintOut { $print_out = shift(@_); if($cron_printout==1) { local ($oldbar) = $|; $cfh = select (STDOUT); $| = 1; print $print_out."\n"; $| = $oldbar; select ($cfh); } if($complete_log==1) { my $logsize=0; if (-e $completelogdatei) { $logsize=(stat($completelogdatei))[7]; unlink($completelogdatei) if($logsize + length($print_out)>$log_maxsize && $log_maxsize>0); } if($logcompression==0) { open(DATEI,">>$completelogdatei") || err_trap('can\'t open mysqldump_perl.complete.log ('.$completelogdatei.').'); print DATEI $print_out."\n" || err_trap('can\'t write to mysqldump_perl.complete.log ('.$completelogdatei.').'); close(DATEI)|| err_trap('can\'t close mysqldump_perl.complete.log ('.$completelogdatei.').'); } else { $gz = gzopen($completelogdatei, "ab") || err_trap("Cannot open mysqldump_perl.complete.log: ".$gz->gzerror()); $gz->gzwrite("$print_out\n") || err_trap("Error writing mysqldump_perl.complete.log: ".$gz->gzerror()); $gz->gzclose ; } } } sub write_log { $msg = shift(@_); ($Sekunden, $Minuten, $Stunden, $Monatstag, $Monat, $Jahr, $Wochentag, $Jahrestag, $Sommerzeit) = localtime(time); $Jahr+=1900; $Monat+=1;$Jahrestag+=1; $dt=sprintf("%02d",$Monatstag).".".sprintf("%02d",$Monat).".".sprintf("%02d",$Jahr)." ".sprintf("%02d",$Stunden).":".sprintf("%02d",$Minuten).":".sprintf("%02d",$Sekunden); my $logsize=0; if (-e $logdatei) { $logsize=(stat($logdatei))[7]; unlink($logdatei) if($logsize+200>$log_maxsize && $log_maxsize>0); } if($logcompression==0){ open(DATEI,">>$logdatei") || err_trap("can't open file ($logdatei)."); print DATEI "$dt $msg" || err_trap("can't write to file ($logdatei)."); close(DATEI)|| err_trap("can't close file ($logdatei)."); } else { $gz = gzopen($logdatei, "ab") || err_trap("Cannot open : ".$gz->gzerror()); $gz->gzwrite("$dt $msg") || err_trap("Error writing: ".$gz->gzerror()); $gz->gzclose ; } } sub send_ftp { $ftp = Net::FTP->new($ftp_server, Port => $ftp_port, Timeout => 360, Debug => 1) or err_trap( "FTP-ERROR: Can't connect: $@\n"); $ftp->login($ftp_user, $ftp_pass) or err_trap("FTP-ERROR: Couldn't login\n"); $ftp->binary(); $ftp->cwd($ftp_dir) or err_trap("FTP-ERROR: Couldn't change directory\n"); if($mp==0) { $ftp->put($sql_file) or err_trap("FTP-ERROR: Couldn't put $sql_file\n"); write_log(": FTP-Transfer `$backupfile` to $ftp_server completed.\n"); PrintOut("FTP-Transfer `$backupfile` to $ftp_server completed.
"); } else { $dateistamm=substr($backupfile,0,index($backupfile,"part_"))."part_"; $dateiendung=($compression==1)?".sql.gz":".sql"; $mpdatei=""; for ($i=1;$i<$mp;$i++) { $mpdatei=$dateistamm.$i.$dateiendung; $ftp->put($backup_path.$mpdatei) or err_trap("Couldn't put $backup_path.$mpdatei\n"); write_log(": FTP-Transfer `$mpdatei` to $mpdatei completed.\n"); PrintOut("FTP-Transfer `$mpdatei` to $ftp_server completed.
"); } } } sub send_mail { MIME::Lite->send("sendmail", "/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem"); $BodyNormal='In der Anlage findest Du die Sicherung Deiner MySQL-Datenbank.
Sicherung der Datenbank '.$dbname.'

Viele Grüsse

www.mysqldumper.de'; $BodyMultipart='Es wurde eine Multipart-Sicherung erstellt. Die Sicherungen werden nicht als Anhang mitgeliefert!
Sicherung der Datenbank `'.$dbname.'`

Folgene Dateien wurden erzeugt:

'; $BodyToBig='Die Sicherung überschreitet die Maximalgrösse von '.$email_maxsize.' Bytes und wurde daher nicht angehängt.
Sicherung der Datenbank '.$dbname.'

Viele Grüsse


Folgene Datei wurde erzeugt:

'; $BodyNoAttach='Das Backup wurde nicht angehängt.
Sicherung der Datenbank `'.$dbname.'`
'; $BodyAttachOnly='... nur der Anhang

Viele Grüsse

www.mysqldumper.de'; $Body=""; $DoAttach=1; my @mparray; if($mp==0) { if(($email_maxsize>0 && $filesize>$email_maxsize) || $cronmail_dump==0) { if($cronmail_dump==0) { $Body=$BodyNoAttach.$backupfile."   ".$filesize; } else { $Body=$BodyToBig.$backupfile."   ".$filesize; } $DoAttach=0; } else { $Body=$BodyNormal; } } else { $Body=$BodyMultipart; $dateistamm=substr($backupfile,0,index($backupfile,"part_"))."part_"; $dateiendung=($compression==1)?".sql.gz":".sql"; $mpdatei=""; for ($i=1;$i<$mp;$i++) { $mpdatei=$dateistamm.$i.$dateiendung; push(@mparray,"$mpdatei|$i"); $Body.="$mpdatei (".(stat($backup_path.$mpdatei))[7]." Bytes)
"; } $Body.='

Viele Grüsse

www.mysqldumper.de'; } $msg = new MIME::Lite ; $msg = build MIME::Lite From => $cronmailfrom , To => $cronmailto , Subject => "MySQLDumper Perl Crondump" , Type => 'text/html', Data => $Body; if($DoAttach==1 && $mp==0) { attach $msg Type => "application/gzip" , Path => "$sql_file" , Encoding => "base64", Filename => "$backupfile" ; } $msg->send || err_trap("Error sending mail !"); if($DoAttach==1 && $mp>0) { foreach $datei(@mparray) { @str=split(/\|/,$datei); $msg = new MIME::Lite ; $msg = build MIME::Lite From => $cronmailfrom , To => $cronmailto , Subject => "MySQLDumper Perl Crondump - Attach ".$str[1]." of ".@mparray , Type => 'text/html', Data => $BodyAttachOnly; attach $msg Type => "application/gzip" , Path => $backup_path.$str[0] , Encoding => "base64", Filename => $str[0] ; $msg->send || err_trap("Error sending mail !"); } } } sub check_emailadr { $cmt = shift(@_); if ($cmt =~ /^([\w\-\+\.]+)@([\w\-\+\.]+)$/){ return (1) } else { return (0) } } sub NewFilename { $part=""; if($mp>0) { $part="_part_$mp"; $mp++; } if($compression==0) { $sql_file=$backup_path.$dbname."_".$time_stamp."_crondump_perl".$part.".sql"; $backupfile=$dbname."_".$time_stamp."_crondump_perl".$part.".sql"; } else { $sql_file=$backup_path.$dbname."_".$time_stamp."_crondump_perl".$part.".sql.gz"; $backupfile=$dbname."_".$time_stamp."_crondump_perl".$part.".sql.gz"; } if($mp==0) { PrintOut("
Start Perl Cron-Dump with file `$backupfile`
"); write_log(": Start Perl Cron-Dump with file `$backupfile` \n"); } if($mp==2) { PrintOut("
Start Perl Multipart-Cron-Dump with file `$backupfile`
"); write_log(": Start Perl Multipart-Cron-Dump with file `$backupfile` \n"); } if($mp>2) { PrintOut("
Continue Perl Multipart-Cron-Dump with file `$backupfile`
"); write_log(": Continue Perl Multipart-Cron-Dump with file `$backupfile` \n"); } if($mp>0) { $sql_text=$status_start."MP_".($mp-1).$status_end; } else { $sql_text=$status_start.$status_end; } WriteToFile($sql_text); $sql_text=""; $first_insert=0; $punktzaehler=0; push(@backupfiles_name,$sql_file); } sub WriteToFile { $inh=shift; if(length($inh)>0) { if($compression==0){ open(DATEI,">>$sql_file"); print DATEI $inh; close(DATEI); } else { $gz = gzopen($sql_file, "ab") || err_trap("Cannot open : ".$gz->gzerror()); $gz->gzwrite($inh) || err_trap("Error writing: ".$gz->gzerror()); ; $gz->gzclose ; } PrintOut("."); $filesize= (stat($sql_file))[7]; $punktzaehler++; if($punktzaehler>180){ $punktzaehler=0; PrintOut("
"); } } } sub AutoDeleteDays { $fpath=$File::Find::name; $fname=basename($fpath); $fmtime=(stat($fname))[9]; if($fmtime) { $timenow=time; $daydiff=($timenow-$fmtime)/60/60/24; if (((/\.gz$/) || (/\.sql$/)) && ($daydiff>$cron_del_files_after_days)) { PrintOut "$fpath $daydiff
" if (-f $fname); push(@trash_files,$fpath); } } } sub AutoDeleteCount { $fpath=$File::Find::name; $fname=basename($fpath); $fmtime=(stat($fname))[9]; if($fmtime) { ($Sekunden, $Minuten, $Stunden, $Monatstag, $Monat, $Jahr)=localtime($fmtime); $Jahr+=1900; $Monat+=1; $Monat="0".$Monat if(length($Monat)==1); $search="_".$Jahr."_".$Monat."_"; $fdbname=substr($fname,0,index($fname,$search)); if ((/\.gz$/) || (/\.sql$/)) { push(@filearr,"$fmtime|$fdbname|$fpath"); } } } sub DoAutoDeleteCount { my @str; my @dbarray; my $item; my %dbanz; my $anz=@filearr; @filearr=sort(@filearr); if($max_backup_files_each==0) { PrintOut("Autodelete by Count ($max_backup_files) => found $anz Backups
"); for($i = 0; $i < ($anz-$max_backup_files); $i++) { @str=split(/\|/,$filearr[$i]); push(@trash_files, $str[2]); } } else { PrintOut("Autodelete by Count each DB ($max_backup_files) => found $anz Backups
"); foreach $item (@filearr) { @str=split(/\|/,$item); $dbanz{$str[1]}++; push(@trash_files, $str[2]) if($dbanz{$str[1]}>$max_backup_files); } } } sub DeleteFiles { if(@trash_files==0) { PrintOut("no file to delete.
"); } else { foreach $datei(@trash_files) { PrintOut("".$datei." deleted.
"); write_log( ": Perl Cronsript Autodelete - $datei deleted.\n" ) ; } } unlink @trash_files ; undef(@trash_files); } sub ExecuteCommand { my $cmt = shift(@_); my (@cad, $errText, $succText, $cd2, $commandDump); if($cmt==1) { #before dump $commandDump=$command_beforedump; $errText="Error while executing Query before Dump"; $succText="executing Query before Dump was successful"; write_log(": Executing Command before dump\n"); } else { $commandDump=$command_afterdump; $errText="Error while executing Query after Dump"; $succText="executing Query after Dump was successful"; write_log(": Executing Command after dump\n"); } if(length($commandDump)>0) { #jetzt ausführen if(substr($commandDump,0,7) ne "system:") { $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass")|| die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr"; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; if(index($commandDump,";")>=0) { @cad=split(/;/,$commandDump); for($i=0;$i<@cad;$i++) { if($cad[$i] ne ""){ write_log(": Executing Command ($cad[$i]\n"); $sth = $dbh->prepare($cad[$i]); $sth->execute; $sth->finish; } } } else { write_log(": Executing Command ($commandDump)\n"); if($commandDump) { $sth = $dbh->prepare($commandDump); $sth->execute; $sth->finish; } } if($@){ my $ger=$@; PrintOut("

$errText ($commandDump):

"); write_log(": $errText ($commandDump): $ger\n"); } else { PrintOut("


"); write_log(": $succText\n"); } } else { #Systembefehl $commandDump=substr($commandDump,7); system($commandDump); PrintOut("

$succText ($commandDump)

"); write_log(": $succText ($commandDump)\n"); } } } sub closeScript { my ($Start, $Jetzt, $Totalzeit); $Start = $^T; $Jetzt = (time); $Totalzeit=$Jetzt - $Start; ($Sekunden, $Minuten, $Stunden, $Monatstag, $Monat, $Jahr, $Wochentag, $Jahrestag, $Sommerzeit) = localtime(time); $Jahr+=1900;$Monat+=1;$Jahrestag+=1; $starttime= sprintf("%02d",$Monatstag).".".sprintf("%02d",$Monat).".".$Jahr." ".sprintf("%02d",$Stunden).":".sprintf("%02d",$Minuten); if($cron_save_all_dbs!=1) { PrintOut("closing script $starttime, bye
total time used: $Totalzeit sec.
\n"); # Datenbankverbindung schliessen $sth->finish() if (defined $sth); ($dbh->disconnect() || warn $dbh->errstr) if (defined $dbh); } }